Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is almost here.

2023-12-27 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Men, Women and Others of the 160M Inclination,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club is very pleased to remind you that The Stew 
Perry TopBand DX Challenge is nearly upon us. The starting gong sounds at 1500Z 
Dec. 30 with this year's race ending as usual 24 hours later.  The Rules 
Committee note that you may operate for up to a total of 14 hours during this 
period with the Technical Committee suggesting using those operating hours 
while it is dark outside. The Technical Commitee has several reasons for this 
including D level absorption,  more stations to contact, electron gyrofrequency 
maladaptation and improving your backswing.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club, through the very generous backing of 
certain 160M Stalwarts, offers up plaques to commemorate certain 
accomplishments.  Please browse on over to view what is available which 
may very well spur your efforts to even greater heights.  Sponsoring a plaque 
is easy. Just read the instructions on the above webpage.  If you are unable to 
do that, then please notify your keepers so that they may locate you and return 
you to your facility.
 The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge does not come with propagation 
predictions.  There are only vague associations between the physics of the Sun 
and Earth and 160M propagation. It is not like those easy other HF bands. If 
someone is offering such predictions then they are either looking for easy 
money by making things up,  have stopped taking their important medications or 
their tinfoil hat has been on too tightly for too long.   The point being only 
by participating in The Stew will you really know what the conditions will be 
 The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge emphasizes operating skill. Therefor 
it is a CW (Morse Code) only contest.  The Boring Amateur Radio Club has turned 
away significant offers to include lesser modes of communication, but we 
believe the true language of 160M is CW so things will remain the same.
 Celebrate the end of the contesting year by enjoying The Stew, sleep in 
the next day then celebrate the end of the year that night.  This is a recipe 
to finish up the year in grand style.  This may take a bit of family finessing 
and timing but an astute 160M Operator will be able to do this without 
excessive bloodshed.
  Thank you for perusing this notice. The Boring Amateur Radio Club wishes 
you and your family very happy Holidays and an even better New Year!
   73 and I remain,
   Lew w7ew
Boring Amateur Radio Club Epistler

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge

2023-12-07 Thread Lew Sayre

Greetings Ringmasters,  Trapeze Artists, Elephant Handlers, Strongmen, Clowns 
and respected Others of the 160M Realm,
 The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge is afoot.  It commences 1500Z 
Dec. 30, 2023 and ends 24 hours later.  This contest is all Morse Code (CW) and 
uses distance between stations in determining the score.  It is a lot of fun.  
If your addiction to FT8/FT4 is getting thin or if you are exploring new things 
to do in radio operating, then come try CW contesting here.  The operators on 
"The Gentlemens' Band" generally will slow down to whatever speed you have to 
help you decode the signals yourself, which you are quite capable of doing.
 Rules, plaques, plaque sponsoring, unique scoring, prior results and other 
very interesting information all live at   
   If you're reading this, then you're also perfectly capable of 
driving your browser to the address above and understanding more about The Stew 
Perry Top Band Distance Challenge.
 160M propagation this time of the sunspot cycle can be a bit variable.  
The Boring Amateur Radio Club's Committee on Propagation, Liquor and Ions has 
placed a request for very good propagation for The Stew with sunspot cycle 
management.  We expect good signals for all participants as the dues have been 
 The astute Amateur Radio Operator will recognize that The Stew Perry Top 
Band Distance Challenge is being held on the day before New Year's Eve. What 
perfect timing!  Participate in the contest, sleep a bit during the day on 
Sunday and then you'll be primed for again staying up late on New Year's Eve.  
You're welcome!
 While you are outside dodging storms while perfecting your antennas for 
the 10M contest this weekend just spend a few extra minutes considering where 
and what kind of 160M antenna you could erect so that you too, could play in 
The Stew.
The Boring Amateur Radio Club, sponsor of The Stew, thanks you for your 
attention.  Although we do not offer cash prizes, automobiles, equipment or 
items of tangible value, even if the submitted log is written longhand on legal 
tender currency, we do offer the ability to have your call listed alongside 
other contesting 160M Stalwarts, which is fame and glory right there.
 See you in The Stew!
73 and I remain,
Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Chief Epistler
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Fwd:

2020-12-24 Thread Lew Sayre
Yo Radio Rapscallions of the Top Band Universe,
  We understand that The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge is a
creative contest and it is only logical that it has inspired some creative
poetry penned by Vic, VE3YT and displayed a few days ago on the CQ-Contest
reflector.  We also appreciate the various creative plaque categories that
have been proposed and sponsored.  You really should visit   and view the plaques and rules and other
impertinent facts that are part of  The Stew Perry Challenge.
 Since CW is a fine example of syncopation of a steady tonal rhythm,
we've added another form of syncopation involving words. If it sounds
familiar it was first published 9 years ago here. If you remember it, then
there is no hope for your literary sensibilities.

I've heard it firsthand, that up on Top Band, the propagation can be rather
But here comes a test that's above all the rest, and is best known as The
Stew Perry
Conditions can be bad but the Q's can be had, if the Op really knows of the
by twiddling the knobs to filter the slobs who insist on running loud
The band can be rough with operators quite tough, who will search every
hertz and cranny
The winners who care, to sit up all night there, and keep their perch under
their fanny
The Stew scoring rules now challenge the fools who keep unfair judging
you'll make a long Q, which scores more for you, than that old country
multiplier jive.
You'll have 14 hours to test out your powers of sending and getting mayhem.
You may shriek, you may swear- but the signals with care, you'll pull right
out of the din.
This time of the year, with Christmas so near makes operating time a prized
So make things good deeded to get the time needed, to compete for The
Stew's wooden bling.
The donors below are the Stalwarts we know who typify true radio lore.
They make a donation for a plaque-type creation that'll drop your jaw right
to the floor.
So I've written this tome, I wouldn't call it a poem, to attract your care
and attention
to invite you to play, in a nocturnal way, in the 25th Stew Perry

 Dr Big Gun, call withheld, with apologies to Robt. Service

So, if you would like to sponsor a plaque, send me an email and I'll send
you back the details about how to go about it.
Enjoy the Holiday tomorrow, then enjoy The Stew after you've recovered from
the Holiday. You deserve it!
73 and I remain,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Urgent Advice
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge

2020-12-20 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to the RF Fighters and Top Band Operators Around the World,

 In less than one week the next Stew Perry 160M contest will be
exercised.  The time period on Dec. 26/27 contains the appointed times.  You
may operate up to 14 hours out of the 24 allotted hours. Operate more time
than that and your log will spontaneously combust.  Or not.  You should
freshen up your knowledge of this contest by clicking on over to

The Stew Perry CW contest is designed for the contesters to use their own
tuning abilities, their own knowledge of propagation, and their own  skills
to find and work the other combatants participating in The Stew.  This
contest is designed to NOT be a clickable run fest where spotting a station
is ordained and clicking is the religion.  This contest should test only
your abilities to find and work other Top Band stations to exchange grid
square digits.  We don’t even like much the super check partial available
in some loggers.  People work other people  in the Stew, while their
computers simply sit quietly, are shut up and log only if so directed.

What we do really enjoy is the satisfaction and sheer exuberance of
utilizing Top Band while contacting the other stations without using
embedded  telenets and spotting lists and internet zero beat pileups and
such-  like the way contests were years ago.  Yes, we are a throwback
contest but it is darn good fun.

 The Boring Amateur Radio Club sponsors this CW Top Band Stew Perry
Challenge and also supports people who want to recognize certain feats of
radio accomplishments by making available the ability to sponsor a plaque.  The
Club only ascertains that the plaques are in reasonably good taste while
the subject of the plaque is proposed by one of the Top Banders who then
tenders $65 along with the plaque idea to us.  You may see the current
plaques available to be won during this upcoming event by clicking on the
above link and then paying attention. Please let us know if you wish to
become a plaque Stalwart. The  email address below will work just fine.

 Usually the day after Christmas is a tough day to have a radio
contest….until this goofed up year arrived. Socializing and visiting and
talking and all that other holiday stuff is flat out discouraged this year
due to the virus.  There is no better way to get together with a few
thousand of your best radio friends during these holiday times than to get
on and operate during The Stew Perry Top Band Challenge.  No meandering
conversations, no embarrassing anecdotes,  no boring re-telling of long ago
tales here.  Do your travelling on the Top Band which will give you a
break, is fun and good for you all, by contesting in The Stew.

 See you in The Stew!

 73 and I remain,

 Lew  w7ew

The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Enlightening Lexiconography
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Stew Perry 2018

2018-12-30 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to TopBand Operators Worldwide,
  The 2018 running of the Stew Perry TopBand DX challenge is finished.
Now the
scoring work remains to be done. Please send in your log promptly!  You can
your score grow as QRP and low power stations send in their logs. You will
receive a multiplication factor when you work a qrp or low power station for
that QSO.  You will find the initial results and the growing score base at:  which also tells you how to submit your log.
Please be
patient as all good things take a modicum of time to get started
 Our fearless log checker will be eagerly awaiting your logs so send
those logs in
The nearly complete plaque list is listed below. There may be a few
additions as Ops
consider honoring categories yet unseen and maybe a few deletions if the
funds aren't
 received to sponsor the plaque.A big thank you to all the plaque
sponsors from
The Boring Amateur Radio Club.

KL7RATop # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
N9TFTop Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
N9TFTop # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
N9TF Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
  160M   no matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in shack
UX1UA   Top # SA + NA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
UX1UA   Top # QSOs with Zone 16 by NA Station
K7CA  Top Score Zone 22
K7CA  Top Score Zone 24

W2GD Team   Top # QSOs wid NA/SA by EU Station
KH6LCTop Score From VK or ZL
K1EP   Top Score by Op 21 y/o or less
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K5WA   Top # Grids using minimally directional antennas-
  (random wire, inverted V or Loop, etc.)
K5WATop # Grids 100 watts or less
N7GP Top # NA Grids worked from Zone 25
VE9AA   Top Score 100w Mobile- (vehicle,radio, antenna all
  capable of actual highway travel. No need to sign /M)
WA6CDR N5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked
NQ6N   Highest score by Station working other Stations
who are running 100 watts or less
EI4HQ Top Score, S/O, QRP
K6ND   K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
W7RH  Top Score Asia, Low Power (100W or less)
K7FLTop Score 100% S & P
KR2Q   Golden Log- Highest # QSOs with no busts
VK6GX Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters- (Top Score +/- 15 deg
  of equator)
K2AVMaster of The Small Lot- (Top Score from property
 containing all antennas =/< 1/4 acre, 1012 meters square, 10890 sq
WQ4RPTop Score, Multi-Op, world, QRP
N7UATop[ Score, S/O, High Power, World

VK6VZ   A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
Hemisphere  Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.

 Thanks again for participating in the 22ed running of The Stew Perry
TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club
with propagation provided by the cosmos, physics and  yet to be discovered
 73 and I remain,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Fun
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand Challenge 1500Z Dec.29 2018

2018-12-27 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings 160M Operators of our Solar System..and Ops of lesser bands,,

I've heard it firsthand, that up on Top Band, the propagation can be rather
But here comes a test that's above all the rest, and is best known as The
 Fabulous Stew Perry.
Conditions can be bad but the Q's can be had, if the Op really knows of the
by twiddling the knobs to filter the slobs who insist on running
rigs with strong clicks!
The band can be tough with operators quite rough who will search each
frequency and cranny,
The winners who care to sit up all night there, and keep their perch under
their fanny.
The Stew scoring rules now challenge the fools who keep unfair judging
you'll make a long Q which makes more points for you than the old country
multiplier jive.
You'll have 14 hours to test out your powers of sending and getting mayhem.
You may shriek, you may swear but the signals with care you'll pull right
out of the din.
This time of the year, with Christmas so near makes operating time a prized
So make things good deeded to get the time needed to compete for The Stew's
wooden bling.
The donors below are the Stalwarts we know who typify real radio lore.
They make a donation for a plaque-type creation that'll drop your jaw right
to the floor.
So I've written this tome, I wouldn't call it a poem, to attract your care
and attention.
to invite you to play, in a nocturnal way, in the 22ed Stew Perry
  by Dr. Big Gun with apologies to Robt. Service

 Go read the rules at: 
   and then appreciate
the Radio stalwarts who have sponsored plaques for this year's Big Stew.
Join them by creating a sturdy classification and then send me your notion.
 Cost is only $65 a plaque which will go up next year. This year is a

KL7RATop # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
N9TFTop Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
N9TFTop # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
N9TF Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
  160M   no matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in shack
UX1UA   Top # SA + NA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
UX1UA   Top # QSOs with Zone 16 by NA Station
K7CA  Top Score Zone 22
K7CA  Top Score Zone 24

W2GD Team   Top # QSOs wid NA/SA by EU Station
KH6LCTop Score From VK or ZL
K1EP   Top Score by Op 21 y/o or less
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K5WA   Top # Grids using minimally directional antennas-
  (random wire, inverted V or Loop, etc.)
K5WATop # Grids 100 watts or less
N7GP Top # NA Grids worked from Zone 25
VE9AA   Top Score 100w Mobile- (vehicle,radio, antenna all
  capable of actual highway travel. No need to sign /M)
WA6CDR N5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked
NQ6N   Highest score by Station working other Stations
who are running 100 watts or less
EI4HQ Top Score, S/O, QRP
K6ND   K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
W7RH  Top Score Asia, Low Power (100W or less)
K7FLTop Score 100% S & P
KR2Q   Golden Log- Highest # QSOs with no busts
VK6GX Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters- (Top Score +/- 15 deg
  of equator)
K2AVMaster of The Small Lot- (Top Score from property
 containing all antennas =/< 1/4 acre, 1012 meters square, 10890 sq
WQ4RPTop Score, Multi-Op, world, QRP

VK6VZ   A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
Hemisphere  Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.

 The Big Stew is  just hours away. The band has been very good of late.
Go polish your Beverages and Flags, lay in a supply of coffee, replenish
your sleep deficit and sponsor a Stew Perry Plaque that only you can
come up with.
 There will be another posting of the available plaques during the
on Dec. 29. It may have further plaque possibilities for you to ruminate
 73 and I remain,
Leww7ew The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Free Verse
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: One Week until The Stew Perry Top Band DX Challenge!

2018-12-22 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Top Band Insomniacs, RF Maniacs and Low Band Lovers,
 It is slightly less than one week until the starting gong for The Stew
Perry Top Band DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio
Club.  Be sure to set aside up to 14 hours to participate in the best 160M
CW contest in our solar system Dec. 29/30. Please go read the rules: Where else can
you spend an enjoyable
evening exchanging grid squares with 160M enthusiasts worldwide?
 Certain aspects of The Stew competition will be recognized by beautiful
plaques. Those special categories are sponsored by Radio Stalwarts as
noted below.  You can join this stellar group by sponsoring a plaque also.
Simply email me at my address listed at the end of this epistle for

KL7RATop # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
N9TFTop Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
N9TFTop # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
N9TF Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
  160M   no matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in shack
UX1UA   Top # SA + NA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
UX1UA   Top # QSOs with Zone 16 by NA Station
K7CA  Top Score Zone 22
K7CA  Top Score Zone 24

W2GD Team   Top # QSOs wid NA/SA by EU Station
KH6LCTop Score From VK or ZL
K1EP   Top Score by Op 21 y/o or less
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K5WA   Top # Grids using minimally directional antennas-
  (random wire, inverted V or Loop, etc.)
K5WATop # Grids 100 watts or less
N7GP Top # NA Grids worked from Zone 25
VE9AA   Top Score 100w Mobile- (vehicle,radio, antenna all
  capable of actual highway travel. No need to sign /M)
WA6CDR N5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked
NQ6N   Highest score by Station working other Stations
who are running 100 watts or less
EI4HQ Top Score, S/O, QRP
K6ND   K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
W7RH  Top Score Asia, Low Power (100W or less)
K7FLTop Score 100% S & P
KR2Q   Golden Log- Highest # QSOs with no busts
VK6GX Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters- (Top Score +/- 15 deg
  of equator)
K2AVMaster of The Small Lot- (Top Score from property
 containing all antennas =/< 1/4 acre, 1012 meters square, 10890 sq ft)

VK6VZ   A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
Hemisphere  Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.

 The Reflectors note excellent DX is afoot. Very long distance contacts
being completed on 160M. The weather is perfect for  this with blizzards,
windstorms, tornados and ice. So find a break in whatever nasty weather you
and get your system spiffed for next weekend.. The further away your QSO
is at, the more points you get for that contact. What a concept!
 This year get your log in early and please specify in your comments
plaque that you might want to win. The Boring Amateur Radio Club has many
talents but mind reading is not one of those talents.  Even if you only
make 3 QSOs
please submit a log. You might win a plaque and you'll also have your call
on the
same list as the best 160M stations in the world.
 There will be one or two more Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge
to the 160M faithful, listing the available plaques.
73 and I remain,
Lew  w7ew
Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Nocturnal Radio
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Alert! The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge Approaches

2018-12-12 Thread Lew Sayre
Attention 160M Spectrum Selectors, Spankers and Celebrities,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club is reminding  you to reserve Dec. 29/30
to operate in the 23rd Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. That is just a shade
over 2 weeks from now. There is no other CW contest quite like The Big
So you should browse on over to   and  see
makes it so unique.
 One of the unique features of The Stew is that the contesters decide
amazing feats of RF manipulation is deserving of immortality by way of a
plaque. The Boring Amateur Radio Club does not decide upon the categories
to be honored- you do. Listed below are the Radio Stalwarts who have
a specific category and backed that up with a paltry $65 for plaque
You can join this auspicious group. Send your category to my email address
at the bottom of this email along with the particulars.

KL7RATop # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
N9TFTop Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
N9TFTop # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
N9TF Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
  160Mno matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in shack
UX1UA   Top # SA + NA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
UX1UATop # QSOs with Zone 16 by NA Station
K7CA   Top Score Zone 22
K7CA  Top Score Zone 24

W2GD TeamTop # QSOs wid NA/SA by EU Station
KH6LCTop Score From VK or ZL

K1EP   Top Score by Op 21 y/o or less

K2POTop Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3

K5WA   Top # Grids using minimally directional antennas-
  (random wire, inverted V or Loop, etc.)
K5WA Top # Grids 100 watts or less

N7GP  Top # NA Grids worked from Zone 25

VE9AATop Score 100w Mobile- (vehicle,radio, antenna all
  capable of actual highway travel. No need to sign /M)

WA6CDR N5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked
NQ6N   Highest score by Station working other Stations
who are running 100 watts or less

EI4HQ   Top Score, S/O, QRP

VK6VZ   A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
Hemisphere  Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.

 This year we ask the Stew combatants to please send in their log
promptly. even if you eked out only 3 QSOs. Stations would have won
plaques if they had participated in not only the contest, but also the
log submission process. You know the computer does all the hard stuff,
 The 2017 plaques will go out tomorrow barring natural or unnatural
disasters. Congratulations to the winners! Remember to thank the sponsors
like the gentlemen/gentlewoman/unspecified beings of 160M you are. If you
have sponsored a plaque please remember to remit the funds if you haven't
done so already for 2018.
 So plan on putting away the FT8 for a night and brush up on your CW
language skills during Dec. 29/30. This is good, clean RF fun.
73 and I remain,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Alerting
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge-160M

2018-11-29 Thread Lew Sayre
Attention 160M RF Connoisseurs Real or Imagined,
 December 29 and 30 are rapidly approaching. Please mouse on over to: and read why this home grown contest is a
huge amount of fun to play in. It is unique. It uses a distance mnemonic
scoring. You can play in 14 of the 24 hour allotted time period. The plaques
are sponsored by the RF combatants in categories deemed important by the
donors. You can sponsor a plaque also, like the Stalwarts listed below. $65
and an email to me will get your family friendly plaque category listed to
fought over.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
N9TFTop Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
N9TFTop # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
N9TF Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
160Mno matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in shack OK.
UX1UA   Top # SA + NA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
UX1UATop # QSOs with Zone 16 by NA Sation
K7CA   Top Score Zone 22
K7CA  Top Score Zone 24

VK6VZ   A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
Hemisphere  Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.

 TopBand has been having some prodigious, powerful propagation over the
past week. The Boring Amateur Radio Club appreciates that the ARRL is
sponsoring a 160M CW contest this very weekend in order to have some
fun and to get your TopBand Affairs in astounding order for The Stew Perry
TopBand DX Challenger in a few weeks.
 If you're considering sponsoring a plaque- don't delay- just execute.
aspect of seriously fun 160M contesting would YOU like to emphasize?
 The results of the 2017 Stew are on the above web page. The plaque
have been anointed. The new Official Boring Amateur Radio Club
plaquemeister  is hard at work making the beautiful  plaques which will be
all around the world next week to the winners..
So get your chores done. Tell everyone you have a very important group
conference call that'll last 14 hours Dec. 29-30 so that you can participate
in the 23rd Stew Perry TopBand Dx Challenge sponsored by The Boring
Amateur Radio Club.
 73 and I remain,
Leww7ew  The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on RadioActivity
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Announcing the 22ed Edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

2018-11-21 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings TopBand Tenants, Renters and Occasional Campers,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club wants you to know that you should
reserve December 29 and 30 so that you may participate in the most unique
160M contest available, namely  The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. Yes,
we understand this is between Christmas and New Years, but 160M propagation
is what it is. Nothing like contesting to recharge the soul to better
navigate the Holidays!  Please read the unique rules regarding The Stew at You don't need to send a signal report
plus your score is determined, among other things, by how far away each
contact is. Imagine-...a DX contest that allows further away DX contacts to
count more than closer DX contacts.
  Another feature of The Stew Perry DX Challenge is that the contesters
who participate decide what heroic feats of 160M radio magic should be
rewarded by beautiful plaques.
You can join the below listed Radio Stalwarts also by suggesting an
appropriate category you'd like to see honored and remitting $65 to the
club for each plaque. Just email me and The Boring Amateur Radio Club will
make the plaque happen.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
N9TFTop Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
N9TFTop # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
N9TF Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
   no matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in
shack OK.
VK6VZ   A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
 Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.

  An important reminder to all radio combatants is that when you submit
your log
you should prominently mention in your comments what plaques you are
for. We here at The Boring Amateur Radio Club are experts in turning dits
and dahs and peculiar static into numbers and letters but we can not read
your mind about what plaque you would like to be considered please
be quite explicit in your plaque pursuits.
 This is a CW (Morse Code) contest. If you are shakey or slow or both
then start now
to practice The Code. If you are totally bewildered by a string of jabbery
sounds simply send QRS and usually the courteous contesters of TopBand will
slow their speed down
so that you may understand and  write down the exchange as seen by your
sweat filled eyes. If your ears are also filled with sweat impairing your
hearing, then perhaps a bit more practice may be in order.
  So get all your chores done early so that you may come out and play
in the 2018 Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. We had around 1000 logs for
last year's contest so we would like to have yours also for this year.
 The final listing, scores and write-up for the 2017 Stew will be
appearing very soon on our web site cited above. The 2017 plaques are being
proofed currently.
   73 and I remain,
Lew   w7ew  Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Incitement
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: The Stew Thanks You

2017-12-31 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to All Radio Jousters and Jesters,
  The various committees of The Boring  Amateur Radio Club
effusively thank the Operators who participated in the recently
concluded 2017 Stew Perry TopBand Distance Challenge.
You may visit the web site at   and
find the link to the 2017 current results. You may be amazed to
watch your score grow as received logs are entered and you are
credited for working certain stations with certain power levels. It
is in the rules, as I'm sure you've assimilated by now.
  Below are listed the Plaques and the Radio Stalwarts who
sponsor these plaques. When you meet one of these sponsors
in person be sure to buy them a beverage and tell them what a
Competitor they are...because it is true.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most Qs with EI/British Isles
W2GD Team- Top # Qs, NA/SA by a EU station
N9TF Top # Grid Squares, QRP,S/O,NA with non-resonant antenna
   < 40' above the ground
WQ4RP  Top Score Multi-Op, QRP, World
K2AV  "Master of the Small Lot" Top score from property
   containing  antennas < 1/3 acre or 1,350 Meters Sq,
or 14,520  feet sq.
N9TF  Top Score US/SO/LP, multi band vertical-no 160M trap/load
or resonator- tuner at Rig only
W9XR  "W3GH Memorial"  Top Score FN Grid Block
VK6VZ Top Score-Northern Hemisphere Station working Southern
 Hemisphere Stations- Winner receives Flying
 Doctors of VK baseball hat.
K7FLTop Score 100% Search & Pounce
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score, S/O, VK-ZL
KR2Q   Golden Log Plaque- Most QSOs without a bust
Dr. Beldar L1AR   Top Score, S/O, Using Temporary Antenna erected on or
 after Dec. 3, 2017- because as we all know- Some
 temporary  antennas will outlive their SK owners!
WA8WZG Top Score, Low Power, 6 character call sign
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
N2KW   "Speed Demon"- Most QSOs during error free 1 hour period
VK6GX "Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters"  Top Score +/- 15 deg
   of the Equator
EI4HQTop Score, Low Power < 150W
UX1UA   Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
Long Isl. DXTop Score from an IOTA recognized Island
WA6CDRN5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked
KU1CW/7   Top Score World, S/O, <21 year old, >200 QSOs
K1EP   Top Score (>100 QSOs) by YL or XYL
K7CA   Top Score Zone 22
K7CA   Top Score Zone 24
N9TF   Society of MidWest Contesters Black Hole Award-Top
N7UA   Top Score High Power
Joseph N. Welch   First Station to work the most Directors who voted
Radio SocietyAgainst the N6AA Censure
KA4RRU   Top Score, High Power, 6 character callsign
KA4RRUTop Score, QRP, 6 character callsign

 Be sure to participate in the next 160M CW contest sponsored by
CQ Magazine in about one month. I don't think they have the number
of committees that our Club has but they put on an excellent contest.
It uses a different scoring mnemonic but  different is good!  It would be
a very Boring world if all the ice cream in the available world  was
 the same flavor!
 73 and I remain,
 Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on TopBand Maintenance
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry is Within Hours, Pay Attention

2017-12-29 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to All Contesters with 160M Blood in their Arteries
 The Stew Perry TopBand Distance Challenge, sponsored by The
 Boring Amateur Radio Club,  is less than 24 hours away. Go memorize
the breathtaking and unique rules at
Then read the list below of Radio Stalwarts and the categories
that they have sponsored. Focus on which plaques you wish to
compete for and attempt to win. Then remember when you submit
your log to include that category and perhaps the sponsor's call
in your soapbox musings.  Please appreciate fully each category,
as some have more subtleties than others in their construct.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most Qs with EI/British Isles
W2GD Team- Top # Qs, NA/SA by a EU station
N9TF Top # Grid Squares, QRP,S/O,NA with non-resonant antenna
   < 40' above the ground
WQ4RP  Top Score Multi-Op, QRP, World
K2AV  "Master of the Small Lot" Top score from property
   containing  antennas < 1/3 acre or 1,350 Meters Sq,
or 14,520  feet sq.
N9TF  Top Score US/SO/LP, multi band vertical-no 160M trap/load
or resonator- tuner at Rig only
W9XR  "W3GH Memorial"  Top Score FN Grid Block
VK6VZ Top Score-Northern Hemisphere Station working Southern
 Hemisphere Stations- Winner receives Flying
 Doctors of VK baseball hat.
K7FLTop Score 100% Search & Pounce
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score, S/O, VK-ZL
KR2Q   Golden Log Plaque- Most QSOs without a bust
Dr. Beldar L1AR   Top Score, S/O, Using Temporary Antenna erected on or
 after Dec. 3, 2017- because as we all know- Some
 temporary  antennas will outlive their SK owners!
WA8WZG Top Score, Low Power, 6 character call sign
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
N2KW   "Speed Demon"- Most QSOs during error free 1 hour period
VK6GX "Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters"  Top Score +/- 15 deg
   of the Equator
EI4HQTop Score, Low Power < 150W
UX1UA   Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
Long Isl. DXTop Score from an IOTA recognized Island

WA6CDRN5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked
KU1CW/7   Top Score World, S/O, <21 year old, >200 QSOs

K1EP   Top Score (>100 QSOs) by YL or XYL

K7CA   Top Score Zone 22

K7CA   Top Score Zone 24

N9TF   Society of MidWest Contesters Black Hole Award-Top
N7UA   Top Score High Power
Joseph N. Welch   First Station to work the most Directors who voted
Radio SocietyAgainst the N6AA Censure

 If you have forgotten to sponsor a plaque just let me know as there
will be
a final posting of the plaques available either at Stew Daytime or a few
after the contest has ended. All these plaques are serious and are to be
won by the best qualified per the conditions and The Boring Amateur Radio
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club thanks all the RF men and women who
add spice to The Stew by simply showing up for either a short time or all
See you in The Stew!
73 and I remain,
  Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Efforts to Diminish the K Index
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand Contest is Nearly Here.

2017-12-26 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings 160M DX Contesters and Seekers,
 The starting gong is getting closer for The Stew Perry TopBand DX
Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club.  It happens this
weekend coming up. In order to learn the exact times and rules and other
interesting information about this unique radiosport contest just drive your
browser over to

 The contesters themselves sponsor the plaques honoring various
categories that are felt to be important. You can join this august group of
forward thinking  radio pillars. It is not too late!  The cost is $65 and
email to me describing the category you'd like to sponsor. The list so far:

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most Qs with EI/British Isles
W2GD Team- Top # Qs, NA/SA by a EU station
N9TF Top # Grid Squares, QRP,S/O,NA with non-resonant antenna
   < 40' above the ground
WQ4RP  Top Score Multi-Op, QRP, World
K2AV  "Master of the Small Lot" Top score from property
   containing  antennas < 1/3 acre or 1,350 Meters Sq,
or 14,520  feet sq.

N9TF  Top Score US/SO/LP, multi band vertical-no 160M trap/load
resonator- tuner at Rig only
W9XR  "W3GH Memorial"  Top Score FN Grid Block
VK6VZ Top Score-Northern Hemisphere Station working Southern
 Hemisphere Stations- Winner receives Flying
 Doctors of VK baseball hat.
K7FLTop Score 100% Search & Pounce
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score, S/O, VK-ZL
KR2Q   Golden Log Plaque- Most QSOs without a bust
Dr. Beldar L1AR   Top Score, S/O, Using Temporary Antenna erected on or
 after Dec. 3, 2017- because as we all know- Some
 temporary  antennas will outlive their SK owners!
WA8WZG Top Score, Low Power, 6 character call sign
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
N2KW   "Speed Demon"- Most QSOs during error free 1 hour period
VK6GX "Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters"  Top Score +/- 15 deg
   of the Equator
EI4HQTop Score, Low Power < 150W
UX1UA   Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
Long Isl. DX
Society,N1LI   Top Score from an IOTA recognized Island

WA6CDRN5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked

KU1CW/7   Top Score World, S/O, <21 year old, >200 QSOs

 If you want to compete for a particular plaque, please indicate in
your soapbox
comments, enclosed with your log entry, just which plaque or two you think
have a shot at winning. The Boring Amateur Radio Club does a lot of things
well but the reading of minds is not one of them. If some mutant contester
for 2 plaques, the mutant will only receive 1 plaque with the other one
awarded to
the next best qualified for that category.
 You still have a few days to spiff your 160M station, schedule the
time off from
whatever duties you are saddled with, and consider just how you will spend
14 hours during the fairest and funnest 160M contest in our solar system.
 Questions are always entertained after the Beverages are airborne and
greens are thawed.
 There will most likely be a near final listing of plaques posted
sometime during
daylight hours during the Stew hours of operation. The Boring Amateur Radio
Club also accepts post contest plaques if you forgot, thought up a killer
or just achieved desincarceration.
  Thank you,
   73 and I remain,
   Lew  w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Stew Incitement
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Anyone else hear these?

2017-12-16 Thread Lew Sayre
or they could be signals from  outer space.Ya just never know...
73 and I remain,
  Lew w7ew

On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 12:53 PM, Wes Stewart  wrote:

> Thanks for all of the replies.  Seems I'd heard these mentioned someplace
> but didn't put two and two together.
> On 12/16/2017 1:19 PM, Wes Stewart wrote:
>> From time to time I'm hearing some non-ham stations transmitting on 1823
>> and 1829 KHz.  These signals typically pop up as steady carriers then
>> identify in Morse and disappear.  I've heard IDs of 4OMD, 4NAF and 4NAG.
>> Ideas?
>> Wes  N7WS
>> _
>> Topband Reflector Archives -
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Anyone else hear these?

2017-12-16 Thread Lew Sayre
Fishing buoys.
   73 and I remain,

On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Wes Stewart  wrote:

> From time to time I'm hearing some non-ham stations transmitting on 1823
> and 1829 KHz.  These signals typically pop up as steady carriers then
> identify in Morse and disappear.  I've heard IDs of 4OMD, 4NAF and 4NAG.
> Ideas?
> Wes  N7WS
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DXC is 2 Weeks Away!

2017-12-15 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings TopBand Contesters,
 It is only about 2 weeks until the starting gong is heard around the
world for The Stew Perry TopBand  Distance Challenge sponsored
by The Boring Amateur Radio Club. The times, dates, rules and such
live at  Please read up on this different
kind of radio competition. It is unique for the distance and power
scoring, an exchange that actually means something and the plaque
program where the categories are determined by the contesters and
not the Club. You can join the Radio Stalwarts listed below by simply
sending us your idea for a plaque and $65. Email me for details.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most Qs with EI/British Isles
W2GD Team- Top # Qs, NA/SA by a EU station
N9TF Top # Grid Squares, QRP,S/O,NA with non-resonant antenna
   < 40' above the ground
WQ4RP  Top Score Multi-Op, QRP, World
K2AV  "Master of the Small Lot" Top score from property
   containing  antennas < 1/3 acre or 1,350 Meters Sq,
or 14,520  feet sq.

N9TF  Top Score US/SO/LP, multi band vertical-no trap/load or
resonator- tuner at Rig only
W9XR  "W3GH Memorial"  Top Score FN Grid Block
VK6VZ Top Score-Northern Hemisphere Station working Southern
 Hemisphere Stations- Winner receives Flying
 Doctors of VK baseball hat.
K7FLTop Score 100% Search & Pounce
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score, S/O, VK-ZL
KR2Q   Golden Log Plaque- Most QSOs without a bust
Dr. Beldar L1AR   Top Score, S/O, Using Temporary Antenna erected on or
 after Dec. 3, 2017- because as we all know- Some
 temporary  antennas will outlive their SK owners!
WA8WZG Top Score, Low Power, 6 character call sign
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
N2KW   "Speed Demon"- Most QSOs during error free 1 hour period
VK6GX "Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters"  Top Score +/- 15 deg

   of the Equator

EI4HQTop Score, Low Power < 150W
UX1UA   Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 Station

 The Stew Perry is an old fashioned contest emphasizing the Operator's
abilities to make QSOs out of the thin, cold air. It is a CW contest where
almost all Ops will slow down if you ask them (QRS) to do so.
 Some Ops were distraught last year when they produced very nice
scores from their region but no plaques were available. We suggest that
in any region where this might happen that the Ops support a regional
plaque or challenge their contemporaries to take up a collection for a
plaque to do battle over. Its always better to have something to point to.
 We have suggested that you actively complete all December chores
rapidly and with a smile, so that the evening of Dec. 30 you can join the
 There will a few more reminders, such as this one detailing the
growing plaque list and to exhort the competitors to always mention in
their log submissions exactly what plaques that they are competing for.
Thank you.
73 and I remain,
  Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Contesting
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Stew Perry TopBand Challenge #22

2017-12-06 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings 160M Protagonists, Pip Squeaks, Posers and Curious Onlookers,
 Dec 30/31 is rapidly approaching. Drive on over to: and read why the date is important. While
peruse the rules pertaining to The Stew Perry TopBand Challenge instigated
by The Boring Amateur Radio Club. Consider sponsoring a plaque honoring
a facet of radio operating that strikes a major chord with you.  The cost
is $65
and the fame is forever as your call is on the plaque also. The Radio
Stalwarts who have already sprung for this years plaques are listed below.
You can join them by emailing me for further information.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most Qs with EI/British Isles
W2GD Team- Top # Qs, NA/SA by a EU station
N9TF Top # Grid Squares, QRP,S/O,NA with non-resonant antenna
   < 40' above the ground
WQ4RP  Top Score Multi-Op, QRP, World

K2AV  "Master of the Small Lot" Top score from property
   containing  antennas < 1/3 acre or 1,350 Meters Sq,
or 14,520
   feet sq.
N9TF  Top Score US/SO/LP, multi band vertical-no trap/load or
resonator- tuner at Rig only
W9XR  "W3GH Memorial"  Top Score FN Grid Block
VK6VZ Top Score-Northern Hemisphere Station working Southern
 Hemisphere Stations- Winner receives Flying
 Doctors of VK baseball hat.
K7FLTop Score 100% Search & Pounce
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score, S/O, VK-ZL
KR2Q   Golden Log Plaque- Most QSOs without a bust
Dr. Beldar L1AR   Top Score, S/O, Using Temporary Antenna erected on or
 after Dec. 3, 2017- because as we all know- Some
 temporary  antennas will outlive their SK owners!
WA8WZG Top Score, Low Power, 6 character call sign
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
N2KW   "Speed Demon"- Most QSOs during error free 1 hour period

 The Boring Amateur Radio Club hopes that you have been being very busy
attending to the list of December chores so that you may freely operate
the listed time slot. We would suggest that instead of coming home from a
day of activities, eating dinner then falling asleep that you would discuss
your loved ones just what the perfect plaque might be for you to sponsor for
the 2017 edition of The Stew Perry TopBand Challenge. All 2016 plaques
have now been sent out to the skilled operators who conquered their unique
category. If you won a 2016 plaque and have not received it within a week,
then notify InterPol and then The Boring Amateur Radio Club as clearly a
ring of smart skulduggery savants have stolen your work of art!
 Steel yourselves, as there will be more announcements in the near
for this DX Challenge as conditions necessitate.
This Contest is fun!
73 and I remain,
   Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Awareness and Cognition
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: Announcing Edition #22- The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

2017-11-27 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Nocturnal Raucous Radio Frequency Flingers,
  The Boring Amateur Radio Club urges you to set aside Dec. 30/31 for a
get together with several hundred of your best 160M friends during The Stew
TopBand Challenge. So you won't embarrass yourself, go now and read the
which live at:  That wasn't so
hard, was it?
 Tradition allows auspicious Radio Giants to conjure up categories for
the participants
to compete for, culminating in a highly sought after plaque. Plaques must
be in good taste
to be listed.  Listed below are the Stalwarts who have paid $65 to sponsor
a plaque
for this year's competition. You can join this group if you wish. All it
takes is an email to me.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most Qs with EI/British Isles
W2GD Team- Top # Qs, NA/SA by a EU station
N9TF Top # Grid Squares, QRP,S/O,NA with non-resonant antenna
   < 40' above the ground
WQ4RP  Top Score Multi-Op, QRP, World

K2AV  "Master of the Small Lot" Top score from property
containing all
antennas < 1/3 acre or 1,350 Meters Sq, or 14,520
feet sq.
N9TF  Top Score US/SO/LP, multiband vertical-no trap/load or
tuner at Rig only
W9XR  "W3GH Memorial"  Top Score FN Grid Block
VK6VZ Top Score-Northern Hemisphere Station working Southern
 Hemisphere Stations- Winner receives Flying
Doctors of
 VK baseball hat.

K7FL   Top Score 100% Search & Pounce
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3

KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score, S/O, VK-ZL
KR2Q   Golden Log Plaque- Most QSOs without a bust
Dr. Beldar L1AR   Top Score, S/O, Using Temporary Antenna erected on or
 after Dec. 3, 2017- because as we all know- Some
 antennas will outlive their SK owners!

 All of the 2016 plaques have been sent out to their winners, except
for 2 plaques, due to
technical catastrophes of the plaque making process. this
will be resolved.
Also if anyone even has an email address for R9HAG, please let me know of
it. Maybe he
is a virtual station as I can find no evidence of his physical address or
existence other than
submitted logs and QSOs here and there. . He has a valuable plaque awaiting
 Please expeditiously execute your December chores early so you'll have
a better chance
for quality radio time in the Stew Perry. You phone Ops also have time to
resurrect your CW
skills before the starting Stew gong. A bonus of operating CW is you can
usually eat while
operating. You just can't chew or swallow while receiving if you value
 The ARRL is sponsoring a nice warm up for The Stew Perry this weekend
in its 160M CW
contest. Try to participate  in that competition also. It has a different
flavor and will help that small
club in its endeavors.
 There will be more missives from The Boring Amateur Radio Club as the
numbers of plaques
and 160M fervors increase.
73 and I remain,
   Lew w7ew   The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Hyperbole
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Announcing Edition #22- The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

2017-11-20 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Men, Women and Others,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club is stoked to produce the 22ed running of
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge.  This is a 24 hour, 160M  CW contest
being held this year starting at 1500Z December 30 and ending 24 hours
later. More than enough time to work everyone possible then ring in the New
Year.  The rules pertaining to The Stew live at

 Read the rules not only for their content but appreciate some of the
original tenants found there in a Radio Frequency contest.
 The Club also provides a framework so that certain acts of Radio
Contesting can be recognized. An entity can sponsor most any category for
the participants to compete for with the winner receiving a unique plaque.
These categories can not be salacious in any way, as determined by the
Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Perviness. Listed below are the
plaques already being offered for the 2017 Edition of The Stew along with
their fearless sponsors.

KL7RA Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN  W/K/N/VE/XE station with most Qs with EI/British Isles
W2GD Team- Top # Qs, NA/SA by a EU station
N9TF Top # Grid Squares, QRP,S/O,NA with non-resonant antenna
   < 40' above the ground
WQ4RP  Top Score Multi-Op, QRP, World

K2AV  "Master of the Small Lot" Top score from property
containing all
antennas < 1/4 acre or 1,012 Meters Sq, or 10,890
feet sq.
N9TF  Top Score US/SOLP, multiband vertical-no trap/load or
tuner at Rig only
W9XR  "W3GH Memorial"  Top Score FN Grid Block
VK6VZ Top Score-Northern Hemisphere Station working Southern
 Hemisphere Stations- Winner receives Flying
Doctors of
 VK baseball hat.

 You can join these Radio Donor Stalwarts. The cost of sponsorship is
$65 per plaque. . Contact me regarding your proposed category and for
further details.  If you've already contacted me about sponsorship and
you're not on this notice, let me know promptly.
  If anyone has an address for R9HAG, please let me know what it is. He
has a plaque
awaiting him but I can find no physical address for him. I can't take the
plaque with me everywhere I go anticipating that I'll run into him
somewhere and give it to him.
  You have over 5 1/2 weeks to get your 160M station in top shape for
The Stew. Of course you'll want to that anyway since this winter will marry
a spotless sun with hours of darkness with the offspring perhaps being
great DX for all.
 Thank you.
   73 and I remain,
   Leww7ew   The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Notices
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The 21st Stew Perry is Afoot!

2016-12-17 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings 160M Contesters and Pretenders,
 The event is under way. RF is being unleashed all about the globe.
If you've forgotten what to do with the log post contest or if you wonder
about a specific rule you might have fractured then motor on over to:
 Listed below are the current plaques and sponsors. If you have a
blinding flash of revelation, that wasn't caused by accidentally turning
off your AGC, and you wish to honor some facet of this contest, it
is not too late to sponsor a plaque and join this group. Just email me
after you've recovered a bit and we can make your plaque happen.
It is never too late for a plaque.

KL7RA   Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT  Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA Longest DX, S/O, Low Power from Zone 3
K7CA  Top Score S/O CQ Zone 19,24,25,27,28 or China
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB   Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB   Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQCalifornia Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
VK0EK Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UATop # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7STop QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
  (All parts of temporary antenna including radials must be
 installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be the only antenna
 for TopBand at the station and may be left erected because as we
  all know "temporary" means "until I die")
KR2QGolden Log Award
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
N6TR  Top Score,S/O, Hi Power from CN Grid Field
W2GD Team  Top # QSOs, NA/SA by EU Station
K6ND  K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
WA6CDRN5IA Memorial- Top # of Grids Worked
WA8WZG   Top Score, S/O, by a 6 character call (Example- KA2BFD
or WD6XYZ)
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
K1EPTop Score (>100 QSOs) by YL or XYL
VE9AA  Yr Trees Ants?  If you have your TX wires in the trees or even
attached to 1 tree and your adjudicated score is closest one to
tree tree tree tree (3,333), then you win this plaque
N9TF Top # of Grid Squares, QRP, S/O, North America with a
non-resonant TX antenna <40' above ground
VK6GX QRN Fighters- Top Score QTH +/- 15 degrees of equator
WQ4RPTop Score QRP, Multi-Op, North America
EI2CN  W/VE/XE Station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
Long Island DX Society Top Score S/O, IOTA recognized Island
VK6VZ   VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball hat

 Please remember to state clearly in your log comments what plaque or
plaques you are sitting all night in front of your radio for.  We have some
pretty straight forward plaques and some unique ones that are destined
for a particular population.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club thanks you for your participation in this
21st edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge.
   73 and I remain,
Lew   w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Participation
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is less than 48 hours away

2016-12-15 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Even More Frozen TopBanders,
 The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge starts very soon. If you're
not exactly sure when, or unsure of packet, running 10KW
or public drunkenness please navigate to this site to read:
 Below is the current list of sponsored plaques and their donors.
You can join this intelligent and good looking group for the paltry sum
of $60 or $63 and emailing me with your proposed category.

KL7RA   Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT  Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA Longest DX, S/O, Low Power from Zone 3
K7CA  Top Score S/O CQ Zone 19,24,25,27,28 or China
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB   Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB   Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQCalifornia Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
VK0EK Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UATop # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7STop QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
  (All parts of temporary antenna including radials must be
 installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be the only antenna
 for TopBand at the station and may be left erected because as we
  all know "temporary" means "until I die")
KR2QGolden Log Award
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
N6TR  Top Score,S/O, Hi Power from CN Grid Field
W2GD Team  Top # QSOs, NA/SA by EU Station
K6ND  K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
WA6CDRN5IA Memorial- Top # of Grids Worked
WA8WZG   Top Score, S/O, by a 6 character call (Example- KA2BFD
or WD6XYZ)
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
K1EPTop Score (>100 QSOs) by YL or XYL
VE9AA  Yr Trees Ants?  If you have your TX wires in the trees or even
attached to 1 tree and your adjudicated score is closest one to
tree tree tree tree (3,333), then you win this plaque
N9TF Top # of Grid Squares, QRP, S/O, North America with a
non-resonant TX antenna <40' above ground
VK6GX QRN Fighters- Top Score QTH +/- 15 degrees of equator
VK6VZ   VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball

When you submit your log to our ever vigilant log checker please
include which plaque or plaques you're striving to attain. Some categories
might require some sort of proof that you met the criteria for that plaque.
As in "Top Score- Moose Mobile" might require a photo of the antenna on
the moose and particulars about the connections and settings.
 We apologize to WO9S who was not correctly identified as the winner
of the 2015 plaque:  "KL7RA Memorial, Top Score, S/O, LP Central
Division."  This blunder has been corrected on the plaque page on the
above mentioned website. An internal investigation by The Boring Amateur
Radio Club Committee on Screw-ups is on-going. We are sorry, WO9S!
 There is still time to sponsor a plaque. If you are considering doing
please let me know very soon. A final or nearly final listing of the
plaques to be fought over on the 160M RF field will appear  roughly 48
from now.
 73 and I remain,
 Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on News and Apologies
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Stew Perry TopBand Challenge 21 is about Here

2016-12-12 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Radio Ruffians with a TopBand Bent,
 The anticipation is palpable as time draws near for the
start of the 21st Running of The Stew Perry TopBand DX
Challenge sponsored by the multitude of Amateurs who
make up The Boring Amateur Radio Club. The contest is Dec
17/18. That is this weekend coming up, for those of you
that need reminders like to remember an anniversary, put
gas in the vehicle or to breathe.
 The rules for this contest are different. Please navigate to  and see how they are different.
 Another unique aspect of The Stew is that The Boring
Amateur Radio Club does not specify categories to win
handsome plaques. You, the combatants do that. Yes,
anyone who thinks up a stellar category and remits $60 or
$63 to us will join the radio stalwarts listed below who are
stoking the fires of competition.

KL7RA   Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT  Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA Longest DX, S/O, Low Power from Zone 3
K7CA  Top Score S/O CQ Zone 19,24,25,27,28 or China
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB   Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB   Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQCalifornia Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
VK0EK Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UATop # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7STop QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
  (All parts of temporary antenna including radials must be
 installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be the only antenna
 for TopBand at the station and may be left erected because as we
  all know "temporary" means "until I die")
KR2QGolden Log Award
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
N6TR  Top Score,S/O, Hi Power from CN Grid Field
W2GD Team  Top # QSOs, NA/SA by EU Station
K6ND  K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
WA6CDRN5IA Memorial- Top # of Grids Worked
WA8WZG   Top Score, S/O, by a 6 character call (Example- KA2BFD
or WD6XYZ)
W7RH   Top Score, Low Power Asia
K1EPTop Score (>100QSOs) by YL or XYL
VE9AA  Yr Trees Ants?  If you have your TX wires in the trees or even
attached to 1 tree and your adjudicated score is closest one to
tree tree tree tree (3,333), then you win this plaque
VK6VZ   VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball hat

 This list grows but will become even longer after you dream up a
contesting category. Just email me with the particulars so we may flesh it
as some prior plaque proposals were too obtuse, couldn't be performed
by any one of our species or just a tad obscene.
 There will be one or two more postings of the categories and sponsors
right up until and through the start of The Stew so don't delay! Also those
haven't sent off their check or PayPals for their plaque sponsorship yet

should not delay either.,
 Also follow Stalwart's VK6VZ's example and go fire up your system
tonight so you won't be modally morose when the only thing that happens
when you call CQ is that you open and close the neighbor's garage door
with a distinctive cadence.
 73 and I remain,
 Lew   w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Participation
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: Fwd: Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge #21

2016-12-08 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Frozen TopBanders,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club needs YOU for the 21st
edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. Peruse the rules:   Understand that this contest is
different in a lot of ways than other radio mayhems.
 Below are listed the plaque donors and their well thought out
categories to spur on the competition and to honor certain
radio gymnastics. You can join this astute and good looking
group by coming up with an appropriate category. The cost
is $60 or $63 and money well spent.

KL7RA   Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT  Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA Longest DX, S/O, Low Power from Zone 3
K7CA  Top Score S/O CQ Zone 19,24,25,27,28 or China
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB   Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB   Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQCalifornia Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
VK0EK Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UATop # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7STop QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
   (All parts of temporary antenna including radials
must be
 installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be the only antenna
 for TopBand at the station and may be left erected because as we
  all know "temporary" means "until I die")
KR2QGolden Log Award
K2PO   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
N6TR  Top Score,S/O, Hi Power from CN Grid Field
W2GD Team  Top # QSOs, NA/SA by EU Station
K6ND  K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
VK6VZ   VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball hat

 The time is getting short as this contest is Dec 17/18, That is weekend
after this one that is coming up!  So email me with what you want your
plaque to honor now. If you have forgotten to reimburse the Club for your
plaque, now is a very good time to do so.
 The 2015 plaques have been mailed out today around the world. The
Amateur Radio Club reminds those fortunate plaque winners to please thank
the sponsors. Good manners + good competitors + good contest =
A huge amount of fun and radio.
 73 and I remain,
 Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Exhortations
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge #21

2016-12-04 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Contesters or Wannabes of Top Band,
The ARRL 160M contest is over and was pretty darn good. The
participants have in mind what needs to be done
for the final station systems  preparation for The Stew Perry Top Band DX
Challenge. If you don't have a working system
you have until Dec 17, when the starting gong for The Stew is struck at
Club HQ to brew up one up. You can do it!
 Where else can you sit for hours while it is dark outside listening to
static while picking the sound shrapnel out of the
 cacophony while using physics in its finest form?
 The rules are unique and pretty clear. Go memorize them here: Read them critically and you'll see contesting
in a different light.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club sponsors The Stew Perry and the
contestants sponsor plaques to spur on and
reward the combatants for great radio feats performed during The Challenge.
The sponsors and categories listed
below are to be congratulated and thanked for their creativeness and
support. You can become a listed Stalwart
also by emailing me with your plaque idea and the $60 or $63 to make it
happen. You can do it now.

KL7RA   Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT  Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA Top Score S/O China
K7CA  Top Score S/O CQ Zone 24,27 or 28
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB   Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB   Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQCalifornia Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
VK0EK Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UATop # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7STop QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
   (All parts of temporary antenna including radials
must be
  installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be
the only
 antenna for TopBand at the station and may be left
 because as we all know "temporary" means "until I die"
KR2QGolden Log Award

K2POTop Score, S/O, Low Power Zone 3
N6TR Top Score, S/O, Hi-Power CN Grid Field
W2GD TeamTop # QSOs, NA/SA by a European Station
VK6VZ   VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball

 This year the time until The Stew is very short so please get those
chores and promises done
soon so you can spend an unencumbered night flinging and catching grid
squares from anywhere
that the Laws of Physics allow 160M radio waves to propagate.
 Don't see a category yet that quickens your pulse?  Sponsor one and
perhaps make it personal
with your radio peers. Only the entire 160M radio Community will be
noticing and participating. Just
remember to include what plaques you are competing for in your comments
section of your log submission.
We're pretty good at putting on radio contests but not so hot at mind
73 and I remain,
 Lew  w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Stew Stuff
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge #21

2016-12-01 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings TopBanders, LowBanders and Those Who Aren't Sure,
  The minions of The Boring Amateur Radio Club are pleased to remind
you that in roughly 2 weeks
from THIS WEEKEND the 21st Running of The Stew Perry TopBand DX will
happen. That is Dec. 17 &
18 for those with calendarphobia. After you have memorized this epistle
promptly go to:  for the enlightened rules. This contest is
different from other contests. Go read why.
  One of the strengths of The Stew is that the contesters themselves
figure out what major feats of daring
160M radio gymnastics deserve recognition. Listed below are the Radio
Stalwarts who have paid for or are in the
process of sponsoring a plaque. The cost is $60 via check or $63 via
PayPal. That is all you have to do. The heavy
lifting is done by various committee members of The Boring Amateur Radio
Club who cut the trees, plane the wood,
refine the metals and ferment the shellac in order to make the plaques. OK,
so maybe that might not be altogether
accurate but I just go by what my fellow club members tell me.
   What is true and accurate is that the Radio Giants listed below
understand the mysteries and have come forth
to sponsor their particular categories that are near and dear to them. You
can join them by sending an email to me
and explain just what you have in mind to spur on the competitive ether

KL7RA   Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT  Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA Top Score S/O China
K7CA  Top Score S/O CQ Zone 24,27 or 28
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL
AA6VB   Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol <100W
AA6VB   Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
N6TQ/A25TQCalifornia Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
VK0EK Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc   Top Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UATop # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 station
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
K9JWV/WC7STop QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top Score,S/O, Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
   (All parts of temporary antenna including radials
must be
  installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna must be
the only
 antenna for TopBand at the station and may be left
 because as we all know "temporary" means "until I die"
KR2QGolden Log Award
VK6VZ   VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
hemisphere stations.
  Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK baseball hat

 The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge exists to promulgate fun and to
enhance skills. We encourage
the combatants not to send spots or use spotting systems or RBN or CIA or
FBI. We think it is more fun and
instructive for the operator to use the big knob on the radio and his/her
ears, cunning, guile and wit. If the
only way you can operate is to utilize a spotting system then you will
probably be fitted with a shock collar
in the afterlife at the end of a 1/4 radial. No, really if you must operate
that way declare yourself a M/M
and have fun.
 Our friends at the ARRL have thoughtfully scheduled a CW 160M contest
this very weekend so that
you can practise for The Stew. The ARRL have different rules but variety in
rules is a good thing.
 So if you don't know Morse Code, go learn it so that you can
participate in The 21st edition of
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio
 Email me now, while you're pondering to sponsor a plaque. Make it up!
That is what makes the world
go around. The time is very short this year.
 73 and I remain,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Awareness
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge #21

2016-11-10 Thread Lew Sayre
Yo Creatures of the Radio Ethers,
  Mark down Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17 & 18 2016,  to operate in the
21st Edition of
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio
If you haven't heard of this contest consider these 2 actions: 1)  Welcome
to 160M radio
contesting and 2) Mouse your way over to the rule page
Digest the rules intelligently and you'll understand that this contest uses
a combination of
distance between stations and station power to arrive at a score. The
fairest rules in the solar system.
We also emphasize the operator's skill rather than the newest technology as
we prefer
contestors to not use spotting systems but rather the big dial on their
 We also have a plaque system whereby the combatants decide what
categories should be
rewarded by a plaque. Decide what heroic action you'd like to reward with a
plaque, send $60 check
or $63 Paypal to us and you can join the august group listed below. An
email to me will elicit more

KL7RA   Top # of QSOs by a S/O
N0TT  Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200 QSOs
K7CA Top Score S/O China
K7CA  Top Score S/O CQ Zone 24,27 or 28
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top S/O VK-ZL

 The plaques for the 2015 Edition will be constructed soon as the
Boring Amateur Radio Club
Chief Log Checker is just about finished with his never ending job.
 Start now to get the 14 hours off during the goofiest, busiest time of
the year so that you can
contest with the World's best TopBanders and restore your vital brain
vapors. If you don't know
Morse Code then you have a month to learn it. Get the chores and shopping
done early this year
so that you can participate in this fun and fair contest.
 We were very pleased with the great turnout for the Fall PreStew held
recently. We know for a
fact that some of the antennas used resembled gutters, guy lines, wires in
trees and orthodontic
appliences. Go read about 160M antennas. Elevated radials do not mean wires
on top of Michelins
or Pirellis. Beverages do not mean beer, wine, cocoa or fermented spirits.
Go figure.
The Boring Amateur Radio Club thanks all the plaque donors for 2015 and
if you'd like to sponsor
the same plaque, just let me know by email. If you're unsure about a plaque
sponsorship just run it
by your spouse or Sunday School teacher and if they don't blush we would
probably accept it as
long as the criteria is reasonable. All decisions by The Boring Amateur
Radio Club Committee
on Plaque Appropriateness are final.
 There will be intermittent missives to the reflectors updating the
expanding plaque list so
that you will have a category to try to win. Plus...It's just good clean
fun radio!
73 and I remain,
   Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on News
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is Afoot!

2015-12-26 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Greyline Jousters, Jesters, Gridsters and Grouches,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club has fired the starting cannon this
The 20th Edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is on the air. This
contest is the perfect antidote for the Holiday Frazzles which is endemic
the world currently.  You are invited to come play in this unique contest.
To learn the rules and grasp the subtleties of this unique contest, motor
 An amazing group of Donors have constituted an amazing group of
plaques which could be won by any participant if they are the top in the
category. These Donors are intelligent, philanthropic people who have
a thesis for a competition with certain prerequisites within the contest.
you meet or interact with these Donors be sure to buy them a beverage
and congratulate them on their sagacity, wit and charm. The list below
displays their calls and the categories that they have developed for the
subplots for The Stew Perry.

KL7RATop # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group  To be decided
K7FL/5H2DATop Score 100% Search & Pounce
KR2Q  Golden Log Award
N0TTTop Score < 21y/o, >200 QSOs
K7CA   Top Score China
TF3KX  Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score North
   of 60 deg N geomagnetic Latitude
Dr. Beldar-L1ARTop Score,S/O, Temp Antenna erected after
VK6VZ- Flying Doctors of   Top Score- N. Hemisphere station working
  VK Baseball hat   S. Hemisphere stations
UX1UA Top # NA + SA Qs by Zone 16 station
UX1UA  USA station with top # Qs with Zone 16
K6NDK6SE Memorial- Top Score World S/O
K1EPTop LP score between 30deg N & 40deg N
   lat  (any station located in xM##
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top Score S/O, VK/ZL
N6TQ/A25TQ California Dreaming- Top # Qs with Calif
 stations by a non California station.
W2GD Team   Top # Qs, NA/SA by European Station
W7RHTop Score, Low Power, Asia
K7CA Top Score from Zone 24, 27 or 28
K7CA  Top Score from either Zone 19 or 25
FWDXA  KL7RA Memorial- Top Score, LP, Central
NA0Y Top Score North America
N9TF  Top Score, North America, S/O, QRP
Rochester DX Assoc.   Top Score,Low Power,S/O, Outside N. America
N7UA Top Score High Power
Niagara Frontier Radiosport   Top Score,S/O,Low Power,Single Antenna
TF4M  Longest High Power QSO
N6TR  KL7RA Memorial- Top Score, Hi Power,
CQ Zone1
AA6VB   Top Score,Big City > 50K, Little Pistol
< 100W
AA6VB   Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60'
N1LI- Long Island DXTop Score from IOTA recognized Island
W0RI/W0CKC Top # QSOs by station in CQ Zone 14 or 15
N5IA   Top # of Grids worked
N5IA   Top Score Daylight Operation only
VE9AA   "Real Live Wire 9's with up to 9 Live
  Top Score Worldwide, 9 heard in callsign, using up to and
   9 wires
VK6GX"Top Score, Equatorial QRN Fighters-
  located between Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer

 As you have noticed there are several plaques for certain DX areas. We
that fierce competition will combust worldwide during this 24 hour period.
 If you see a clear category that you feel needs to be emphasized, it
is not too
late to sponsor a plaque. Just email me at the address below. An up to date
of the plaques is kept at the above mentioned web site.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club's many members and committees wish to
thank the contesting community for its support and participation.
See you in the Stew today and tonight!
  73 and I remain,
  Lew   w7ew
  The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Starter Cannons
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: re topband QRP

2015-12-25 Thread Lew Sayre
Hi Robb,
Please sign only your call- G0URR-   without any other letters or
Where the QRP business comes in, is in your submitted log where you note
power level.  That is where the power levels matter to yourself and to the
for scoring purposes. Same goes for your grid square locator.
  When I am trying to work you from West Coast USA getting your call
will be difficult
and your grid square will be nearly impossible.  Adding /qrp  or /just
married  or /just paroled
only makes the exchange more difficult and is totally unnecessary. sure to peruse the plaque list on the web site and note any
particular plaques you may qualify for
and properly fill out the log headers so we know your power situation,
location and call in your submitted log.
 73 and I remain,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on QRP Designations

On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Robb Webb Proprietor of Robb Webb
Photography  wrote:

> So what should I sign
> How else do I let you out there know I'm a QRP station.
> I will be on for tomorrow's Stew with an inverted L with a 30ft vertical
> portion 100ft above the sea on a cliff !!
> Hoping for good things
> Robb
> Robb Webb Photography
> Bringing Photography to life
> Mobile: 07891 575892
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry is Coming. Are You Ready?

2015-12-21 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to Top Band Men, Women and undecided,
  The starting gong for the 20th Edition of The Stew Perry TopBand
DX Challenge will go off at 1500Z, Dec 26 and the ending gong will
happen at 1500Z Dec. 27. In between these times grid square gladiators
will utilize cunning, wit, resolve, Morse code and some immutable laws
of physics for 14 hours out of the 24 to joust with similar TopBand
in the most unique radio contest available. Why is The Stew Perry TopBand
DX Challenge unique?  Just manipulate your monitor over to this site and
all about it!
 The list below reveals available plaques and their very smart sponsors
have sharpened their senses and opened their pocketbooks to make available
actual wooden and metal plaques denoting categories of radio rapture that
will be awarded for certain performances during The Stew.  These sponsors
are radio stalwarts and should be accorded great respect for their
It is never too late for you to sponsor a  plaque. Just email me with your
category, find and send $60 to us and you will have joined a very elite
group of radiowave wranglers.

KL7RATop # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group  To be decided
K7FL/5H2DATop Score 100% Search & Pounce
KR2Q  Golden Log Award
N0TTTop Score < 21y/o, >200 QSOs
K7CA   Top Score China
TF3KX  Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score North
   of 60 deg N geomagnetic Latitude
Dr. Beldar-L1ARTop Score,S/O, Temp Antenna erected after
VK6VZ- Flying Doctors of   Top Score- N. Hemisphere station working
  VK Baseball hat   S. Hemisphere stations
UX1UA Top # NA + SA Qs by Zone 16 station
UX1UA  USA station with top # Qs with Zone 16
K6NDK6SE Memorial- Top Score World S/O
K1EPTop LP score between 30deg N & 40deg N
   lat  (any station located in xM##
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top Score S/O, VK/ZL
N6TQ/A25TQ California Dreaming- Top # Qs with Calif
 stations by a non California station.
W2GD Team   Top # Qs, NA/SA by European Station
W7RHTop Score, Low Power, Asia
K7CA Top Score from Zone 24, 27 or 28
K7CA  Top Score from either Zone 19 or 25
FWDXA  KL7RA Memorial- Top Score, LP, Central
NA0Y Top Score North America
N9TF  Top Score, North America, S/O, QRP
Rochester DX Assoc.   Top Score,Low Power,S/O, Outside N. America
N7UA Top Score High Power
Niagara Frontier Radiosport   Top Score,S/O,Low Power,Single Antenna
TF4M  Longest High Power QSO
N6TR  KL7RA Memorial- Top Score, Hi Power,
CQ Zone1

 The Boring Amateur Radio Club asks the radio combatants to be sure to
to their comments in their log submission what plaque or plaques they are
to win. We are powerfully prescient in many areas, such as knowing that
plaque winners will do the majority of their operating while the sky is
dark outside.
However you will need to tell us if you have particular plaque aspirations,
 Please alert your DX friends of the many plaques available only to
DX areas. Nothing like having the Plaque of the Dancing Rat on your wall to
amaze your friends and consternate your friendly competitors.
There will be another notice to the 160M public noting even more
appearing, usually the day of The Stew Perry TopBand Dx Challenge, unless
outside repairing various wires damaged by Thor, Anemoi, Zeus or my
deranged neighbor John.  So again, it is never too late to sponsor a plaque
this evocative event.
 73 and I remain,
 Lew   w7ew
 Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Subtleties
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: 20th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challange

2015-12-12 Thread Lew Sayre
 Greetings to all TopBand Contesters,
 The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is approaching. 1500Z Dec.26 to
1500Z Dec 27 are the times this year. Operate any 14 hours out of this
turn in your log and you'll have participated in the 20th Edition of this
 This is a unique contest in many ways. Please motor on over to:  to read the rules, who has paid for their plaques
assimilate the gestalt of this 160M Extravaganza.
 The contesters who care determine what radio deeds are worthy of a
Listed below are the sponsors for these plaques and the categories they feel
are important to recognize. You can join this stellar group by emailing me
your category at the address listed way below.

KL7RATop # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group  To be decided
K7FL/5H2DATop Score 100% Search & Pounce
KR2Q  Golden Log Award
N0TTTop Score < 21y/o, >200 QSOs
K7CA   Top Score China
TF3KX  Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score North
of 60 deg N
geomagnetic Latitude
Dr. Beldar-L1ARTop Score,S/O, Temp Antenna erected after
VK6VZ- Flying Doctors of   Top Score- N. Hemisphere station working
  VK Baseball hat   S. Hemisphere stations
UX1UA Top # NA + SA Qs by Zone 16 station
UX1UA  USA station with top # Qs with Zone 16
K6NDK6SE Memorial- Top Score World S/O
K1EPTop LP score between 30deg N & 40deg N
(any station located in xM## gridsquare)
KH6LC   VK/ZL Challenge- Top Score S/O, VK/ZL
N6TQ/A25TQ California Dreaming- Top # Qs with Calif
 by a non California station.
W2GD Team   Top # Qs, NA/SA by European Station
W7RHTop Score, Low Power, Asia
K7CA Top Score from Zone 24, 27 or 28
K7CA  Top Score from either Zone 19 or 25
FWDXA  KL7RA Memorial- Top Score, LP, Central
NA0Y Top Score North America
N9TF  Top Score, North America, S/O, QRP

 The plaques for the 2014 Stew Perry have all been mailed out around
the world
to the category winners. Peruse the plaque list for this year, operate
and perhaps you'll receive a 2015 plaque next year at about this time.
 So now is the time to make those improvements to your TX/RX so your
will be in fine fettle for The Stew Perry. It also a good time to do all
the good deeds
necessary to obtain the time to operate in the contest Dec 26/27.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club appreciates the TopBand community's
for this contest. We also appreciate you letting your DX friends know of
contest and urge all who can operate to do so.
 73 and I remain,
   Boring Amateur Club Promulgator
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: 20th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challange

2015-12-02 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to the Ditters and Dawters of the 160M Realm,
  The evil snow, ice, winds and politicians are all afoot now... but
the bright spot is
coming your way 1500Z Dec. 26 to 1500Z Dec. 27 in the form of the 20th
of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur
Radio Club.
This is the fairest contest in our known galaxy. It is a Morse Code (CW)
contest where
the exchange is your call-sign and your grid-square. Through magic, the
astute log
checkers of our massive club are able to determine how far away your
contact was
with another station. The idea is that far away contacts are worth more
than close in
contacts. Also, you get extra points for working low power and QRP stations
which delights
the lesser powered stations and rewards you for sticking with that -27dB
signal in the mush
until you can discern the call and grid-square.  You should really browse
on over to:   and read the rules and see the other cool stuff
  The following Giants of Contesting are sponsoring plaques for The
Stew. These Luminaries
have offered up a category to spur on the radio combatants and have sent in
the $60
($63-PayPal) to spice up the competition.  Please give positive
affirmations to these
radio competition Stalwarts when you see them...or at least buy them a
 Yes, We are aware that KL7RA is SK.  He was The Boring Amateur Radio
Chairman of the Contest Food and Drink Committee among other duties.
 We miss him greatly.

KL7RATop # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group  To be decided
K7FL/5H2DATop Score 100% Search & Pounce
KR2Q  Golden Log Award
N0TTTop Score < 21y/o, >200 QSOs
K7CA   Top Score China
TF3KX  Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score North
of 60 deg N
geomagnetic Latitude
Dr. Beldar-L1ARTop Score,S/O, Temp Antenna erected after
UX1UA  Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
UX1UA  USA Station with Top #  QSOs with Zone 16
K6NDK6ND Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
K1EPTop LP score between 30deg N and 40deg
N latitude
(Any station located in  xM##  grid
KH6LC  VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score,S/O, VL/ZL
N6TQ/A25TQ California Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with
 stations by a non-California
W2GD Team  Top # QSOs with NA/SA, by a EU station
W7RHTop Score, Low Power, Asia
K7CA Top Score from Zone 24, 27 or 28
K7CA Top Score from either Zone 19 or 25
VK6VZ- Flying DoctorsTop Score- N. Hemisphere station working
of VK Baseball hat   S. Hemisphere stations

To see if you have remembered to pay for your plaque go to:

 You also may join this stellar group by proffering a suitable category
you would like to see emphasized and then sending along the funds.
 We have been petitioned to have a Stew Perry SSB contest.
After vigorous and protracted discussions among our various committees
we strongly feel that the language of 160M is CW.  There will be no SSB
version sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club unless we are
bought out by Amazon, Google, Facebook or Yahoo. And maybe not
even then.
  Please get on the 160M airwaves this weekend as the ARRL has
nicely scheduled a great Stew warm-up called strangely enough
The ARRL 160M Contest- CW.
 The winning plaques for the 2014 Stew Perry will be sent to the winners
very soon as the little old plaque-maker has been working on them
See you in The Stew!
73 and I remain,
Lew  w7ew
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: 20th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challange

2015-11-18 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to the Static Quo Operators of our Solar System,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club is pleased to invite you to participate
the Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge commencing 1500Z Dec. 26 and running
to 1500Z Dec. 27, 2015.  Our friendly contest is a 160M CW (Morse Code)
contest where
you can enjoy TopBand jousting for 14 hours out of the 24 hours available.
Our Club
suggests that you operate during your times of darkness because for various
contestors seem to make more and further away QSOs on 160M when the sun is
their horizon. Go figure.  Also this contest uses a distance mnemonic to
figure out the score
rather than the silly multipliers the old fashion contests utilize. You
actually get more points
for contacting another station way far away as compared to another closer
station. What a
  The rules for this stellar event live at  Read
them as there exists
even more innovations to make The Stew Perry the fairest contest in
 One of the tenets of this contest is that the participants decide what
feats of radio
heroism deserves to be immortalized by a wooden plaque. Listed below are the
radio stalwarts who are sponsoring a plaque and the criteria for their

KL7RATop # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group  To be decided
K7FL/5H2DATop Score 100% Search & Pounce
KR2Q  Golden Log Award
N0TTTop Score < 21y/o, >200 QSOs
K7CA   Top Score China
TF3KX  Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score North
of 60 deg N
geomagnetic Latitude
Dr. Beldar-L1ARTop Score,S/O, Temp Antenna erected after
VK6VZ- Flying Doctors of   Top Score- N. Hemisphere station working
VK Baseball hat S. Hemisphere stations

 You 160M thinkers can join this group by sending to me a category and
($63 if PayPal) per plaque. The category should uphold the highest values of
morality and ethics while honoring an aspect of radio contesting. All
of appropriateness are final as determined by The Boring Amateur Radio Club
Committee on Honesty, Virtue and Beverages.
 We understand The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is the day after
Christmas this year. What better way for you to escape the holiday
by joining the 160M believers for some friendly ditting and dawing?  Start
by doing
great acts of helpfulness to your loved ones now in order to have a bit of
dark time
off for The Stew.
 There will be further bulletins from The Boring Amateur Radio Club as
the plaque
list expands and to bring attention to The Stew Perry TopBand Extravaganza
  73 and I remain,
   Lew   w7ew
   The Boring Amateur Radio Club Announcer
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests

2015-03-15 Thread Lew Sayre
 We would like to make very clear that The Stew Perry Top Band DX
Challenge allows remote receiving sites up to 100 km away from the
contester's station which is about 1 grid square away. This rule is to
accommodate contesters  who can't put up their Rx system at their station
site due to noise, proximity of other people or objects or some other
reason. Read rule 6 of the Stew Perry Top Band DX Challenge rules.
 Contesters who use receiving sites further than 100 km away from their
station are considered by us to be either:  a- cheaters who will be found
out and made fun of with peer pressure, crude jokes and more or b- 160M
users who are trying out these remote receiving sites and send in their
effort as a check-log which is funky but OK.
 The Rules committee for The Boring Amateur Radio Club just wants to
emphasize that The Stew Perry rules do not allow remote receiving sites
further than 100 km away from the station, not some unlimited distance away.
73 and I remain,
   Lew  w7ew

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 12:03 PM, John Crovelli wrote:

 Unless others speak up, N2NT is inclined to change the rules and allow
 remote RX systems.
 So the time is NOW  to make your thoughts known on the reflector.

  Subject: Re: Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
  Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 19:42:38 +0100
  Well said.
  Thank you!
  73 Mark, PA5MW

 Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew will Commence within 24 hours!

2014-12-26 Thread Lew Sayre
Salutations to All 160 Meter Movers, Shakers and Oscillators,
In a few short hours The Stew Perry Topband DX Extravaganza
sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club will start. Before you
engage in this RF funfest  please browse on over to our
website and read it through a couple of times. It is short but powerful.
 Listed below are the plaques which may be won by being the
best in whatever category is specified. Smart, forward thinking,
good looking Hams are the listed donors who are sponsoring these
plaques. Next time you see one of these donors please buy them a
beverage or express your gratitude to them as they are doing good

KL7RA  Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Plaque to be decided by Contest Performance
TF4M Top Score 160M mobile (must actually be able to
N0TT  Top Score  21 years old  200 QSOs
TF4M  Longest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
AA6VB   Top Score,base loaded Vert 60' tall
AA6VB   Top Score big city 50K, little pistol 100W
KH6LCVK-ZL Challenge: Top Score VK-ZL
N5IA   Most Grids worked
N5IA  Highest score daylight operation only
K7FL Top Score 100% Search/Pounce
NA0YTop Score USA
K6NDK6SE Memorial-Top Score World
K1EPTop Score by First time Entrant
K2POTop Score,S/O,Low Power, Zone 3
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
geomagnetic latitude
K7CATop Score China
K7CATop Score Southern Hemisphere
W2GD Team  Top # NA+SA Qs by EU Station
KR2QGolden Log- Top # of Qs with no busts
W7RH   Top Score Low Power Asia
W5GN   Closest Score to overall average of Entrants
W0RI Top Score Canada
AA0RS  Top # of Prefixes worked
AA0RS  S. Hemisphere Station working most USA States
N1LI Long Island Top Score from IOTA recognized Island
DX Society
NA6E Memorial  Plaque to be decided by Contest performance
N9TF  Top Score USA wid 100W, wire100' long, no
   higher than 50', using traps or tuner
KS8M NorthernTop QRP Score
 Ohio QRP Club
KS8M Northern Longest DX by a QRP station
 Ohio QRP Club
VK6VZ  VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N hemisphere
station working S hemisphere stations. Winner
gets Flying Doctors of VK baseball cap.
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top score utilizing temporary antenna. (All parts
   of temporary antenna including radials must be installed after
   Dec. 14, 2014. This antenna must be the only antenna for
   TopBand at the station, and may be left up, because as we
   all know, temporary means until I die.)

 Please exercise your sense of hearing aggressively as there will
many weak signals throughout the band. Some of these weak signals
will be from far off DX lands which are active for the contest. Some of
the weak signals will be from QRP or less stations and some will be
emanating somehow from loaded rain gutters or abandoned vehicles
or unterminated feed lines due to operator error. The efficiency of some
of the 160M antennas in use may be somewhat sub par so exercise
patience and work to capture the call and grid square. Occasionally
these weak signals may be coming from an ancient local refrigerator
or other malfunctioning electronic device in which case you may not
be able to copy the grid square, or a valid call sign. Do not despair but
simply put in the log what you copy. We do not, however, have a
plaque sponsored for Top Score-worked all Frigidaires. Maybe
next year...
 If you have a last moment plaque you'd like to sponsor please let
me know soon and we can add it to the final final list.
The purpose of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is to exercise
the 160M band, emulate Stew Perry and to have fun with a bunch of like
minded people.
Please join us and give it a try!
   73 and I remain,
  Lew   w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Fun
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge #19 is near

2014-12-22 Thread Lew Sayre
Hello to All 160 Meter Radio People, Contesters, DXers and others,
 It is but a few days until the starting bell is gonged at the Club
at 15:00Z Dec 27. Please avail yourselves of the pertinent rules and
writings at the web site below.
 Read the words carefully and you'll see that The Stew Perry Contest,
by The Boring Amateur Radio Club, is a groundbreaking contest where scores
related to a distance scoring mnemonic along with getting extra points by
you working
a low power or qrp station. Imagine that! The station sweating and
straining the cochleas
to do the heavy lifting will receive extra points for making the Q. If
everyone who plays
sends in a log, no matter how short or seemingly unimportant, then the
final results
 will be even more accurate and true.
 The actual contesters decide which heroic radio feats should be
awarded a plaque.
These Radio Stalwarts have suggested a category and sent in either $60 or
$63 to
spur on the competition in selected categories. You can do the same. There
enough time! Just contact me below at the address listed way below.
The list of Stalwarts and the Categories:

KL7RA  Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest We are cogitating
TF4M Top Score 160M mobile (must actually be able to
N0TT  Top Score  21 years old  200 QSOs
TF4M  Longest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
AA6VB   Top Score,base loaded Vert 60' tall
AA6VB   Top Score big city 50K, little pistol 100W
KH6LCVK-ZL Challenge: Top Score VK-ZL
N5IA   Most Grids worked
N5IA  Highest score daylight operation only
K7FL Top Score 100% Search/Pounce
NA0YTop Score USA
K6NDK6SE Memorial-Top Score World
K1EPTop Score by First time Entrant
K2POTop Score,S/O,Low Power, Zone 3
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
geomagnetic latitude
K7CATop Score China
K7CATop Score Southern Hemisphere
W2GD Team  Top # NA+SA Qs by EU Station
KR2QGolden Log- Top # of Qs with no busts
W7RH   Top Score Low Power Asia
W5GN   Closest Score to overall average of Entrants
W0RI Top Score Canada
AA0RS  Top # of Prefixes worked
AA0RS  S. Hemisphere Station working most USA States
VK6VZ  VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N hemisphere
station working S hemisphere stations. Winner
gets Flying Doctors of VK baseball cap.
Dr. Beldar-L1AR   Top score utilizing temporary antenna. (All parts
   of temporary antenna including radials must be installed after
   Dec. 14, 2014. This antenna must be the only antenna for
   TopBand at the station, and may be left up, because as we
   all know, temporary means until I die.)

 Time remains to get a wire airborne and get on to play this weekend.
Volunteer your time carefully this week before the contest so that your
loved ones will cheerfully suggest that you go to your radio for The Stew
instead of making small talk about Great-Aunt Edith's predilection for
small creatures and the value of cleanliness.
 Those sponsors who haven't yet remembered to send in the check please
remind yourself to do so as we do not wish to activate The Boring Amateur
Radio Club Committee on Collections. The members of this committee all
have funny looking noses and work a code that is different than the Morse
or American that we are used to using.
 There will be another epistle similar to this very close to the
starting time
of The Stew listing the available plaques.
 73 and I remain,
   The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Communications
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: 19th Stew Perry Top Band DX Challange

2014-12-07 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to All 160M Denizens present and future,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club reminds all Top Band and
potential Top Band inhabitants of the upcoming Stew Perry Top Band
Distance Challenge happening Dec. 27 and 28 of this year. This is a
unique radio contest with unique rules. Please browse on over to the noted
website below and inhale the rules.
 This contest requests that far thinking contesters develop the
for which the participants strive toward.  These stalwarts advance $60-63
for a plaque that they feel will spur on the competitive  work by Top Band
contesters. You can join this cutting edge group by notifying me of what
category you'd like to sponsor.
 This list will grow as your imagination and contributions proliferate.

KL7RA  Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest We are cogitating
TF4M Top Score 160M mobile (must actually be able to
N0TT  Top Score  21 years old  200 QSOs
TF4M  Longest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
AA6VB   Top Score,base loaded Vert 60' tall
AA6VB   Top Score big city 50K, little pistol 100W
KH6LCVK-ZL Challenge: Top Score VK-ZL
N5IA   Most Grids worked
N5IA  Highest score daylight operation only
K7FL Top Score 100% Search/Pounce
NA0YTop Score USA
K6NDK6SE Memorial-Top Score World
K1EPTop Score by First time Entrant
K2POTop Score,S/O,Low Power, Zone 3
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
geomagnetic latitude
VK6VZ  VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N hemisphere
station working S hemisphere stations. Winner
gets Flying Doctors of VK baseball cap.
Dr. Beldaur-L1AR   Top score utilizing temporary antenna. (All parts
   of temporary antenna including radials must be installed after
   Dec. 14, 2014. This antenna must be the only antenna for
   TopBand at the station, and may be left up, because as we
   all know, temporary means until I die.)

 For newly minted radio people this contest is a serious but low key
contest utilizing Morse code only on the 160M band. It uses grid squares
as multipliers rather than a host of many other silly things. Start now with
bargaining time during the Holidays with your loved ones for a stretch of
you can devote on the evening of Dec. 27 to exchange RF greetings on
one of the best bands available.
 All categories have been approved by the Plaqueing Committee of The
Boring Amateur Radio Club. Some of the donors wish to remain
semi-anonymous. This is fine with us as the categories are not prurient and
the plaque fees have been received. Let me know if you'd like to sponsor a
plaque, anonymous or not.
 Further Stew Perry TopBand Extravaganza notices will be promulgated
as the starting bell gets closer. Plan on participating in one of the best
ever designed, that among other things utilizes layers of our atmosphere
on Dec. 27-28.
 73 and I remain,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Exhortation Committee
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Fwd: 19th Stew Perry Top Band DX Challange

2014-12-07 Thread Lew Sayre
Ah yes, a man who has read and understands the rules!
We appreciate you making this excellent point after
a severe over simplification.
   Thanks again,
   73 and I remain,
   Lew   w7ew

On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Richard Karlquist

 On 2014-12-07 17:59, Lew Sayre wrote:

   For newly minted radio people this contest is a serious but low key
 contest utilizing Morse code only on the 160M band. It uses grid squares
 as multipliers rather than a host of many other silly things. Start now

 Although the exchange is grid square, the scoring does not use
 grid squares as multipliers (as VHF contests do).  In fact,
 it doesn't have multipliers at all, in the conventional sense.
 Just QSO points based on distance and power.

 Rick N6RK

 Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry Challenge Starts Soon

2013-12-27 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to The Long Hertzian Wavers,
 In a few short hours the starting gong will be struck at the Club
station of The
Boring Amateur Radio Club indicating the start of the 18th Running of The
Perry TopBand DX Challenge. All you need to know about this fine celebration
of CW contesting on TopBand is inscribed here.
 Listed below are thoughtful contesters who have originated certain
categories of
competition to fan the flames of this unique contest. If you are struck
smart by a category
that needs to be included here, it is not too late to notify me and it can
be included in the final
determinations. These plaque sponsors are special and need to be told so
whenever you
meet them personally or through the RF. Thank them profusely.

KL7RA  Top # of QSOs
KL7RA  Top Score, S/O, North America
W2GD Team  Top # NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
TF4MLongest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
TF4MTop Score Mobile (has to be actually able to move)
N0TT Top Score 21 years old, 200 QSOs
N5IA  Most Grids Worked
N5IA Highest Score Daytime operation only
KH6LC   VK-ZL Challenge, Top Score VK-ZL
K5WA   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Americas
K5WA   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Europe
NA0YTop Score USA
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
 geomagnetic latitude
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Southern Hemisphere
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Japan
K1EP Top Score by First Time Entrant
K2PO Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K6ND K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
W7RHTop Score, Low Power, Asia
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
W0RI  Top Score, S/O, Zone 4
AA6VB   Top Score, base loaded Vert 60' tall
AA6VB   Top Score Big City 50K,little pistol100W
WA2DFI  Top Score VE
KR2Q  Golden Log- Top # of Qs without a bust
K1LT   Top Score from QSOs with low power  QRP
W5GN Closest Score to Overall Average of Entrants
VK6VZ VK6HD Memorial-Top Score by N. hemisphere
 working S. hemisphere. Winner gets Flying Doctors
 of VK baseball hat.

 Now would be a good time to take a good look at your 160M antennas. No
if they are tubular aluminum, wires, rain gutters or that abandoned 1947
DeSoto in
the neighbor's back yard. The weather has decimated certain parts of the
world and
we understand that certain 160M stalwarts might not be heard with their
usual vigor, if
at all due to structural irregularities that have developed in their
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club would like to thank the 160M community
Contesters and DXers in general for the continued support and participation
for The
Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. Everybody should try and have a good time
this unique contest.
73 and I remain,
   Lew   w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Raconteurism
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge #18

2013-12-24 Thread Lew Sayre
Hello to Everybody in 160M Land,
 In a few very short days, the Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge will
take place.
People from around the globe will fling RF mostly into the air and try to
catch the same
stuff with a variety of wires and metal devices. The rules are different
than most contests
so please browse yourself over to:
and read the major points and contemplate the subtleties.
 The plaque sponsorship program has blossomed as listed below. The
sponsors are
solid people of good upbringing who are quick on their feet and fast to
come with good ideas
to spur the competition during The Stew. You can join this august group by
sending me the
idea and $60. The final list of sponsors will be sent out just hours before
the start of The Stew.
 When you meet any of these sponsors be sure to thank them for their
support of radio
contesting in general and The Stew Perry in particular.

KL7RA  Top # of QSOs
KL7RA  Top Score, S/O, North America
W2GD Team  Top # NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
TF4MLongest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
TF4MTop Score Mobile (has to be actually able to move)
N0TT Top Score 21 years old, 200 QSOs
N5IA  Most Grids Worked
N5IA Highest Score Daytime operation only
KH6LC   VK-ZL Challenge, Top Score VK-ZL
K5WA   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Americas
K5WA   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Europe
NA0YTop Score USA
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
 geomagnetic latitude
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Southern Hemisphere
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Japan
K1EP Top Score by First Time Entrant
K2PO Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K6ND K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
W7RHTop Score, Low Power, Asia
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
W0RI  Top Score, S/O, Zone 4
AA6VB   Top Score, base loaded Vert 60' tall
AA6VB   Top Score Big City 50K,little pistol100W
WA2DFI  Top Score VE
KR2Q  Golden Log- Top # of Qs without a bust
K1LT   Top Score from QSOs with low power  QRP
VK6VZ VK6HD Memorial-Top Score by N. hemisphere
 working S. hemisphere. Winner gets Flying Doctors
 of VK baseball hat.

 In preparation for the 2014 Stew there will be a category for the top
score made utilizing 100W
and an all-indoor antenna in the same structure that you live in. Advanced
warning for those
radio people who may compete for this plaque as it may well take a length
of time to brew up
such an antenna safely.
 During discussions with our VK/ZL contesting brethren, it is clear
that they have a very difficult
time in hearing the North hemisphere during their summer. This is made
worse of course by using
QRP. So, If you are on the fence about running QRP or low power, consider
QRO in order to contact
these stalwart S. hemispheric 160M operators. Stew was a QRO man.
 It is not to late to sponsor a plaque. Think it up. Email me and it
can happen. Otherwise ensure
that Mother Nature has not hurt your 160M abilities so that you will be
ready for the Stew Perry
TopBand DX Challenge brought to you by The Boring Amateur Radio Club.
 73 and I remain,
 Lew   w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Vitriol
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge #18

2013-12-18 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings 160M Enthusiasts,
 The longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere is about upon
This means that The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The
Boring Amateur Radio Club is just about here. Dec. 28/29 has the operating
time defined along with rules, past winners and fascinating information at:
 If you are too lazy or a genuine sluggard to browse there, then perhaps
160M is not for you. However if you want to see what past scores were
by what stellar contesters along with a myriad of other facts..browse away!
 This 160M CW contest has plaques available to be won sponsored by
Radio Stalwarts. The categories have been created by the intelligent
who have donated $60 each to create and send the plaques. Listed below
is this year's group of categories and their prescient sponsors.

KL7RA  Top # of QSOs
KL7RA  Top Score, S/O, North America
W2GD Team  Top # NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
TF4MLongest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
TF4MTop Score Mobile (has to be actually able to move)
N0TT Top Score 21 years old, 200 QSOs
N5IA  Most Grids Worked
N5IA Highest Score Daytime operation only
KH6LC   VK-ZL Challenge, Top Score VK-ZL
K5WA   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Americas
K5WA   Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Europe
NA0YTop Score USA
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
 geomagnetic latitude
CE1/K7JA  Top Score Southern Hemisphere
CE1/K7JA  Top Score Japan
K1EP Top Score by First Time Entrant
K2PO Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K6ND K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
W7RHTop Score, Low Power, Asia
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
W0RI  Top Score, S/O, Zone 4
AA6VB   Top Score, base loaded Vert 60' tall
AA6VB   Top Score Big City 50K,little pistol100W
WA2DFI  Top Score VE
KR2Q  Golden Log- Top # of Qs without a bust
K1LT   Top Score from QSOs with low power  QRP
VK6VZTop Score by N. hemisphere working S. hemisphere
Winner gets Flying Doctors of VK baseball hat

 The plaques for the 2012 running of The Stew have all been dispatched
the winners and The Boring Amateur Radio Club expects the winners to thank
the sponsors for their largess, clear thinking and being such all around
people. You can become a plaque sponsor by submitting an acceptable
parting with $60 and emailing me at the address below.
 Go polish that Beverage. Go apply elbow grease to your loop. Ensure
your verticals still are. Listen to that empty channel on the TV and try and
decode just what  the refrigerator is sending you when it kicks on.
 Do these things to get ready for The Stew Perry. You won't regret it.
 73 and I remain,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Exhortations
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: Fwd: The 18th Stew Perry TopBand Challenge

2013-12-11 Thread Lew Sayre
Hello 160M Operators, Contesters, DXers and Mutants,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club reminds you of the upcoming
Stew Perry TopBand Distance Challenge happening Dec. 28-29.
This contest is unique and adheres to very fair and thoughtful rules
which are found at:
  The basic idea is that you make more points for contacting a very
distant station as compared to contacting a closer one. Plus you get
extra points for contacting low power and qrp stations.  Multiply those
ideas times many contacts and you make a good score and
have a good time while doing it.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club also encourages the radio combatants
to come up with categories of operating that is important to the
$60 is the cost to sponsor a plaque that will be vigorously fought over. The
Radio Operators listed below are heroes who have proposed a
category for a plaque for the 2013 edition of The Stew Perry. If you meet up
with one of these stalwarts be sure to thank them and offer to buy them
a beverage. If you meet up with two of them, then that makes a party.

Sponsor   Category

KL7RA Top # of QSOs
KL7RA  Top Score,S/O, North America
W2GD Team Top # NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
TF4MLongest Distance QSO- both ends get a plaque-
TF4MTop Score 160M mobile (station has to be able to move)
N0TT Top Score 21 years old with  200 QSOs
N5IA  Most Grids worked
N5IA  Top Score Daylight only( use a second call)
KH6LC   VL/ZL Challenge- Top Score VK/ZL
K5WATop Score S/O, Low Power, Americas
K5WATop Score S/O, Low Power, Europe
NA0Y Top Score USA
TF3KXAurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60N
geomagnetic latitude
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Southern Hemisphere
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Japan
K1EP  Top Score First Time Entrant
K2PO  Top Score,S/O, Low Power Zone 3
K6ND  Top Score World- K6SE Memorial
W7RH Top Score, Low Power, Asia
K7FL   Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
VK6VZHighest # of contacts made by N. Hemisphere working
 S. Hemisphere. -Winner gets Flying Doctors
 of VK baseball hat

 We sometimes field questions about the timing of The Stew Perry TopBand
Distance Challenge. It is held this time of year due to the physics of radio
propagation- not because we are anti-holiday.
 We understand that the crafty, wise 160M Op who wants to participate in
this fine radio contest needs to plan carefully his/her December time to
get the
14 hours necessary to operate in this friendly contest.
 If you'd like to sponsor a plaque or discuss a plaque idea then please
me at the address below. We appreciate good taste and measurable endpoints
for the plaques.
 More epistles will be sent to the reflectors about The Stew Perry
Distance Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club as indicated.
 73 and I remain,
Lew   w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Plaquer
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Fwd: The 18th Stew Perry TopBand Challenge

2013-12-01 Thread Lew Sayre
   160M Contesters, DXers, ragchewers and lesser lights,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club is reminding you about The Stew Perry
TopBand Distance Challenge which ignites Dec 28 at 1500Z and runs for 24
This is an old school contest emphasizing the operator's abilities to
tune, run
and efficiently operate an amateur radio station while utilizing the
freshest, fairest
rules in all the galaxy emphasizing a distance mnemonic in scoring the
 There are a bunch of other excellent rules that you just don't find
most anywhere
else. Please guide your browser to   and appreciate a role model for what
contests will become.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club is more than just a pretty face. We also
the roles of the individual radio combatants in choosing which plaques are
important to
be noted. Listed below are radio heroes who have picked out a category and
put their
$60 where their ideas are. You can do that too even if you know nothing
about 160M
but recognize a good contest when you see one.

KL7RA Top # of QSOs
KL7RA  Top Score,S/O, North America
W2GD Team Top # NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
TF4MLongest Distance QSO- both ends get a plaque-
TF4MTop Score 160M mobile (station has to be able to move)
N0TT Top Score 21 years old with  200 QSOs
N5IA  Most Grids worked
N5IA  Top Score Daylight only( use a second call)
KH6LC   VL/ZL Challenge- Top Score VK/ZL
K5WATop Score S/O, Low Power, Americas
K5WATop Score S/O, Low Power, Europe
NA0Y Top Score USA
TF3KXAurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60N
geomagnetic latitiude
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Southern Hemisphere
CE1/K7CA  Top Score Japan
VK6VZHighest # of contacts made by N. Hemisphere working
 S. Hemisphere. -Winner gets Flying Doctors
of VK
 baseball hat

 This week, while the weather is absolutely atrocious, will be the
optimum time
to perfect your antennas. or wires, or installation, or significant other's
for readying  yourself for The Stew Perry TopBand Distance Challenge. Our
at the ARRL have a nice little 160M contest this weekend for you to test
things out
in advance of The Stew. We at The Boring Amateur Radio Club urge you to get
and dit and dah around. If you blow something up or catch something on fire
weekend then you'll have time to have everything functional for The Stew
 If you have questions, particularly about The Stew, please send them
to the club and
I'll get it to the correct committee for the correct answer. If you have a
plaque idea that
isn't just like any of the above sponsored plaques then send me an email
and we can
work it up shipshape. All it takes is $60 and be approved by a former
Sunday School
teacher who really believes that the devil is in the details.
 There will be more announcements as the plaque list becomes longer.
 73 and I remain,
Lew w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Cool Contests
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: The 18th Stew Perry TopBand Challenge

2013-11-25 Thread Lew Sayre
 Greetings to all TopBand Operators,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club is happy to announce the 18th running of
Stew Perry TopBand Challenge. It will be held publicly starting 1500Z 28
to 1500Z December 29, 2013. This contest will utilize 160M only and
requires the
contestants to use CW or Morse Code. You have a bit over a month to learn
the code
if you'd like to participate. No semaphore, no SSB, no RTTY, no drones.
Just good old
fashioned dits and dahs floating through the cold darkness. 25 WPM is about
 The exchange is simply your call and your operating position's grid
square. Signal reports
are optional. This contest utilizes your transmit power and distance based
mnemonic to arrive
 at your score. It is the fairest scored contest in the galaxy as you get
more points for working
another station very far away as compared to working somebody close. The
rules live at:
  Amazing rules such as receiving 2X points for working a low power
station and 4X points for
working a QRP station are found here. So it does pay to turn up the hearing
aids and ask just
one more time for that weak whisper of a call that you might have heard. It
also helps to send in
your log even if you think it really doesn't amount to much as it helps the
overall scoring process.
 Another facet developed by The Boring Amateur Radio Club is that all
plaques awarded are
dreamed up and sponsored by the radio contestants. If you think a category
is important to
emphasize and it could be discussed at a church social, then for the paltry
sum of $60 you could
have your call listed below with these Stalwarts of Contesting.

KL7RA Top # of QSOs
KL7RA  Top Score,S/O, North America
W2GD Team Top # NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
TF4MLongest QSO- both ends get a plaque-
TF4MTop Score 160M mobile (station has to be able to move)
N0TT Top Score 21 years old with  200 QSOs
N5IA  Most Grids worked
N5IA  Top Score Daylight only( use a second call)
KH6LC   VL/ZL Challenge- Top Score VK/ZL
K5WATop Score S/O, Low Power, Americas
K5WATop Score S/O, Low Power, Europe

 If I have omitted anyone, please email me directly and I'll rectify
things. If you have a category that
you would like to sponsor, then utilize the address at the bottom of this
 Start now to obtain the time off from your usual duties. This year the
contest is cleverly timed
and just might be the needed tonic to get you through the grueling times
typically known as the Happy
 The plaques for last year's Stew Perry TopBand Challenge sponsored by
The Boring Amateur Radio
Club, have been finished by the little old plaquemaker and will be sent out
this week to the winners.
 Further email epistles will be forthcoming as the list of plaque
donors grows and the categories that
can be created by the brilliant minds of 160M radio operators will be
   73 and I remain,
   Lew Sayre   W7EW
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Plaque Monger
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Trees (not the N6TR kind)

2013-01-01 Thread Lew Sayre
On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 4:13 AM, Richard Fry wrote:

 As for the affect of trees on EM waves, below are the results of some
 simple measurements I posted earlier on another board.

 Recording the relative readings on the dBµ and S/N displays of a Tecsun
 PL-310 tuned to a directional station about 52 miles east of me on 790 kHz,
 radiating about 1 kW in my direction:

Location dBµS/N
   (Tecsun 4-1/2 ft AGL)
 Area clear for 50 ft around32   15
 Pin oak tree, 3' diameter trunk, 42   24
  east side against trunk
 Ditto, but west side of trunk  34  14
 Gnd Wire of 50' utility pole48  24
   (Tecsun 9 ft AGL)
 Gnd Wire of 50' utility pole50  24

 These locations were all within 100' of each other, in my back yard.


 I just went back out to my pin oak tree, tuned in the 790 kHz station east
 of me, and found that the field improvement when the rx is held against the
 east side of the trunk is completely gone when the receiver is moved to the
 east about 15 feet.  So this is quite localized, and probably wouldn't have
 much of an affect on a DA unless an MP was poorly located.

Yo 160M People,
  This discussion about trees is important. Primarily because I live on
the top of a somewhat narrow ridge where I've already planted several
towers. (50'-180' tall)  I have several fir trees that range up to 130'
tall,  Several years ago I attempted to feed a 120' tower on 160M with
various schemes but was not not successful for a variety of reasons. I then
decided to use a pneumatic air gun to launch some wires over 2 tall firs
that were angled at 20 deg/ 200 deg keeping in mind to keep them as far
away from the closest tower possible. (About 120' from the most northern
 I placed 60 non-measured but roughly 130' long radials around each
base and fed this array via a 2 port Comtek box.  Seemed to work as only
was getting 0.5 watt into the dummy load with 100 watts from the radio.
These 2 trees are spaced about 186' apart so theoretically am not sure what
kind of pattern I'm supposed to have when changing the phasing through the
box. That is about a 3/8 wave separation.  In practice it doesn't seem to
matter which phasing through the box I use as I can't tell any difference
on Rx. I purposefully let the 12GA stranded wire sweep out over the
branches rather than try to pull it taut as that allowed more wire to be
nearly vertical and makes wire survival better in the winds up here on the
ridge. The very tops of the wire may actually have a short L
configuration to them as I can't see those ends.
 Anyway I was trying to come up with some non-anecdotal way to assess
whether these trees hurt my signal.
What I came up with is not very accurate or elegant method but maybe a step
in the right direction.
During the recent Stew Perry contest N9RV in Montana, N6TR in Boring,
Oregon and W7EW, me in Salem, Oregon were all calling CQ. What I did was to
go to  look under DX tools, put in those 3 calls,
add the date of Dec. 30 and then looked at the different skimmer reports
around the country and KH7LC.
I think we were all running 1.5 KW and verticals.
There is wide variability in reporting from minute to minute from some
nodes but overall I don't think the use of  trees as antenna supports has
hurt my signal out there in DX-land as compared to a somewhat peer group
out west with similar working conditions.
   Sure there are a huge bunch of uncontrolled variables but this may be as
good as it gets for a comparative experiment where 2 controls ( no trees
used as wire supports but tall trees are around) are compared to the index
case (trees are used to support the wires with other tall trees around.
 I invite comments, suggestions and interpretations regarding this
feeble attempt to see if trees are a detriment to the 160M situation.
73 and I remain,
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Topband: The Stew Perry Contest- Dec 29/30 Notice #6

2012-12-28 Thread Lew Sayre
TopBanders, BottomBanders and Everybody in Between,
Within a few short hours the starting bell for the 17th Edition of
The Stew
Perry TopBand DX Challenge will sound. We do not fire off the ceremonial
anymore since the bail money for our leader was becoming substantial.
 Please drive your browser to  to review the
The rules are easy. The contest is easy. 14 hours of operating is easy.
 160 Meters however may be hard but that is what makes it all fun.
  Below are listed the plaques and their donors. Memorize this list or
come back later when you submit your entry to let us know which plaque you
operating the contest in an effort to win. Or just operate to have fun!
 If you see or meet any of these donors please thank them and offer to
buy them lunch
or a beverage or some other genuine act of gratitude. They deserve it.

Call  Category
KL7RA-  Top Number of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group- Some Stupendous Achievement as Judged by Club
W2GD Team-  Top # of NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
AA6VB- Top Score Base Loaded Vertical  60' tall
AA6VB- Top Score Big City(50K), Little Pistol(100W)
K7CA-Top Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CA-Top Score JA
TF4M-Longest QSO Hi Power- Both Ends gets plaques
TF4M-Top Score Mobile( Must be truly mobile-not just portable)
W7RH-   Top Score S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K7FL- Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
N5IA-  Top # of Grids worked
K6ND-K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
NA0Y-Top Score USA
KR2Q-Golden Log-Top # of Qs without a bust
KH6LC-  VK/ZL Challenge Top Score VK/ZL
WX7GTop Score Utilizing Lamest Antenna, 50 Qs minimum
EI4HQ-   You might be Irish and not know it--Top # of calls in log
with E and I
  side by side
TF3KX-Aurora Borealis Award--Top Score N of 60 deg N
geomagnetic latitude
N0TT- Top Score  21 Y/O,  200 Qs, USA
N2KW-   Speed Demon--Highest rate over 1 hour without a bust
W1FMR  K9JWV-  Top # of contacts by QRP Station
W0RI- Top # of QSOs by Op  70 years young
K1EP-   JZAP Memorial- Top Score by Station in NY or CA (W6)
K1DG-   Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Award--Highest Score from a
grid ending
  in 42
N4NW-  Sandy Hook Elementary School Memorial--Top Score by
Educator, Staff,
 or Full time Volunteer for K-12 Grade. Verification
KE3X-   Top Score from a city lot with all Tx and Rx located within
200' of transmitter.
Long Beverages Excluded. Top Score using single element
Tx antenna in
L or T configuration which is  70' vertically
VK6VZ- N. Hemisphere station that works the most S. Hemisphere
stations. Winner
receives coveted Flying Doctors of Australia cap rather
than plaque.

 If you are seized by the notion that a perfectly good category has not
been recognized then
let me know forthwith and we can still award your plaque next fall to the
   All of the various committees of The Boring Amateur Radio Club thank
the participants for
playing in this year's edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. If
you can get on
the air for a few minutes stolen from the various Holiday trappings we
think you'll be the better
person for it.
 73 and I remain,
   Lew   W7EW
   The Boring Amateur Radio Club Contest Caroler
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Topband: The Stew Perry Contest- Dec 29/30 Notice #5

2012-12-26 Thread Lew Sayre
Yo Top Banders, Contesters, DXers, and lesser lights,
(Back by popular demand)

I've heard it firsthand, that up on Top Band, the propagation can be rather
But here comes a test that's above all the rest, and is best known as The
Stew Perry.
Conditions can be bad but the Q's can be had, if the Op really knows of the
by twiddling the knobs to filter the slobs who insist on running
transmitters with clicks!
The band can be tough with operators quite rough who will search each
frequency and cranny,
The winners who care to sit up all night there, and keep their perch under
their fanny.
The Stew scoring rules now challenge the fools who keep unfair judging
you'll make a long Q which makes more points for you than the old country
multiplier jive.
You'll have 14 hours to test out your powers of sending and getting mayhem.
You may shriek, you may swear but the signals with care you'll pull right
out of the din.
This time of the year, with Christmas so near makes operating time a prized
So make things good deeded to get the time needed to compete for The Stew's
wooden bling.
The donors below are the Stalwarts we know who typify real radio lore.
They make a donation for a plaque-type creation that'll drop your jaw right
to the floor.
So I've written this tome, I wouldn't call it a poem, to attract your care
and attention.
to invite you to play, in a nocturnal way, in the 17th Stew Perry
 Dr Big Gun
( call withheld, with apologies to Robt. Service )

You want to see the rules?  Want to see other cool stuff? Go to
and check them out.

Call  Category
KL7RA-  Top Number of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group- Some Stupendous Achievement as Judged by Club
W2GD Team-  Top # of NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
AA6VB- Top Score Base Loaded Vertical  60' tall
AA6VB- Top Score Big City(50K), Little Pistol(100W)
K7CA-Top Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CA-Top Score JA
TF4M-Longest QSO Hi Power- Both Ends gets plaques
TF4M-Top Score Mobile( Must be truly mobile-not just portable)
W7RH-   Top Score S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K7FL- Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
N5IA-  Top # of Grids worked
K6ND-K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
NA0Y-Top Score USA
KR2Q-Golden Log-Top # of Qs without a bust
KH6LC-  VK/ZL Challenge Top Score VK/ZL
WX7GTop Score Utilizing Lamest Antenna, 50 Qs minimum
EI4HQ-   You might be Irish and not know it--Top # of calls in log
with E and I
  side by side
TF3KX-Aurora Borealis Award--Top Score N of 60 deg N
geomagnetic latitude
N0TT- Top Score  21 Y/O,  200 Qs, USA
N2KW-   Speed Demon--Highest rate over 1 hour without a bust
W1FMR  K9JWV-  Top # of contacts by QRP Station
W0RI- Top # of QSOs by Op  70 years young
K1EP-   JZAP Memorial- Top Score by Station in NY or CA (W6)
K1DG-   Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Award--Highest Score from a
grid ending
  in 42
N4NW-  Sandy Hook Elementary School Memorial--Top Score by
Educator, Staff,
 or Full time Volunteer for K-12 Grade. Verification
KE3X-   Top Score from a city lot with all Tx and Rx located within
200' of transmitter.
Long Beverages Excluded. Top Score using single element
Tx antenna in
L or T configuration which is  70' vertically
VK6VZ- N. Hemisphere station that works the most S. Hemisphere
stations. Winner
receives coveted Flying Doctors of Australia cap rather
than plaque.

  The Boring Amateur Radio Club thanks these donors. To check and see
if you've
forgotten to send in payment just go to the web site. If you would like to
join the above mentioned Giants of Contesting don't dawdle.  Let me know of
 intentions directly as the contest is 3 days away and there will be 1 more
posting of
the available plaques for the combatants to contest toward before the
starting bell..
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club reminds the entrants that we are good
but can not
read your minds as to what plaques you think you have the best chance of
 So please inform us in your comments of your intentions.
You have 48-72 hours to improve your TopBand Station and/or the
Operator. You
have been notified. Go polish your Beverage or connect your radial field to
your septic
field or something productive such as that. Also please thank, in some way,
the donor
whose plaque you won last year if you haven't already.
73 and I remain,
   Lew   W7EW
   The Boring Amateur Radio Club Scribe
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Re: Topband: GAP Vertical Question

2012-12-17 Thread Lew Sayre
Tom, et. al.  please do keep taking this seriously!  Most of us on this
reflector do not have
engineering degrees involving the physics of RF. However we do greatly
enjoy developing systems
to receive and fling RF energy into the ether and try desperately to follow
the discussion here in order
to improve both our hardware and the understanding of how it works.
 Exercising the little grey cells in disciplines where I am minimally
competent is enjoyable and adds to the
operating experience in radio. Minimizing the magic in radio by showing how
the tricks are done makes me a better magician..
Thanks to all those who contribute! I hope you all continue to do so in
a professional manner.
73 and I remain,
Lew  W7EW

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Lennart M

 Tom et al,'this a hobby, pse dont take it that seriously

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Topband [] För Tom W8JI
 Skickat: den 17 december 2012 18:55
 Ämne: Re: Topband: GAP Vertical Question

  To work at its maximum efficiency a vertical needs a real ground
  system and the image is its fictitious counterpart to isotropic. Im
  oversimplyfing here so no need to pick nits.

 Besides being untrue, that is confusing or misleading.

 1.) Some verticals need no ground. What would also be true is that end-fed
 antennas always require a counterpoise of some sort, because there always
 has to be a second terminal of some type for the feedline to push

 2.) The image is a shortcut tool used to allow longhand pattern
 calculations. It is not used for efficiency, antenna descripition, or

 3.) dBi, on the other hand, is a reference condition for a field strength

  According to Kraus that image, mirror, or whatever you care to call it
  occurs at a distance from the base and at a mathematical relationship
  to where the current peak is on the vertical radiator.
  In the case of this half wave discussion the reflection occurs around
  .35 wave out unless you, or others, want to try and discredit Kraus.
  Thus radials do work with a 1/2 wave and system efficiency is
  dependent upon the actual ground and how well the radials perform.
  Since this forum is predominantly DX oriented I prefer to qualify the
  system efficiency by how well the main lobe extends between its peak
  and the ground. IOW those low angles needed for DX.

 There is not wrong with what Kraus teaches. The problem comes when we
 misunderstand or misapply what he teaches.

  Using modeling it is easy to realize that significant degradation of
  the radiated field at the lower angles is very real.

 I'm not sure models we use are all that meaningful at low angles on low
 bands. They are OK on extended groundwave, and probably OK on upper HF.
 They are, however, all we have.

  Various verticals (mostly VHF/UHF) on tall buildings or towers are not
  subjected to those ground losses and place a strong signal at the

 I'm not going to touch that one, other than to say ground losses for a
 soil and condition are dependent of intensity of the electric, magnetic,
 electromagnetic fields in a given volume of lossy media.

 This is why we can have moonbounce, even though losses in the moon's
 are horrible, and why moving an antenna up away from earth or distributing
 the fields over a wider area by using more radials reduces loss.

 Where we create a misunderstanding or problem is when we ignore how it
 works, and pretend all field intensities in a given volume of lossy media
 are equal at all distances with all antennas.  When we do that, we get
 ideassuch as half wave verticals have high loss without
 large radial fields. If that was true, our horizontal half-wave dipoles 1/4
 wave or more high would have poor efficiency without large counterpoise
 fields below the dipole.

 73 Tom

 Topband reflector -

 Topband reflector -

Topband reflector -

Topband: The Stew Perry vs the Mayans Notice #4

2012-12-17 Thread Lew Sayre
Radio Professionals, Radio Amateurs and Radio Doofuses,
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club has recently learned, from impeccable
sources, that the
world will not be ending Dec. 21, 2012 as some Mayan calendar enthusiasts
have suggested.
This means that The Stew Perry TopBand Distance Challenge will happen for
the 17th consecutive
time Dec. 29/30, 2012 as scheduled.  This is a unique contest held on 160M
utilizing CW, wit and wire
whose rules live on at:
 Drive your browser there and appreciate the difference from standard
issue contests. Then set aside
the time to come out and play in the static with a few thousand of your
closest friends. Some of the
160M friends have decided to sponsor plaques celebrating certain operating
categories. These people
have a fine appreciation for this contest and are stimulating the
contesting juices by sponsoring these
wooden works of art.  You can join this illustrious group by contacting me
at the email address below
with your non-prurient category. The cost is $60 for an immortal plaque.
Below are listed the Stalwarts:

KL7RA Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group  TBD
W2GD Team Top # of NA+SA QSOs by EU station
AA6VB Top Score base loaded vertical 60' tall
AA6VB Top Score Big City (50K pop), Little
 pistol (100W)
K7CATop Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CATop Score JA
TF4M Longest QSO-Hi Power (both ends get a
TF4M Top Score 160 mobile (must be truly
   mobile, not portable)
W7RHTop Score S/O Low Power Zone 3
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search  Pounce
N5IA   Top # of Grids worked
K6ND  Top Score World- K6SE Memorial
NA0Y Top Score USA
KR2Q Golden Log- Top # of Qs without a bust
KH6LCVK-ZL Challenge- Top Score VK/ZL
KE3X *** Please see below***
WX7GTop Score utilizing lamest antenna. 50
 QSO minimum
EI4HQ   You might be Irish and not know it-
 Top # of calls in log with letters E  I side by side
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top score N of
   60deg N geomagnetic latitude
N0TT Top Score 21 years   200 QSOs
N2KW   Speed Demon Highest 1 hour rate
without a bust
W1FMR  K9JWV  Top number of contacts by a QRP Station
N4NW   Sandy Hook Elementary School Memorial-
 Top Score
 by K-12 Educator or Staff *
VK6VZ   N. Hemisphere station that works the
most S. Hemisphere stations- (Winner gets Flying Docs of VK hat)
 ***- KE3X conditions- Best effort from a city lot with all Tx and
Rx located within 200'
of Transmitter. Long Bevs excluded. Top Score using single element Tx
antenna in a L or T configuration which is  70' vertically

 *N4NW- Operator must be an employee or full time volunteer in a
public or
private accredited school for the purpose of educating K- 12th grade.
Proof necessary.

