Hello -


I'm running into an autodeploy issue with Tomcat 5.0.30.    



In our tomcat install we are running two applications both of which are
.war archives and reside in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/.   The issue I'm
seeing is when I run a fresh install of tomcat and drop in our
application .war files, on the initial startup and before Tomcat is
fully up I try to access the url to either one of the applications,
Tomcat seems to stop deploying the application files at random times
(sometimes WEB-INF files, sometimes .css, or .js files). Even on a
restart Tomcat does not redeploy the missing files.  


I've tried not unpacking the .war  by setting unpackWARs="false", in my
server.xml files.  Under this condition, if I starting hitting an
application URL before tomcat is fully started up, Tomcat seems not to
register the <welcome-file-list>, in the application web.xml and is
displaying the tomcat's directory structure.




OS: Windows

Version 5.0.30


Tomcat is installed at C://Program Files/<<Company>>/tomcat/ and is
installed each time the our product is.





Has anyone seen this issue and/or found a solution?  


Will adding a context.xml files to each of my META-INF solve the issue?



Any help, suggestions would be much appreciated. 




~Aaron Pedersen 



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