Re: [tor-relays] List of Relays' Available SSH Auth Methods

2014-11-18 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-11-18 16:09, Libertas wrote:
 The purpose of this is to alert relay operators that are still
 allowing password authentication. 2,051 relays offered password auth,
 and many more likely offer similarly insecure methods or were missed
 for reasons discussed below.

Excellent run! And thanks for bringing this up on this list.

Now to hope that folks actually fix their setups though.

 * SSH being served on a non-standard port - something other than port
 22. This is a good idea, as many brute-force attackers will only
 bother trying port 22. The script I wrote could have used an alternate
 port number supplied from nmap, but this would run much slower and
 would potentially get my VPS blocked before it could even get the SSH

Try 2022, it is a general alternative.

People should realize though that it is not 'safer' in any way running
SSH on another port. SSH readily shows itself as being SSH and nmap and
other tools easily recognize it on other ports.

 * The server only allowing SSH connections from certain IP addresses.
 This is also commonly recommended, although it can be a little rigid
 if you don't have a VPN with a static IP (what if your server goes
 down while you're away from home?).

Actually it is not 'a little rigid' it is the best thing to do:
 Only allow certain prefixes access

If you do not have a static IP address, at minimum limit access to the
prefix of your ISP (whois your own IP address and check the 'route'
object); though be warned you might change outside that block too.

Possibly better, set up IPv6 at home and on the server by getting a free
IPv6 tunnel (effectively just also a VPN) from many places around the
world (see Wikipedia IPv6 Tunnel Broker List).

Then just allow access over the static IPv6 address you have.

As there are no SSH scanners on IPv6 you could even opt to not having a
filter if you don't publish the address of the endpoint anywhere.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] List of Relays' Available SSH Auth Methods

2014-11-18 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-11-18 18:38, Kevin de Bie wrote:
 Fail2Ban works really well. Shifting to a non standard port only stops
 the scriptkids from having too much automated options and does not do
 anything for actual security. For this reason I personally never
 bothered with that. Non standard username and password auth with
 fail2ban makes brute forcing practically impossible, this is usually how
 I have things configured. 

Just changing it to key-based authentication stops ALL password-guessing

You will then be left with the logs though.

Hence lets make a little list for clarity in order of should at least do:

- Use SSH Authentication
- Disable Password Authentication
- Use Fail2ban
- Restrict on IP address (no need for fail2ban then)


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] exit relay not utilising full capacity (even after months)

2014-10-29 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-10-29 09:41, Rejo Zenger wrote:
  - So, the question is: why is it so much slower maximising the full 
bandwidth? The configuration from mid-July onwards is identical to 
the one in April. The only thing that has changed is in mid-August, 
when I moved to relay into a LXC container. However, that doesn't 
explain the slow pickup in mid-July to mid-August.

Note that LXC likely does not give you the security properties that you

issue this in your container to shutdown the host:
echo b  /proc/sysrq-trigger

There is a bug open on this:

  - And yes, I am aware of the Roger's blogpost. That does explain why 
the node may be slow to pick up traffic, but it doesn't explain why 
it was a lot faster in doing so in April then in mid-July.

There are some weird properties in trying to do full-bandwidth.
Deterministic it for sure is not.

The IP is not mentioned in atlas:

Nor in:

Though there is:

Is Tor not outdated? You might be missing some features there.

I see similar issues with other nodes btw, eg:

Though that is not an exit, which gives it a completely different metric.

Are you also sure that coloclue likes you playing exit? (I can only
assume so ;)


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] UK Exit Node

2014-07-06 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-07-06 07:06, Michael Banks wrote:
 Any tips for UK Exit Node operators on a Residential ISP (BT)?

I would be EXTREMELY careful in running an exit on a residential location.

There is no way for you to prove that it was not you causing that
connection but the Tor process causing that connection and thus some
'other' user.

The UK government has all kinds of regulations/systems in place to
protect children and to enforce copyright laws. They are also known to
index/analyze all traffic.

You might want to consider changing that into a relay instead as then
you at least are not reaching out to a scary host (unless it also runs

Also: PTR

As such, it looks just like any other link, it has no relation to at all. Except for folks with access to dnsdb,
which law enforcement typically does have, but as DNS is not used in
Tor, it is all irrelevant.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] UK Exit Node

2014-07-06 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-07-06 09:14, Michael Banks wrote:
 Advice taken
 I was debating to switch over to relay-only or not. I must note, the Tor
 node is on it's own address, under a residential contract.

Does not matter. You cannot prove that you did not routed your
connection over it or that it was or was not Tor.

This is also why folks doing exit (and even relay) nodes use dedicated
hosting: abuse does not cut of your home Internet link and there is a
limited form of deniability (though that did not help for that Austrian
guy it seems, then again he did a lot of other odd stuff too which
probably did not help his case much... full facts are never known).

 I was taking extra precaution by running PeerGuardian and specifically
 blocking malicious IPs, and will continue to do so while I have a relay

If you have a relay you will very unlikely be contacting anything on
that 'list', at least through Tor.

How exactly does PeerGuardian work? (seems there are a number of tools
called that way and the first hit on google is unmaintained)

Does it use a downloaded list, an RBL or something else? As when it is a
list they are giving you the set of locations that are 'interesting' to
peek at, when it is a RBL, they know who you are contacting. Unless a
hash of some kind is involved you are likely giving away details or they
are losing the details.

 I have set in torrc.. guess I have to fiddle with
 more things?
 Anyone with Debian experience who can help in that field?

Reverse DNS has little to do with the operating system, you'll have to
ask your ISP to set that for you (who, if they allow then might inform
you of a tool/protocol to use to do so). Typically though, for
residential connections reverse DNS cannot be changed.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-05-13 23:09, grarpamp wrote:
 *But we can
 bind to it and let users find it with their own openvpn scans close
 to (one up or down from) our OR IP.* Just use the standard openvpn
 TCP port on it.

Thank you for suggesting the GFW folks now scan and/or directly block
these IP addresses too.

 The point is, we already own these extra IP's, and legitimate people
 are being blocked from services for no reason other than kneejerk
 or blind reactions to Tor via blocking services. Ahem, cloudflare,
 et al and other blocking 'services' well known to us.

You are mixing the difference between an operator of a site selecting
who their viewers are and a man-in-the-middle selecting that for both
the user and the server. Don't mix those up.

I am pretty-much-completely pro-Tor as there are good uses, but for
controlling who logs in and who abuses you, Tor is a bad thing as you
don't know what the source is. As an operator of a (server) site, being
able to say sorry, we do not accept connections from Tor is a good
thing, as there are situations where that is needed.

 Yes, blocklists could try the 'one IP up/down' scan method and list
 this project of ours too

As it can be done automatically, it is not more work for them.

And actually, they are likely already scanning every IP in the /24 where
a relay is located (well, actually they just scan the whole IPv4 space
anyway, with zmap it is done very very quickly)

 but it's more work for them and they're
 unlikely to do it in any sort of global fashion. Especially since
 they can't prove it's part of Tor (because we don't publish the
 IP's as such).

If the address space (eg the /24) does not contain anything normally
useful they will just block it based on that.

Instead of doing OpenVPN (which Wireshark knows and thus is easily
detected by port number but also protocol itself), look at the variety
of Pluggable Transports[1] people have been developing and deploy these.

They are typically scan and protocol analysis resistant which will give
much better bang for your buck.

Of course, using BridgeDB is a good thing there to publish these
details, or you could invent some new method of passing details to
people (puzzle game solving ala captchas being a good start though
defeatable by having slaving-away people getting paid for solving them).


[1] =

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bridge Operators - Heartbleed, Heartwarming, and Increased Help

2014-04-25 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-04-25 12:09 , David Stainton wrote:
 Let us know if/when obfsproxy runs on CentOS.
 Why would anyone want to use CentOS?
 Obviously this is a rhetorical question since there isn't a good
 reason to use CentOS
 instead of say Debian... AND if someone gave me access to thousands of
 CentOS servers
 for the purpose of running tor relays I would immediately want to
 change their distro to Debian.

Or easier: make a chroot with in that a Debian install.

Then you can run all Debian stuff easily, without having to bother with

Just make sure that you disable most services and/or keep these upgraded.

For a public relay you will want to do that anyway, as these hosts will
be scanned by external friendly people.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ask Me Anything on Reddit about Tor

2014-03-11 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-03-11 08:13 , Jesse Victors wrote:
 ... Since I run some relays and a couple of exits ..

From a trust perspective you effectively only run one (1) though ;).

As they are operated by one entity and also are in the same location
(IP-wise in the same /24), the latter will make Tor only use it once in
a connection, thus either they will relay or they will exit or not use
your set at all. Thus nothing bad there.

You seem to also not have configured the Family field[1], you might
want to do that.

You did set the contact field similar; which makes me think, should Tor
check that and maybe make a decision based on that info? (same as [1],
baddies will avoid that).

From reading the rest of the AMA, I think you did a good thing with
answers! Great work!

You might want to point to it from the Stackoverflow thingie:


  (no time for reddit and similar thing, thus no acct,
   but otherwise you would have gotten a few points from me
   for that thread)

[1] the jury is still out on this, as a baddies of course will not set
it either and then it won't show up and afaik there was discussion on
removing it as it does not help too much.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Advise on fully using a gigabit connection

2014-03-05 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-03-05 17:51 , Jesse Victors wrote:
 Hey everyone. I manage an exit at a university, and I recently moved it
 to a gigabit connection. I did some tests and the machine does appear to
 be capable of fully using the available bandwidth. Besides getting two
 Tor instances to run side-by-side on the same IP, is there anything else
 I can do to further contribute the connection besides waiting and
 maintaining uptime? I set my average and burst bandwidth limits to the
 maximum upload speed I have been able to achieve in my tests, is that an
 ideal setting? Please advise.

You'll need to run multiple Tor instances on different IPs (two per IP)
as the Tor code is not parallelized internally enough unfortunately.

See also:

for more details.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] External connections to port 9050

2014-02-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-02-27 23:12, Greg W wrote:
 I turned on some logging on my firewall today to help troubleshoot and
 issue and noticed a load of connections from external addresses to port
 9050 on my exit node. I don't think that should be publicly accessible.
 Am I wrong about it being publicly accessible and does anyone else see
 lots of connection attempts on that port?

9050 is the standard relay port, as other relays connect to your relay
(and then, likely, exit), it is quite logical that you see those

That is, unless you changed your port in torrc.

Providing more details about your setup (or the node name, so that it
can be checked in etc) would be very handy to make
any kind of further comment though.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] (no subject)

2014-02-24 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-02-24 09:32 , Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 I saw a hint of some interesting output by arm:
 flags: Exit, HSDir, Running, V2Dir, ValidleDebuggerAttachment 0' to
 your torrc and restarting tor. For more information see...
 This bit leDebuggerAttachment 0' to your torrc and restarting tor.
 For more information see... disappeared pretty quick.

arm needs a few more details from Tor than it can easily get,
effectively it wants to ptrace the Tor process to collect these details.

Hence you'll need to set in torrc:

DisableDebuggerAttachment 0

That will allow it to collect these details.

See also the description for that option in:


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] reading the captchas

2014-02-10 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-02-10 15:16, eliaz wrote:
 Would it be possible for someone to change the captcha images at the URL
 for getting bridges, without of course lessening their effectiveness?
 The present ones are pretty much unreadable, to this human at least. - eliaz

Just in case, it is not your eyes or brain that are at fault, that is
indeed completely indeed unreadable for humans.

And what I can decode from it, those are not 'words', they are groupings
of random letters it seems.

There is a ticket open about this though:

Thus folks are working on resolving this, though it is a rather hard


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] (no subject)

2014-01-14 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-01-14 12:38, I wrote:
 Does anyone know how to get past this to get the exit running on Debian
 6, please?
  Our clock is 6 hours, 48 minutes behind the time published in the
 consensus network status document (2014-01-14 11:00:00 UTC).

apt-get install ntp

would be a good start.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Traffic in port 9050 in a relay (denial of service attack?)

2013-11-11 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-11-11 19:23, Luther Blissett wrote:
 On Wed, 2013-11-06 at 14:00 +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 On 2013-11-06 13:47 , mick wrote:
 On Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:00:09 +0200
 Lars Noodén allegedly wrote:

 On 11/06/2013 01:26 PM, mick wrote:
 I disagree. Dropping all traffic other than that which is
 explicitly required is IMHO a better practice. (And how do you know
 in advance which ports get attacked?)

 Using reject instead of drop simplifies troubleshooting.

 Drop tends to get in the way.

 Again, I disagree. But I recognise that this can be a religious
 decision. My default policy is to drop rather than reject. I know
 that strict adherence to standards implies we should “REJECT” with a
 helpful ICMP error message.

 Configure your host with DROP, do an nmap, then configure it with REJECT
 thus for Linux:

 IPv4: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
 IPv6: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable

 Now repeat that nmap; indeed, for the DROP it is shown that these ports
 are filtered, for REJECT the ports are just 'closed'.

 Hence, the adversary did not learn anything in the REJECT case (services
 apparently are not there), but in the DROP case they learned that you
 have a firewall configured and that those services are likely there...

 Hence, not only is reject good for the user (as they do not time out
 connecting to the port), but it is also good against adversaries as they
 do not learn anything.
 I'd agree with the above logic if weren't 4 the f4c1 that OS

I was not talking about OS fingerprinting; completely different beast.
While nmap can do that, in this case nmap is just used as an example for
service discovery.

 is done though the analysis of the packets your system
 sends in replying to scans - the way the kernel generates packet headers
 tells info on your system. So besides what others have said, I would
 also add that there is indeed a great difference of info your intruder
 can get from your system when it generates some kind of answer to random
 unpredictable requests when compared to no answer at all.

As a ICMP Port Unreachable is a standard response, there is nothing the
attacker will learn 'more' from this. It WILL learn when you DROP that
you chose to block that specific port though and thus that there is
likely something you are hiding there.

If the attacker wants to know your OS it will learn that from the
services and packets that you will allow in (and allow answers from).

Though if you are paranoid about your OS then you are doing something
wrong. Best solution: let a friend pentest your host without telling
them what is and what is not there.

(hence why the pentesting industry is a happy and well paid place)

 So I rather open only those ports to which I gave some love to and am
 willing to share, than just let my beloved machines to their own fate
 just to not let the =user= waiting for some seconds. I think the user
 can wait or close connection if impatient.

If you have 1 user that is fine, if you have a thousand or several
hundred thousands of users and they start calling you up, you will be
changing that ;)

Please note again that DROP/REJECT choice is a personal one. Each has
advantages and disadvantages.

 If his interest on my machine
 was for just nano secs, I guess we can sidestep this whole gentleman's
 reply to a connection attempt.

TCP connections do not time out that quickly.

Put a DROP on a port and then try to connect to it using your favorite
browser or telnet client.

A scanner (nmap et all) will not bother waiting around, real clients
will. As such you are hurting real clients, not the scanners; and again
you are just telling the scanner you are hiding something.

 Also, I do not get this troubleshooting hassle. If you r the sysadmin u
 can write in time iptables rules, port scan, packet sniff and single out
 easily when it is network related or server software related.

While *you* will be able to figure it out, the user's perception will be
quite different.

They connect, it times out. As such, The network is broken. And that
is what they will call you with (and it can indeed be anything).

While if they get 'connection refused', it is a much more clear message.

PS: Try doing a packet sniff on a link with thousands of connections and
where your user cannot tell you what source IP they have; next to the
fact that they might just be using the wrong destination host... ;)


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Traffic in port 9050 in a relay (denial of service attack?)

2013-11-06 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-11-06 13:47 , mick wrote:
 On Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:00:09 +0200
 Lars Noodén allegedly wrote:
 On 11/06/2013 01:26 PM, mick wrote:
 I disagree. Dropping all traffic other than that which is
 explicitly required is IMHO a better practice. (And how do you know
 in advance which ports get attacked?)

 Using reject instead of drop simplifies troubleshooting.

 Drop tends to get in the way.
 Again, I disagree. But I recognise that this can be a religious
 decision. My default policy is to drop rather than reject. I know
 that strict adherence to standards implies we should “REJECT” with a
 helpful ICMP error message.

Configure your host with DROP, do an nmap, then configure it with REJECT
thus for Linux:

IPv4: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
IPv6: -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable

Now repeat that nmap; indeed, for the DROP it is shown that these ports
are filtered, for REJECT the ports are just 'closed'.

Hence, the adversary did not learn anything in the REJECT case (services
apparently are not there), but in the DROP case they learned that you
have a firewall configured and that those services are likely there...

Hence, not only is reject good for the user (as they do not time out
connecting to the port), but it is also good against adversaries as they
do not learn anything.

