Re: [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-23 Thread Mike Hearn

 (Aside: I think this thread is unrelated enough to tor-dev at this point
 that I'm going to make this my last reply.)

That's too bad - I was only answering questions you posed yourself. Happy
to continue debating off list. Still, I think discussion of features that
could increase usage are on topic. There's a similar thread about creating
social rewards for relay operators after all.

Re: technological attacks/partitioning. I did not respond to this because I
didn't understand the attack you're proposing, that's why I asked for a
step-by-step example against a hypothetical Snowden blog. But your answer
starts with first, you break Tor's security. That's not something that HS
policies makes newly possible. If you can pwn the users TBB download or
impersonate the directory authorities you win no matter what:  HS policies
are irrelevant.

I don't think there's any new technical attack HS policies would open up,
if they were done in the same way as exit policies. From the perspective of
an HS trying to initialise, it'd just be equivalent to having a smaller
network. As you already said you'd happily sacrifice the ~5000 nodes that
don't exit traffic because they're harming Tor's anonymity, presumably a
smaller network isn't a big deal for you?

If there's a specific technical attack that doesn't rely on general attacks
against Tor, I'm still keen to hear a step by step example of how to do it.

Re: politics. Yes it's a largely political argument. That's fine: Tor is a
political animal, it has got a lot of funding from organisations with
explicitly political agendas, the who uses tor section on the front page
is full of characters with political goals like activists and
whistleblowers. Tor does not exist independent of politics - politics
should inform its technical design decisions (and does already).

Re: TBB. The consequence of TBB not having any setting below extreme is
not at all minimal, as you claim, it's a probably severe reduction in usage
that could insulate Tor against political pressure. I claim this because in
my former job I saw the different usage levels of HotSpot Shield vs Tor.
Yes, for the small number of users who might get shot they need and should
have that hard core, no compromises mode. For everyone else who would like
some additional privacy but who isn't worried about getting shot, the
consequence of Tor's current approach is that they just don't use Tor.

The same is true of other functions, like running a relay. Having knobs
people can tweak is not weakness. It's acceptance of the fact that not
*everyone* who wants to have privacy is Tank Man, and not *everyone* who
wants to contribute to privacy feels ransomware/revenge porn sites are as
worthy of protection as newspaper dropboxes.
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-21 Thread Mike Hearn

 One of my first concerns would be that this would build in a very easy
 way for a government (probably the US government) to compel Tor to add
 in a line of code that says If it's this hidden service key, block

And people who run Tor could easily take it out again, what with it being
open source and all.

 After all - it's a stretch to say You must modify your software to
 support blocking things[0]

I don't believe it's a stretch. If I did, perhaps I wouldn't bring the
topic up.

Judges and lawmakers care very little about the (in their eyes) minor
distinction between the code to do this wasn't written yet and the code
to do this wasn't configured yet. For example, look at the EU right to be
forgotten ruling. The fact that no infrastructure existed to sift through
tens of thousands of vague requests for search results to be removed didn't
faze the court one bit, nor did the massive size of the project that
resulted. They simply interpreted the (vague, poor) law put in front of

Regardless, even if there is such a difference, jurisdiction would still
have the same effect as today. If there's even one relay that supports
introductions to a HS then the protocol would still technically work, but
operators in regions where the government proved unfavourable would be
protected and still able to operate.

Additionally, in the absence of government coercion, the Tor relay
community would then be able to collectively decide if they really want to
pay for the privilege of giving bandwidth to botnet and ransomware
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-21 Thread Mike Hearn

 This isn't about 'acceptable usage of Tor', this is necessary compromise
 to limit exit operators' exposure to ISP harrassment.

Even if we accept your premise that no exit operator cares about internet
abuse, it's still the same thing. ISP's define what is acceptable usage of
their internet connections and by implication, what is acceptable usage of
the Tor exit. Tor could ignore what ISPs want (which is usually quite
reasonable), but then no Tor clauses in ISP acceptable usage policies
would just become even more prevalent.

 The ability to do this implies the ability for intro points to learn the
 identity public keys of hidden services they are introducing.
 I believe this sort of enumeration attack is possible with the current HS
 protocol, but I think proposal 224 will fix it.

It is currently possible and I am aware of proposal 224, which is why I'm
bringing this up now. I don't think this is something that should be fixed
without a *lot* of thought given to the consequences. I am by the way quite
aware of all the counter arguments already, but someone has to play the
devil's advocate here.
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-21 Thread Moritz Bartl
On 07/21/2014 12:34 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 Tor provides exit policies to let exit relay operators restrict traffic
 they consider to be unwanted or abusive. In this way a kind of
 international group consensus emerges about what is and is not
 acceptable usage of Tor. For instance, SMTP out is widely restricted.

As Andrea said, the exit policies are there mostly to have a small knob
to stop complaints.

In that sense, participation as a hidden service is opt-in: You're
willing to lose the ability to use IP address as a rough method of
identifying users.

