Re: [tor-relays] Received botnet/drone abuse complaint

2012-01-02 Thread grarpamp
 I received a botnet/drone complaint from today

If the complaint was sent directly to you, rather than to you via your
ISP, it is unlikely you need to do anything. Unless you're concerned
about possibly having your own IP space blacklisted (which is normally
an ISP concern).

If your ISP is bugging you, there are some abuse templates and general
advice docs on the Tor project site that you may find useful.

 If I'm reading this correctly, they identify mebroot as the source of the

That's probably the nasty that was sent, not necessarily the scan and
injection platform in use.

 My DirPort is set to 80, which may explain that value in the complaint.

No, that's more likely to be the 128:80 dest ip/port pair for the flow sourced
from your 210:48586 pair. You might find the log format documented at
Shadowserver or via google. They obviously didn't bother to include a
complete definition of all the fields in the email.

 Any thoughts on what to do to avoid further complaints?  Shadowserver
 addresses the topic of Tor exits here:

Try blocking traffic to that IP or some suitable larger subnet of the afflicted
IP as might be determined from whois or BGP, for a few months.

It's seems to be just a probe, nothing a simple email or config change
won't fix.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor relay system uptime requirements

2012-02-01 Thread grarpamp
 With this set-up I see the Tor process consuming 2% of CPU,
 about 60MB of RAM (RSS) used
 100 - 200 connections active at any given time.

Seconded. It's not much. And irrespective of hardware, seconded
also on using current OS, build libs and Tor. Some OS require
setting kernel sysctl to enable extra cpu's or cpu features. BIOS
too. But that intel-HT is not worth anything.

 My ISP currently provides me with ~ 800 kbps in upload ... 15 Mbps
 in download but I guess it is better to keep it symmetric

It's bytes in/out of the closed circle that is your box/interfaces. Other than
encapsulation differences, non-symmetric is not physically possible.

You can set up OS rate limiting to let Tor freely use whatever when
you are not using the pipe. But I don't know how to properly let Tor know
you are doing that??? (other than telling Tor it's own rate limit should be
the entire possible size of your pipe, as would be the case when Tor
is allowed by OS to free run during your non usage. Tor would get
squeezed otherwise, but that's probably not too bad.)

 I have also thought about using the PC of my parents as a bridge

Not a good idea to subject anyone but yourself to the potential
issues of being an exit :) So a non-exit or bridge is better.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] How to protect yourself from network scanning

2012-07-31 Thread grarpamp
 I've thought about constructing iptables rules to limit the number of
 SYN packets for the same host per second or such

Multiple flows to the same host don't really bother routers of any class.
Old routers choke when looking up many hosts in the routing table.
So your proposed rules against port-scanning single hosts wouldn't help.
Unless each SYN to a host is generated from multiple Tor-based
IP-scanner's, in which case your node or Tor would probably be underwater
from the parallel scans anyways.

 Is there a known proper way to protect yourself from being used as a
 network scan relay?

You can't really implement rules to block IP-scanning because
you'll just take yourself offline. Which is exactly what ISP's do when
their router falls over. The problem is fixed at the source, not the dest.

In the TCP only case of Tor, best you can easily do is 'reject *:port' the
ports being scanned, thus denying service to the scanner's Tor client
and thus emitting no such traffic yourself. If it's well-known ports, such
is life for your relay.

 I am hosting a 3-5MB/s tor exit relay
 does not want to route network scanning traffic since it is
 a severe load to their routers.

If they can't deal with a single host doing IP-routing lookups, sounds
like they need to replace their 10yr old Crisco routers or exit the biz.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Call for discussion: turning funding into more exit relays

2012-07-31 Thread grarpamp
 Is there any justification for a low-bandwidth Tor node?

Other than the diversity of having more nodes around...
seems from discussions here that slower nodes see less
users. Which means they're not as likely to be blocked
by content providers for user misbehavior. This can be
valuable for the legit users who manually pick slower nodes
to see if they can get through.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Help the Tor Project by running a fast unpublished bridge

2012-08-13 Thread grarpamp
 Sorry for exposing the internals of running
 a non-profit. But I think transparency is especially important here. :)

 I don't know why you feel sorry. Transparency is important for
 non-profit, at least for most I guess.

Non-profit is just a tax and legal designation. After any necessary
compliance with that, the degree of transparency, salaries paid,
competitiveness, degree of being closely held, and indeed all other
things... is completely variable.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Bad exit

2012-09-17 Thread grarpamp
Exit (one of these two I think, no guarantees):
67FD1D03F922975269F94EC7E4FD38C6D0E5E900 - torservers?

It's not occurring now via them, but whatever exit it
was generated these...

Error: uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for the following names:
  * ,
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

Erroneous public key presented:
aa 94 04 12 c4 32 2b c9 62 48 00 88 16 6f cd 8a
21 22 fe 6d 9d 51 63 6f 85 62 db 9c b5 3f e6 bf
1d 45 ca 51 57 3d 5f 83 97 73 b6 dd 99 86 d8 27
e5 07 71 94 cf d5 a4 92 a6 25 f8 06 fd 50 6c ad
70 2c 71 ca 66 38 1d 35 93 f1 c3 ff 52 6a 90 3d
54 fd 6f 69 34 9f 59 29 aa 05 59 91 95 33 53 8b
e6 b6 cf 65 dc 02 1a 31 57 d8 f4 11 70 f5 68 46
13 af c1 dc f0 b0 ce 43 b3 13 61 8a 18 00 84 32
2b 9a 9c aa 49 f3 fc b6 a1 d2 a9 d9 bd b4 53 a0
60 46 e7 e9 22 9d 23 08 5c 91 32 89 e7 85 4e ec
18 b7 d0 b3 6b 74 fa b4 f3 08 11 1f 1b e1 55 e9
7b 90 f4 64 93 08 a2 58 70 e0 c6 41 f9 f9 d0 9c
b1 3d e9 b6 ae b3 73 ac 11 d3 f6 91 9e 79 f2 b4
d7 7d 96 8a 83 30 b1 bf 40 6f 18 24 42 43 b7 b1
65 7e 3d 1f d2 47 e9 fb 2e 10 21 7c ce 20 a8 c3
35 f3 d8 91 d1 a6 a1 87 52 4b de 39 1e ec b9 4d
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Map of Tor Relays updated

2012-10-28 Thread grarpamp
quite useful for placing new nodes. thx moritz.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Deploy relays using hidden exit IP's?

2012-10-30 Thread grarpamp
Shouldn't some exit relays (funded or not) be deployed
to use an exit IP that is different from it's advertised
exit IP in order to prevent a simplistic form of blocking
based on scraping the descriptor set? I think this can
happen if the default route is out another interface or
secondary address. Something of that nature.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Deploy relays using hidden exit IP's?

2012-11-29 Thread grarpamp
Also related, has anyone tried operating an exit
behind a VPN/NAT/proxy service? As opposed
to having secondary interfaces/routes on the
local machine.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Prepared for [Raided for running a Tor exit node]?

2012-11-29 Thread grarpamp
 Running an exit node from home DSL or Cable is bad idea. One must look
 for a Tor friendly ISP and have balls made of steel!

... ISP[/hoster] and[/or] have ...

 However, I do not believe it is that way in
 the United States

What 'way'?

Running an exit node at home, or elsewhere, would seem to come
down to...

a) Are you physically ready for a query / subpoena / search warrant /
exigent raid?
Are things segregated by room?
Are your doors and machines labeled with the same sort of exit node
notice you'd put on the TCP port and in DNS?
Have you inventoried, photographed and documented your setup and property?
Do you have offsite backups?
Are private things encrypted?
Are any co-habitants aware and similarly prepared?

b) Are you mentally ready?
Is your life and butt otherwise clean, legal, and organized?
If you were to appear in court, how would you act and be perceived?
How do you feel about being in the news and in public docs?
Have you networked with other operators and entities?

c) Are you legally, financially, and timewise ready?
Have you consulted with and preselected a couple attorneys?
Have you made arrangements for making bail?
How will you make court required appearances?

All these sorts of meta things, and surely more, come into play whether
or not you're ever raided. I'd suggest making a wiki article for them.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Prepared for [Raided for running a Tor exit node]?

2012-11-30 Thread grarpamp
 Only regarding home Wireless access in the US
 I was involved in a case with just this situation.

 According to my lawyer there is no consensus on who is responsible for wifi.
 Every State has different laws each one is just a vague.
 In NY, if your wireless is secured (pw protected) you are ok.
 In NH, you are responsible for all data that passes your wifi point secured
 or not.
 In MA(my state)  there is no specific law

Putting links to such laws on the Tor wiki would be useful for
operators and users to know.

It would seem hard to believe that there are 'must secure' laws [1] in
the US or elsewhere. Even harder that anyone would be sentenced...
regardless of whether their AP is open, 12345, or dR;$8w@G...
merely for traffic traversing their AP/node that was not theirs, or that
cannot be proven was theirs. Not that you wouldn't be questioned,
charged or held before the case was dropped.

[1] There are 'must secure' civil ISP contracts. They are only meant
to 'secure' more revenue (no account/line sharing) for the ISP and
save revenue from dealing with whatever headaches your open
AP/node creates. And criminal 'theft of service' laws for the same

 you just need a good lawyer  :)

This (and links to the actual laws) are much easier to believe.

Because if someone here took the NY example above literally and
did illegal deeds via their secured wifi thinking that example was
the law (and thus their immunity), they be jailed pretty quickly.

And what does being forced to secure or responsible mean?
If you hit a bug, exploit, or get cracked, and can show it, you're jailed?
What if there is no proof either way but the existence of traffic, is the
user then jailed by default?
What if no evidence but crypted disk, or questions as to character/belief?

In those crazy places even 100% lily white users would seem better
off running an open AP/node and risking that lone lesser charge [2]
than attempting to be rather secure, risking a crack, and being held
responsible for some major crime.
[2] If the major wasn't dropped, at least they'd be jailed with evidence
the access was open, which looks a lot better than if it wasn't.

The crazy is why you're supposed to visit, write, call and email your
lawmakers, educate your executive, and hang your jury.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Prepared for [Raided for running a Tor exit node]?

2012-12-01 Thread grarpamp
 In NH, you are responsible for all data that passes your wifi point secured
 or not.

Where is this codified?

 NH -  This is a Bill that has passed, but not signed into law...

Use the full text. This bill attempts to clarify/legalize using
someone else's wifi
when I(a)(1)-(3) are reasonable assumptions... commonly such as when the
operator has not 'secured' their wifi... the it's open, so it must be
ok defense.
(Defense to a charge by an annoyed operator, a look, a user in their
car! charge
by the police, or an accessory charge to a greator crime of the defendant.)
It tries to make 'know/belief' easy for the lay user to assume by using the
word 'secure' and attempting to create some kind of obvious 'security' wall but
it doesn't define what that boundary is.
 What about the day when there is some popular 'click here to go online'
 tool that does WEP guessing in the background behind a pretty GUI?
 Your belief may have just changed, and not in a good way.
Next, note that 'shall be responsible for securing' does not mandate any
given security level... be it open, at any other level, or by any given means.
 While you could seemingly document your 'security' choice as open, closed,
 or whatever (to satisfy whatever action this clause is trying to make
you do)...
 the choice itself  makes no difference to us because:
It doesn't say anything about the operators culpability for what traverses
their wifi/node. The context of that clause, and the bill and code as a whole,
appears to be regarding users and is of no use or affect regarding operators.
Which is what this list cares about and would like to know.
That's one interpretation, call a lawyer and make your own.

Other interpretations and background...

 In NY, if your wireless is secured (pw protected) you are ok.

Where is this codified?

 Penal Code Section 156.05 Unauthorized use of a computer
  A person is guilty of unauthorized use of a computer when he knowingly uses
 or causes to be used a computer or computer service without authorization
 and the computer utilized is equipped or programmed with any device or
 coding system, a function of which is to prevent the unauthorized use of
 said computer or computer system.

Again, this applies to the user. Every state has similar laws. I won't bother
to link or pick at this one. Other than to laugh at how the operator's
'equipped' but disabled choice might make open access a crime.
So if you're used to leeching in NH, stay the hell away from NY :)
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Traffic pattern on Tor relay

2012-12-04 Thread grarpamp
 From time to time

 that the traffic oscillates with a period of about 14 seconds and the
 traffic doubles in the peaks.

1? Some buffer fill/pause/empty cycle somewhere during a large transfer.
Try building a circuit through your node and transfer large to eliminate your
node if cycle is not always present during this xfer.

2? Cyclic process[es] loading your node.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Are you looking for node diversity?

2013-01-05 Thread grarpamp
 I'd prefer to stay away from the US.

 (That said, the 1st and 2nd place remain the same in this case.)

 Exit probability is interesting: 43% chance of exiting from a US-based node.
 Also, I feel for that poor guy in Chile.

Try posting up on some of the lists/forums... isp-planet, datacenter,
nanog, etc for service in South America, Africa, India, Mid-East,
Hong Kong, Korea... wherever needed. For better prices, consider
mentioning the capitol and/or cable landing cities by name. For legal
separation, say that you're looking for a locally (in-country) owned/operated
company, as opposed to some global biz.

Subject: 'typeOFservice providers in place?'

Also google: site:cc vps/dedicated/whatever hosting
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] On the Theory of Remailers

2013-01-08 Thread grarpamp
 It is an interesting questions, if with a modern user interface, can they
 get to new life?

I see no reason the state of the art from the legacy remailer types
can't be combined and updated into a new service running on some
of the same relay machines we have for Tor today. Even if only
10% ran them it would probably be more hosts than were ever
behind the old remailer nets. And relay operators already have the
abuse experience in place.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ongoing denial of service attack against Tor relays by leased botnet in America and PRC (Nobistech, Datashack, Limestone, HE, Pegtech, WholeSale Interent, and Psychz VPS nodes, etc)

2013-03-28 Thread grarpamp
 New to the list, I run a Tor exit node from my small cable modem connection
 in Honolulu, as well as for a short time on a few on VPS's to prove to

 Over the last several weeks, I have collected substantial evidence
 indicating that a botnet is degrading the Tor anonymity network in its
 entirety via a sustained denial of service attack. I believe it is made to
 blend in with all the other crazy packets that an exit node generates, but
 it is pretty easy to spot if you just look at the RST's or drops coming off
 your node, all from a static unused destination port.  If you change the IP
 address of your node, it will take about 90 minutes before they identify
 your IP and you start getting attacked again.
 Do a whois lookup on a few of
 those VPS IP addresses and you will see the country involved.

 Wondering what other folks are seeing with their relays.

 2013-03-28  7:33:38  Nobis Technology Group, LLC 2571 Runner 8118[S]

I believe 8118 is polipo/privoxy gateway and that you are simple seeing
usual internet 'bot' scans for that proxy and box is returning normal closed
reset to syns.

You may collate this flow data by ip and report the unwanted traffic to the
arin netblock and ptr domain contacts. Or ignore it as waste of time if
packet rate is acceptable loss to internet noise.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] BitTorrent complaint

2013-04-12 Thread grarpamp
 tor could easily be made to efficiently use a similar mechanism, if it
 doesn't already in order to perform the lookups to compute the answer to
 What is the subset of exit nodes allowing exit to IP addr X on port Y?

The answer may lie with the client polling some exits and computing
the answer to its needs locally. I just posted a blurb about this
to tor-dev. Anyone interested may want to follow up and add on
over there.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] BitTorrent complaint

2013-04-12 Thread grarpamp
 Bittorrent may be an exception to the above but the performance cost
 would be at the clients end and for one bittorrent is hardly a realtime
 protocol a little delay making each connection would not make much
 difference, two it performs poorly if you insist on running it over tor
 anyway and thirdly the average consumer desktop system is not exactly
 lacking spare CPU cycles due to the bursty nature of their workloads
 they statistically tend to spend the majority of their time idling.

As opposed to torrenting via exits, I'm amazed more people haven't
moved their torrenting to operate entirely within anonymous networks.
The performance of I2P and Tor (and I guess Phantom during tests) is
actually quite usable so long as the user excercises content selection
and patience. And regarding this thread, the freedom of operators and
users from complaints regarding takedown would be invaluable.
I'm not sure if these networks could scale to handle the node count
and chatter, but I think the bit about spare cycles is right and might
even act as a natural limiter to that sort of traffic. For instance, my
tests show that establishing connections to many onions in parallel
is quite costly and prone to failure without available headroom. But
once connected, things are ok.
Perhaps torrenters simply can't put aside their 'must download it all
right now' mentality which keeps them away from our nodes. Or there
is a major influx waiting to happen upon some future enlightenment
whether they're misguided or not.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] NPA to urge Internet providers to block users of hijacking software [Tor]

2013-04-22 Thread grarpamp

to voluntarily block communications if an anonymous software
system ... is found abused online.

The second ripline leaves some room but is without specifics.

 It seems they are blurring the line between recommending that websites
 refuse to answer connections from the Tor network, vs recommending that
 ISPs prevent their users from reaching the Tor network.

The panel specifically recommends that communications be
blocked when there is access from IP addresses publicly listed
as those allocated to the third in a chain of computers that are
used by Tor.

This quote clears that up to be the former. However, it appears
they also intend to ask network operators to block exits as well,
not just websites:

Based on the recommendations, the National Police Agency to
encourage voluntary efforts such as the industry of Internet
connection operators.

They don't seem to say whether non-exits (thus the EG's among
them) would remain accessible or not.

The Tor system was utilized by citizens in pro-democracy movements
in the Middle East to escape government suppression, while Wikileaks
also recommends Tor to information providers. The planned access
restrictions are therefore expected to spark a backlash from the industry.
'Communication privacy is our lifeline. We won't be able to accept such
a request,' said an industry insider. An NPA official said, 'We will make
detailed explanations and seek their understanding.'

police were summarized for the strengthening of cyber crime
investigation the 'emergency program' ...
According to the National Police Agency, the police has been
promoting public-private partnerships with such Internet-related
companies so far, but pointed out that investigation and not keep up
with the rapid advances in information and communication technology
... In the future, expanding the range to exchange personal level
regardless of the occupation of the other party, and that improve the
information collection...
Emergency program, mentioned considerations and be entrusted to
the private sector, the analysis of the modus operandi of education
and other investigators

It's a little unclear to what degree these groups are for enforcement
or education, whether they attend public conferences, etc. Likely
the usual mix. There could be some good opportunities there.

Cracking, corp/finance, data theft, copyright that sort of deal is one
thing. But these idiots making death/bomb threats and such are
really getting old not just on its face but due to their tendency to
make the news and piss people off, and against Tor, in a different
sort of way.

I presume exit operators in Japan could ask NPA/Mainichi for the
full panel doc and would be very interested in following this issue
... cc'd.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] hardware

2013-07-15 Thread grarpamp
 A10-6800K (4 x 4.1GHz) would be decent.

 It doesn't seem to support ECC

It doesn't. And for those that recognize its importance, that's
been an kind of weakness of AMD for some time. Actually
for both AMD and Intel, it's treated as a price premium
instead of just 8+n extra gates and logic.

 It's very silly to not specify ECC RAM for a server.

It should be in all systems IMO too, even with crypto over
circuits and ZFS on disk. But I not sure the CPU registers,
or the rest of the gates on the die, have any such hardware
protection beyond the lid on top and the fiberglass on the
bottom... haven't looked into it. Or that the makeup of the
Internet/services as a whole use ECC. Tor seems more
weighted to pushing reproducible bits, than to first production
and storage of your own valuable work product.

 like serial console BIOS support and

It's nice if your model involves needing to go to BIOS, such
as being tied to hardware raid there.

 1U form factor

The port stacks can be cut down / removed if need be.
Another problem is finding low profile ram to go in non-angled
slots. The 'enthusiast' influx to the ram market is annoying yet
the unneeded 'heatsinks' (aka bling) can also be removed.

 the r8139 (iirc)
 chip/driver lacking interrupt coalescing features. Upgrading to an
 Intel e1000e fixed the problem.

Yes, Intel has always had very good nics and supplies docs/code.
I think a85x boards commonly have rt8111.

 The kind of ISPs that offer competitive pricing on bandwidth tend to
 prefer commercially integrated servers, preferably sourced from vendors
 they're familiar with.

That means Intel, Dell, HP and the like.
I'd hesitate to tie bandwidth price to what some techs want.
It's more about how much the ISP buys, if you're small retail remote
hands using or a large self-serve cage, and if it's in a neutral DC.

 That way when your server crashes and needs a
 reboot at 2AM, the tech in the data center doesn't

This is a bit crossed. A true server board should have a
hw watchdog that will autoreboot the OS. Similarly,
with a good server, pulling the plug should be all a
tech needs to do to clear all stuck cases short of
hardware failure. You need a good OS/FS for that.

 Be careful, Intel likes to promote HT instead of full cores.

 That's a really funny claim

Some of their retail marketing I've seen is not so clear, as
in 'Here are 8 virtual things, footnote asterisk fine print - really
backed by 4 real things'. Their server side online is better.

 a single thread can use nearly all of
 the resources on a core. HT is useful

Sure, if your workload is not weighted to single threads/processes
that you can itemize/count as being under the number of real cores.

 AMD Bulldozer, OTOH, claims to have [unit pairing/starvation]

I do often forget that overall when considering some loads :(

 actual work done per watt on CPU intensive workloads.

Intel often beats AMD on power, even if only due to die
process size. Datacenters tend not to line item 1RU's
for actual power used unless you're at 1/4 rack or more
and they have metered managed outlets, the costs of
which are passed on to you as well. As is wasted power.
In the end, for small customers, the DC averages a single
price to you into which you fit whatever box you want. A
home or corporate DC is different because you can mind
your power there to direct/immediate savings.

 AMD unfortunately doesn't seem to have a competitive
 server CPU these days.  It's possible that Piledriver improves the
 situation, but the analysis I saw did not make me optimistic that it
 would be competitive with Ivy Bridge.

I didn't mean to imply that such a system was true
physical server class, but that it could serve the logical
function of a decent server/host for the Tor application.
Particularly considering the cost per node per megabit as
opposed to maximum yield regardless of cost. Real server
hardware tends to start well above $1kUSD. Factoring in the
performance differences and passing on some features,
distributing a lower cost box may be a win there. As a counter
to that idea, It might also be useful to consider initial cost vs.
megabits delivered over time... if you do not expect to be kicked
from DC to DC thus eating multiple shipping costs as add-on
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Sitevalley is no longer Tor-friendly

2013-07-18 Thread grarpamp
I don't see anything specific regarding Tor or its capabilities
in their AUP. But there are bits that could be extended to
cover Tor. Which it appears they did, whether for bandwidth
or cost of dealing with 'complaints'.

They are in New Hampshire, perhaps you could let the
FreeStateProject know (cc: SV) that they are perhaps
not a company that FreeStater's should patronize.

Also, asking a hosters via their support/sales staff if
they permit Tor is not helpful. These droids do not have
the authority to do anything other than take the sale
and kick you later. You need to talk with someone
higher up beforehand if you wish to secure better
long term footing from any provider.

Their AUP is ridiculous. Which is even more curious
given they seem to be run by Russians and permit
feedback reviews by hosted 'gaming' and 'teen-sex'
sites on their front page.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: Computer requirements for a modest (15-20Mbs) relay?

2013-07-30 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 6:50 AM, Andy Isaacson wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 01:23:13PM -0400, Zack Weinberg wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Andy Isaacson wrote:
  Yes, there are cases of law enforcement seizing all computer gear from a
  house with a exit node -- not just the exit node computer.  Most
  recently in Austria in a child porn investigation.

 We did some operational planning for this risk, in conjunction with
 the university legal and IT departments, when we set up the CMU Tor

 Similarly for Noisebridge / Noisetor, we decided to host at a commercial
 facility separate from our production servers both for
 cost-per-bandwidth and separation-of-risk reasons.

Physical standoff distance and preparation is certainly best.
Similarly, has anyone ever put a Tor/EFF exit relay notice and
contact info on their door? Let their neighbors and/or flatmates
know? Consulted with agencies likely to service warrants?
Not to stop such legal process, but to lessen through education
some of the risks involved.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] VPN termination on relays

2013-07-31 Thread grarpamp
 Mosh is great, but it still relies exclusively on UDP, right?
 So no over Tor...

Somewhat related to things that don't work via exits...

So who wants to offer VPN termination as part of their
exit service? User tunnels VPN to you, you give back
a bound port, or a natted 10 address, somethings of
that sort.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is it safe to run an exit node from a VPS provider?

2013-08-13 Thread grarpamp
 I would like to propose that you take a look from a different perspective (and
 I thought from the mail subject the question will be about that) on this.

 To run an exit node from a VPS provider is not safer -- TO YOU -- than running
 an exit node from your personal home connection.

 This man[1] had his house raided and his computers confiscated because of a
 Tor Exit node that he was running **NOT EVEN AT HOME** but in a datacenter, in
 a different country, on a server that he was renting (of course in his name).

 From what I gather from discussions surrounding that incident, the only
 reasonably safe way (again - to you) to run an Exit Node, is to do so on an IP
 range that's SWIPed to an LLC or a similar company, and not just has one
 physical person (you) responsible for it.