As you say it is one of those 'religious' decisions, but in this, the
facts show what should be preferred for multiple reasons ;)

 But, doing that can mean that
 incoming packets with a spoofed source address can get replies sent
 back to that (innocent) source address. DDOS bots exploit this

As there is no amplification (only a portion of the incoming packet is
included) this is not used; there are much better sources of attack.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] hardware accelerated crypto

2013-10-01 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-10-01 21:20, Andy Isaacson wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 06:45:52PM +, jason wrote:
 I'm not sure why I missed this first post but I'm very interested in
 working on this project with whomever is interested. I  bought a
 pogoplug v2 specifically to test it's usefulness as a tor exit or relay.
 First step is, run openssl speed rsa and post the output to the list.
 While you're at it you may as well post the AES and SHA results as well.
 Heck, just run the whole openssl speed test (should take less than 20
 minutes) and post the whole thing. :)
 Also details on what CPU/RAM it has, and information about the kernel
 and OpenSSL package you are testing, would be useful.  dmesg output
 and the contents of /proc/cpuinfo may be helpful.

Maybe a good idea to put the output in the wiki somewhere?


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Getting max bandwidth out of a relay

2013-09-12 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-09-12 11:06 , Andy Isaacson wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 05:13:04PM +0200, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Are boxes that are doing these speeds running at a CPU or a network cap?
 Or maybe better asked, they do run at 100% usage of their cores or do
 they just use two/three cores to the max?
 There are three main sinks of CPU usage in a well-configured large Tor
 1. doing AES and SHA.  This scales with the network bandwidth used.
 2. doing Montgomery multiplication for circuit creation requests.
 3. bookkeeping.
 (4. kernel TCP overhead etc.)

Thanks that explains a lot!

 Your boxes, with 12 cores and 70 GB of RAM, are quite a bit overpowered
 for running 500 Mbps of Tor.  If you ran a Tor daemon per core, you'd be
 able to push around 2 Gbps of Tor traffic, easily.

Awesome, that is good to hear, as then it should be able to fill the
Gig-E pipe at least theoretically.

As I am trying to avoid using too many IPs (IPv4 is constrainted, IPv6
is not, but the latter won't get much traffic), I'll try if I can get my
tcp-balancer idea setup in the run of next week (low on spare cycles at
the moment) and then forcing each Tor instance to use a specific core.

At least, incoming should be easy that way; the question more becomes
what outgoing traffic will do, especially the bit that sends details to
the authorities, I'll see how that works though ;)


tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Getting max bandwidth out of a relay

2013-09-11 Thread Jeroen Massar
TLDR: what do people to do get the max throughput through their boxes?


This might be more tor-dev related (due to the Tor internals, eg why it
does not use multiple CPU cores effectively etc), but is likely a bit
more appropriate here as there are people who are able to get a lot of
performance out of their boxes.

I've been playing a bit with setting up a few relays and letting them
push as much traffic as possible following amongst others the items at:

Thus making sure it is using AES-NI (which turned off and then on made a
bit of a difference but primarily in CPU load), and doing some TCP stack
and other kernel tweaks.

I am running the current-git Tor on them, thus self-compiled and except
for the install path no special configure options (any tips there?).

The boxes are 2-cpu 6-core E5645 @ 2.40Ghz, with HT thus 24 cores
visible. Tor is using about 170% CPU (thus effectively 2 cores) on
average along with 3G of mem, the box has 70G of mem thus that is not a

A little snapshot from 'arm' from one of the boxes:

Bandwidth (limit: 3.9 Gb/s, burst: 3.9 Gb/s, measured: 353.9 Kb/s)
Download (45.7 Mb/sec   - avg: 27.2 Mb/sec, total: 302.2 GB)
Upload (52.5 Mb/sec   - avg: 27.9 Mb/sec, total: 308.4 GB):

Down/Up varies upto 70mbit, the box has full GE and between them can
push easily a single-stream 900mbit flow (tested with iperf/wgets/scp)
next to the running Tor process. Thus there seem to be some significant
issue in the Tor portion of things (though tuning might affect it as
there are more flows etc). There is no connection tracking on the box,
as that would just slow things down

See also the munged torrc below, in case there are options to be set there.

What else is there to tune except for maybe running multiple Tor nodes
on the same box? Which would require it to use multiple IPs right as one
can only run 2 nodes on the same IP I understand.

Would there maybe be a way to run multiple Tor processes with the same
key/identity but with a TCP load-balancer in front of it which
distributes the incoming connections to the processes? The only thing
then is that only one of them should report their details to the
authorities and the others should not publish; would that be possible or
would it mess up for instance performance stats?



torrc used:
NickName nick
ContactInfo contact
MyFamily $othernode

ControlPort 9051
HashedControlPassword 16:pass
CookieAuthentication 1

DirPort ip:port
DirPortFrontPage /usr/local/tor/etc/tor/tordirport.html

ORPort ip:port

RelayBandwidthRate 600 MB
RelayBandwidthBurst 606 MB

SocksPort 1080

ExitPolicy reject *:*

#Log debug file /usr/local/tor/var/log/tor/debug.log
Log notice file /usr/local/tor/var/log/tor/notices.log
DataDirectory /usr/local/tor/var/lib/tor

RunAsDaemon 1
DisableDebuggerAttachment 0

CellStatistics 1
DirReqStatistics 1
EntryStatistics 1
ExitPortStatistics 1
ExtraInfoStatistics 1

net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 87380 33554432
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 65536 33554432
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1025 65530
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Exit flag given to nodes with nearly-all-reject?

2013-09-11 Thread Jeroen Massar

Is the 'exit' flag given to a Tor node which only allows exit to a
certain prefix?

If yes, what kind of effect does that have on path selection, will it
only be chosen for exit'ing to that prefix and not be used as a relay?

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Why is my fast relay so slow to gain popularity?

2013-09-11 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-09-11 18:20 , Jesse Victors wrote:
 Hello everyone, newcomer here.
 I'm behind very fast connection (11.5 MB/sec down, 7.5 MB/sec up)

(Most folks would just call that 100mbit, that is if your MB is
MegaByte, hence why 11.5 MiB/s would be more accurate).

 thought that the Tor network could benefit from my connection,


 especially since it's apparently been under high load recently. Per the
 latest blog posts, I downloaded the beta TBB and configured it as a
 relay under Linux. It's been up for almost two days now, yet it's still
 being utilized at a very, very small fraction of it's potential.

This blog post from today explains the effect and reasoning:

 In the
 network map, I see that my relay has an advertised speed which is again
 much slower than it actually can be.

IMHO that label should be changed to 'measured speed' as the bwauths
take care of that now.

 To my knowledge, a web server can
 be put under full load right away, and distributing computing projects
 use the most of your computer right off the bat. Why doesn't Tor run
 computational and/or bandwidth tests and advertise my relay at a much
 more actual speed?

The bwauths do that, but they don't run very often.

 I don't see why a fast relay has to start at the very
 bottom of the barrel to begin with.

Because otherwise introducing a large set of fast relays and thus hurt

(On the other side a determined adversary just waits a bit longer)

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] huge increase in relay traffic

2013-08-31 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-08-30 20:39, Yoriz wrote:

 Aug 29 23:19:59.000 [warn] Received http status code 504 (Gateway
 Time-out) from server '154.x.x.x:80' while fetching
 /tor/server/d/54BDF368367470FCBF015...067.z. I'll try again soon.
 Aug 30 00:14:52.000 [warn] http status 504 (Gateway Time-out) reason
 unexpected while uploading descriptor to server '154.x.x.x:80').

That likely is the following ticket:


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Weather - Node Down

2012-09-12 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2012-09-11 22:43 , wrote:
 this is my very first post to this list. I operate tor exit relays
 vks24784 and vks24949 and subscribed to Tor Weather Reports. Now, at Sun,
 September 2, 2012 12:17 am and Thu, September 6, 2012 12:33 am, I received
 Node Down Reports for either of the nodes, 1st report for vks24949, 2nd
 for vks24784. That said, I noticed that these events reset the respective
 uptime counters at Atlas web application to zero

Uptime is for the Tor binary. Thus if the Tor binary restarts uptime
will go back to 0.

(And thus when making config changes it is suggested to do a reload
instead; of course for version updates you need to restart it and thus
when tracking git you'll always keep a low uptime)

 and the nodes would lose
 the already earned stable, guard, named, etc. flags for a certain time

They keep those flags as long as the node comes back quick enough.
(I am not aware of what the value of 'quick enough' is, could be a day,
could be less though).

 I even checked the uptime through ssh and there hasn't been any reboots

But what about the tor binary itself?

Do a 'ps -ef | grep tor' and you will see the start time (STIME).

 Also, I'm wondering what actually would happen to guard,
 stable, named, etc. flags if I'd actually need to reboot the nodes cause
 of maintenance?

Unless you keep the node offline for a longer time you will keep them.

 I feel it unfortunate to lose these flags (also for the
 Tor network itself(?)) and would like to ask:
 1. What does Tor Weather consider a Node Down event?

Please see:


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