Re: Topband: Timor Leste report #10

2023-11-29 Thread GEORGE WALLNER

FT8: I share your understanding of the DXCC rules. Somebody must be there 
and do something to initiate the contact. That is how I see it, but 
realistically, if you can not tell the difference, how do you police it? 
While I don't agree with automated FT8 operation, at least the those using 
it today are honest about it. Invalidating their QSO-s will mean that in the 
future they will not declare when they are automated. I prefer honesty over 

On CW I use the same standard as you have described. I take a note of  where 
I am not sure and later use that when receiving correction requests. If it 
is not on my "doubtful" list, and it is just one letter off, and everything 
else matches, it is probably a legit request. But, I received a log 
correction request, which had everything right and only one letter off, I 
corrected the call, and next day the real "owner" complained that his QSO 
has disappeared. 
Many 160 m contacts are marginal and we have to work hard at them. That is 
why it is more fun than FT8!

TKS for your efforts and 73,
K8R and KH8/AA7JV

On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 04:39:54 +0100 Dietmar Kasper  wrote:

Dear Topbanders
90% of the equipment is in the container. We still have 2 1/2 stations running 
(one without amp in phone only)
the 160m antennas and beverages are still up and some simple wire verticals 
have been added to continue beeing
QRV the next days and nights.

It seems we are in rain season now. No afternoon without close thunderstorms 
and all the noise on the bands.
Propagation is still poor however last night was a short window around 12:30 to 
work a few lucky W4´s.

In the thunderstorm noise call sign logging is guessing. I am sure that I am 
not almost right with the call.
I called a W4 for about 5 minutes and thought it was K4SV. At the end I was 
logging K4SV but I had the feeling
that this station was not happy with that call and I may have it wrong ... as 
much as you can hear in the crashes...
(QSO interpretation later)

When it comes to the question if a QSO is a QSO or not there is no unique 
standard. Thanks to all for discussing
the question about FT contacts that must be initiated by an operator. I feel 
that the discussion is still open
and a solution accepted by the majority of topbanders is not there so far. It 
was clearly indicated that the
station must be observed during the contacts so automated contacts do not count 
for DXCC. Still open is if the
contacts must be initiated by the operator or just by software. Some said it is 
OK that the operator is still
watching that everything goes well. In my opinion an operator (and ARRL clearly 
uses the word OPERATOR) is only
an operator if HE OPERATES, means, a visitor cannot be an operator by just 
watching the traffic.
So my personal conclusion is that every contact MUST BE INITIATED by an 
operator MANUALLY - like in old days
before MSHV software. I have the feeling that this cn start a revolution in 
DXpeditions of today because I FEEL AND KNOW that most DXpeds are running FT 
contacts unintended and uninitiated however nobody has prove of
it as long as the DXped guys state that they are work in strict order of DXCC 
rules - do they ? what do you think :-) ?

Also in CW mode its interesting to define if a QSO is a QSO. A QSO is not just 
happen that one operator calls
and the DXped picks him up and give him a report. Station must hear that the 
call was given correct and the report
is for him and he has to answer without delay. Even then QSO is not sure as 
long as both partners have not confirmed
the contact by TU. Very often on topband QSB has prevented a QSO to finish.

However this is a hobby and rules give room for interpretation. One station 
told me that I worked him 3 times
but logged his call wrong so he does not define this contacts as good. He wrote: 
"at the 3rd time you came close
to my call but it still was wrong so I continue trying next nights". This is a 
pretty high QSO standard!

I am not so strict. I know that under this hard QRN situation call errors 
happen and I will have contacts wrong for sure.
I still log it even I know it may be wrong but there is no penalty in 
DXpedition compared to a contest
If a station gives me proof that it was HIS CONTACT by telling me the wrong 
call, his call, the date+time and the
exact QRG he transmitted - we might correct his call sign, as long as the noted 
call in log is not requested by another
station. However his call must be close to the logged call, mostly wrong just 
by one letter.
I wonder if topband community agrees with me or not.
These are some "contacts once in a liftime" so I do not want to make it harder 
as neccessary.

Long writing, sorry for that. I hope it is still interesting for you readers. 
Topband is a very serious part of the
hobby and who else as the topbanders should define the standards of a GOOD QSO.
I do not want to create confrontation and bad discussions but I think its 
essential to think 

Topband: Timor Leste report #10

2023-11-29 Thread Dietmar Kasper
Dear Topbanders
90% of the equipment is in the container. We still have 2 1/2 stations running 
(one without amp in phone only)
the 160m antennas and beverages are still up and some simple wire verticals 
have been added to continue beeing
QRV the next days and nights.

It seems we are in rain season now. No afternoon without close thunderstorms 
and all the noise on the bands.
Propagation is still poor however last night was a short window around 12:30 to 
work a few lucky W4´s.

In the thunderstorm noise call sign logging is guessing. I am sure that I am 
not almost right with the call.
I called a W4 for about 5 minutes and thought it was K4SV. At the end I was 
logging K4SV but I had the feeling
that this station was not happy with that call and I may have it wrong ... as 
much as you can hear in the crashes...
(QSO interpretation later)

When it comes to the question if a QSO is a QSO or not there is no unique 
standard. Thanks to all for discussing
the question about FT contacts that must be initiated by an operator. I feel 
that the discussion is still open
and a solution accepted by the majority of topbanders is not there so far. It 
was clearly indicated that the
station must be observed during the contacts so automated contacts do not count 
for DXCC. Still open is if the
contacts must be initiated by the operator or just by software. Some said it is 
OK that the operator is still
watching that everything goes well. In my opinion an operator (and ARRL clearly 
uses the word OPERATOR) is only
an operator if HE OPERATES, means, a visitor cannot be an operator by just 
watching the traffic.
So my personal conclusion is that every contact MUST BE INITIATED by an 
operator MANUALLY - like in old days
before MSHV software. I have the feeling that this cn start a revolution in 
DXpeditions of today because 
I FEEL AND KNOW that most DXpeds are running FT contacts unintended and 
uninitiated however nobody has prove of
it as long as the DXped guys state that they are work in strict order of DXCC 
rules - do they ? what do you think :-) ?

Also in CW mode its interesting to define if a QSO is a QSO. A QSO is not just 
happen that one operator calls
and the DXped picks him up and give him a report. Station must hear that the 
call was given correct and the report
is for him and he has to answer without delay. Even then QSO is not sure as 
long as both partners have not confirmed
the contact by TU. Very often on topband QSB has prevented a QSO to finish.

However this is a hobby and rules give room for interpretation. One station 
told me that I worked him 3 times
but logged his call wrong so he does not define this contacts as good. He 
wrote: "at the 3rd time you came close
to my call but it still was wrong so I continue trying next nights". This is a 
pretty high QSO standard!

I am not so strict. I know that under this hard QRN situation call errors 
happen and I will have contacts wrong for sure.
I still log it even I know it may be wrong but there is no penalty in 
DXpedition compared to a contest
If a station gives me proof that it was HIS CONTACT by telling me the wrong 
call, his call, the date+time and the
exact QRG he transmitted - we might correct his call sign, as long as the noted 
call in log is not requested by another
station. However his call must be close to the logged call, mostly wrong just 
by one letter.
I wonder if topband community agrees with me or not.
These are some "contacts once in a liftime" so I do not want to make it harder 
as neccessary.

Long writing, sorry for that. I hope it is still interesting for you readers. 
Topband is a very serious part of the
hobby and who else as the topbanders should define the standards of a GOOD QSO.
I do not want to create confrontation and bad discussions but I think its 
essential to think about QSO rules for us.

more to follow
73 Dietmar

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread Jim Brown

On 11/28/2023 3:40 PM, Wes Stewart via Topband wrote:

  Serious weak-signal ops would be using CW, so who cares what the FT8 guys are 
doing? 

Serious weak signal ops have been using WSJT modes on VHF/UHF since they 
were first developed. Likewise on the longwave bands.

One of the sharpest topband DXpeditioners, AA7JV, has been using FT8 a 
lot for at least four years. George is both a first class op and one of 
the smartest engineers I know of. I use "engineer" in the sense of 
someone who uses science to solve problems, often in very innovative ways.

73, Jim K9YC

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread Wes Stewart via Topband
 Serious weak-signal ops would be using CW, so who cares what the FT8 guys are 
doing? :-)

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 02:37:00 PM MST, Jim Brown 
 On 11/28/2023 5:05 AM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:
> A resolution at the July ARRL Board of Directors meeting pointed to
> “growing concern over fully automated contacts being made and claimed”
> for contest and DXCC credit. The rules now require that each claimed
> contact include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on
> both sides of the contact. Initiation of a contact may be either local
> or remote.

They might want to start enforcing this with several of their midwest 
SCMs who have been running nearly fulltime BOTs on 6M FT8 for well over 
a year. They have been complained about to the League by serious 
weak-signal 6M ops.

73, Jim K9YC
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Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread Jim Brown

On 11/28/2023 5:05 AM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:

A resolution at the July ARRL Board of Directors meeting pointed to
“growing concern over fully automated contacts being made and claimed”
for contest and DXCC credit. The rules now require that each claimed
contact include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on
both sides of the contact. Initiation of a contact may be either local
or remote.

They might want to start enforcing this with several of their midwest 
SCMs who have been running nearly fulltime BOTs on 6M FT8 for well over 
a year. They have been complained about to the League by serious 
weak-signal 6M ops.

73, Jim K9YC
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Timor Leste report #9

2023-11-28 Thread Dietmar Kasper
Dear Topbanders
the plan is to continue  topband operation until Sunday. The latest news are 
the container with equipment will leave here on Monday to reach the planned 
ship departure.
Last night has been poor. We had a thunderstorm with lightnings short before 
It came from the south over the mountains and went north west making the band 
at US time. Crashes continued full night until sunrise.
Worked few EUs in the morning half hour before sunrise 1xOH2 1xON 3xOM 1xDF6.
Band closed with the sunrise. There was no sunrise peak.
I thought I would understand topband propagation after many activities in the 
but it always surprises me. Every night is different.
73 Dietmar
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread Bill Tippett
ARRL wrote:  " The rules now require that each claimed contact include
contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the
contact. Initiation of a contact may be either local or remote."

The phrase "contemporaneous direct initiation" is an interesting nuance.  I
can personally think of attempted CW QSOs where both sides initiated the
contact successfully, but either or both sides may not have completed the
QSO.  This could be caused by miscopying the call, deep QSB, QRM or
otherwise.  Both sides usually confirm their QSO by either sending "R TU"
or "CFM" etc.

More importantly the QSO timing should be correct to prevent the "helpers"
on frequency or Chat prompting either side of the QSO...please don't do
that guys!  It reminds me of the poor practices that first began in W7PHO
nets..."When last heard (could have been last year) you were 2 by 2...rifle
shot" and then the net control proclaims "Good Contact!".  Shameful!

73,  Bill  W4ZV
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread Steve Harrison
Dietmar, my interpretation is that yes: BOTH sides of the QSO must be 
initiated, or begun, by a human or the QSO does not count. In other 
words, even though your computer can do all of the data translation into 
human-readable text, a QSO that takes place AUTOMATICALLY by the 
computer does NOT count. The operators may be either local or remote, 
that doesn't matter. So, for example, George, at KH8/AA7JV, may make 
digital mode QSOs while relaxing on his boat and his RIB is on the 
shore, and he's controlling the RIB remotely... AS LONG as it's George 
(or another operator) who is actually initiating, or beginning, the QSO. 
NOTE: the ARRL made a big point of saying "initiate" QSOs; initiate, in 
the English language, means to begin something. Nothing is implied about 
ENDING anything, however... so the QSO can be automagically ENDED by the 
computer, and it will count.

By saying "contemporaneous", the ARRL is making the point that the QSO 
must be initiated (begun) at the proper time, instead of some time in 
the future or past. In other words, you can't program your computer to 
call and work the DXpedition in 25 minutes while you are off having 
supper: you must be there at the computer and actually triggr the 
conputer to initiate, or begin, the QSO.

So yes, if you set up your computer to make automagic QSOs while you run 
off to sleep or to eat or drink or whatever, THAT does NOT count.

If any DXpeditions are doing that (setting up then letting the computer 
run all by itself with no human initiating (beginning) the QSO, then 
their QSOs, even if the far-off operator is sitting right at the 
computer, do NOT count.

The next question is: can the DXpedition set up their computer to 
monitor the band, then respond to and call DXers AUTOMATICALLY, with NO 
human interaction, BETWEEN QSOs??

The ARRL's message says "contemporaneous direct initiation" of both 
sides of the contact; so NO, letting your computer AUTOMATICALLY find 
and call a DXer is NOT allowed: YOU, the DXpeditioner, must initiate the 
QSO yourself, however your station does that (tuning around to find new 
stations then calling them).

And by the way... with that one message, I can think of at least one 
Southern California radio club member who should forfeit most of his DX 
QSOs from the past 4 or 5 years, because he had his computer set up to 
AUTOMATICALLY tune for, call, and work DX. He was not there during most 
of his "QSOs"; he simply set up the computer and radio then came back 
hours later to see what it had worked.

That's my own interpretation of what you related from the ARRL's message.


Steve K0XP

On 11/28/2023 5:05 AM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:

After CQWW we dismantle the station but we are still QRV on topband maybe also 
on other bands
We still have a close thunderstorm so RX is again very bad, cant copy signals 
weaker as S5 strength

Got message about ARRL rules for DXCC and other awards. I myself do not operate 
FT modes
so maybe one who uses it can tell me how to handle it.

ARRL does not count fully automated robot QSOs for DXCC credit.
Please clarification, what does it mean ?
ARRL writes:

A resolution at the July ARRL Board of Directors meeting pointed to “growing 
concern over fully automated contacts being made and claimed” for contest and 
DXCC credit. The rules now require that each claimed contact include 
contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact. 
Initiation of a contact may be either local or remote.
both sides of the contact ?

I understand that the applicant must be present at the radio to initiate and 
log the contact. What about the other side (DXpedition ?)
Does initiating a contact means "I switch on radio and computer, start MSHV 
software and let it running automatically logging contacts hour after hour attended 
by human watching the traffic or even unattended if operator observes several bands 
in parallel or go to dinner, have a beer or even go sleep ?
DXpedition is not requesting a DXCC so is that operation OK ?
If both sides must initiate and log the contact manually then my conclusion is that most of the big DXpeditions using MSHV would do wrong ? I wonder that nobody asked this question before.
still confused ...

73 Dietmar

Searchable Archives:  - Topband Reflector

See my page at **
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Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread Dietmar Kasper
After CQWW we dismantle the station but we are still QRV on topband maybe also 
on other bands
We still have a close thunderstorm so RX is again very bad, cant copy signals 
weaker as S5 strength

Got message about ARRL rules for DXCC and other awards. I myself do not operate 
FT modes
so maybe one who uses it can tell me how to handle it.
>ARRL does not count fully automated robot QSOs for DXCC credit. 
Please clarification, what does it mean ?
ARRL writes:
A resolution at the July ARRL Board of Directors meeting pointed to “growing 
concern over fully automated contacts being made and claimed” for contest and 
DXCC credit. The rules now require that each claimed contact include 
contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact. 
Initiation of a contact may be either local or remote. 
both sides of the contact ?
I understand that the applicant must be present at the radio to initiate and 
log the contact. What about the other side (DXpedition ?)
Does initiating a contact means "I switch on radio and computer, start MSHV 
software and let it running automatically logging contacts hour after hour 
attended by human watching the traffic or even unattended if operator observes 
several bands in parallel or go to dinner, have a beer or even go sleep ?
DXpedition is not requesting a DXCC so is that operation OK ?
If both sides must initiate and log the contact manually then my conclusion is 
that most of the big DXpeditions using MSHV would do wrong ? I wonder that 
nobody asked this question before.
still confused ...
73 Dietmar

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread g3nkc via Topband
Hi Dietmar, your last post looks empty?Hope you had fun in CQWW, thanks to the 
team for QSOs @ MD4K ,  but not 160m unfortunately:-(73 Dave,  G3NKCSent from 
my Galaxy
 Original message From: Dietmar Kasper  Date: 
28/11/2023  11:15  (GMT+00:00) To: Subject: Topband: 
Timor Leste post cqww report _Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
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Topband: Timor Leste post cqww report

2023-11-28 Thread Dietmar Kasper

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Re: Topband: Timor Leste report #8

2023-11-24 Thread Walter E Miller


Like many others in the eastern part of the USA I have been trying to 
work you on 160m CW before and after my sunrise (1238Z now).  Today 
(24Nov) was the first time your signal was actually Q5 for me, but you 
could not hear the large pileup calling you.  I expect a QSO will be 
impossible during the contest weekend, but my question for you is are 
you going to try 160m CW again after the contest or not?

73 und Danke Sehr,

Walt, AJ6T (EM66 Tennessee)

On 11/23/2023 3:24 PM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:

GM topbanders
started at 10:00 not to miss KP4AA again but no luck. ZL and JA skimmer with 
low values and not reported from US.
After 13:00 band opened a little to the southern US with one TX and 2x CA. 
Nothing from the north. WA7LNW showed good
signal strength at his sunrise but no QSOs. We still have lot of thunderstorm 
crashes makes it hard to hear
anybody. Signals below s5 are down in the noise undetectable.
One hour before sunrise band opened to southern Europe - first time - with 
first YOs and some 9A, S5, SV, E7
before OH, SM and SP.Later some Ukraine but no LZ. Before sunrise peak signals 
became weak and disappeared.
At sunrise some weak ON, F, G and GM were able to work and soon the band faded 
Good to have been here at the right time after low hours during the night.
We will continue to be QRV in CQWW in M/M category, also on 160m with changing 
operators. For EU we may transmit
below 1810 with split up to avoid QRM.
73 DXX
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Re: Topband: Timor-Leste

2023-11-23 Thread Raymond Benny
He was not hearing well. Took op 3-4 minutes to work K6NA who has very good
160m signal.
He peaked 569 here for a short time.

Waiting for the 160m FT8 to get the radio.


On Thu, Nov 23, 2023, 4:08 PM Darryl  wrote:

> Dietmar,
> I was able to copy you a little for an hour before my sunrise and you
> dropped out just at sunrise.
> I called, along with about 8-10 others for about 30 minutes with no joy.
> Back again tomorrow…
> Darryl K7UT
> [K7UT LOGOTYPE.12.png]
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband
> Reflector
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Topband: Timor-Leste

2023-11-23 Thread Darryl

I was able to copy you a little for an hour before my sunrise and you dropped 
out just at sunrise.

I called, along with about 8-10 others for about 30 minutes with no joy. Back 
again tomorrow…

Darryl K7UT

[K7UT LOGOTYPE.12.png]

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Timor Leste report #8

2023-11-23 Thread Dietmar Kasper
GM topbanders
started at 10:00 not to miss KP4AA again but no luck. ZL and JA skimmer with 
low values and not reported from US.
After 13:00 band opened a little to the southern US with one TX and 2x CA. 
Nothing from the north. WA7LNW showed good
signal strength at his sunrise but no QSOs. We still have lot of thunderstorm 
crashes makes it hard to hear
anybody. Signals below s5 are down in the noise undetectable.
One hour before sunrise band opened to southern Europe - first time - with 
first YOs and some 9A, S5, SV, E7
before OH, SM and SP.Later some Ukraine but no LZ. Before sunrise peak signals 
became weak and disappeared.
At sunrise some weak ON, F, G and GM were able to work and soon the band faded 
Good to have been here at the right time after low hours during the night.
We will continue to be QRV in CQWW in M/M category, also on 160m with changing 
operators. For EU we may transmit
below 1810 with split up to avoid QRM.
73 DXX
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste report #8

2023-11-22 Thread Paul Dulaff via Topband

Hi Dietmar

Was able to make a CW contact with ZL1AZ at his SS,  0715 UTC Thursday. 
I am in Northern New Jersey so an 8900 mile 2 way QSO to New Zealand. 
The propagation is there. Just need to get thru the noise (basically). I 
have a strong bias toward CW and only resort to FT8 when the DX station 
makes that the mode. The DX station controls the modes used for contacts 
so I only use FT8 when the DX contact leaves no other options. I only 
run 100 watts to a short inverted L now on 160 but will be in better 
shape with 1 KW and better antenna in the future as I see the band can 
be worked for much DX on CW with the right setup.

Thanks for your efforts.

Paul - W2NMI

On 11/22/2023 4:43 PM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:

GM topbanders
propagation was not good. No US on CW but terrible crashes from thunderstorms 
between Singapore and Tarawa.
The complete north was a thunderstorm, just see
Took my free time what actually was adicted to sleep to improve US beverage. It 
was extended in length
and converted into a two wire beverage also to cover backside to Indian Ocean.

Had to pay the price for extra sunshine and had to take some sleep in the 
evening, so missed the US time.
As soon as I was away the station was hijacked by the FT-lovers to play their 
computer games.
Spots show that computer cannot work US better as humans during thunderstorm 
crashes, so most contacts
were loud JAs and US stations we already worked in CW.

I feel like the last person on earth fighting for the CW mode on topband. 
However FT lovers
were not seen when it came to put out the beverages, look for the noise source 
near the property or
to reconstruct the beverages far away during hours and hours of hard labour.
Originally it was planned to have another 160m antenna on second location but 
nobody wanted to do the
work - is is so much easier to take over a good working CW station when the 
lonely after many nights
tired person is away for a while.

Band was closed most parts of the night but a few loud JAs (mostly dupes) 
called in. At sunrise
we had a short opening starting with G4AMT followed by I3, ON, EI, DL, HB9 and 
then the sun was
up and the band was dead again. These are the moments I like so much to do the 
real top band DX
what you can hear and feel - and good to know lot of the person behind the call.
Artificial intelligence just clicks the contact and goes ahead - obviously our 
future :-)

OK - lets bring this DXpedition to an end and this will be my last entry in 
this group or in
any other group mostly addicted to the FT modes.
73 Dietmar DL3DXX
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Re: Topband: Timor Leste report #8

2023-11-22 Thread Michael Tope
Interestingly, conditions on the west coast seemed pretty good this 
morning around our sunrise. I was able to decode HS5NMF between -8 and 
-5 and 9M6NA got as high as +1. I suspect both could have been heard 
reasonably well on CW. OTOH, the QRN level on their end might have 
precluded 2-way contacts.

Thank you for your efforts to keep CW alive on Topband, Dietmar. I do 
operate FT8. It does seem to make contacts possible that would not be 
possible on CW (all other things being equal), but I don't find it 
nearly as satisfying as a good CW contact.

73, Mike W4EF..

On 11/22/2023 1:43 PM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:

GM topbanders
propagation was not good. No US on CW but terrible crashes from thunderstorms 
between Singapore and Tarawa.
The complete north was a thunderstorm, just see
Took my free time what actually was adicted to sleep to improve US beverage. It 
was extended in length
and converted into a two wire beverage also to cover backside to Indian Ocean.

Had to pay the price for extra sunshine and had to take some sleep in the 
evening, so missed the US time.
As soon as I was away the station was hijacked by the FT-lovers to play their 
computer games.
Spots show that computer cannot work US better as humans during thunderstorm 
crashes, so most contacts
were loud JAs and US stations we already worked in CW.

I feel like the last person on earth fighting for the CW mode on topband. 
However FT lovers
were not seen when it came to put out the beverages, look for the noise source 
near the property or
to reconstruct the beverages far away during hours and hours of hard labour.
Originally it was planned to have another 160m antenna on second location but 
nobody wanted to do the
work - is is so much easier to take over a good working CW station when the 
lonely after many nights
tired person is away for a while.

Band was closed most parts of the night but a few loud JAs (mostly dupes) 
called in. At sunrise
we had a short opening starting with G4AMT followed by I3, ON, EI, DL, HB9 and 
then the sun was
up and the band was dead again. These are the moments I like so much to do the 
real top band DX
what you can hear and feel - and good to know lot of the person behind the call.
Artificial intelligence just clicks the contact and goes ahead - obviously our 
future :-)

OK - lets bring this DXpedition to an end and this will be my last entry in 
this group or in
any other group mostly addicted to the FT modes.
73 Dietmar DL3DXX
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Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste report #8

2023-11-22 Thread Jim Brown

On 11/22/2023 1:43 PM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:

As soon as I was away the station was hijacked by the FT-lovers to play their 
computer games.

It is long past time for us to grow past prejudices and learn to use new 
techniques. This all reminds me of the fighting against the adoption of 
that crazy new mode called SSB! I have been primarily a CW op all of my 
life, 67 years so far in ham radio.

FT-modes are weak signal modes -- the digital encoding provides about 10 
dB advantage over CW with great operators on both ends. They fight 
against the major enemy of our QSOs, noise of all sorts. Just as CW 
offers an advantage of about 10 dB over SSB. This is a VERY big deal, 
because man-made electrical noise has increased by 20 dB in the last two 

All of these modes use radios, antennas, and propagation through the 
ionosphere. The operators still most build all of that stuff, do it 
well, understand all of it, and study propagation so that they know when 
to operate. George Wallner, AA7JV, one of the smartest guys doing 
DXpeditions in the last 20 years, studied the logs from many of his 
activations, and found that nearly all of the most difficult QSOs 
occurred during one or two nights of a 2-3 week expedition. George 
realized the advantage of FT8, and developed a system to diplex both CW 
and FT8 transmitters into the same TX antenna, and narrow bandpass 
filters for RX antennas.

73, Jim K9YC

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Topband: Timor Leste report #8

2023-11-22 Thread Dietmar Kasper
GM topbanders
propagation was not good. No US on CW but terrible crashes from thunderstorms 
between Singapore and Tarawa.
The complete north was a thunderstorm, just see
Took my free time what actually was adicted to sleep to improve US beverage. It 
was extended in length
and converted into a two wire beverage also to cover backside to Indian Ocean.

Had to pay the price for extra sunshine and had to take some sleep in the 
evening, so missed the US time.
As soon as I was away the station was hijacked by the FT-lovers to play their 
computer games.
Spots show that computer cannot work US better as humans during thunderstorm 
crashes, so most contacts
were loud JAs and US stations we already worked in CW.

I feel like the last person on earth fighting for the CW mode on topband. 
However FT lovers
were not seen when it came to put out the beverages, look for the noise source 
near the property or
to reconstruct the beverages far away during hours and hours of hard labour.
Originally it was planned to have another 160m antenna on second location but 
nobody wanted to do the
work - is is so much easier to take over a good working CW station when the 
lonely after many nights
tired person is away for a while.

Band was closed most parts of the night but a few loud JAs (mostly dupes) 
called in. At sunrise
we had a short opening starting with G4AMT followed by I3, ON, EI, DL, HB9 and 
then the sun was
up and the band was dead again. These are the moments I like so much to do the 
real top band DX
what you can hear and feel - and good to know lot of the person behind the call.
Artificial intelligence just clicks the contact and goes ahead - obviously our 
future :-)

OK - lets bring this DXpedition to an end and this will be my last entry in 
this group or in
any other group mostly addicted to the FT modes.
73 Dietmar DL3DXX
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Re: Topband: Timor Leste report #7

2023-11-20 Thread Wes Stewart via Topband
I thought my morning (13:00-14:00 Z) was the best so far.  I've been plagued 
with powerline noise from two sources, known to the power company, but still 
On several other mornings I have known you were there but knew it was pointless 
to call, given your power and antenna advantage over me.  This morning I could 
hear your CQs so I called.  We completed a QSO at 13:24 Z, 24 minutes before my 
A few minutes later you were Q5 with my headphones laying on the desk.
Ten minutes after our QSO I worked H44WA on FT8 on the first sequence.
So I guess it depends on from what direction you are looking.  Thank you for 
the QSO, I now have you on 160 and all HF bands on CW, and 25 slots total.
Wes  N7WS

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 02:36:04 PM MST, Dietmar Kasper 
 GM topbanders
Last night I thought it was the most worst night of the DXped but this night 
topped it.
Made only about 30 CW QSOs and OE2VEL worked a few in FT8 but mostly stations 
we already
had worked in CW.
Actually the night started good with two times VE7 and W6 just after sunset, 
sorry was
few minutes late to work KP4AA because dinner came too late. Worked N4WW with 
signal but later signals dropped down.
I see it when VE6WZ skimmer signal strength falls below 10dB it is pretty hard 
to hear
anybody here in the tropic noise.
Complete night we had terrible QRN from nearby thunderstorm causing s9 crashes 
all the
time. There was almost no sunrise peak so all the callers remained in the noise.
It only can become better. Still some time to continue
73 Dietmar DL3DXX
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Topband: Timor Leste report #7

2023-11-20 Thread Dietmar Kasper
GM topbanders
Last night I thought it was the most worst night of the DXped but this night 
topped it.
Made only about 30 CW QSOs and OE2VEL worked a few in FT8 but mostly stations 
we already
had worked in CW.
Actually the night started good with two times VE7 and W6 just after sunset, 
sorry was
few minutes late to work KP4AA because dinner came too late. Worked N4WW with 
signal but later signals dropped down.
I see it when VE6WZ skimmer signal strength falls below 10dB it is pretty hard 
to hear
anybody here in the tropic noise.
Complete night we had terrible QRN from nearby thunderstorm causing s9 crashes 
all the
time. There was almost no sunrise peak so all the callers remained in the noise.
It only can become better. Still some time to continue
73 Dietmar DL3DXX
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Re: Topband: . Timor Leste report #6 (Dietmar Kasper)

2023-11-20 Thread Rino Borace

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Topband: Timor Leste report #6

2023-11-19 Thread Dietmar Kasper
GM topbanders
here the daily report. This was the night with the poorest propagation so far.
10 hours listening into the noise for 102 QSOs, however glad that I made it 
over 100.
No east coast again but ZF9CW called at his sunrise and W4EF (Calif) were 
Long periods of CQ without any QSO. After 13z wkd AA5C and AA0RS followed by 
W6 VE5 and VE6, also 2 KL7s were worked the 3rd one got lost in the QRM.
We again had a noisy night with thunderstorm crashes all evening long.
After 15z the band closed completely with no signal for the next 4 hours.
We now have worked over 1000 JA QSOs on topband, so the chance that a new JA 
is low. At 19:30 the band opened slowly with aurora sound to northern Germany, 
LA, OZ, SM, YL - all around the baltic coast but pretty weak in the noise.
Also 2 G stations were worked and oneON, but again no France or even further.
A lucky YT3C called in for the first Serbian station and an IV3 however he made 
It is strange, that there is no propagation to southern Europe most nights.
Still waiting for propagation change to give a fair chance to everybody.
Whatever happened this morning, sun and magnetic field probably influenced it.
I got request to stay longer after sunrise to give a chance to the North east
corner of US but DXAtlas shows that this path is almost impossible at this phase
of sun activity, even more as beverages to South west is full of QRM.
We had a power cut in the night for 5 minutes and I checked all beverages and
all were pretty clean for a moment but then the power came back.
We have our own power station to run radios and amps, so this test was possible.
Have to live with QRM and QRN and make the best of it

For all who are still trying there is a new chance tomorrow night
73 Dietmar DL3DXX
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste report #5

2023-11-18 Thread Bruce

Hello Dietmar,

You have a amazing 160m station, nice job on your part.. I was lucky 
enough to work you on 160 meters from Florida the other night. I would 
love to see you on 80 Meters, hopefully on CW, but FT8 if conditions are 
not good.

73, Bruce, W8HW


On 11/18/2023 4:32 PM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:

GM top banders
last night was not productive into US. Again much QRN from thunderstorms down 
Was spotted by skimmer VE6WZ several times but it not resulted in QSOs.
First little opening after 13z into W6 W7 area.
At this time the band was silent so I was able now to copy K1PX who was trying 
so many nights
A few other Ws but no VE, no KL, no KH6.
Europe was weak at 13z at their sunset but a few QSOs were possible. After that 
the band
faded again and was almost empty.
I took half hour sleep while the robot tried to get stations in the log in this 
new mode,
where it is said that this is the future of ham radio.
Came back to CW and the band opened to Europe slowly. North Europe was favoured 
OH, SM and some LA. One hour before sunrise good opening to DL again with lot 
of second
and third level stations (someone insisted me using whatsapp to arrange these 
but I never have been on whatsapp nor in facebook  .. I just know DLs and their 
calls :-)
Few 9a and S5 and I think one SV but again nothing south from YO, LZ
After the DLs a number of ONs was worked and the band opened also to SM and LA 
The morning ended with some G stations but the sunrise peak was only a weak one.
Good to work some old friends like ON4WW, PA3FQA, LA7GIA, LA5HE, SM5GLC and 
Slowly we get most of the active DX stations in the log.
Beverages paid off a lot.
time for the bed now - more later
73 Dietmar
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Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Timor Leste report #5

2023-11-18 Thread Dietmar Kasper
GM top banders
last night was not productive into US. Again much QRN from thunderstorms down 
Was spotted by skimmer VE6WZ several times but it not resulted in QSOs.
First little opening after 13z into W6 W7 area.
At this time the band was silent so I was able now to copy K1PX who was trying 
so many nights
A few other Ws but no VE, no KL, no KH6.
Europe was weak at 13z at their sunset but a few QSOs were possible. After that 
the band
faded again and was almost empty.
I took half hour sleep while the robot tried to get stations in the log in this 
new mode,
where it is said that this is the future of ham radio.
Came back to CW and the band opened to Europe slowly. North Europe was favoured 
OH, SM and some LA. One hour before sunrise good opening to DL again with lot 
of second
and third level stations (someone insisted me using whatsapp to arrange these 
but I never have been on whatsapp nor in facebook  .. I just know DLs and their 
calls :-)
Few 9a and S5 and I think one SV but again nothing south from YO, LZ
After the DLs a number of ONs was worked and the band opened also to SM and LA 
The morning ended with some G stations but the sunrise peak was only a weak one.
Good to work some old friends like ON4WW, PA3FQA, LA7GIA, LA5HE, SM5GLC and 
Slowly we get most of the active DX stations in the log.
Beverages paid off a lot.
time for the bed now - more later
73 Dietmar
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Timor Leste report #4

2023-11-17 Thread Dietmar Kasper
Hi topbanders
another interesting night is over. Band opened late. I had  been there before 
sunset already and heard
AA7JV/mm with weak CQ. Skimmers did not pick me up long time. Night started 
Yesterday we again had rain showers coming over the mountains from the south. 
Rain brings QRN and
crashes. Very difficult copy so most of the weak W4s and 5s were call sign 
Sometimes I only missed one letter but the crash always happened at the wrong 
moment - again and again.
VE6WZ skimmer picked me up before WA7LNW. After W4s some W5s followed, nothing 
heard from 8,9 area.
After 13z again the band seemed to close but shortly extreme loud W7s called 
and I worked some of
the VE5, 6, 7 and VY0SS. Missed KL7 heard pfx but unable to get the suffix.
After west coast had closed worked our Lagunaria team leader DL1MGB from DK6WL 
station at his sunset.
Later the band closed completely - not a single signal heard anymore.
Read complains about bad RX in cluster, so checked the beverages. I even took a 
light and made the
500 meters through the bushes during night to visit the EU beverage.
I think (hope) there are no bad animals out there in the bush. If they exist 
they did not expect me
running through in the night. Could not find anything wrong with beverage but 
80m also complained
that the band is totally empty. Turned the radio down to a radio station at 
1611. I checked all
beverages, changed the pre-amplifier and proved the wiring - all OK so far.
Slowly the band got back into life. Started with OH, went over the north to OZ, 
GM and back through
ON to Northern DL. Moved down south to East Germany, short detected by DF2CK 
skimmer and then
westward to Frankfurt area. Worked a bigger number of DLs. It was not bad habit 
only to work DLs
the propagation was just there. Finally propagation switched to ON, later to F 
and ended up in EA3.
15 minutes after sunset the band faded here. Heard stations still calling but 
deep in the noise.
When it comes to the RX capabilities, dont forget that we are here at 8 degrees 
south in the center
of the thunderstorm area. You are up in the north in clear winter time with 
mostly excellent receiving
(if you are not QRMd by city/village). Its much easier to listen to my signal 
for you than
listening for you where dozen of stations calling without stop in the noise all 
together on one QRG.
You increase your chances if you move away from crowded frequencies.
Thats for now, hope more such productive night will follow. There is still a 
lot of folks without 160m QSO
73 Dietmar DL3DXX

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste Nov 17 ( Dietmar Kasper)

2023-11-17 Thread Jim Brown
That's fine if radio is your only interest in life. We're much happier 

73, Jim K9YC

On 11/17/2023 7:16 AM, wrote:


You should have stayed in Illinois and bought some farmland downstate on the 

I moved from a city lot in New York to an acre lot in New Jersey a couple of 
miles from the ocean. When I moved here 23 years ago I was surrounded by 
gentleman farmers and noise level much lower . I was was successful on 160 with 
100 watts and an inverted L against radials. The noise level has steadily 
increased and some farms have been replaced by townhouses.

73 Mike N2MS

On 11/16/2023 3:19 PM EST Jim Brown  wrote:

On 11/16/2023 10:07 AM, Salvatore Borace wrote:

Hi Dietmar, dont pay attention for many lazy people want FT8


FT8 is a weak signal mode, providing the advantage of about 15 dB more
noise rejection than CW. From my QTH near San Francisco, I haven't heard
EU on CW for 3 years; in 8 years, I've heard 6 EU stations, and two have
heard me. When I moved here from Chicago in 2006, I was able to work EU
on CW. The difference is MUCH louder noise on both ends of the QSO.

All with the same TX and RX antennas, including a 100 ft Tee-vertical, a
550 ft Beverage to EU, and a two-element array of phased loops spaced
5/8 wavelength.

73, Jim K9YC

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Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste Nov 17 ( Dietmar Kasper)

2023-11-17 Thread mstangelo

You should have stayed in Illinois and bought some farmland downstate on the 

I moved from a city lot in New York to an acre lot in New Jersey a couple of 
miles from the ocean. When I moved here 23 years ago I was surrounded by 
gentleman farmers and noise level much lower . I was was successful on 160 with 
100 watts and an inverted L against radials. The noise level has steadily 
increased and some farms have been replaced by townhouses.

73 Mike N2MS

> On 11/16/2023 3:19 PM EST Jim Brown  wrote:
> On 11/16/2023 10:07 AM, Salvatore Borace wrote:
> > Hi Dietmar, dont pay attention for many lazy people want FT8
> Salvatore,
> FT8 is a weak signal mode, providing the advantage of about 15 dB more 
> noise rejection than CW. From my QTH near San Francisco, I haven't heard 
> EU on CW for 3 years; in 8 years, I've heard 6 EU stations, and two have 
> heard me. When I moved here from Chicago in 2006, I was able to work EU 
> on CW. The difference is MUCH louder noise on both ends of the QSO.
> All with the same TX and RX antennas, including a 100 ft Tee-vertical, a 
> 550 ft Beverage to EU, and a two-element array of phased loops spaced 
> 5/8 wavelength.
> 73, Jim K9YC

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste Nov 17 ( Dietmar Kasper)

2023-11-16 Thread Jim Brown

On 11/16/2023 10:07 AM, Salvatore Borace wrote:

Hi Dietmar, dont pay attention for many lazy people want FT8


FT8 is a weak signal mode, providing the advantage of about 15 dB more 
noise rejection than CW. From my QTH near San Francisco, I haven't heard 
EU on CW for 3 years; in 8 years, I've heard 6 EU stations, and two have 
heard me. When I moved here from Chicago in 2006, I was able to work EU 
on CW. The difference is MUCH louder noise on both ends of the QSO.

All with the same TX and RX antennas, including a 100 ft Tee-vertical, a 
550 ft Beverage to EU, and a two-element array of phased loops spaced 
5/8 wavelength.

73, Jim K9YC

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Timor Leste Nov 17 ( Dietmar Kasper)

2023-11-16 Thread Salvatore Borace
Hi Dietmar, dont pay attention for many lazy people want FT8 on TB, anyway
i have good copy of you mostly every evening but unfortunatly this time i
running only 100w, Hope condition improve and i'm lucky like 80m where i
make qso with my 100w. Rino
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Timor Leste report Nov 17

2023-11-16 Thread Dietmar Kasper
Hi topbanders.
Propagation has become worse. After making a new remote US beverage out of the 
we today built another remote EU beverage. It is silent, too silent ? Feeding 
75 Ohms
TV cable is about 450 meters long. At the evening I needed a break, so station 
taken over by another operator to try FT8. He mostly worked JA and a few US we 
have worked the night before in CW.

The source of noise we were able to detect by turning the 6m beam. It is the
village power distribution :-(

Back to the band now but 160m is completely dead. Listened to VK6LW who was 
for while but worked nobody. A pity, so I cannot test new EU beverage.
80m op stated, that it workes, 80m is open a little bit.

In cluster I read anonymus complaint about only working FT8 for NA and Asia.
The situation is that we are running FT8 when CW does not result in any 
Why not to EU ? I myself did not and will not work any FT8.

Same as I have to accept that some people use this mode they must accept vise 
that I dont work FT8. Our operator does but he stops when he go sleep.
He runs 160m FT8 attended. As I know DXCC rule state that automatic contacts do 
count for DXCC so station must be attended during traffic.

I have heard that some DXped dont care about it and running the station 
because there is no way of proof, BUT WE DO CARE.

With better RX capabilities also the EU demand will be reduced for sure.
I am impatient the band may open soon.

73 Dietmar DL3DXX
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Timor Leste report 3

2023-11-15 Thread Dietmar Kasper
New kid in town :-)
We have a new US beverage, did you find out last night ?
Beeing unhappy with the results so far I tested a new temporary beverage.
Thank you for your comments so far I read with interest. Sorry that I cannot 
answer to every individual mail.
The starter of experiment was one mail writing "a short beverage is better than 
no beverage".

So I put lots of 75 Ohms TV cable together to get out of the village, closest 
point is now 300 meter and the further end
of the beverage is about 450 meter. I did not want to use again days and days 
to cut a trail into the bushes.
I put up the antenna along the coast line, more or less US short path.
Beverages above good ground do not work, never over salt water. But this 
beverage is mounted parallel to the ocean line,
where the wet sand ends and the dry sand starts. It was just an experiment.

It seems experiment was successfull. Never worked so many US last night 
compared to the nights before.
The beverage is still ugly, quick and dirty only 2 feet above ground almost 
hanging down to the ground.
As one of the mail said I say  "better an ugly but working beverage outside 
village than a nice looking beverage inside village
with poor results."

Now up to the other beverages - EU and US longpath. Sorry we did all the hard 
work for almost nothing and have
to redesign the complete system. More to follow next nights

73 DXX

btw: bad stucky internet sometimes loses QSO over livestream. Before your 
bloodpressure gets to high just keep cool
and wait a day. We always upload the complete data again to Clublog, so your 
contact may show up later
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Timor Leste report 2

2023-11-14 Thread Dietmar Kasper
Next Timor Leste report
some team members were unhappy with topband results and with continuous bad 
the pressure to me to accept working FT8 has been getting immense. We had a 
discussion about so I gave up finally and let the daemon out of the box of 
FT mode in equatorial noise seems not to be the big game changer. Some new 
came into the log, even some US we did not have before but I would say most of 
the stations
showed up in that mode we had already worked in CW. Lot of Japan.
Our different point of view concerning resulted in a stop of 160m operation 
around 12z.
The violent discussion ended with the decission to continue in CW but to allow 
if no CW contacts are possible for a while. Sorry that we missed some US that 
Well, we now have data we can analyze later to see what FT mode can and what 

Propagation to US have been even better as the day before. THe evening started 
a heavy 30min rain shower setting the property under water. Short after sunset 
band was open to all over US with the exception of the North East.
After 13z the band faded and again we were able to see it in
checking wa7lnw. new spotter ka7oei and once w6yx added to the list.

Almost no US west coast although I believed in advance that would be the easier 
to US. If you west coast ops stand up at your sunrise you will miss that 

During night wind brought huge waves from the ocean. The 160m matchbox got 
under water
and started arcing, so operation had to be stopped. Fortunately the Titanex 
itself resisted the waves so operation was continued.
I felt, that the big man ruling the propagation must have been unhappy about FT 
operation :-)

However Europe propagation is the big problem of the last few days. Almost no 
spots from Europe, just some deserving callers continued to call us night after 
Hope for the big improvement of propagation.

73 more later
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