Thats a consequence, not intent.

my 2c.  I really don't care much but can see the issue.

Dave NZ3M
From: Topband <topband-bounces+dave=nz3m....@contesting.com> on behalf of 
sawye...@earthlink.net <sawye...@earthlink.net>
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2024 12:49 PM
To: topband@contesting.com <topband@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: Topband: Remotes

Steve, I thought that train left the station about 10 years ago.  Remote
stations DXing is well established.  Is it really any different than someone
that used to live in W6 and now lives in W1 that has 9M2 previously worked
and confirmed and didn't restart their 160M DXCC total with the move?

Ed  N1UR

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