A network provider should in an ideal world _never_ [be able to]
interfere with any of the traffic they transport. I already feel very
uncomfortable limiting arbitrary destinations based on IP and port. A
network provider is a neutral channel. Remember, data payload is just
protocol overhead.

Moritz Bartl
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-21 Thread Ted Smith
On Mon, 2014-07-21 at 11:48 +0200, Mike Hearn wrote:
 One of my first concerns would be that this would build in a
 very easy
 way for a government (probably the US government) to compel
 Tor to add
 in a line of code that says If it's this hidden service key,
 And people who run Tor could easily take it out again, what with it
 being open source and all.

You're an intelligent person and probably know that it's more
complicated than that. Any automatically updating mechanism to retrieve
the Hidden Service Censorship List is a massive attack vector, because
two clients having two different sets of introduction points for a
hidden service, or two hidden services having different sets of
introduction points available, causes a partition in the anonymity set.

Regardless of the moral arguments you put forward, which I will not
comment on, it seems like this idea would never be implemented because
none of the Tor developers have a desire to implement such a dangerous

If you've already thought of this, as you implied in another email, why
bring it up? Do you think you'll get the Tor community to agree to
enable such a damaging attack? 

Further, why do you think such infrastructure would be remotely
successful in stopping botnets from using the Tor network? A botnet
could just generate a thousand hidden service keys and cycle through

So, this would be:

  * Socially damaging, because it would fly in the face of Tor's
anti-censorship messaging
  * Technically damaging, because it would enable the worst class of
attacks by allowing attackers to pick arbitrary introduction
  * Not technically helpful against botnets, because they can just
cycle keys
  * Not even technically helpful against other content, because they
can change addresses faster than volunteers maintaining lists of
all the CP onionsites can do the detective work (which you
assume people will want to do, and do rapidly enough that this
will be useful)

Let's skip all the devil's advocate discussion. It isn't useful and
it'll cause traffic on this thread to blow up more than it already has. 

Instead, why don't you just present the strongest counterarguments
you've thought of against this proposal, which surely include the above,
and then the strongest counterarguments to those arguments, which
justify your position and have caused you, as an intelligent person,
bearing all those negative effects in mind, to *still* hold this

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tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-20 Thread Mike Hearn

As we know, hidden services can be useful for all kinds of legitimate
things (Pond's usage is particularly interesting), however they do also
sometimes get used by botnets and other problematic things.

Tor provides exit policies to let exit relay operators restrict traffic
they consider to be unwanted or abusive. In this way a kind of
international group consensus emerges about what is and is not acceptable
usage of Tor. For instance, SMTP out is widely restricted.

Has there been any discussion of implementing similar controls for hidden
services, where relays would refuse to act as introduction points for
hidden services that match certain criteria e.g. have a particular key, or
whose key appears in a list downloaded occasionally via Tor itself. In this
way relay operators could avoid their resources being used for establishing
communication with botnet CnC servers.

Obviously such a scheme would require a protocol and client upgrade to
avoid nodes building circuits to relays that then refuse to introduce.

The downside is additional complexity. The upside is potentially recruiting
new relay operators.
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-20 Thread Tom Ritter
One of my first concerns would be that this would build in a very easy
way for a government (probably the US government) to compel Tor to add
in a line of code that says If it's this hidden service key, block

After all - it's a stretch to say You must modify your software to
support blocking things[0] but it's not so much a stretch to say You
already have the code written to block access to things, block access
to this thing.


[0] The OnStar legal case notwithstanding
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-20 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 As we know, hidden services can be useful for all kinds of legitimate things
 (Pond's usage is particularly interesting), however they do also sometimes
 get used by botnets and other problematic things.

 Tor provides exit policies to let exit relay operators restrict traffic they
 consider to be unwanted or abusive. In this way a kind of international
 group consensus emerges about what is and is not acceptable usage of Tor.
 For instance, SMTP out is widely restricted.

 Has there been any discussion of implementing similar controls for hidden
 services, where relays would refuse to act as introduction points for hidden
 services that match certain criteria e.g. have a particular key, or whose
 key appears in a list downloaded occasionally via Tor itself. In this way
 relay operators could avoid their resources being used for establishing
 communication with botnet CnC servers.

 Obviously such a scheme would require a protocol and client upgrade to avoid
 nodes building circuits to relays that then refuse to introduce.

 The downside is additional complexity. The upside is potentially recruiting
 new relay operators.

HS's will just change their HS keys out from under
your list. Then it becomes whack a mole. And you'll
also be taking out shared services with the bathwater.
Are you funding maintenance of that list? Ready to be
called a censor when you exceed your noble intent
as all have done before? And to be ignored by those
operators who don't care to subscribe to your censor list
thus nullifying your efforts (not least of why because it
may be illegal for them to look at services on the list
to verify it, or to look at and make decisions regarding content
of traffic that transits them). And ignored by botnet ops who
will surely run their own relays and internal pathing.
tor-dev mailing list