Re: virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-09 Thread Delian Krustev
Carlos Gabriel Arce wrote:

 Thanks for your answer. I'll show you my server.xml conf:

Define a separate workDir for each vhost. More info in


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Re: virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-07 Thread Carlos Gabriel Arce
Thanks for your answer. I'll show you my server.xml conf:
  Host debug=9 appbase=WWW/ 

Context path= docBase=WWW/ debug=9 
Context path=/manager docBase=WWW/ 
privileged=true debug=2/
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
directory=logs prefix=domain1.com_log.
 suffix=.txt timestamp=true/
  Host debug=2 appbase=WWW/ 
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false 
Context path= docBase=WWW/ debug=0 
Context path=/manager docBase=WWW/ 
debug=0 privileged=true/
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
directory=logs prefix=domain2.com_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/

my tomcat is installed in the dir /usr/local/jakarta_5. When I deploy a 
war using the manager web app : the war is 
copied in the dir /usr/local/jakarta_5 instead WWW/, and 
therefore is deployed in the too.

Ing. Carlos Gabriel Arce
Administrador del Hosting
Cisco CCNA 10677416
Pbx. 57-2 - 644 0400
Fax. 57-2 - 644 0507
Cali, Colombia

Quien no ha afrontado la adversidad
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Benjamin Jonson.

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retransmisión, divulgación o cualquier otro uso, o acción relacionada 
con esta información que fuera llevada a cabo por personas distintas del 
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información por error, comuníquese con el remitente y proceda a borrarla 
de inmediato de todos los equipos de cómputo donde pueda quedar 
almacenada. Telesat entiende que el destinatario de este  mensaje ha 
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y de ninguna manera son avaladas por la Compañía. Agradecemos su atención.

Mario Winterer escribió:
I think, there's something wrong with your context-definition or 
server.xml. Make sure each of your hosts have a webapplication base 
directory for their own!!! Do not use one single webapps-directory for 
all of your hosts!

My directory structure looks as follows:
Inside server.xml, where the hosts are defined, each host's 
appBase-attribute points to the correspoding host-directory.

Apart from that: If your tomcat's auto-deploy feature is activated, you 
can deploy a web-application by simply copying the war file into your 
webapps-directory (or any other directory that you specified in 

Best regards,
Carlos Gabriel Arce wrote:
But when I deploy a local .war in the administration page

this war gets replicated in other virtualhosts.

Mario Winterer escribió:
Of course!
That's Tomcat's default behaviour - and in fact, it is difficult to 
make it behave different!
Have a look at server.xml of your tomcat's default installation (you 
need a host-element for each virtual host). More information can be 
found at

Best regards,
Carlos Gabriel Arce schrieb:
 Good Day
I have a question. Is possible deploy an application per 
virtualhost, where the deployed applications per virtualhost 
could'nt see them each other?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-05 Thread Mario Winterer
I think, there's something wrong with your context-definition or 
server.xml. Make sure each of your hosts have a webapplication base 
directory for their own!!! Do not use one single webapps-directory for 
all of your hosts!

My directory structure looks as follows:
Inside server.xml, where the hosts are defined, each host's 
appBase-attribute points to the correspoding host-directory.

Apart from that: If your tomcat's auto-deploy feature is activated, you 
can deploy a web-application by simply copying the war file into your 
webapps-directory (or any other directory that you specified in server.xml).

Best regards,
Carlos Gabriel Arce wrote:
But when I deploy a local .war in the administration page

this war gets replicated in other virtualhosts.

Mario Winterer escribió:
Of course!
That's Tomcat's default behaviour - and in fact, it is difficult to 
make it behave different!
Have a look at server.xml of your tomcat's default installation (you 
need a host-element for each virtual host). More information can be 
found at

Best regards,
Carlos Gabriel Arce schrieb:
 Good Day
I have a question. Is possible deploy an application per 
virtualhost, where the deployed applications per virtualhost 
could'nt see them each other?

Thanks in advance.

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virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-04 Thread Carlos Gabriel Arce
 Good Day
I have a question. Is possible deploy an application per virtualhost,
where the deployed applications  could'nt see them each other?
Thanks in advance.