 It is not too late to think up a stunning category for The Stew Perry
TopBand Distance Challenge
and submit it.  Don't dally. Don't delay.  The 160M radio combatants are
eagerly perusing the list in
an effort to decide which category to apply their efforts toward.
 It is also not to late to amend your 160M antennas or radio sets. It
is probably getting a little late
to learn CW for this contest but you won't know until you try, right?
 The web site also has an up to date plaque list also showing who has
achieved payment for the plaques.
There will be further Bulletins before the starting bell.
   73 and I remain,
  Lew W7EW
  The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Mayan Affairs
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. #8212; Bertrand Russell

Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand Distance Challenge 2012

2012-12-02 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to the LowBand RF Benders,
 The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is happening Dec 29/30 2012.
Please click on: the exact times, rules, exchange, plaque
info and a bunch of other cool stuff.
Since you are an astute TopBander, you'll notice that The Stew Perry
Challenge is a contest that uses
distance in determining your score. It also utilizes your power to figure
your score. Plus it even awards you
more points when you work a low power or QRP station than a QRO one.  Wow!
It pays to scrounge up and
dig out those QRP signals that are ignored in all other contests because
it'll enhance your final number.
 The Boring Amateur Radio Club also requests that the contest
combatants come up with what categories
that they feel need to be honored.  Listed below are the Radio Stalwarts
who have already decided what categories
need to be honored. They've communicated their ideas and sent in $60 to
create a plaque that will be vigorously
fought over by our audience. If you meet up with one of these radio giants
personally, then shake their hand,
buy them a beverage and thank them for their part in creating true peer

KL7RA Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group  TBD
W2GD Team Top # of NA+SA QSOs by EU station
AA6VB Top Score base loaded vertical 60' tall
AA6VB Top Score Big City (50K pop), Little
pistol (100W)
K7CATop Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CATop Score JA
TF4M Longest QSO-Hi Power (both ends get a
TF4M Top Score 160 mobile (must be truly
mobile, not portable)
W7RHTop Score S/O Low Power Zone 3
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search  Pounce
N5IA   Top # of Grids worked
K6ND  Top Score World- K6SE Memorial
NA0Y Top Score USA
KR2Q Golden Log- Top # of Qs without a bust
KH6LCVK-ZL Challenge- Top Score VK/ZL
KE3X Top Score single element inv. L or T
config, 70' max height
VK6VZ   N. Hemisphere station that works the
most S. Hemisphere stations
 (Winner gets Flying Doctors of VK
Baseball hat)

 The ARRL 160M test has concluded so you now have time to improve what
you thought was a killer 160M station.
The secret is to be able to hear. Most anybody can erect a verticalish
monopole, sprinkle the ground liberally
with radials and run QRO. That will make you affectionately known as an
alligator or deaf or stupid but you must be able to
receive the weak dits and dahs to complete a QSO. So go do what you can!
 If you don't know the Morse Code, then go learn it. 15-20 minutes a
day with any of the several code practice programs
will double the amount of contests you can participate in.  Yes, I know
you're old but you can learn a new trick.
 If you'd like to sponsor a non-prurient plaque then email me with your
suggestion. We can do PayPal also.
 Thank you for your rapt attention. There will be further Stew Perry
TopBand Challenge bulletins sponsored by
The Boring Amateur Radio Club in the near future.
  73 and I remain,
LewW7EW  The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Exhortation
   ps.  The 2011 plaques have been created and will be sent out soon!
Topband reflector -

Topband: The Stew is Cooking

2011-12-17 Thread Lew Sayre
Yo TopBander,
 The gong was gonged this morning atop the skyscraper housing The
Boring Amateur
Radio Club at 1500Z signalling the start of the 16th running of The Stew
Perry TopBand
Challenge.  Exchanges were made, smoke was let out, equipment was cursed-
in short
a very good start.
If you want to read the information and rules about this contest then
drive your browser to:
   Late last evening after returning from toiling in the mines I found
several more  TopBanders had
been stricken with excellent ideas for plaques for the Stew Perry Radio
Combatants.  Their
cerebral and financial exercises have been added to the list of Stalwarts
below.  Peruse the list
and pick out your category to work toward.

Call  Category
KL7RA  Top Number of QSOs
North Pole Contest Club  To be determined by Club
TF4M Longest DX (2 stations, each gets 1
W0UCE   Top Score USA/S-O/LP/single wire for Tx 
KR2Q Golden Log (Top # of QSOs w/o a bust)
K7FL  Top Score 100% Search  Pounce
N7UA  Top Score High Power
N2KW Highest rate X 1 hour w/o bust (Speed
K6ND  K6SE Memorial-Top Score World
NA0Y  Top Score USA
F8BPNTop Score EU- Low Power
EI4HQ Perhaps you were Irish and didn't know
  (Top # of calls with sequential EI in them)
N9ADGTop Score Asia
AA6VBTop Score base loaded vertical  60' tall
AA6VBTop Score Big City/Little Pistol-City50K
runniing 100W
KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score VK-ZL
W2GD TeamTop # NA + SA QSOs by EU station
W0RI   Top Score West of Mississippi River
K7CA   Top Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CA   Top Score Japan
TF3KX  Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of
60 deg North geomagnetic latitude
GMCC  (1)Top Score S/O, Hi-Power Colorado or
GMCC   (1)   Top Score S/O, Low Power Colorado or
N5IAMost Grid Squares Worked
N0TTYoungest USA Op  100 QSOs
AC8AP Top Score QRP
AC8AP Longest DX QRP
KI7Y  Top Score World- 2X1 Call
K1EPTop Score YL Operator
VE9AA  (2)Eastern VE Op and a wire
TF4M Top Score Mobile (vehicle must be
able to move)
K9JWV/WC7STop Score USA QRP West of Mississippi
W7RHTop Score SO/LP CQ Zone 3
N7MAL   To be determined by Club- Tnx Mal!
VK6VZTop Score N. Hemisphere
station working S. Hemisphere stations
   (Winner gets official Flying Doctors of VK Baseball hat rather than
   1)GMCC is the Grand Mesa Contest Club
   2)  Top Score Atlantic Canada at legal CW power level in Canada (750W
CW in Canada), but must be a single wire,
shunt fed tower or dipole/ inverted V. (No 4 squares, loops, phased arrays,
curtains or yagis). No gain antennas in other words.
(Dipoles accepted however). Also no RX Beverages, K9AY arrays or RX
antennas of any kind. Just a man and his wire.
This area would include VE1, VE9, VY2, VO1, VO2, CY0 and CY9

   When you send in your log to our staff of highly trained expert log
who have had all of their vaccinations,  please indicate in the comments
what plaque
or plaques you are competing for. A few are obvious but some are not. The
Amateur Radio Club does not possess clairvoyance or mind reading abilities,
specify what plaque you have been striving toward.
I know you are not on the TopBand because it is still light outside but
when you
fire up your RF box today remember to have fun and listen for the weak ones.
   Thank you for your participation and time!
73 and I remain,
   Lew   W7EW
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Wrapper
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Stew Tomorrow!!

2011-12-16 Thread Lew Sayre
Yo Radio Rapscallions of the TopBand Variety,
Tomorrow is the start of the 16th running of The Stew Perry TopBand Dx
Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club.
Be there or be square. Fling some 160M energy into the air and see where it
 Go to the Website and check out the rules.  The rules are different
than the usual rules. Read them. Memorize them.
Quote them to your family loudly and often.
 Listed below are the TopBand Thinkers and Shakers and Movers who have
donated $55 for each plaque
to reward some hard working TopBander for a particular achievement. Read
the list and understand what they
want and then compete.  When you see any of these Stalwart Sponsors be sure
to thank them and offer to buy them
a beverage for their valor.

Call  Category
KL7RATop Number of QSOs
North Pole Contest ClubMight be-Best Dressed Ham at Dayton
TF4M  Longest DX (2 stations, each gets
1 plaque)
W0UCETop Score USA/S-O/LP/single wire
for Tx  Rx
KR2Q  Golden Log (Top # of QSOs w/o
a bust)
K7FL   Top Score 100% Search  Pounce
N7UA  Top Score High Power
N2KW Highest rate X 1 hour w/o
bust (Speed Demon)
K6ND  K6SE Memorial-Top Score World
NA0Y  Top Score USA
F8BPNTop Score EU- Low Power
EI4HQPerhaps you were Irish and
didn't know it
   (Top # of calls with sequential EI in them)
N9ADGTop Score Asia
AA6VBTop Score base loaded vertical 
60' tall
AA6VBTop Score Big
City/Little Pistol-City50K runniing 100W
KH6LC VK-ZL Challenge- Top Score VK-ZL
W2GD Team Top # NA + SA QSOs by EU station
W0RITop Score West of
Mississippi River
K7CATop Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CATop Score Japan
TF3KX   Aurora Borealis Award- Top
Score N of 60 deg North geomagnetic latitude
GMCC  (1)  Top Score S/O, Hi-Power Colorado
or Wyoming
GMCC   (1) Top Score S/O, Low Power
Colorado or Wyoming
N5IA  Most Grid Squares Worked
N0TT Youngest USA Op  100 QSOs
AC8AP   Top Score QRP
AC8AP   Longest DX QRP
KI7YTop Score World- 2X1 Call
K1EP Top Score YL Operator
VE9AA  (2)  Eastern VE Op and a wire
VK6VZTop Score N. Hemisphere
station working S. Hemisphere stations
(Winner gets official Flying Doctors of VK Baseball hat rather than
1)GMCC is the Grand Mesa Contest Club
2)  Top Score Atlantic Canada at legal CW power level in Canada (750W
CW in Canada), but must be a single wire,
shunt fed tower or dipole/ inverted V. (No 4 squares, loops, phased arrays,
curtains or yagis). No gain antennas in other words.
(Dipoles accepted however). Also no RX Beverages, K9AY arrays or RX
antennas of any kind. Just a man and his wire.
This area would include VE1, VE9, VY2, VO1, VO2, CY0 and CY9

 If you are stricken by a perfect plaque idea then immediately let me
know and I'll get it onto the final plaque listing.
The category should be in a non-offensive vein and kept to a 1 sentence
The hundreds of members of The Boring Amateur Radio Club would like to
thank the sponsors of the plaques
and the Radio Operators who inhabit 160M for the great support and
participation for The Stew Perry TopBand
Challenge.  See you in The Stew!
73 and I remain,
   Lew   W7EW
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Word Mangler
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: The 16th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

2011-11-27 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings to 160M Enthusiasts Around the World,
   The CQWW-CW is now in the books for this year. That contest along
with a mighty fine 160M contest sponsored by
the ARRL coming up this weekend will give you the chance to ensure that
your 160M station is at peak condition for
playing in the 16th Running of The Stew Perry TopBand Challenge sponsored
by The Boring Amateur Radio Club. All the
information you need to indulge in and enjoy The Stew lives at this website:
  Go there and marvel at the simple but effective rules The Boring
Amateur Radio Club have put in place in order to make
the most fair contest in our solar system.
Anyone with $55 without crass motives may sponsor a plaque for this
Great Contest for whatever category they feel is
important to have out there.  The plaques for last year's Stew Perry have
all been sent out to the 4 corners of the earth early
last week so should be arriving at the victors' abodes very soon.  The
Giants of Radio who think up these categories and then
spend the paltry $55 are listed below.  Be sure to congratulate them for
their sharp minds and offer to buy them lunch or a drink
or a new car to show them your appreciation.

Call  Category
KL7RATop Number of QSOs
North Pole Contest ClubBeing Cogitated
TF4M  Longest DX (2 stations, each get
1 plaque)
W0UCETop Score USA/S-O/LP/single wire
for Tx  Rx
KR2Q  Golden Log (Top # of QSOs w/o
a bust)
K7FL   Top Score 100% Search  Pounce
N7UA  Top Score High Power
N2KW Highest rate X 1 hour w/o bust
K6ND  K6SE Memorial-Top Score World
NA0Y  Top Score USA
VK6VZTop Score N. Hemisphere
station working S. Hemisphere stations
 (Winner gets official Flying Doctors of VK Baseball hat rather than

If you would like to join this august group of Stalwart Sponsors just
send me your idea and we'll talk.
Do not fear if you think your Morse Code abilities resemble the motions
of s spastic squirrel.  Do S  P
and decode the loud stations to learn the report that they are soon going
to give to you.  Take a deep
breath and then send your call at a comfortable speed for you. If you don't
loose consciousness you'll hear
your call coming back with the report that just might be louder than the
blood pounding in your ears.
If it is all good then do it again until the dizziness abates. The physical
side effects of the anxieties associated
with new CW contesting will rapidly go away. However the fun and simple joy
will last until your key goes silent.
 December is just about upon us.  Continue to do the good deeds and
honorable things as you have been so
that you can sit down and play in The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge this
December 17/18.
73 and I remain,
   Boring Amateur Radio Club Touter
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: The 16th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

2011-11-20 Thread Lew Sayre
Greetings Utilizers of the Night Forces,
 In 4 weeks the Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge will be upon us. For
Amateur Radio Operators
who are not familiar with this event it is a 24 hour Morse Code test on
160M only, with the contest
participants exchanging their calls and Maidenhead Grid 4 digit locators
for 14 hours. For Amateur Radio Operators who
are familiar with this event... it is still the same thing.  The Boring
Amateur Radio Club sponsors this contest
which utilizes a distance mnemonic to reward more points for a far away
contact than for a not so far away contact.
We have official rules and information about this Great Contest which
live at:
   This web site is currently hosed and non-functional presumably related
to the massive amounts of RF thrown
into the sky by the recently concluded CQWW-SSB and the Sweepstakeses.  Our
cracker-jack team of web site
restorers will soon resuscitate the site so that you may study for
yourselves the event and its subtleties.
 The plaque program for The Stew Perry TopBand Extravaganza is unique
in that The Boring Amateur Radio Club
does not decide what performances should be rewarded with wood.  The radio
combatants do that by sponsoring
categories that they individually feel are important.  These Stalwarts
choose the accomplishment that they want rewarded,
send or Paypal $55 to the Club and then the fight is on for that category.
Listed below are the Radio Operators already in
for 2011:

Call  Category
KL7RATop Number of QSOs
North Pole Contest ClubBeing Cogitated
TF4M  Longest DX (2 stations, each get 1
W0UCETop Score USA/S-O/LP/single wire for
Tx  Rx
KR2Q  Golden Log (Top # of QSOs w/o a
VK6VZTop Score N. Hemisphere station
working S. Hemisphere stations
   (Winner gets official Flying Doctors of VK Baseball hat rather
than plaque)

 If you are an individual Sponsor then the community will recognize and
appreciate your efforts to stimulate the competition.
If you are a business then the community should swarm your website and
phones to buy all of your wares to reward you for the support!
An email to me inquiring about a particular category should get a
reasonably swift response and a place on this list of donors.
All categories will be screened for appropriateness by the Boring Amateur
Radio Club Committee on Smut Detection whose decisions are
usually final.
 The plaques for the 2010 Stew Fray are all ready to be taken to the
Postal Authorities so they should be arriving at the winners' abodes soon.
  The Boring Amateur Radio Club understands that ol' Sol has brought
life to 10M and even some 6M propagation. Ancient dogma suggests that these
hurt 160M but we know better. These conditions test the TopBand contestors
and direct them to even better technology and operating in order to make
the TopBand QSOs.
  We at the Club also understand that the 16th running of The Stew
Perry TopBand Challenge is the week before Chistmas during the Holiday
season.  What better way to
cope with the frenzy and panic that can permeate those times than to sit
down and work the world on TopBand for a while?
Start doing good deeds now to fill up the favor bank so that you can
withdraw the favored time to play in The Stew Perry.  See You in The Stew!
   73 and I remain,
Lew   W7EW
  The Boring Amateur Radio Club Plaquerer
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK