This was my old entry (no error page, nothing):

 <Host name="">
 <Alias name="">
   <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
   <Context path="" docBase="/var/www/mydomain"/>
   <Context path="/_webapp" privileged="true"

 This is the new entry that shows the error page. Adding unpackWARs
 gives more info about the error (line number, etc):

 <Host name="" unpackWARs="true">
 <Alias name="">
   <Context path="" docBase="/var/www/mydomain"/>
   <Context path="/_webapp" privileged="true"

 I also changed the HTTP Connector from:

 <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
  port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
  enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443" proxyPort="80"
  acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="60000"/>


 <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
  port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
  enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443" proxyPort="80"
  acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
  useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

 I hope this helps anyone having the same problem. Thanks everybody for
 the hints.

 Giovanni P. Tirloni

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