Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-20 Thread Buck wh7dx

As a new ham operator (1 year now).. I'm impressed by ARRL and what they do.   
The publications, the website and licensing information and support.   The fair 
cost of membership, the speed of package deliver to Hawaii, email response.

The only thing I can complain about is the backlog in LOTW but they're working 
to fix that now with an upgrade.   Not a big deal.   It's not like I can't log 
away in the meantime...I'm also impressed by eqsl and how easy that system 
is..  well designed and certainly worth uploading logs to.. takes about 60 
seconds...   export log by date from N1MM..  upload and done...LOTW is just 
a few more steps.

Anyway... as a new operator with no experience and new eyes..  the whole ham 
radio experience is fascinating.I had no idea how complex it was.   So much 
out there.. so many options.. the licensing levels.. propagation all over the 
place... up.. down.. closed.. 

It must have been an interesting experience for those working 20-30-40+ years 
in Ham..  I can only imagine.Now we have the Internet and the equipment..  
I find myself looking up cluster reports while shopping!!   I wonder if I could 
hear them etc...  I grew up with computers in the 80s.   Old TI-99/4A with 
cassette recorder for data storage..  

I think I need to go blind more often..  no peaking..  :-)

Anyway..there's always going to be little issues here and there.. but as a 
newbie..   it's pretty freak'n awesome!

Merry Christmas!!


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It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread Pete Smith N4ZR
And while you're at it, why shouldn't SO Assisted be separated from 
Multi-single?  That is a relic of the earliest days of packet, and 
hasn't made sense for at least 20 years.

73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at,
blog at
For spots, please go to your favorite
ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.

On 12/18/2012 6:26 PM, Jim Brown wrote:

On 12/18/2012 3:11 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

ARRL 160 meter contest is based on *Sections*. 

Only in part  -- it's also based on DX entities as multipliers, and 
US/VE stations get 2.5X the point credit for a QSO with a DX station.

 It makes no earthly sense to change the rules
for one or two sections after thirty plus years of the contest. 

If the Rules are poorly conceived (and they are), it certainly does 
make sense to change them.  But the needed changes go far beyond 
equalizing KP2 and VP2V -- the Rules give Zone 5 a 10:1 scoring 
advantage over Zone 3 (and about half that over the Midwest and Great 
Plains), and make the contest so boring for Zone 3 that most of us 
avoid it.

73, Jim K9YC
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground 
whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread k6xt
Maybe because XE is in NA while Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Venezuela 
are not. And maybe, Mexican states are as important to Mexicans as US 
States and VE provinces are to their northern neighbors.

Finding OX is considered a part of NA was an education.

73 Art K6XT~~
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.

On 12/18/2012 9:29 PM, W4TV wrote:

There are those who don't like CQ's format, those who don't like the
new ARRL 10 Meter format with Mexican States (why Mexico and not
Brazil or Argentina, or Chile, or Venezuela?) -

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread GALE STEWARD
As Joe stated, if the rules do not appeal to you, don't operate. This is why I 
haven't operated in the ARRL 160 for years as it really is a 160M SS, and I've 
never found the normal SS to be all that interesting.

There is always the SPDC, the CQ 160, etc. The only one I normally spend any 
time operating in is the CQ 160 CW.

73, Stew K3ND

 From: Joe Subich, W4TV
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

ARRL 160 meter contest is based on *Sections*.  KP2 and KP4 are
*SECTIONS* as are South Florida, North Florida, West Central Florida
and any other section.  It makes no earthly sense to change the rules
for one or two sections after thirty plus years of the contest.

If you don't like the rules, find a different contest.


    ... Joe, W4TV
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread Jim Brown

On 12/19/2012 9:34 AM, GALE STEWARD wrote:

As Joe stated, if the rules do not appeal to you, don't operate.

That's a favored operator's view of things. There are, for all 
practical purposes, three major 160M contests (ARRL, and the two CQWW 
events), and their rules all strongly favor the Atlantic basin 
contesting establishment.  If you're in that favored region, you're 
generally happy with the rules, and if you're not in that region you 
find the contests unappealing.
The only 160M contest with decent rules for everyone is the Stew Perry, 
but it has, unfortunately, not attracted the critical mass participation 
needed to make it fun either -- even with a very good station, you run 
out of stations to work pretty early in the evening.

I'm an ARRL member, and a CQ Magazine subscriber. These contests are 
being administered by entities that I support, and I have a reasonable 
expectation that they should fairly support my interests too. Sadly, 
they are the only game in town, so if you've built a nice 160M station 
and want it exercise it, it's your only choice. Imagine owning a nice 
car, and the only paved roads are 2,000 miles away!

73, Jim K9YC

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread Dave AA6YQ
AA6YQ comments below

-Original Message-
From: Topband []On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

 I use Logic software for normal logging, awards tracking and for
 contesting. I should learn N1MM for when I help out with a team effort
 and if they use that. I believe the author was one of the original
 authors for the LOTW format.

I meant to say I believe the author of the Logic logging software was one of
the original authors for the LOTW format.

There is no LotW format. I suspect you are referring to the Amateur
Data Interchange Format (ADIF), which was developed in 1996 by Ray WF1B and
Dennis WN4AZY; Dennis is the author of LOGic.

ADIF is employed in two ways by LotW: QSOs uploaded to LotW are conveyed
as encrypted ADIF records, and information about a QSO's acceptance and
confirmation that was requested via LotW's programmatic interface is
returned in ADIF records.


Dave, AA6YQ

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread Richard (Rick) Karlquist

On 12/18/2012 8:29 PM, Gary Smith wrote:

I meant to say I believe the author of the Logic logging software was
one of the original authors for the LOTW format.


That explains a lot.  The Logic software has the same amateurish
look and feel that LOTW has.  I am sorry that I wasted my money
on it.

Rick N6RK
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread Gary Smith

  I meant to say I believe the author of the Logic logging software
  was one of the original authors for the LOTW format.
 That explains a lot.  The Logic software has the same amateurish
 look and feel that LOTW has.  I am sorry that I wasted my money
 on it.
 Rick N6RK


And I disagree with that evaluation completely. 

Logic does everything I want, does it accurately and does it 
instantly, it follows my K3 however I configure it. At this time I 
have the log screen exactly as I want it with the log in one 
quadrant, the analysis of my needed DXCC on all bands  modes with 
the current band illuminated in red letters, the results of my most 
recent QSOs listed chronologically in another quadrant and a Spot log 
showing only the needed spots compared to logics database. I have it 
customized the log entry fields to move in which fields I wish, based 
on how I operate and frankly, there's nothing a different log format 
would do for me that this does not. Here's how my Logic9 looks at 
this moment. You may need to click on the screen-shot to enlarge it 
to normal size/clarity.

Amateurish? You be the judge

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-19 Thread k6xt
We should face a couple of facts. Budget wise ARRL is a very small 
outfit, serving a very small population. DXCC is just a fraction, and 
not a very vital fraction, of ARRL's efforts. What's probably more vital 
to the future success of Amateur Radio is not us reprobate dinosaurs 
with ohmygosh external HF antennae, if you'll permit me to generalize 
beginning with myself. Its the public service volunteer sector. Notice 
who gets the QST writeups, and who gets the once a year minority report.

Nonetheless I rate the DXCC department first class bearing in mind their 
constraints. Some evidence:

My CQWW CW QSO's are fully implemented in LoTW including QSL's from QSO 
partners who also uploaded.

I made an online card submission 11 November. It was processed 30 
November. (I/ve lost track whether 11 NOV is the day they received the 
cards, or the day I made the online submission).

I made a LoTW submission on 13 November. It was processed and listed on 
the SAME DAY 13 November.

On the down side my OK DX RTTY submission, uploaded 18 December 12 (for 
those sans calendars that's yesterday), is not in LoTW yet. Damn those 
Connecticut Yankees, they just can't seem to get anything done!

Lest we forget where ARRL gets its funding. This gotta have it now 
mentality has only one solution. Those who think ARRL and DXCC operate 
in the Dark Ages need only send in substantial bequests and whatever 
problems there are can be fixed.

73 Art K6XT~~
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Dave Clouser
The queue is currently almost 10 days behind.  You can track it here
Everyone keeps uploading over and over and over because they don't see 
their QSO's, which likely is compounding the problem to massive levels.

They have a new server on order but 6 weeks out I believe.


On 12/18/2012 3:41 PM, herbs wrote:

After several frustrating weeks of trying to figure out why
my ARRL LOTW uploads were not registering I decided to
contact the company.  It seems they are back logged beyond
comprehension.  Not even the most recent DX-Peditions who
have uploaded all there logs are showing up.  As a result
confirmations will not show either.  I certainly hope that
some DX-ers don't get bumped from the Honor Roll because of
this slow down in accreditation.  LOTW used to be very fast
and now it is so slow to almost not be worth the money
charged for the service.

I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
there is they aren't saying.

I struggle to find out who is responsible for prohibiting
this correction. HQ tells me to write the CAC members and
the CAC members tell me they have no power to do anything
unless they are tasked by those in command at HQ.  I see
how easy it was to give Ontario more sections and even in
the ARRL 10 Meter Contest you get multipliers by working
Mexican states that nobody knows about, that some how
found relevance...I don't know how this is logically done
but someone must have the way to make things happen at HQ.
I presume that there are some fundemental democratic
principles that would allow for debate fo this topic so I
can make my case on behalf of the much malighed U.S.
Territories in the structure of this contest's rules.

If you know what to do.  Please let me know.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV


 I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
 ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
 as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
 Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
 Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
 won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
 acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
 there is they aren't saying.

Calling KP2 and KP4 DX for the ARRL 160 Meter Contest would mean
that you *could not work DX.*  You have bitched for years that DX
thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
of two?

Do you want to be DX or work everybody?  Take your pick but don't
act like a two year old and say both!


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 12/18/2012 3:41 PM, herbs wrote:

After several frustrating weeks of trying to figure out why
my ARRL LOTW uploads were not registering I decided to
contact the company.  It seems they are back logged beyond
comprehension.  Not even the most recent DX-Peditions who
have uploaded all there logs are showing up.  As a result
confirmations will not show either.  I certainly hope that
some DX-ers don't get bumped from the Honor Roll because of
this slow down in accreditation.  LOTW used to be very fast
and now it is so slow to almost not be worth the money
charged for the service.

I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
there is they aren't saying.

I struggle to find out who is responsible for prohibiting
this correction. HQ tells me to write the CAC members and
the CAC members tell me they have no power to do anything
unless they are tasked by those in command at HQ.  I see
how easy it was to give Ontario more sections and even in
the ARRL 10 Meter Contest you get multipliers by working
Mexican states that nobody knows about, that some how
found relevance...I don't know how this is logically done
but someone must have the way to make things happen at HQ.
I presume that there are some fundemental democratic
principles that would allow for debate fo this topic so I
can make my case on behalf of the much malighed U.S.
Territories in the structure of this contest's rules.

If you know what to do.  Please let me know.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Herb Schoenbohm
Joe,  I don't ask for bothjust wish to be treated the same way as 
another station a few miles north (VP2V) .   Actually there is little 
DX on during this contest compared to the others like CQ and TBDC.   
The ARRL has a list of DXCC entities which works for all their other 
contests but for some strange reason disallows U.S. Territories for 
their 160 meter contest.  Makes no sense.

Herb, KV4FZ

On 12/18/2012 6:08 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:


 I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
 ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
 as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
 Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
 Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
 won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
 acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
 there is they aren't saying.

Calling KP2 and KP4 DX for the ARRL 160 Meter Contest would mean
that you *could not work DX.*  You have bitched for years that DX
thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
of two?

Do you want to be DX or work everybody?  Take your pick but don't
act like a two year old and say both!


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 12/18/2012 3:41 PM, herbs wrote:

After several frustrating weeks of trying to figure out why
my ARRL LOTW uploads were not registering I decided to
contact the company.  It seems they are back logged beyond
comprehension.  Not even the most recent DX-Peditions who
have uploaded all there logs are showing up.  As a result
confirmations will not show either.  I certainly hope that
some DX-ers don't get bumped from the Honor Roll because of
this slow down in accreditation.  LOTW used to be very fast
and now it is so slow to almost not be worth the money
charged for the service.

I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
there is they aren't saying.

I struggle to find out who is responsible for prohibiting
this correction. HQ tells me to write the CAC members and
the CAC members tell me they have no power to do anything
unless they are tasked by those in command at HQ.  I see
how easy it was to give Ontario more sections and even in
the ARRL 10 Meter Contest you get multipliers by working
Mexican states that nobody knows about, that some how
found relevance...I don't know how this is logically done
but someone must have the way to make things happen at HQ.
I presume that there are some fundemental democratic
principles that would allow for debate fo this topic so I
can make my case on behalf of the much malighed U.S.
Territories in the structure of this contest's rules.

If you know what to do.  Please let me know.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground 
whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground 
whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Jim Brown

On 12/18/2012 2:05 PM, Dave Clouser wrote:
The queue is currently almost 10 days behind.  You can track it here
Everyone keeps uploading over and over and over because they don't see 
their QSO's, which likely is compounding the problem to massive levels.
They have a new server on order but 6 weeks out I believe. 

It's also made worse by guys uploading their entire log when all they 
need to do is upload only QSOs since their last upload.  A month or so 
ago, ARRL announced that they found (and have hopefully fixed) a bug in 
the software that maintains the LOTW upload queue that caused a small 
percentage of logs to be lost.  I upload my log after each contest, and 
every week or two when there are no contests. DXKeeper makes that very 

I'm hoping that the server will sort of get caught up after ARRL10M logs 
are processed and there's been a week or two without major contests .I 
think the best move for all of us is to cool our jets and let the system 
catch up, and get the new server online.

73, Jim K9YC
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

ARRL 160 meter contest is based on *Sections*.  KP2 and KP4 are
*SECTIONS* as are South Florida, North Florida, West Central Florida
and any other section.  It makes no earthly sense to change the rules
for one or two sections after thirty plus years of the contest.

If you don't like the rules, find a different contest.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 12/18/2012 5:41 PM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:

Joe,  I don't ask for bothjust wish to be treated the same way as
another station a few miles north (VP2V) .   Actually there is little
DX on during this contest compared to the others like CQ and TBDC. The
ARRL has a list of DXCC entities which works for all their other
contests but for some strange reason disallows U.S. Territories for
their 160 meter contest.  Makes no sense.

Herb, KV4FZ

On 12/18/2012 6:08 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:


 I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
 ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
 as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
 Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
 Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
 won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
 acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
 there is they aren't saying.

Calling KP2 and KP4 DX for the ARRL 160 Meter Contest would mean
that you *could not work DX.*  You have bitched for years that DX
thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
of two?

Do you want to be DX or work everybody?  Take your pick but don't
act like a two year old and say both!


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 12/18/2012 3:41 PM, herbs wrote:

After several frustrating weeks of trying to figure out why
my ARRL LOTW uploads were not registering I decided to
contact the company.  It seems they are back logged beyond
comprehension.  Not even the most recent DX-Peditions who
have uploaded all there logs are showing up.  As a result
confirmations will not show either.  I certainly hope that
some DX-ers don't get bumped from the Honor Roll because of
this slow down in accreditation.  LOTW used to be very fast
and now it is so slow to almost not be worth the money
charged for the service.

I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
there is they aren't saying.

I struggle to find out who is responsible for prohibiting
this correction. HQ tells me to write the CAC members and
the CAC members tell me they have no power to do anything
unless they are tasked by those in command at HQ.  I see
how easy it was to give Ontario more sections and even in
the ARRL 10 Meter Contest you get multipliers by working
Mexican states that nobody knows about, that some how
found relevance...I don't know how this is logically done
but someone must have the way to make things happen at HQ.
I presume that there are some fundemental democratic
principles that would allow for debate fo this topic so I
can make my case on behalf of the much malighed U.S.
Territories in the structure of this contest's rules.

If you know what to do.  Please let me know.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground
whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground
whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground
whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Jim Brown

On 12/18/2012 3:11 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

ARRL 160 meter contest is based on *Sections*. 

Only in part  -- it's also based on DX entities as multipliers, and 
US/VE stations get 2.5X the point credit for a QSO with a DX station.

 It makes no earthly sense to change the rules
for one or two sections after thirty plus years of the contest. 

If the Rules are poorly conceived (and they are), it certainly does make 
sense to change them.  But the needed changes go far beyond equalizing 
KP2 and VP2V -- the Rules give Zone 5 a 10:1 scoring advantage over Zone 
3 (and about half that over the Midwest and Great Plains), and make the 
contest so boring for Zone 3 that most of us avoid it.

73, Jim K9YC
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Herb Schoenbohm

On 12/18/2012 7:11 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

You have bitched for years that DX
thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
of two? 
I may have bitched but who wouldn't after being told and scolded by DX 
stations no DX no DX QRZ W/VE only  Many I guess were as confused as i 
was in calling them in the first place.  Again I only want this contest 
to show an element of fairness.  I guess if I do as you suggested then 
next time stations will not only miss KP4 which did not show this time 
but also KP2.  So about working ARRL sections and as some insist that it 
is only a 160 meter version of Sweepstakes, then let it be so and like 
in the much highly enshrined SS not permit *any* DX.  Working DX on 160, 
not some archaic sections is what I am interest in.  If participants 
were tuned into working DX you would not find the band covered by 100's 
of incessant CQ machines every few hertz trying to hold on to there spot 
and not working much of anything.  I think next time I will do what I 
wanted to do this time, just work DX and have my phased Beverages on 
Europe and Africa selected.
Some may say this is poor sportsmanshipbut I have tried to get 
someone to recognize that changes are important to bring out a better 
contest product.  I understand those in their ivy covered office 
buildings and who call the shots, really don't care to even entertain 
change for the better.

Herb, KV4FZ

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread George Dubovsky
It's a contest - I don't care if I miss KP4 and KP2 as long as everyone
else does too!


geo - n4ua

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:

   I guess if I do as you suggested then next time stations will not only
 miss KP4 which did not show this time but also KP2.  So about working ARRL
 sections and as some insist that it is only a 160 meter version of
 Sweepstakes, then let it be so and like in the much highly enshrined SS not
 permit *any* DX.  Working DX on 160, not some archaic sections is what I am
 interest in.  If participants were tuned into working DX you would not find
 the band covered by 100's of incessant CQ machines every few hertz trying
 to hold on to there spot and not working much of anything.  I think next
 time I will do what I wanted to do this time, just work DX and have my
 phased Beverages on Europe and Africa selected.
 Some may say this is poor sportsmanshipbut I have tried to get someone
 to recognize that changes are important to bring out a better contest
 product.  I understand those in their ivy covered office buildings and who
 call the shots, really don't care to even entertain change for the better.

 Herb, KV4FZ

 It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground
 whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

 Some may say this is poor sportsmanshipbut I have tried to get
 someone to recognize that changes are important to bring out a better
 contest product.  I understand those in their ivy covered office
 buildings and who call the shots, really don't care to even entertain
 change for the better.

ARRL 160 Meter contest is essentially a 160 Sweepstakes that allows
W/VE stations to work DX.  If you don't like the format of the contest,
don't work it ... after all, there were no VE8, VY1, etc. stations on
and haven't been for many years.  Change is not necessary and would
only hurt a well established product - particularly a change that you
advocate that would only benefit a handful of stations who already
benefit immensely in other contests.

There are those who don't like CQ's format, those who don't like the
new ARRL 10 Meter format with Mexican States (why Mexico and not
Brazil or Argentina, or Chile, or Venezuela?) - the choice is to not
participate and certainly demand changes that will benefit only *ONE*
or at most a handful of stations.  If you go giving one or two sections
a special scoring advantage, why limit it to KP2/KP4?  Certainly the
scoring disadvantage is just as great in the case of NFL vs. C6 or SFL
vs. CO.  Once you start making special accommodations where does it
stop - GA, SC, NC AL MS?

Every set of contest rules gives some an advantage - it's far easier
for VY2, VE1, VE9, W1 to work all the 5 point DX than others - and
gives some a disadvantage - who wants to be W6/W7 for ARRL 160 -
that's the breaks.  Other contests have advantages for another set
of operators.  You don't screw up a contest with 40 years of history
because one or two individuals don't like the format - there will
always be boundary cases EA9 vs. ZB, IG9/IG9 vs. 9H, 9Y vs. J3,
HP vs, HK ... the list can go on and on.

No matter what the rules are, *someone* will complain.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 12/18/2012 7:14 PM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:

On 12/18/2012 7:11 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

You have bitched for years that DX
thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
of two?

I may have bitched but who wouldn't after being told and scolded by DX
stations no DX no DX QRZ W/VE only  Many I guess were as confused as i
was in calling them in the first place.  Again I only want this contest
to show an element of fairness.  I guess if I do as you suggested then
next time stations will not only miss KP4 which did not show this time
but also KP2.  So about working ARRL sections and as some insist that it
is only a 160 meter version of Sweepstakes, then let it be so and like
in the much highly enshrined SS not permit *any* DX.  Working DX on 160,
not some archaic sections is what I am interest in.  If participants
were tuned into working DX you would not find the band covered by 100's
of incessant CQ machines every few hertz trying to hold on to there spot
and not working much of anything.  I think next time I will do what I
wanted to do this time, just work DX and have my phased Beverages on
Europe and Africa selected.
Some may say this is poor sportsmanshipbut I have tried to get
someone to recognize that changes are important to bring out a better
contest product.  I understand those in their ivy covered office
buildings and who call the shots, really don't care to even entertain
change for the better.

Herb, KV4FZ

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground
whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Ashton Lee
Let's not lose the fact that contests on 160 are events as much as contests… 
they are times when an otherwise barren band fills up. There's a lot of fun 
just in working all you can.

Those of us in deep valleys in Western Colorado have a hard time appreciating 
the extreme difficulties faced by Eastern stations located on Islands 
surrounded by salt water. 

On Dec 18, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

  Some may say this is poor sportsmanshipbut I have tried to get
  someone to recognize that changes are important to bring out a better
  contest product.  I understand those in their ivy covered office
  buildings and who call the shots, really don't care to even entertain
  change for the better.
 ARRL 160 Meter contest is essentially a 160 Sweepstakes that allows
 W/VE stations to work DX.  If you don't like the format of the contest,
 don't work it ... after all, there were no VE8, VY1, etc. stations on
 and haven't been for many years.  Change is not necessary and would
 only hurt a well established product - particularly a change that you
 advocate that would only benefit a handful of stations who already
 benefit immensely in other contests.
 There are those who don't like CQ's format, those who don't like the
 new ARRL 10 Meter format with Mexican States (why Mexico and not
 Brazil or Argentina, or Chile, or Venezuela?) - the choice is to not
 participate and certainly demand changes that will benefit only *ONE*
 or at most a handful of stations.  If you go giving one or two sections
 a special scoring advantage, why limit it to KP2/KP4?  Certainly the
 scoring disadvantage is just as great in the case of NFL vs. C6 or SFL
 vs. CO.  Once you start making special accommodations where does it
 stop - GA, SC, NC AL MS?
 Every set of contest rules gives some an advantage - it's far easier
 for VY2, VE1, VE9, W1 to work all the 5 point DX than others - and
 gives some a disadvantage - who wants to be W6/W7 for ARRL 160 -
 that's the breaks.  Other contests have advantages for another set
 of operators.  You don't screw up a contest with 40 years of history
 because one or two individuals don't like the format - there will
 always be boundary cases EA9 vs. ZB, IG9/IG9 vs. 9H, 9Y vs. J3,
 HP vs, HK ... the list can go on and on.
 No matter what the rules are, *someone* will complain.
   ... Joe, W4TV
 On 12/18/2012 7:14 PM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:
 On 12/18/2012 7:11 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
 You have bitched for years that DX
 thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
 archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
 would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
 the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
 able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
 of two?
 I may have bitched but who wouldn't after being told and scolded by DX
 stations no DX no DX QRZ W/VE only  Many I guess were as confused as i
 was in calling them in the first place.  Again I only want this contest
 to show an element of fairness.  I guess if I do as you suggested then
 next time stations will not only miss KP4 which did not show this time
 but also KP2.  So about working ARRL sections and as some insist that it
 is only a 160 meter version of Sweepstakes, then let it be so and like
 in the much highly enshrined SS not permit *any* DX.  Working DX on 160,
 not some archaic sections is what I am interest in.  If participants
 were tuned into working DX you would not find the band covered by 100's
 of incessant CQ machines every few hertz trying to hold on to there spot
 and not working much of anything.  I think next time I will do what I
 wanted to do this time, just work DX and have my phased Beverages on
 Europe and Africa selected.
 Some may say this is poor sportsmanshipbut I have tried to get
 someone to recognize that changes are important to bring out a better
 contest product.  I understand those in their ivy covered office
 buildings and who call the shots, really don't care to even entertain
 change for the better.
 Herb, KV4FZ
 It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground
 whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell
 It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
 for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

Re: Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

2012-12-18 Thread Gary Smith

 I use Logic software for normal logging, awards tracking and for
 contesting. I should learn N1MM for when I help out with a team effort
 and if they use that. I believe the author was one of the original
 authors for the LOTW format.

I meant to say I believe the author of the Logic logging software was 
one of the original authors for the LOTW format.

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell