Re: [tor-dev] Detailed algorithm

2016-02-09 Thread Ola Bini

Thanks for the review.

> Maybe we also need to exclude USED_GUARDS from these two lists?
Good point, we should definitely do that.

> Not sure if this is part of this algorithm, or it's actually another helper
> algorithm that is called when a consensus arrives. I feel it might be cleaner
> if we do it as a separate algo, but we can proceed like this as well since 
> it's
> not too confusing.
We can probably do that. The reason I put it in here is because it
works on the same data structures that are used for the rest of the algorithm.

> > - return each entry in PRIMARY_GUARDS in turn
> >   - mark each entry as "unreachable" if algorithm doesn't terminate
> So IIUC the "algorithm" referenced here is _not_ the algorithm that we are
> describing right now (let's call it ALGO_CHOOSE_GUARD). Instead the 
> "algorithm"
> here is the _caller of ALGO_CHOOSE_GUARD_, which is the algorithm responsible
> for creating circuits, testing whether they work and reporting the results 
> back
> to CHOOSE_GUARD_ALGO (let's call this other algorithm ALGO_BUILD_CIRCUIT).
We should probably clarify it. But yes, the algorithm referenced is
ALGO_BUILD_CIRCUIT successfully builds a circuit.

> Also, do PRIMARY_GUARDS go into TRIED_GUARDS and count against our
> thresholds?
Yes, they probably should. Will change it.

> In general, I think we should make the context of this algorithm
> (ALGO_CHOOSE_GUARD) a bit clearer, so that we know when "Start of algorithm" 
> is
> supposed to run, and when "End of algorithm" is supposed to run.
> Because for example one could think here that in an asynchronous setting, when
> we try a entry from USED_GUARDS and find out whether the circuit succeeded or
> not, we need to run the algorithm from the beginning including the "Start of
> algorithm" step. Whereas if I understand correctly you assume that we will 
> just
> drop in and continue exactly from this point.
Yes, exactly. "Start of algorithm" sets up the data structures
etc. "Each iteration of algorithm" will be called repeatedly until we
get failure or a working guard, and at that point "End of algorithm"
will be run. I can make it clearer.

> I feel that this confusion is caused by the ALGO_CHOOSE_GUARD algorithm being
> pseudo-asynchronous. To address this I suggested additional states for when we
> are waiting for the results of a circuit construction, but I agree that this
> might complicate things too much.
I can do that - not sure if it would clarify things. That state is
entered every time the word "return" is used in "Each iteration of
algorithm". Once "Each iteration of algorithm" is called again, it
will continue at the same place. Not sure what you consider pseudo
asynchronous about that. =)

> Finally, what kind of statistics and measurements does the simulator conduct?
> For example, I can think of reachability related stats like:
>  * Time (or number of guards) till we manage to build first circuit
>  * Time till we manage to recover from flaky network
> and I can also think of security related stats like:
>  * Number of guards we tried before succeeding first circuit
>  * Number of guards we exposed ourselves to after time t
Haven't thought abou that yet - we currently only have the things that
were already in the simulator code, which primarily checks how many
failed vs successful guards we got. These other heuristics look
interesting to check as well.

 Ola Bini (

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Detailed algorithm

2016-02-09 Thread George Kadianakis
Ola Bini  writes:

