Hi Ashraf
Since I'm in your path to NA, if you need to test it, contact me.
QRV  at evenings.

Pedro - CT1EKD

Citando Ashraf Chaabane <ash.kf5...@gmail.com>:

Thanks to all those who responded to my email here in the reflector or offline!

I may need to focus on preparing the best TX antenna for the upcoming autumn. I currently have an inv-V in 3V8SS which doesn't satisfy my DX needs. I'm figuring out the construction of an inverted-L in 3V8SF (where the beverage is). I should be ready with that and another beverage to AS by the time propagation improves.

73 Ash 3V8SS/KF5EYY

------ Original Message ------
From: "David Olean" <k1...@metrocast.net>
To: "Ashraf Chaabane" <ash.kf5...@gmail.com>; topband@contesting.com
Sent: 30/05/2018 15:35:30
Subject: Re: Topband: Propagation on 160
Hello Ashraf,

I am afraid that NA activity has gone down to almost no activity at all! It is also true that signals have been weak when there at all. Don't touch your beverage. It is working fine!  Raising wire from 1 to 2 meters will not change much.  All my beverages are at 2 meters.

Dave K1WHS

On 5/30/2018 8:59 AM, Ashraf Chaabane wrote:
Hi All,

I set up a 260m long beverage beaming NA back in March. The height from
ground was 1m. It performed well (RBN spots of US stations). I dismantled
it then re-installed it two weeks ago at 2m high. But I almost can't have
any US station reported. Is it a matter of poor propagation these days?
(Sorry, I can't monitor the band for entire nights). Does this have to do
with my beverage height?

When I filter NA/EU RBN sport, I don't find many spots.

Beverage details: http://www.kf5eyy.info/technical.htm


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