Topband: Beverage is down

2011-11-12 Thread Mark Lunday
Hunters took down my bev on the land behind me.  Only 250 foot unterminated, 
did not seem to be working all that great on 160 but really well on 40 and 30 
(towards EU), although 2 months is not enough time to evaluate.

So I have re-installed the bevs on my property within boundaries, heagin 330 
and 210.  Unterminated.  150 foot long each.  I am thinking results will be 
better if I terminate.  But should I use a resistor smaller than 470 ohms for 
these shorter bevs?

Still hoping the bevs can do the trick, as I don't have room for EWE or K9AY 
(although I could do a small receive loop).

Thanks in advance

Mark Lunday

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Inverted L Lengths

2011-11-12 Thread Doug Turnbull
Dear OMs,

I note that some use inverted L antennas of 160 feet plus in length and
others like myself have them closer to a quarter wave length at 132 feet or
so.   My antenna runs nearly 100 feet in the vertical and then goes
horizontal for about 32 feet.   I do not need to use a variable capacitor to
tune it the SWR with eight raised radials is around 1.4 to 1 and it performs
very well indeed.   What is the advantage of the longer wire?   In my
ignorance it would seem to detract from the vertical element and raise the
angle of radiation.   Am I missing something?   I believe both designs are
shown in DXing on the Edge but there is no comparison between them in this
book.   I prefer not to use a variable capacitor outside though one was
purchased in case needed.   

 My radials come from about six inches above ground and slope up to
about eight feet above ground supported a few feet from the antenna by four
foot high fence posts before going into my wood and being supported by
electric fence insulators screwed into trees.   Yes I know four radials
should do but I am able to put up more and it seemed to broadband the
antenna a bit better and the antenna works over the whole of the 160M band
though it seldom is used on phone.


 The band seems very lonely this year but most of my receiving antennas
are not yet up due to cattle in adjacent fields.   I hope they are soon
moved.   A Hi-Z 4 square receiving system is on order and this may augment
my K9AY and improve the situation.   Top band operators are made of sterner
stuff than I am as it is so hard to stay up through the night.

 73 Doug EI2CN

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Beverage is down

2011-11-12 Thread GeorgeWallner

On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 12:35:39 -0600
  Mike Waters wrote:
 I don't know how it will work on 160 being only 150' 

At 150' it is really not long enough to work as a Beverage 
on 160 meters (a Beverage needs to be 1 x wavelenght long, 
or more, indeed, 3 to 5 times more). That antenna, 
however, may still be a good low noise RX antenna, and 
thus useful. So try it. It sure could be a great RX 
antenna for 80, 40 and 30 meters. If you have more space, 
make it longert. If not, lay it on the ground, as a BOG, 
which can be a lot shorter for a similar pattern, but with 
lower gain. (i.e. you may need a pre-aplifier).

GL es 73,

George, AA7JV
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK