Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread Julius Fazekas
Why not use 'em all? (LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog, hard card)

Although hard QSLs have a nice physical presence, I can only say a handful of 
the hard cards I get are not computer generated, most also for award purposes. 

Of the hundreds that roll in, maybe a half dozen have a neat design, or better 
yet a personal message worthy of a smile, or chuckle.

Generally I don't expect anything considering how many are contest related 

It's easy enough to upload logs and take care of the Ham on the other end who 
may not use real QSLs.


Julius Fazekas


Tennessee Contest Group

Tennessee QSO Party

Elecraft K2 #4455

Elecraft K3/100 #366

Elecraft K3/100 #

--- On Fri, 2/17/12, Eddy Swynar wrote:

From: Eddy Swynar
Subject: Re: Topband: LOTW Participation
To: Jeff
Date: Friday, February 17, 2012, 9:16 AM

On 2012-02-16, at 9:25 PM, Jeff wrote: we can get those coveted awards we all like.

Hi Jeff et al,

I certainly have nothing against LotW, or the folks who swear by it. It is the 
coming thing IMHO, and given time will surely render hardcopy QSLs a place 
atop the scrap heap of Ham radio history that includes such quaint novelties as 
spark transmissions, cat's whisker detectors, separate transmitter-receivers, 
etc. etc.

Personally, however---despite its many obvious advantages---I want no part of 
it. I enjoy the look  feel of an honest-to-goodness QSL card in my hands,  
even after 41 years in the game, I still thrill at the prospect of opening up 
thatĀ  fresh bundle of cards that might await me in my mail box from the QSL 

Look at this way: LotW caters especially to the awards-seeking crowd, correct? 
Instant gratification! Great! But what if the ARRL, and others, was to suddenly 
announce that they'd no longer issue hard copy certificates---virtual awards 
only, viewable on-line...? I wonder if that might cool one's enthusiasm for ANY 
paper-chasing. We now have virtual QSL cards---can virtual awards be far 

So many objects of desire in to-day's society anymore seem to be reduced to 
fleeting collections of electrons visible on a computer screen: turn the power 
off, the objects are gone. Yet real, paper QSLs are actual things that can 
easily outlive our own stay in this place  time---I liken them to leaving 
proverbial footprints in the sands of time. Long after MY own ...collection of 
BIOLOGICAL electrons ceases to function  disappears, my hard copy cards  
certificates, for better or worse, of relevance or none, will remain, testament 
at least to the fact that at one time I really  truly was here...

Somehow I just don't think the virtual world of eQSLs  LotW will work quite 
the same way...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread Greg
Why not do both, Eddy...I enjoy QSL cards, too...but LOTW has not prevented
me from getting the QSL cards.  It has relieved me of the burden of a big
part of card checking for the DXCC awards that I want.  While it is true
that if you confirm on LOTW someone may not initiate sending a card to you
to get yours, if you want a card from them you can always send for it.  Eh?
73 de Greg-N4CC

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Eddy Swynar
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 7:16 AM
To: Jeff
Subject: Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

On 2012-02-16, at 9:25 PM, Jeff wrote: we can get those coveted awards we all like.

Hi Jeff et al,

I certainly have nothing against LotW, or the folks who swear by it. It is
the coming thing IMHO, and given time will surely render hardcopy QSLs a
place atop the scrap heap of Ham radio history that includes such quaint
novelties as spark transmissions, cat's whisker detectors, separate
transmitter-receivers, etc. etc.

Personally, however---despite its many obvious advantages---I want no part
of it. I enjoy the look  feel of an honest-to-goodness QSL card in my
hands,  even after 41 years in the game, I still thrill at the prospect of
opening up that  fresh bundle of cards that might await me in my mail box
from the QSL bureau. 

Look at this way: LotW caters especially to the awards-seeking crowd,
correct? Instant gratification! Great! But what if the ARRL, and others, was
to suddenly announce that they'd no longer issue hard copy
certificates---virtual awards only, viewable on-line...? I wonder if that
might cool one's enthusiasm for ANY paper-chasing. We now have virtual QSL
cards---can virtual awards be far behind...?

So many objects of desire in to-day's society anymore seem to be reduced to
fleeting collections of electrons visible on a computer screen: turn the
power off, the objects are gone. Yet real, paper QSLs are actual things that
can easily outlive our own stay in this place  time---I liken them to
leaving proverbial footprints in the sands of time. Long after MY own
...collection of BIOLOGICAL electrons ceases to function  disappears, my
hard copy cards  certificates, for better or worse, of relevance or none,
will remain, testament at least to the fact that at one time I really 
truly was here...

Somehow I just don't think the virtual world of eQSLs  LotW will work quite
the same way...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread k6xt
Like VE3XZ I like real cards. But, striking out for my goal of over 300 
on each HF band, less 160 where I don't have enough goo nor enough 
years, I concluded the expense could be better directed toward making 
the QSO, than confirming it.

My logger (DXLabSuite) shows in its packet application and its logging 
apparatus who is LoTW active. For non-low bands (40 and down) I don't 
seek to work non-LoTW users unless its relatively rare enough that I'd 
choose to send a card, or its an expedition I'll also work on the low 
bands. On the theory someone else will show up who is on LoTW. Or unless 
I just want to yak.

As far as QSLs preserved for posterity it seems to me the family that 
keeps little postcards around as memorials, which mean just about 
nothing to the non hams except my Dad did this, are few and far 
between. I expect my QSL's and awards will be in the trash poste haste 
once my corpus lands there.

Meanwhile things change. CQ mag has the Marathon. Getting involved in 
that, now I work anything. Total renewal every year, no QSLs required. 
Then GlobalQSL came along, taking some of the expense and most of the 
pain out of QSLing, for example, an entire contest log. Now it seems 
more like a balancing act between my personal goals, finance, and the 
electronic tools.

Gotta run now. TU2T and 6O0N cards just came in the mail...

73 Art K6XT~~
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread N1BUG
  It's easy enough to upload logs and take care of
  the Ham on the other end who may not use real QSLs.

Thank you Julius.

I am known as a dinosaur to my friends. I do not readily adopt new 
technologies and ways of doing things. But LoTW is my salvation, lest I leave 
the hobby altogether. I upload 100% of QSOs to LoTW, whether I need a 
confirmation or not. It may help the other guy! I wish more people would at 
least upload to LoTW to help me.

I would *very* much like to have paper QSLs for all the DXCC entities I have 
worked on 160, but that isn't going to happen. I finally realized too many 
people were paying the cost for my efforts to try to keep up with the 
paperwork. As a result, I depend on LoTW for confirmations now. When I work a 
new one all I can do is hope my QSO partner will upload. To cut down incoming 
requests I no longer call CQ or run stations. Generally I will only call 
stations who are flagged by my spotting and logging software as LoTW users or 
whom I strongly suspect will not be needing a paper QSL from me. In a contest I 
only do SP, skipping stations who are not flagged as LoTW users. I'm sorry, 
but that is how it needs to be. I know of others who do the same, albeit for 
different reasons.

Paul N1BUG

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread Bert Barry
On 17/02/2012 9:16 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:

 ...But what if the ARRL, and others, was to suddenly announce that 
they'd no longer issue hard copy certificates---virtual awards only, 
viewable on-line...? I wonder if that might cool one's enthusiasm for 
ANY paper-chasing. We now have virtual QSL cards---can virtual awards be 
far behind...?

Interesting point Eddy.  But I don't  think paper QSL's are doomed - at 
least I hope not.  I still have almost a hundred spaces to fill in my 
Topband QSL album, and LoTW and e-QSL's don't count.  ( I wonder if 
stamp collectors recognize copies of photos of stamps as valid for their 

I seem to remember Pogo going fishing with a picture of a worm as bait.  
He caught a picture of a fish.

A friend of mine, a keen recreational sailor, once asked me why we Hams 
still used Morse code, pointing out that the Military got rid of Morse 
decades ago!  I asked him why sailors like himself didn't  switch to 
motor boats, since the world's navies got rid of these sailing ships a 
hundred years ago. He was not amused.

Bert,  VE3QAA

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread Rik van Riel
On 02/17/2012 09:16 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:

 Great! But what if the ARRL, and others, was to suddenly announce that they'd 
 no longer issue hard copy certificates---virtual awards only, viewable 
 on-line...? I wonder if that might cool one's enthusiasm for ANY 
 paper-chasing. We now have virtual QSL cards---can virtual awards be far 

Selling the physical awards, which many people want to have,
appears to be one of the main things paying for the cost of
running LOTW.

As long as LOTW will have bills to pay, I imagine the ARRL
will continue selling physical awards.

All rights reversed.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread Julius Fazekas
Hi Eddy,

One could argue when those quaint lowfer beacons first started that tape loops 
and the like were exotic. I do remember tape loops becoming a big deal in 
contesting, but for a newbie, they presented a cost obstacle. One can say the 
same for RTTY back in the day.

Pining for the old days, well we could have LORAN back too ;o)

The only constant in the world is change. I am not as fast to adopt some of the 
newer things, but I do see the various QSL options as a win-win situation for 

I certainly understand and respect your position, and definitely enjoy vintage 
QSL cards (those folks had a pretty great sense of humor).


Julius Fazekas


Tennessee Contest Group

Tennessee QSO Party

Elecraft K2 #4455

Elecraft K3/100 #366

Elecraft K3/100 #

--- On Fri, 2/17/12, Eddy Swynar wrote:

From: Eddy Swynar
Subject: Re: Topband: LOTW Participation
To: Julius Fazekas
Cc: Jeff,
Date: Friday, February 17, 2012, 10:23 AM

On 2012-02-17, at 9:44 AM, Julius Fazekas wrote:

 Why not use 'em all? (LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog, hard card)

Hi Julius,

Have you ever ventured forth onto the so-called Lowfers Band of 160- to 
190-KHz,  listened for beacons...? I did,  one time I was rewarded with the 
thrill of hearing an VE3-based station. I was so amazed that I could copy the 
station despite the many restrictions conspiring against it that I actually 
built a beacon transmitter of my own here,  obtained special permission of our 
licensing body to put it on the air...

But that band's complexion has changed dramatically since that simpler time: 
the realities of the game now dictate that computer-controlled slow speed CW  
associated software receiving / transmitting enhancements are de riguer 
anymore. Gone are the quaint---but readily copyable---CW standard beacons, 
many of which were driven by continuous loop tapes, notched 33 RPM record 
albums(!) mounted atop extra-slowplaying record players, etc. To be a viable 
participant anymore in that part of the spectrum necessitated a considerable 
commitment in peripherals that the curious  casual newbie simply is unprepared 
to invest, or even unaware of.

When I mentioned this fact to one prominent guru of the VLF scene---i.e. that 
the door is effectively being slammed shut upon the entry of new blood into 
that niche because of its exclusiveness---I was promptly reminded of the 
superiority of the new way of doing things, and that records for long 
distance reception were being laid by the wayside on an almost daily basis 
since its near-universal acceptance. 

What that guru failed to appreciate was the fact that his domain had suddenly 
become a closed one, limited to existing members of that club---and as 
demographics take hold  old members became SKs, there would beĀ  precious few, 
if any, new replacements. 

Correctly or not, I view electronic confirmations like LotW  eQSL 
suspiciously. Are supporters of these any different from that exclusionary 
cadre of users who have abandoned CW beacons of yore on the experimenter's 
band? Surely the bug bit them when they first heard a beacon, just as 
doubtlessly the awards bug hit many of us when we received our very first QSL 
card. Why would anyone deny that thrill to a rookie Ham, dismissing it as being 
old-fashioned, when it inspired us oh-so-many years ago? An electronic 
notification is just not the same, IMHO...and it's hardly a much-loved 
tradition of Amateur radio---yet!

...But I'm doubtlessly showing my age in saying so!

Let the parade proceed---I'm quite content to just sit back  watch it from the 

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread Eddy Swynar

On 2012-02-17, at 11:01 AM, N1BUG wrote:

 So by the same token, why would anyone deny the thrill of a LoTW 
 confirmation to a ham who may not be able to chase confirmations by more 
 traditional means? It costs nothing to upload to LoTW...

Hi Paul,

And therein lies the rub...!

Imagine if you were mounting a DX-Pedition to some far-flung place,  your 
sponsors came up just short of all of your expenses---the balance would 
doubtlessly have to be covered by your own personal out-of-pocket monies...IF 
you QSL'ed by LotW.

On the other hand, the old-fashioned method of hard-copy QSL'ing presented an 
ideal venue to garner additional funds---and how many of us haven't 
appreciatively included an extra green stamp, or two, in the envelope 
containing our own QSL card before posting it in the mail, as a final thanks 
for helping us ...get a new one...? 

What avenue exists for the DX-pedition to secure extra $$$ that might encourage 
LotW QSL'ing...? The honour system...? While many of us remain, indeed, 
honourable, Hams are, in the final analysis, mere humans---and human beings 
being what they are, I suspect that the majority would simply ...take the QSL 
and run.

There are advantages to anything new, AND dis-advantages...! The benefits of 
on-line electronic logging  QSL'ing could actually have a NEGATIVE effect upon 
the continuation of the very activity that it supposedly plays a role in 

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-17 Thread W2PM
Some of the dxpeditions are allowing u to request a qsl on line with a PayPal 
fee as an option of sending thru the mail. Its been very reasonable and 
efficient to me when the option is there. I am also still getting lots of buro 
qsls that were already confirmed on LOTW. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 17, 2012, at 11:25 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:

 On 2012-02-17, at 11:01 AM, N1BUG wrote:
 So by the same token, why would anyone deny the thrill of a LoTW 
 confirmation to a ham who may not be able to chase confirmations by more 
 traditional means? It costs nothing to upload to LoTW...
 Hi Paul,
 And therein lies the rub...!
 Imagine if you were mounting a DX-Pedition to some far-flung place,  your 
 sponsors came up just short of all of your expenses---the balance would 
 doubtlessly have to be covered by your own personal out-of-pocket monies...IF 
 you QSL'ed by LotW.
 On the other hand, the old-fashioned method of hard-copy QSL'ing presented an 
 ideal venue to garner additional funds---and how many of us haven't 
 appreciatively included an extra green stamp, or two, in the envelope 
 containing our own QSL card before posting it in the mail, as a final thanks 
 for helping us ...get a new one...? 
 What avenue exists for the DX-pedition to secure extra $$$ that might 
 encourage LotW QSL'ing...? The honour system...? While many of us remain, 
 indeed, honourable, Hams are, in the final analysis, mere humans---and 
 human beings being what they are, I suspect that the majority would simply 
 ...take the QSL and run.
 There are advantages to anything new, AND dis-advantages...! The benefits of 
 on-line electronic logging  QSL'ing could actually have a NEGATIVE effect 
 upon the continuation of the very activity that it supposedly plays a role in 
 ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
 UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-16 Thread W2PM
Some packet clusters also have LOTW indicators for stations registered with 
ARRL. When i first sent in my log of 2?years of QSo's I got 102 confirmed in 
seconds.  It is not at all complicated and some logging programs can 
automatically interconnect but doing so manually is easy.  Setting up for the 
first time just takes 10 minutes to read the instructions. It is not quite as 
easy as installing an iPad ap but far from rocket science if one can read.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Jeff wrote:

 I love the LoTW system. The money I save on cards and postage goes into 
 radios and antennas. I'm not much of a contester any more, I just kind of 
 hunt and peck vs. SP when I do work contest stations. One of the things do 
 is to look for DX stations that have taken the time to become active on LoTW 
 and reward them with a W7JW contest qso. Not much of a return on their 
 investment for sure but it does provide them with one more contest point 
 that would other wise never have happened. So, this weekend while ur 
 listening around on TB during the contest for new ones, think about handing 
 out some reward points to those DX stations who went that extra mile so we 
 can get those coveted awards we all like.
 -Original Message- 
 From: Wayne Mills
 Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 8:08 PM
 To: ;
 Subject: Re: Topband: LOTW Participation
 There are a number of reasons why more people don't use logbook. There's the
 perception that it's too complicated (mostly, IT guys have problems), and
 the fact that non-US hams must send a letter to ARRL, unlike US hams. There
 are also many people who like to collect paper cards. In Europe, the bureau
 system is much more popular than it is in the US largely because incoming
 and outgoing services are free with the membership in some national
 societies -- never mind that their dues are far greater.
 Actually, however, there are ma large number of hams who do use LoTW. Some
 estimates put the number of at least semi-active DXers at around 100K to
 150K. Consider then that the nearly 50K individual users of LoTW is quite
 significant. Here's something to think about: I wouldn't be surprised to
 learn that the percentage of regular LoTW users is higher than the
 percentage of non-LoTW users also who QSL regularly. LoTW is a different
 animal than conventional QSLing.
 73, Wayne,  N7NG
 Jackson, Wyoming
 -Original Message-
 From: []
 On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 5:28 PM
 Subject: Topband: LOTW Participation
 This has probably already been asked on here.. geeze I hope it doesnt start
 another gripefest.  But I am wondering with the cost of QSL cards, postage
 etc Why dont more people working DX (especially hams O-CONUS) use LOTW? It
 appears that a lot of DX does not participate in LOTW.  Is it because they
 dont like ARRL, dont like their activites controlled (if your not in the US
 you gotta mail stuff in etc.) or what?   I just dont understand this is the
 most painless method to get confirmation you could possibly have. Or maybe
 they just like collecting all those cards that we put into shoe boxes and
 put into the closet.
 I just got  22 QSLs for contacts work less than two months ago.. some of
 them even less than a week ago.  How good can it get?  Sure make my work
 UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
 UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 
 UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-16 Thread Martin Kratoska
I love the LoTW. QSL bureau is in some countries misused to press hams 
into forced membership of their national ham radio organization. AFAIK 
it is here in OK and also in DL... LoTW is then the only way to confirm 
a large number of QSOs.

If somebody has 100 000 QSL cards or more, he would probably need a 
dedicated room to store the collection. Reckon 1000 QSL cards is a pile 
of ~2 ft height (~60 cm)...

Martin, OK1RR
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK