As pointed out by Mr. Allistair Crossley in his blog one has to modify server.xml.

For anyone updating their Tomcat to 5.5x I highly recommend Allistairs 


Thomas Nybro Bolding/THBO/Intranet/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
26-05-2005 17:42
Besvar venligst til "Tomcat Users List"

        Til:    Tomcat Users List <>
        Vedr.:  Tomcat 5.5.9 and JK: username returns null

Having just upgraded to Tomcat 5.5.9 I choose to use JK rather than JK2 as 

JK2 is being reported deprecated. With JK2 I used IIS integrated 
authorization and simply entered tomcat.requestAuthentication=false in my file. How do I accomplish the same with JK???

Best regards Thomas

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