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Re: virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-04 Thread Hari Mailvaganam
The VirtualHost binding can be conducted via Apache HTTP Server and
use mod_proxy to the appropriate URI running in the Tomcat.

On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 07:41:24 -0500, Carlos Gabriel Arce
   Good Day
 I have a question. Is possible deploy an application per virtualhost,
 where the deployed applications  could'nt see them each other?
 Thanks in advance.
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Re: virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-04 Thread Carlos Gabriel Arce
But when I deploy a local .war in the administration page

this war gets replicated in other virtualhosts.

Mario Winterer escribió:
Of course!
That's Tomcat's default behaviour - and in fact, it is difficult to make 
it behave different!
Have a look at server.xml of your tomcat's default installation (you 
need a host-element for each virtual host). More information can be 
found at

Best regards,
Carlos Gabriel Arce schrieb:
 Good Day
I have a question. Is possible deploy an application per virtualhost, 
where the deployed applications per virtualhost could'nt see them each 

Thanks in advance.

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virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-03 Thread Carlos Gabriel Arce
 Good Day
I have a question. Is possible deploy an application per virtualhost, 
where the deployed applications per virtualhost could'nt see them each 

Thanks in advance.

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Re: virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-03 Thread Mario Winterer
Of course!
That's Tomcat's default behaviour - and in fact, it is difficult to make 
it behave different!
Have a look at server.xml of your tomcat's default installation (you 
need a host-element for each virtual host). More information can be 
found at

Best regards,
Carlos Gabriel Arce schrieb:
 Good Day
I have a question. Is possible deploy an application per virtualhost, 
where the deployed applications per virtualhost could'nt see them each 

Thanks in advance.

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virtualhost and deployment applications

2005-02-01 Thread Carlos Gabriel Arce
 Good Day
Please help me with a question. I have a Tomcat 5 server running with 
jdk in a linux box (red hat 9). This server have many virtualhosts 
configured by host directive. I have a trouble when a hosting deploys an 
application because the war gets deployed in the catalina home. The 
problem is this application is visible for the rest of virtualhosts. Is 
there any form, using one tomcat instance ( one JVM) where the hosting 
can deploy your applications without disturb the rest of hostings?
The JDK version is j2sdk1.4.0_01
The tomcat server version is jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19

This is the configuration of my server.xml:
?xml version=1.0?
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN debug=0
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener debug=0/
!-- Global JNDI resources --
!-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/
!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
 UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container 
type=org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase description=User database that 
can be updated and saved
ResourceParams name=UserDatabase
!-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service --
  Service name=Catalina

!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
Connector port=8083 maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 
maxSpareThreads=75 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 
acceptCount=100 debug=0 connectionTimeout=6 
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost debug=9

!-- Define the default virtual host --
  Host name=localhost debug=0 appbase=webapps unpackWARs=true
Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=0 reloadable=false/
Context path=/manager 
docBase=/usr/local/jakarta/webapps/manager debug=0 privileged=true/

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
directory=logs prefix=localhost_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/
!-- Hosting virtual de --
  Host debug=9 appbase=/WWW/ 
Context path= docBase=/WWW/ debug=9 
Context path=/manager 
docBase=/usr/local/jakarta_5/server/webapps/manager debug=9 
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
verbosity=4 directory=logs suffix=.txt 
Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
   directory=logs /
!-- Fin hosting virtual --
!-- Hosting virtual de
  Host debug=9 appbase=/WWW/ 
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false 
Context path= docBase=/WWW/ debug=9 
Context path=/manager 
docBase=/usr/local/jakarta_5/server/webapps/manager debug=9 
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
directory=logs prefix=domain2.com_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/
!-- Fin hosting virtual --

Thanks in advance.
Ing. Carlos Gabriel Arce
Administrador del Hosting
Cisco CCNA 10677416
Pbx. 57-2 - 644 0400
Fax. 57-2 - 644 0507
Cali, Colombia

Quien no ha afrontado la adversidad
no conoce su propia fuerza.
Benjamin Jonson.

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