commit 19572294cf53147693a41cf2cac3916f4bb2a633
Author: Karsten Loesing <>
Date:   Thu Mar 17 13:58:41 2016 +0100

    Add new module on disagreement among dirauths.
 .../org/torproject/metrics/collectdescs/  |   1 +
 modules/disagreement/.gitignore                    |   2 +
 modules/disagreement/build.xml                     |  37 ++
 .../org/torproject/metrics/disagreement/  | 618 +++++++++++++++++++++
 shared/bin/            |   5 +
 shared/bin/                  |   1 +
 website/etc/metrics.json                           |  22 +
 website/etc/web.xml                                |   1 +
 .../metrics/web/research/ |   1 +
 9 files changed, 688 insertions(+)

diff --git 
index c95df18..dc6ef82 100644
--- a/modules/collectdescs/src/org/torproject/metrics/collectdescs/
+++ b/modules/collectdescs/src/org/torproject/metrics/collectdescs/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ public class Main {
+        "/recent/relay-descriptors/votes/",
         "/recent/torperf/" }, 0L, new File("../../shared/in"), true);
diff --git a/modules/disagreement/.gitignore b/modules/disagreement/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb84c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/disagreement/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/modules/disagreement/build.xml b/modules/disagreement/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce1c022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/disagreement/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<project default="run" name="disagreement" basedir=".">
+  <property name="disagreement-sources" value="src/main/java"/>
+  <property name="disagreement-classes" value="classes"/>
+  <path id="classpath">
+    <pathelement path="${disagreement-classes}"/>
+    <fileset dir="../../shared/lib">
+      <include name="descriptor-1.1.0.jar"/>
+      <include name="commons-compress-1.4.1.jar"/>
+      <include name="xz-1.0.jar"/>
+    </fileset>
+  </path>
+  <target name="compile">
+    <mkdir dir="${disagreement-classes}"/>
+    <javac destdir="${disagreement-classes}"
+           srcdir="${disagreement-sources}"
+           source="1.7"
+           target="1.7"
+           debug="true"
+           deprecation="true"
+           optimize="false"
+           failonerror="true"
+           includeantruntime="false">
+      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
+    </javac>
+  </target>
+  <target name="run" depends="compile">
+    <java fork="true"
+          maxmemory="2g"
+          classname="org.torproject.metrics.disagreement.Main">
+      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
+    </java>
+  </target>
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b612c43
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+package org.torproject.metrics.disagreement;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.SortedMap;
+import java.util.TimeZone;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import org.torproject.descriptor.Descriptor;
+import org.torproject.descriptor.DescriptorFile;
+import org.torproject.descriptor.DescriptorReader;
+import org.torproject.descriptor.DescriptorSourceFactory;
+import org.torproject.descriptor.NetworkStatusEntry;
+import org.torproject.descriptor.RelayNetworkStatusVote;
+/* Read all relay network status votes from the in/ subdirectory with a
+ * valid-after time of 12:00:00, extract attributes like relay flags or
+ * bandwidth measurements that the directory authorities assigned to
+ * relays, and output aggregate statistics on disagreement among the
+ * directory authorities.
+ *
+ * When initializing from descriptor archives, put tarballs in the in/
+ * subdirectory, run this code, and then move the tarballs away.
+ * Otherwise, tarballs will be re-processed in each subsequent execution.
+ *
+ * Recent descriptors can stay in the in/ subdirectory and be re-processed
+ * in each execution. */
+public class Main {
+  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+    new Main().run();
+  }
+  public void run() throws Exception {
+    readResults();
+    readDescriptors();
+    aggregate();
+    writeResults();
+  }
+  /* We're processing a lot of strings, including authority identities,
+   * relay fingerprints, and attributes like relay flags.  It would be
+   * wasteful to store more than one instance of these strings in memory.
+   * We also want to store them as part of long integers below.
+   *
+   * That's why we're resolving all strings to integers and keeping maps
+   * from string to integers.  In case of authority identities and relay
+   * fingerprints we don't need to resolve integers back to strings, but
+   * in case of attributes we need to put attribute strings into the
+   * output file, so we're also keeping a list of attribute strings in
+   * insertion order. */
+  private Map<String, Integer> authorityIndexes =
+      new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+  private Map<String, Integer> fingerprintIndexes =
+      new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+  private Map<String, Integer> attributeIndexes =
+      new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+  private List<String> attributeStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
+  public Main() {
+    /* Initialize maps from strings to integers and back by adding the
+     * empty string as 0-th element.  This is necessary, because we want
+     * to be able to treat 0 as special case below.  Once we add non-empty
+     * strings to maps, they'll be indexed starting at 1. */
+    this.getAuthorityIndexForString("");
+    this.getFingerprintIndexForString("");
+    this.getAttributeIndexForString("");
+  }
+  /* Resolve the given authority string to its authority index, possibly
+   * after adding it to the mapping if it wasn't contained before. */
+  protected int getAuthorityIndexForString(String authorityString) {
+    return putToMapsAndReturnIndex(this.authorityIndexes, null,
+        authorityString);
+  }
+  /* Resolve the given fingerprint string to its fingerprint index,
+   * possibly after adding it to the mapping if it wasn't contained
+   * before. */
+  protected int getFingerprintIndexForString(String fingerprintString) {
+    return putToMapsAndReturnIndex(this.fingerprintIndexes, null,
+        fingerprintString);
+  }
+  /* Resolve the given attribute string to its attribute index, possibly
+   * after adding it to the mapping if it wasn't contained before. */
+  protected int getAttributeIndexForString(String attributeString) {
+    return putToMapsAndReturnIndex(this.attributeIndexes,
+        this.attributeStrings, attributeString);
+  }
+  /* Resolve the given attribute index to its attribute string, or return
+   * null if this attribute index doesn't exist. */
+  protected String getAttributeStringForIndex(int attributeIndex) {
+    if (attributeIndex < 0 || attributeIndex >= attributeStrings.size()) {
+      return null;
+    } else {
+      return this.attributeStrings.get(attributeIndex);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Helper method: Return an index for a given string and possibly put
+   * the string into the map and corresponding list if it was not
+   * contained before. */
+  protected int putToMapsAndReturnIndex(
+      Map<String, Integer> stringToIntMap, List<String> strings,
+      String string) {
+    Integer index = stringToIntMap.get(string);
+    if (index == null) {
+      if (strings != null) {
+        strings.add(string);
+      }
+      stringToIntMap.put(string, stringToIntMap.size());
+    }
+    return stringToIntMap.get(string);
+  }
+  /* The following code is heavily optimized towards low memory usage,
+   * because we're potentially processing a lot of data, especially when
+   * initializing from descriptor archives.
+   *
+   * We need to be able to store weeks or even months of votes in memory,
+   * which is really a lot of data.  The reason is that we need all votes
+   * published at the same hour to be present when running aggregations,
+   * but we cannot rely on the order of incoming votes.  That's why we
+   * have to process votes in two steps: first, we extract everything we
+   * need from votes and store it in memory, and second, we aggregate what
+   * we have in memory and output aggregate results.
+   *
+   * We're going rather low-level here by converting each attribute that
+   * an authority assigned to a relay at a certain vote valid-after time
+   * into a single 64-bit signed long integer.  We're doing this by
+   * subdividing (most of) the available bits into ranges for the
+   * different parts we want to store.  As an added requirement we're
+   * arranging ranges in a way that we can later process long values in
+   * sorted order without keeping much state.  Ranges are:
+   *  - 22 bits for the valid-after time in half hours since 1970-01-01
+   *    00:00:00 (which won't overflow until year 2209),
+   *  - 8 bits for the attribute index (which allows up to 253 different
+   *    relay flags in addition to reserved 0, "Listed", and
+   *    "Measured"),
+   *  - 24 bits for the fingerprint index (which allows over 16 million
+   *    different relay fingerprints in the current execution), and
+   *  - 6 bits for the authority index (which allows up to 63 different
+   *    authorities in addition to the reserved 0).
+   *
+   * If any of these numbers overflows during the execution, we'll detect
+   * that, suggest to process less data at once, and exit with an error.
+   * Still, it should be possible to process months of data in a single
+   * execution.  For example, one set of votes published at the same
+   * valid-after hour in December 2015 required to keep 420,000 long
+   * values in memory, which is roughly 3.2 MiB plus list overhead. */
+  protected List<Long> assignments = new ArrayList<Long>();
+  protected final static int VALIDAFTER_LEN = 22, ATTRIBUTE_LEN = 8,
+  protected final static int
+  /* Define some constants for timestamp math. */
+  protected final static long HALF_HOUR = 30L * 60L * 1000L,
+      ONE_DAY = 2L * HALF_DAY;
+  /* Convert the given valid-after time in milliseconds, attribute index,
+   * fingerprint index, and authority index to a long integer following
+   * the conversion rules stated above.  Return -1 in case of
+   * overflows. */
+  protected static long convertToLongValue(long validAfterMillis,
+      int attributeIndex, int fingerprintIndex, int authorityIndex) {
+    long validAfterHalfHours = validAfterMillis / HALF_HOUR;
+    if (validAfterHalfHours < 0L ||
+        validAfterHalfHours >= (1L << VALIDAFTER_LEN)) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (attributeIndex < 0 || attributeIndex >= (1 << ATTRIBUTE_LEN)) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (fingerprintIndex < 0 ||
+        fingerprintIndex >= (1 << FINGERPRINT_LEN)) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (authorityIndex < 0 || authorityIndex >= (1 << AUTHORITY_LEN)) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    long longValue = (validAfterHalfHours << VALIDAFTER_SHIFT)
+        + ((long) attributeIndex << ATTRIBUTE_SHIFT)
+        + ((long) fingerprintIndex << FINGERPRINT_SHIFT)
+        + ((long) authorityIndex << AUTHORITY_SHIFT);
+    return longValue;
+  }
+  /* Extract the valid-after time in milliseconds from the given long
+   * integer value. */
+  protected static long extractValidAfterMillisFromLongValue(
+      long longValue) {
+    return (longValue >> VALIDAFTER_SHIFT) * HALF_HOUR;
+  }
+  /* Extract the attribute index from the given long integer value. */
+  protected static int extractAttributeIndexFromLongValue(
+      long longValue) {
+    return (int) ((longValue >> ATTRIBUTE_SHIFT) % (1 << ATTRIBUTE_LEN));
+  }
+  /* Extract the fingerprint index from the given long integer value. */
+  protected static int extractFingerprintIndexFromLongValue(
+      long longValue) {
+    return (int) ((longValue >> FINGERPRINT_SHIFT) %
+        (1 << FINGERPRINT_LEN));
+  }
+  /* Extract the authority index from the given long integer value. */
+  protected static int extractAuthorityIndexFromLongValue(
+      long longValue) {
+    return (int) ((longValue >> AUTHORITY_SHIFT) % (1 << AUTHORITY_LEN));
+  }
+  /* Keep all aggregated results in memory, so that we easily merge new
+   * results obtained in the current execution.
+   *
+   * Another reason for keeping all results in memory is that we may have
+   * processed some votes from a given valid-after time before, and now we
+   * need to decide whether we keep old results or replace them with new
+   * results.  We decide this by using results that are based on more
+   * votes, which could be old or new results.
+   *
+   * Map keys are valid-after times formatted as strings, map values are
+   * sorted lists of all subsequent columns starting with that valid-after
+   * time. */
+  protected SortedMap<String, List<String>> results =
+      new TreeMap<String, List<String>>();
+  /* Store all results in this .csv file. */
+  protected File resultsFile = new File("stats/disagreement.csv");
+  /* Use the following .csv header line for results. */
+  protected String resultsHeaderLine =
+      "validafter,attribute,votes,required,max,relays";
+  /* Read results from the previous execution to memory and do some minor
+   * validation of the file format while doing so.  Return immediately
+   * without error if the file does not exist (yet). */
+  private void readResults() throws Exception {
+    if (!this.resultsFile.exists()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(new BufferedReader(
+        new FileReader(this.resultsFile)));
+    String line;
+    if ((line = lnr.readLine()) == null ||
+        !line.equals(this.resultsHeaderLine)) {
+      lnr.close();
+      throw new IOException("Unexpected line " + lnr.getLineNumber()
+          + " in " + this.resultsFile + ".");
+    }
+    while ((line = lnr.readLine()) != null) {
+      if (!line.contains(",")) {
+        lnr.close();
+        throw new IOException("Cannot parse invalid line "
+            + lnr.getLineNumber() + " in " + this.resultsFile + ".");
+      }
+      int indexOfFirstComma = line.indexOf(",");
+      String validafter = line.substring(0, indexOfFirstComma);
+      String otherColumns = line.substring(indexOfFirstComma);
+      if (!this.results.containsKey(validafter)) {
+        this.results.put(validafter, new ArrayList<String>());
+      }
+      this.results.get(validafter).add(otherColumns);
+    }
+    lnr.close();
+  }
+  /* Write results to the results file.  More precisely, write them to a
+   * temporary file and rename it to the target file to avoid failing half
+   * way through and losing the previous results file. */
+  private void writeResults() throws Exception {
+    this.resultsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+    File resultsTmpFile = new File(this.resultsFile + ".tmp");
+    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
+        resultsTmpFile));
+    bw.write(this.resultsHeaderLine + "\n");
+    for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : this.results.entrySet()) {
+      String validafter = e.getKey();
+      for (String otherColumns : e.getValue()) {
+        bw.write(validafter + otherColumns + "\n");
+      }
+    }
+    bw.close();
+    resultsTmpFile.renameTo(this.resultsFile);
+  }
+  /* Read relay network status votes from this directory. */
+  protected File[] inDirectories = new File[] {
+      new File("../../shared/in/archive/relay-descriptors/votes"),
+      new File("../../shared/in/recent/relay-descriptors/votes")
+  };
+  /* Read relay network status votes from disk and extract all relevant
+   * pieces from them. */
+  protected void readDescriptors() throws Exception {
+    DescriptorReader descriptorReader =
+        DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorReader();
+    descriptorReader.setMaxDescriptorFilesInQueue(5);
+    for (File inDirectory : this.inDirectories) {
+      descriptorReader.addDirectory(inDirectory);
+    }
+    Iterator<DescriptorFile> descriptorFiles =
+        descriptorReader.readDescriptors();
+    while (descriptorFiles.hasNext()) {
+      DescriptorFile descriptorFile =;
+      for (Descriptor descriptor : descriptorFile.getDescriptors()) {
+        if ((descriptor instanceof RelayNetworkStatusVote)) {
+          RelayNetworkStatusVote vote =
+              (RelayNetworkStatusVote) descriptor;
+          processVote(vote);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private static final String LISTED_ATTRIBUTE = "Listed",
+      MEASURED_ATTRIBUTE = "Measured";
+  /* Process a single relay network status vote. */
+  private void processVote(RelayNetworkStatusVote vote) throws Exception {
+    long validAfterMillis = vote.getValidAfterMillis();
+    if (validAfterMillis % ONE_DAY != HALF_DAY) {
+      /* Only process votes with a valid-after time of 12:00:00 as a means
+       * to reduce the overall amount of data. */
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Use the authority's identity to distinguish votes. */
+    String authorityIdentity = vote.getIdentity();
+    /* Collect a set of all attributes that the authority assigns in this
+     * vote, which includes all known flags, the general "Listed"
+     * attribute for listing relays, and possibly the "Measured" attribute
+     * for bandwidth-measured relays. */
+    Set<String> knownAttributes = new HashSet<String>(
+        vote.getKnownFlags());
+    knownAttributes.add(LISTED_ATTRIBUTE);
+    /* Go through all status entries in this vote and remember which
+     * attributes this authority assigns to which relays. */
+    for (NetworkStatusEntry entry :
+        vote.getStatusEntries().values()) {
+      /* Use the relay's fingerprint to distinguish relays. */
+      String fingerprint = entry.getFingerprint();
+      /* Compile a set of all attributes assigned to this relay, including
+       * all relay flags, "Listed", and possibly "Measured". */
+      Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<String>(entry.getFlags());
+      attributes.add(LISTED_ATTRIBUTE);
+      if (entry.getMeasured() >= 0L) {
+        attributes.add(MEASURED_ATTRIBUTE);
+        knownAttributes.add(MEASURED_ATTRIBUTE);
+      }
+      /* Remember all attributes assigned to this relay. */
+      this.addAssignedAttributes(validAfterMillis, attributes,
+          fingerprint, authorityIdentity);
+    }
+    /* Remember all attributes assigned by the authority in this vote. */
+    this.addKnownAttributes(validAfterMillis, knownAttributes,
+        authorityIdentity);
+    /* Remember all fingerprints voted on by the authority at the given
+     * valid-after time. */
+    this.addKnownFingerprints(validAfterMillis,
+        vote.getStatusEntries().keySet());
+  }
+  /* Remember all attributes assigned to a given relay by an authority at
+   * a given valid-after time.  These are converted to long integers
+   * with all components being non-zero. */
+  protected void addAssignedAttributes(long validAfterMillis,
+      Set<String> attributes, String fingerprint,
+      String authorityIdentity) throws Exception {
+    int fingerprintIndex = this.getFingerprintIndexForString(fingerprint);
+    int authorityIndex = this.getAuthorityIndexForString(
+        authorityIdentity);
+    for (String attribute : attributes) {
+      int attributeIndex = this.getAttributeIndexForString(attribute);
+      long longValue = convertToLongValue(validAfterMillis,
+          attributeIndex, fingerprintIndex, authorityIndex);
+      if (longValue < 0L) {
+        throw new Exception("Could not convert vote data to the internal "
+            + "format.  Try processing fewer votes at once.");
+      }
+      this.assignments.add(longValue);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Remember all attributes voted on by an authority at a given
+   * valid-after time.  These are converted to long integers with
+   * fingerprint component being zero. */
+  protected void addKnownAttributes(long validAfterMillis,
+      Set<String> knownAttributes, String authorityIdentity)
+      throws Exception {
+    int authorityIndex = this.getAuthorityIndexForString(
+        authorityIdentity);
+    for (String attribute : knownAttributes) {
+      int attributeIndex = this.getAttributeIndexForString(attribute);
+      long longValue = convertToLongValue(validAfterMillis,
+          attributeIndex, 0, authorityIndex);
+      if (longValue < 0L) {
+        throw new Exception("Could not convert vote data to the internal "
+            + "format.  Try processing fewer votes at once.");
+      }
+      this.assignments.add(longValue);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Remember all fingerprints known by an authority at a given
+   * valid-after time.  These are converted to long integers with
+   * attribute and authority component being zero. */
+  protected void addKnownFingerprints(long validAfterMillis,
+      Set<String> knownFingerprints) throws Exception {
+    for (String fingerprint : knownFingerprints) {
+      int fingerprintIndex = this.getFingerprintIndexForString(
+          fingerprint);
+      long longValue = convertToLongValue(validAfterMillis, 0,
+          fingerprintIndex, 0);
+      if (longValue < 0L) {
+        throw new Exception("Could not convert vote data to the internal "
+            + "format.  Try processing fewer votes at once.");
+      }
+      this.assignments.add(longValue);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Aggregate everything we extracted from votes earlier into statistics
+   * on disagreement among directory authorities. */
+  protected void aggregate() {
+    /* Initialize a date format for formatting valid-after times. */
+    DateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+        "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US);
+    dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+    /* Sort long integer values and append the largest possible long
+     * value, so that we can process values in the following order
+     * (columns are valid-after time, attribute, fingerprint, authority;
+     * + stands for a value > 0, 0 stands for 0):
+     *  (+, 0, +, 0): all fingerprints known at a given valid-after time
+     *  (+, +, 0, +): all attributes known by a given authority
+     *  (+, +, +, +): attributes assigned to relays by authority
+     *  ...
+     *  (MAX_VALUE): end-of-list marker */
+    Collections.sort(this.assignments);
+    this.assignments.add(Long.MAX_VALUE);
+    /* Remember long value and some of its components from the last
+     * iteration. */
+    long lastLongValue = -1L, lastValidAfterMillis = -1L;
+    int lastAttributeIndex = -1, lastFingerprintIndex = -1;
+    /* Keep a list of all output lines for a single valid-after time. */
+    List<String> outputLines = new ArrayList<String>();
+    /* Keep counters for the number of fingerprints seen at a valid-after
+     * time, the number of authorities voting on an attribute, and the
+     * number of votes that a relay received for a given attribute. */
+    int knownFingerprintsByAllAuthorities = 0,
+        authoritiesVotingOnAttribute = 0, votesForAttribute = 0;
+    /* Keep counters of relays receiving a given number of votes on an
+     * attribute.  The number at element i is the number of relays
+     * receiving i votes. */
+    int[] relays = new int[(1 << AUTHORITY_LEN)];
+    /* Go through all long values in ascending order. */
+    for (long longValue : this.assignments) {
+      /* Skip duplicate values. */
+      if (lastLongValue == longValue) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* If we're looking at attributes assigned to relays and just moved
+       * from one non-zero fingerprint to the next, we need to wrap up
+       * results for the last fingerprint before moving on. */
+      int fingerprintIndex = extractFingerprintIndexFromLongValue(
+          longValue);
+      if (lastAttributeIndex > 0 && lastFingerprintIndex > 0 &&
+          lastFingerprintIndex != fingerprintIndex) {
+        /* This relay received at least one vote for the given attribute,
+         * or otherwise it wouldn't be contained in the list of long
+         * values.  Increment the counter for the number of votes we
+         * counted for this attribute, and then reset that counter. */
+        relays[0]--;
+        relays[votesForAttribute]++;
+        votesForAttribute = 0;
+      }
+      /* If we're looking at attributes and just moved from one non-zero
+       * attribute to the next, we need to wrap up results for the last
+       * attribute before moving on.  And if we just moved to the first
+       * attribute, initialize counters. */
+      int attributeIndex = extractAttributeIndexFromLongValue(longValue);
+      if (lastAttributeIndex >= 0 &&
+          lastAttributeIndex != attributeIndex) {
+        /* If we just finished a non-zero attribute, wrap it up.
+         * Determine the number of votes required for getting into the
+         * consensus, which is typically the majority of votes, except for
+         * the "Measured" attribute, where it's set to 3.  Format one
+         * output line for each possible number of votes, from 0 to the
+         * total number of authorities voting on the attribute. */
+        if (lastAttributeIndex > 0) {
+          String lastAttribute = this.getAttributeStringForIndex(
+              lastAttributeIndex);
+          int required = lastAttribute.equals(MEASURED_ATTRIBUTE) ? 3
+              : (authoritiesVotingOnAttribute / 2) + 1;
+          for (int i = 0; i <= authoritiesVotingOnAttribute; i++) {
+            outputLines.add(String.format(",%s,%d,%d,%d,%d",
+                lastAttribute, i, required, authoritiesVotingOnAttribute,
+                relays[i]));
+          }
+        }
+        /* Reset counters and initialize the bucket at index 0 with the
+         * total number of fingerprints known at this valid-after time. */
+        authoritiesVotingOnAttribute = 0;
+        relays = new int[(1 << AUTHORITY_LEN)];
+        relays[0] = knownFingerprintsByAllAuthorities;
+      }
+      /* If we just moved from one valid-after time to the next, we need
+       * to wrap up results for the last valid-after time before moving
+       * on. */
+      long validAfterMillis = extractValidAfterMillisFromLongValue(
+          longValue);
+      if (lastValidAfterMillis >= 0L &&
+          lastValidAfterMillis < validAfterMillis) {
+        /* Check if results already contain lines for this valid-after
+         * time.  If so, only replace them with new results lines if there
+         * are more new lines than old lines.  The rationale is that more
+         * lines are very likely based on more votes, and we want to
+         * include as many votes as possible in the aggregation. */
+        String validAfterString = dateTimeFormat.format(
+            lastValidAfterMillis);
+        if (!this.results.containsKey(validAfterString) ||
+            this.results.get(validAfterString).size() <
+            outputLines.size()) {
+          /* Sort results lines, and then put them in. */
+          Collections.sort(outputLines);
+          this.results.put(validAfterString, outputLines);
+        }
+        /* Prepare for aggregating votes from the next valid-after
+         * time. */
+        outputLines = new ArrayList<String>();
+        knownFingerprintsByAllAuthorities = 0;
+      }
+      /* If we reached our end-of-list marker, stop here. */
+      if (longValue == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
+        break;
+      }
+      /* Look at the current indexes and increment one of the three
+       * counters.  If this value doesn't contain an attribute index, it
+       * was put in for counting all known fingerprints at this
+       * valid-after time. */
+      if (attributeIndex == 0) {
+        knownFingerprintsByAllAuthorities++;
+      }
+      /* Otherwise, if this value doesn't contain a fingerprint index, it
+       * was put in for counting authorities voting on a given attribute
+       * at the current valid-after time. */
+      else if (fingerprintIndex == 0) {
+        authoritiesVotingOnAttribute++;
+      }
+      /* Otherwise, if both indexes are non-zero, this value was put in to
+       * count how many authorities assign the attribute to this relay at
+       * this valid-after time. */
+      else {
+        votesForAttribute++;
+      }
+      /* Prepare moving on to the next value. */
+      lastLongValue = longValue;
+      lastValidAfterMillis = validAfterMillis;
+      lastAttributeIndex = attributeIndex;
+      lastFingerprintIndex = fingerprintIndex;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/shared/bin/ 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9abe1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+cd modules/disagreement/
+ant | grep "\[java\]"
+cd ../../
diff --git a/shared/bin/ 
index 22018ba..23d46cf 100755
--- a/shared/bin/
+++ b/shared/bin/
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ cp -a modules/connbidirect/stats/connbidirect2.csv shared/stats/
 cp -a modules/advbwdist/stats/advbwdist.csv shared/stats/
 cp -a modules/hidserv/stats/hidserv.csv shared/stats/
 cp -a modules/clients/stats/clients.csv shared/stats/
+cp -a modules/disagreement/stats/disagreement.csv shared/stats/
diff --git a/website/etc/metrics.json b/website/etc/metrics.json
index 2e1ee4f..03e8b85 100644
--- a/website/etc/metrics.json
+++ b/website/etc/metrics.json
@@ -834,5 +834,27 @@
     "type": "Link",
     "level": "Basic",
     "description": "<p>Uncharted made a visualization of data flow in the Tor 
network where they place each <a href=\"about.html#relay\">relay</a> on a world 
map and illustrate traffic exchanged between relays as animated dots. More 
details can be found on the <a 
href=\"\";>Uncharted website</a>.</p><p><a 
src=\"images/uncharted-data-flow.png\" alt=\"Data flow in the Tor 
+  },
+  {
+    "id": "disagreement-data",
+    "title": "Disagreement among the directory authorities",
+    "tags": [
+      "Relays"
+    ],
+    "type": "Data",
+    "level": "Advanced",
+    "description": "<p>The following data file contains statistics about 
agreement or disagreement among the <a 
href=\"about.html#directory-authority\">directory authorities</a>.  Once per 
hour the directory authorities exchange votes with their view of the <a 
href=\"about.html#relay\">relays</a> in the network including attributes like 
<a href=\"about.html#relay-flag\">relay flags</a> or bandwidth measurements.  
This data file includes counts of relays by number of directory authorities 
assigning them a given attribute.</p>",
+    "data_file": "stats/disagreement.csv",
+    "data_column_spec": [
+      "<b>validafter:</b> UTC timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) after which 
votes became valid, which may be used as the vote publication time.",
+      "<b>attribute:</b> Attribute assigned to relays by directory 
authorities, which includes relay flags like <b>\"Exit\"</b> or 
<b>\"BadExit\"</b> as well as <b>\"Listed\"</b> for relays being listed in a 
vote and <b>\"Measured\"</b> for relays being measured by the bandwidth 
+      "<b>votes:</b> Number of votes assigning the attribute to relays.",
+      "<b>required:</b> Required number of votes for the attribute to be 
assigned to a relay for being included in the consensus.",
+      "<b>max:</b> Maximum number of possible votes assigning the attribute to 
+      "<b>relays:</b> Number of relays that got the given number of votes for 
the given attribute."
+    ],
+    "related": [
+      "relayflags"
+    ]
diff --git a/website/etc/web.xml b/website/etc/web.xml
index 674be4c..8587947 100644
--- a/website/etc/web.xml
+++ b/website/etc/web.xml
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
+    <url-pattern>/disagreement-data.html</url-pattern>
diff --git 
index 1e045c1..a4194f2 100644
--- a/website/src/org/torproject/metrics/web/research/
+++ b/website/src/org/torproject/metrics/web/research/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ public class ResearchStatsServlet extends HttpServlet {
+    this.availableStatisticsFiles.add("disagreement");
   public long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest request) {

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