Tomcat and Jikes

2001-05-22 Thread sandeep kasargod

I followed Sean's suggestion to get Tomcat to use Jikes for JSP compilation.
However when I start Tomcat I get the error that it is unable to compile the
JSP page. I tried setting the JIKESPATH variable to point to the installed
directory for Jikes but it didn't help.
Any suggestions ?
I have Tomcat-3.21 and Jikes-1.14 running on Windows NT4.0

Sandeep Kasargod

Tomcat and Jikes

2001-05-07 Thread jsoriano

Hello everybody:

I'm new in this list and here goes my first (great) doubt:

It's possible to use jikes as default compiler to servlets/jsp files
in Tomcat? (instead of javac).
I've been looking for any place in  $tomcat_home/conf/build.xml 
where configure this option but i haven't found anything.

Thanks a lot in advance:
Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tel: 96504 -ext. 44744 Fax: 965040047
Portal y servicios multimedia - Nuevas tecnologias 
W a n a d o o E s p a n a - 

Once again Tomcat and Jikes...

2001-02-01 Thread Sean Kroah

After searching the archives. I've seen various posts about this topic
none really convincing me that anyone has this working 100%. We provide
a linux distro and need a javac compiler for tomcat. From what I
understand we are not allowed to distribute javac from sun. I've called
Sun to get more scoop and am awaiting a call from them. 

Ok here's what i've tried:

-uncommented the necessary lines in web.xml.
-uncommented the necessary lines in and rebuilt

#last ditch effort here...
-created my own request interceptor as suggested by someone last month
and then referenced that from within web.xml.

None of these appear to work for me and my bare bones setup, jre install
only no jdk anywhere to be seen. Perhaps i've screwed it up. I'll try it
one more time...

I'll gladly document a working process for everyone...if anyone can spot
what i'm missing.


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