Topband: PLease!

2022-02-01 Thread MEL CRICHTON
Folks... when you reply to a post PLEASE do not include the entire 
digest in your reply just the message, or even better just the line 
or paragraph, that you are responding to. I could not find the new stuff 
inside all the old attachments in the last digest.

Sorry to be a griper Not my usual cheery self today

Mel KJ9C

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Remotes

2015-02-27 Thread Mel Crichton
For a number of reasons, I operate my regular Indiana QTH from here in 
Montana. Here we have CCRs that limit me to very low invisible stealth 
antennas and fewer bands, and being surrounded by mountains 2000 to 5000 
feet higher does not help. So for DXCC purposes and for 160 meters I am in 
Indiana and give the QTH as IN. Since I started DXCC from Indiana years ago, 
I use the IN station to work new ones (only 5 to go). It's the same rig and 
antennas that I used to get this far in DXCC.

When I do operate from Montana, puny signal that it is, it's for contests 
and CW Ops events (but no 160 meters here) and I hand out MT as the 
state and make a few folks happy for a new multiplier (if they can hear me).

There's no question where I am in LOTW there's a log for each location, 
and I keep them separate. A ham checking LOTW for WAS will see our qso in 
the correct state.

If remote operators take a few extra steps so there is no question as to 
their STATION location, the system works. However, I too have heard from 
very strong signals on 160 the wrong time of day without / identifiers. 
I'd guess that these folks would have cheated regardless of ARRL's actions.

Mel KJ9C 

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Topband: SP remote from DN45

2014-12-28 Thread Mel Crichton
Wish I had an antenna here in MT DN45 for 160, but that can't be. Second 
best option was to remote operate my station in EM69, even though I can't 
switch RX antennas remotely (Yet! That will change before next TBDC)...  So 
I switched between the TX and the north beverage (the least directional and 

No DX this time, but I was LP and heard only J6 and KV4FZ, neither could 
hear me...  Best was CN98 (a 6 pointer) - put 200 QSOs in the log... If the 
intenet connection would not have crashed six times I might have stayed a 
bit longer... (not sure if it failed in Indiana or in Montana, wasn't a 
problem when we operated W1AW/9 a few weeks ago)... another glitch to iron 
out before next contest

Thanks again to the organizers and all who participated... there must hae 
been a number of QRP stations, or it sure seemed that way

Mel KJ9C EM69 

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