Re: tomcat installation problem in win98

2001-04-11 Thread RameshBabu R Muthuvel


see the attachment. If it still doesn't work do mail to me



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Apache , Tomcat , mySQL - Installation Instruction  for Windows O/S

Step 1

1) Download the  file (currently available final 
version) of Apache Binaries from

2) Download the  file (currently available final 
version) of Tomcat Binaries from

3)  Download the   file  from

4) Download the suitable version of mySQL binaries from

5) Download the file from
(if you wish to go in for connection pooling)

Step 2

I) Apache Installation

1) Uncompress the file in a directory like c:\ (windows by 
default will install apache in c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache

2) Accept the defaults and follow the installation instructions

3) You got to edit the c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf

4) Open the httpd.conf file in your favorite editor say, notepad

5) Look for "ServerType StandAlone" under the Section 1: Global Environment.

6) Insert the line:  "ServerName localhost" below it and save the file.

7)  Try the configuration out by starting Apache (from the start menu) and 
navigating to http://localhost/ in your browser.  If you see the Apache web 
server page, then your installation is successful.

8)  Stop Apache (again using Stop menu)

II) Tomcat Installation

1) Uncompress the download into some sensible place , like  c:\Program 
Files\Apache Group\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1

2) Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > System Properties  and 
select the "Environment"  tab.

3) Under "User Variables for Administrator",  type the following:

Variable:  JAVA_HOME
Value   :  c:\jdk1.3(give your correct JDK path)

4) Similarly enter the following:

Variable:  ANT_HOME
Value   :  c:\program files\apache group\jakarta-tomcat3.2.1

Variable:  TOMCAT_HOME
Value   :  c:\program files\apache group\jakarta-tomcat3.2.1

(give your correct path, if your installation directory / path is different)

5) Run the "startup.bat" batch file found in the jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\bin 
directory.  If the DOS window starts and then closes immediately,  try  " 
tomcat run" from the same command window.

6) Tomcat should normally start.

7)  If still your tomcat doesn't start, try adding c:\jdk1.3 in the classpath 
for  "system variables" under the environment tab ofSystem Properties. 
(Refer step 2).

8)  If still the problem persists, try shutting down the system for changes 
to be registered.  Restart the computer and repeat step 5.  Now Tomcat 
should normally start. (This has worked for me)

9) Test the result by going to http://localhost:8080/  in your browser and 
run some examples.

10) Run the  "shutdown.bat" from the same directory (refer step 5).

III) Installing  mod_jserv

1) Uncompress the download in some sensible place.

2) Copy the "ApacheModuleJServ.dll"  file into the Apache modules directory 
( in our case c:\program files\apache group\apache\modules directory)

3) Start tomcat and keep it running

4) Edit the "httpd.conf" file ( in our case available in c:\progam 
files\apache group\apache\conf directory)

5) Add the following line to the end,

Include "c:\Program Files\Apache 

(use the correct path in your installation)

6) Save the file and stop Tomcat

IV) Testing out final configuration

1) Start Tomcat  (from c:\program files\apache 
group\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\bin  directory)

2) Start Apache (from start menu)

3) Check if  Apache is working  (by going to http://localhost/)

4) Go to http://localhost/examples/jsp  and try out the examples.

V) Setting up your web application

1)  We should add a web application declaration in the "server.xml" 
configuration file, available under c:\program files\apache 
group\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\conf   directory.

2)  Open this file in text editor and add the following lines

(in the above example,  "miami" is my webapplication folder name, substitute 
your folder name here).

Share your experiences with : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: tomcat installation problem in win98

2001-04-11 Thread Mike Campbell
Title: RE: tomcat installation problem in win98

Try modifying startup.bat to call "tomcat.bat" directly rather than just "tomcat".

> -Original Message-
> From: karthik rajan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:38 AM
> Subject: tomcat installation problem in win98
> hello
> i have installed tomcat3.2.1 in win 98
> i have set the path tomcat and java still i'm facing the problem
> i'm facing problem in startup saying bad command or filename
> my project has held up please reply in detail.i'm waiting
> karthik

Re: tomcat installation problem in win98

2001-04-11 Thread John Clark L. Naldoza


Would you mind being a little bit more specific?  Perhaps you could post
the exact startup command being used and the exact error output...;-)


John Clark

karthik rajan wrote:
> hello
> i have installed tomcat3.2.1 in win 98
> i have set the path tomcat and java still i'm facing the problem
> i'm facing problem in startup saying bad command or filename
> my project has held up please reply in detail.i'm waiting
> karthik

 /) John Clark Naldoza y Lopez   (\
/ )Software Design Engineer II   ( \
  _( (__  Web-Application Development_) )_
 (((\ \>  /_>Cable Modem Network Management System <_\  

tomcat installation problem in win98

2001-04-11 Thread karthik rajan

i have installed tomcat3.2.1 in win 98
i have set the path tomcat and java still i'm facing the problem
i'm facing problem in startup saying bad command or filename
my project has held up please reply in detail.i'm waiting