Hi, all!

First of all, my system:

redhat 9.0
jdk 1.4.2
tomcat 4.1.27
and the apache-connection:
apache 2.47
JK2 with a channel.socket, ajp13 worker, ....

I've just managed to get apache and tomcat together, it now works, say,
"often", but there is a curious problem I don't understand:

As a first step towards virtualhosts I changed the appBase of the default
host (localhost) to a directory under
/var/www, and set unpackWARS=true.
I just placed a war file in this new appBase, but when tomcat starts, it
doesn't find the MANIFEST.MF file inside the war (which exists!!).
Setting appBase back to "webapps" and putting the SAME war file there, I
have no problems and never had.

Does that sound familiar to some of you?

In fact, I would rather use just the docBase attribute on a Context element
to point into the /var/www/... directory, but it seems that automated
war-unpacking can only be done in the host's appBase, right?

You would really help me with some hint,
thanks a lot in advance,


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