Soooooooooooooo....did I ask the question incorrectly?????????????????

Subject: Results of the 2014 Pre-Stew....
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 16:34:30 -0600

.....and, who won the plaques??
I know the sponsor and worker bees of these contests have day jobs but it's 
been a year and nothing showing at the kkn web site regarding the final 
standings and who won the various plaques.
Dale, WC7S, and I sponsored a QRP-related plaque and I'd like to know who 
Who's the head Bubba to contact about all of that???
72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV who will be a participant in the 2015 Pre-Stew 'cuz 
he talked the XYL into waiting until mid-December to leave for Florida BUT 
realizes he'll miss the Big Stew 'cuz he'll be in Florida at that time with his 
RV on a postage stamp sized RV lot.
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