> OK, with your feedback and thinking a bit more about it, here is a
> revision of the algorithm from yesterday. I think we are starting to
> get close so we will rip out the original simulation code and
> implement something that matches this now. Hopefully, the changes will
> be smaller.
> - Start of algorithm (arguments: USED_GUARDS, EXCLUDE_NODES)
>   - If selecting directory guards, GUARDS is all guards from the consensus 
> with the V2Flag,
> otherwise GUARDS is all guards from the consensus
>   - Set UTOPIC_GUARDS to be all guards to use under utopic conditions from 
>   - Set DYSTOPIC_GUARDS to be all guards to use under dystopic conditions 
> from GUARDS
>   - Create a list of PRIMARY_GUARDS that contain N_PRIMARY_GUARDS that are 
> not bad by:
> - Taking the next entry from USED_GUARDS
> - If USED_GUARDS is empty:
>   - randomly select an entry from UTOPIC_GUARDS, weighted by bandwidth
>   - Set TRIED_GUARDS to be an empty set
>   - Set TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS to be an empty set
>   - Set state = STATE_PRIMARY_GUARDS
> - Each iteration of algorithm
>   - If a new consensus has arrived:
> - Update all guard profiles with new bad/non-bad information
> - If any PRIMARY_GUARDS have become bad:
>   - re-add to the list of PRIMARY_GUARDS using the same procedure
> - If any USED_GUARDS have become non-bad:
>   - add it back to PRIMARY_GUARDS at the place it would have been if
> it was non-bad when running the start of the algorithm. If this
> results in PRIMARY_GUARDS being larger than N_PRIMARY_GUARDS,
> remove from the end of the list until the list is N_PRIMARY_GUARDS 
> long
> - Ensure that UTOPIC_GUARDS and DYSTOPIC_GUARDS are updated with the 
> changes
>   from the consensus
>   - If it was at least 3 minutes since we tried the primary guards and we are 
> - save previous state
> - set state = STATE_PRIMARY_GUARDS
> - return each entry in PRIMARY_GUARDS in turn
>   - mark each entry as "unreachable" if algorithm doesn't terminate
> - restore previous state (or STATE_TRY_UTOPIC if no previous)
> - for each entry in TRIED_GUARDS that was marked as unreachable more than 
> 20 minutes ago
>   - add it back to REMAINING_UTOPIC_GUARDS
> - return each remaining entry from USED_GUARDS in turn
>   - for each entry, if algorithm doesn't terminate
> - mark entry as "unreachable"
> - add entry to TRIED_GUARDS
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS that were tried within 
>   is larger than GUARDS_TRY_THRESHOLD, return failure from the 
> algorithm
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS is larger than a 
>   proportion of UTOPIC_GUARDS, set state = STATE_TRY_DYSTOPIC
> - return each entry from REMAINING_UTOPIC_GUARDS randomly selected, 
> weighted by bandwidth
>   - remove the returned entry from REMAINING_UTOPIC_GUARDS
>   - for each entry, if algorithm doesn't terminate
> - mark entry as "unreachable"
> - add entry to TRIED_GUARDS
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS that were tried within 
>   is larger than GUARDS_TRY_THRESHOLD, return failure from the 
> algorithm
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS is larger than a 
>   proportion of UTOPIC_GUARDS, set state = STATE_TRY_DYSTOPIC
> - for each entry in TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS that was marked as unreachable 
> more than 20 minutes ago
>   - add it back to REMAINING_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS
> - return each remaining DYSTOPIC entry from USED_GUARDS in turn
>   - for each entry, if algorithm doesn't terminate
> - mark entry as "unreachable"
> - add entry to TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS+TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS that 
> were tried within GUARDS_TRY_THRESHOLD_TIME
>   is larger than GUARDS_TRY_THRESHOLD, return failure from the 
> algorithm
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS is larger than a 
>   proportion of DYSTOPIC_GUARDS:
>   - mark all guards in PRIMARY_GUARDS, TRIED_GUARDS and 
> TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS as not "unreachable"
>   - return failure from the algorithm
> - return each entry from REMAINING_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS randomly selected, 
> weighted by bandwidth
>   - remove the returned entry from REMAINING_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS
>   - for each entry, if algorithm doesn't terminate
> - mark entry as "unreachable"
> - add entry to TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUA

Re: [tor-dev] Detailed algorithm

2016-02-08 Thread George Kadianakis
> Hey,
> So - thinking through your comments and thoughts, I realized that the
> better way to proceed was to describe the algorithm, and then put it
> into a proposal format. The following is updated with most of your
> comments and should be a bit clearer. I decided to remove #241 again,
> since it's unclear how it actually fits together with #259. The idea
> is that the algo is divided into three pieces. If failure is reported
> from the algorithm, the caller can wait for a while or just restart it
> from scratch immediately:

I feel that this algorithm is a step in the right direction! It's interface
logic is quite similar to how Tor picks its guards, and it's more specific than
the previous proposals. It's a good first step so I'll CC tor-dev so that Nick,
Isis and other people can take a look if they want.

After we pin this down, we also need to collect all its security properties in
one place. For example, we should state clearly what security properties the

I inline various questions below. I can take a deeper look tomorrow as well.

> - Start of algorithm
>   - Ensure USED_GUARDS is populated (from state file etc)
>   - Create a list of PRIMARY_GUARDS that contain N_PRIMARY_GUARDS that are 
> not bad by:
> - Taking the next entry from USED_GUARDS
> - If USED_GUARDS is empty:
>   - randomly select an entry from UTOPIC_GUARDS, weighted by bandwidth

Hmm. PRIMARY_GUARDS stays like this for ever?

It probably needs to be updated when a primary guard get removed from the
consensus (become bad), and put the next entry of USED_GUARDS in its place.

Maybe we need another event (and algorithm) for "receive new consensus"?
Or is this considered out of scope?

>   - Set TRIED_GUARDS to be an empty set

Hm. What is the point of TRIED_GUARDS? It's like a list of guards that we found
unreachable at some point in time. It's never cleaned, so it will eventually
accumulate many nodes. IIUC, we only use that list to enforce our thresholds by
looking at timestamps.

Can we do without this list, just by checking the timestamps of unreachable
USED_GUARDS?  Or the logic will be much more complicated?

>   - Set TRIED_DYSTOPIC_GUARDS to be an empty set
>   - Set state = STATE_PRIMARY_GUARDS
> - Each iteration of algorithm
>   - If it was at least 3 minutes since we tried the primary guards and we are 
> - save previous state
> - set state = STATE_PRIMARY_GUARDS
> - return each entry in PRIMARY_GUARDS in turn
>   - mark each entry as "unreachable" if algorithm doesn't terminate

What is the "algorithm" here? Is it the guard selection algorithm, or the
circuit construction algorithm? I guess the latter?

If it's indeed the circuit construction algorithm, then the steps here are not
asynchronous anymore, which diverges from how Tor networking is designed. Maybe
this could be fixed by introducing some new states for when we are waiting for
a circuit to connect and we are now learning whether it was succesful or
not. Basically what entry_guard_register_connect_status() does in Tor right

For example we could have STATE_WAITING_FOR_PRIMARY_GUARD_CIRCUIT for when we
are waiting for a primary guard circuit to connect. If it fails, then we need
to mark the entry as unreachable. Maybe we also need

> - restore previous state (or STATE_TRY_UTOPIC if no previous)
> - for each entry in TRIED_GUARDS that was marked as unreachable more than 
> 20 minutes ago
>   - add to the front of remaining UTOPIC_GUARDS

Isn't it already in UTOPIC_GUARDS? I don't see us ever removing stuff from 

BTW, what is this step supposed to do? Setup previously TRIED_GUARDS to be 

> - return each remaining entry from USED_GUARDS in turn
>   - for each entry, if algorithm doesn't terminate
> - mark entry as "unreachable"
> - add entry to TRIED_GUARDS

Add it there even if it it's already there (TRIED_GUARDS is never cleaned)?
Or maybe update a timestamp if it's already there? How to specify this nicely?

> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS that were tried within 
>   is larger than GUARDS_TRY_THRESHOLD, return failure from the 
> algorithm
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS is larger than a 
>   proportion of UTOPIC_GUARDS, set state = STATE_TRY_DYSTOPIC
> - return each remaining entry from UTOPIC_GUARDS randomly selected, 
> weighted by bandwidth
>   - for each entry, if algorithm doesn't terminate
> - mark entry as "unreachable"
> - add entry to TRIED_GUARDS
> - if the number of entries in TRIED_GUARDS that were tried within 
>   is larger than GUARDS_TRY_THRESHOLD, return f