Hi everyone,



We believe we have all components installed properly but requests for Tomcat
are not redirected.  There are no errors in the Tomcat stderr or stdout
logs, nor are any errors found in either the Windows application or system
event logs.  Requests to IIS root work and requests directly to Tomcat via
8080 work.  We have the same environment working ok on Windows 2003 server
32 bit.


Has anyone got Tomcat, JK2/ajp1.3 OR JK 1.2.14 working with IIS 6.0 under
Microsoft 2003 Windows 64 bit?


Thanks for your experience and ideas!




Environment Installed


Microsoft Windows 2003 server SP1 in 64 bit mode w/ all patches

IIS 6.0 - enabled for 32 bit child processes (instead of the default 64 bit

IIS 6.0 not in IIS 5.0 isolation mode (can't load isapi_redirector2.dll when
set on)

Tomcat 4.1.31

Tomcat connector - JK2 AJP/1.3 isapi_redirector2.dll (32 bit)

ISAPII filter (Isapi_redirector2.dll) loaded and green under IIS manager for
websites node

ISAPI web service extension set to ALLOWED

Registry entries under both 64 bit and 32 bit nodes are correct

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector 2.0

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432bitnode\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi
Redirector 2.0

Virtual directory created and working


file=c:\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\logs\jk2.log


info=Shared memory file. Required for multiprocess servers

file=c:\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\work\jk2.shm



info=Ajp13 worker, connects to tomcat instance using AJP 1.3 protocol



info=JSP examples, map requests for all JSP pages to Tomcat.


info=Map the whole webapp.


info= map server's config servlet to outside


info=Company.com azAccess


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