Some providers accept Bitcoin, cash, MO's and the like. Alternatively,
companies in general (even small LLC's) often have lawyers, who have
formal business offices, and will often let/encourage all business registration,
whois, banking, etc... the use of that physical address while they are on
retainer under concerns as to legitimate privacy, mobile convenience, and
proper familiar and legal response to process of service.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Key files encryption methods.

2013-08-22 Thread grarpamp
There may be no better than pure ram, so this ticket may be of interest:
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new relays

2013-08-31 Thread grarpamp
 This is why we need to implement extended exit flags for exits that want
 to run post-exit filtering/enhancement policies, say for example
 that way we can get all the religious groups dumping their tithes into
 not just beaming reruns of the 700 club around the world, but a pile of
 uber fast exits too.

 What a disastrous notion; the exit policy system works because clients can
 predict in advance whether an exit will pass a given connection; it depends
 only on the destination host/port.

It works because clients can reject some exits they figure they shouldn't
waste their time on trying and can proceed trying matching ones. And
because the matching ones have historically not been much problem.
Predicting the future behavior of exits based on their past, or their current
statements, is an odds game some wouldn't put much faith in.

 That could never be the case for any of these.

As with dest ip:port, clients could similarly manage exits based on their
postfilter flags.

It could work for various purposes but it was more meant ...

 And how about
  novirus delivered by microsoft
  doublesyourcoins propped up by the donations of fools
  trusted run by legit governments

 Oh, please, do tell where you expect to find a 'legit' government and why
 one should 'trust' it?

 ... forthelols ...
which would replace all web pages with (re-read as humor) proposals
like this when tor-*@ is busy being too serious, flips the occaisional
bird to each other in threads, etc ;)

Hopefully all the plaintext protocols will die soon and some replacement
for the CA cert model is agreed upon so that there isn't much left to bet
on exitwise but the dest ip:port working.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor node was doing more traffic than its bandwidth is configured for

2013-09-08 Thread grarpamp
On 9/8/13, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 Are you sure you didn't confuse bits and bytes? Tor counts in bytes.

 (The arm monitor, if that's what you're using, counts in bits by default.)

As with real networks and operators, if this is so, then big thank
you to arm people for correctly counting network bandwidth in bps.
No thanks on webhosters and isp's who convert their upstrream
bandwidth contracts into transfer bytes and pass that on to their
customers for their apache logs, thereby spoofing hosted network
*bandwidth* apps like Tor into feeling some silly need to count bytes.
Do wish Tor would speak properly in bits by default.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Traceroute measurement from Tor relays

2013-10-23 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Aaron Hopkins wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Oct 2013, Karsten Loesing wrote:

 Basically the experiment does traceroutes to three groups: all
 routable IP prefixes, all Tor relays, and then all /24 subnets.

 Based on my read of your input data, these will run traceroutes to 491762,
 9058, and 13597431 IPs respectively, sending at least 100 million packets?
 This is a bigger ask than I think you made clear.

 I question the utility of scanning all /24s.  By definition, all /24s in a
 BGP prefix take the same path to its origin AS; the only variation will be
 within that.  If you are looking for chokepoints, you've already found it
 with the origin AS.

Initially I didn't see the sense in this either, perhaps it's in the
referenced docs.
If the internal paths of a large aggregated AS were of interest it could be used
for that. Though you might use the BGP table to reduce the /24 query set to
just those matching the AS you reside in. Then again, there can be higher
precedence side peerings that would not be found with that.

Also, I'd merge in current BGP AS and GeoIP data for each hop of the trace.
That could probably be done upon receipt of a submission if they happen daily.
However on the client may be better since in order to test new routes over time
they'll need to update BGP tables anyway.

And for the Tor node... capture the IP,  IP whois, DNS ptr, DNS ptr whois,
BGP AS and prefix, and GeoIP.

I can see this being useful for siting nodes in the future.

 They are uncommon from a Tor exit node, which already receives enough

It's opt-in so I see no issue here.

 Which by default will try to keep 128 traceroute processes running all the
 time.  This is potentially problematic for relays with limited RAM or CPU
 available.  I'd recommend making this more clear.

...and more tuneable via config file.

If looking for more network input and similar work, make a post to
NANOG etc. There have been lots of traceroute projects.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Advice on dealing with ISP's response to DMCA takedown notice.

2013-10-24 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 You might like the 'reduced exit policy':

 But it sounds like it won't entirely solve your problem at this point,
 and it's time for either diplomacy and education, or some other ideas.
 I'll let others chime in with suggestions.

As others have said:
- Work together with your hoster to adjust the policy
- Offer to handle their ticket issues for them by asking for the
full email of the complaint with addresses you can reply to
(as a service operator in the US that's pretty much your
responsibility to field those directly, then that of your upstream
if you don't). Then contact the complainer, send them the Tor
docs, tell them your server has no data on it and get them
to remove you from their lists and close their case. Keep
your hoster informed and especially copy them on any
case closed or delisting success.
- Some relay operators opt to SWIP the address space
to them and effectively become the ISP of record.
- If those don't work, close your account yourself and tell
them that based on your poor experience with them that
you will let others know not to buy from them when the
topic of hosting comes up.
- Add an entry to the goodbadproviders wiki page and
point them to it.

Details for all of this are in the archives of this list.
Thanks for relaying traffic :)
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] TCP: drop open request

2013-10-24 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:10 AM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:43:42PM +0900, mett wrote:
 Since yesterday, the kern.log of the relay I'm running is flooded with
 TCP: drop open request from.

 I first thought it was a kind of DDOS on our servers but it seems to
 be related to Tor (When I stop Tor, kernel doesn't
 complain anymore).

 if you're in BSD-land.

It's a Linux message. Feed it to a search engine and you'll find
several things to try depending on what the cause is. It shuts
off either because Tor is attracting the syn's or the overall count
is lower with Tor off, you'll have to tcpdump to see. Look into
syn cookies, packet filter rules, and stack tuning.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Proper bandwidth units [was: Exit nodes on Gandi]

2013-11-17 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Eric van der Vlist wrote:
 Without bandwidth limitation that's true. OTH, I currently consume only
 ~ 50 Gbits/month and the limit is 500 Gbits. Would a relay limited to
 let's say 200 or 300 Gbits/month still be useful for the community?

People, can we please mind using the proper units.
I know Tor doesn't make it easy because Tor itself incorrectly
uses Bytes. But Tor is a network application, and real network
apps are measured in 'bits per second', not 'bytes transferred
off disk', even if the latter is what silly hosters sell by... mostly
due to their presumed need to tie in with their typical customers
supposed Apache access_logs. But believe me, what hosters
really care about is their upstream bill in bps rate, they're just
converting that for access_log presentation to you.
Your further mixing of 'giga bits per month' doesn't help *at all*.
Please try to use 'bits per second' as the common denominator
on this (network application) list.

BTW, Gandi is historically a fairly progressive company. The
right approach could have some good wins there.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Proper bandwidth units [was: Exit nodes on Gandi]

2013-11-23 Thread grarpamp
 Why not just accept KB/sec, KiB/sec, GB/mo, GiB/mo in the config file?

Because KB/sec would be rejected as not conforming to
either SI or IEC prefix specs. Therefore the above proposed
'AND' would fail ;)
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Proper bandwidth units [was: Exit nodes on Gandi]

2013-11-25 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Gordon Morehouse wrote:
 Why not just accept KB/sec, KiB/sec, GB/mo, GiB/mo in the
 We now support gbits (127) and gbytes (130) in the torrc file,
 but we do not support gib. Or I think more correctly, we say
 gbytes for what you want us to call gibs, and if you want to say a
 billion bytes, you need to type all the zeros.

 I learned about the 'gib, kib' etc in wikipedia a while back - it'd be
 best if the config file were extremely liberal in accepting what
 people type, IMO.

No. This kind of lazy acceptance is exactly why rockets crash,
and rockets crashing are why one must use proper terms.
'gib, kib' are not cased correctly, thus people have no idea what
you explicitly mean. They might presume your lazy casing means
'Gib, KiB' but then your rocket might crash. Reference and
enforcement is the proper cure.

The little table in the upper right covers the decimal and binary
prefixes and their long names. It should be documented as
such and nothing else should be accepted.

As far as units of bit and byte...
With the more international community seemingly lately moving
the abbreviation for a bit from 'b' to 'bit'. And defining octet 'o' as
the grouping of eight bits (perhaps still leaving the byte somewhat
undecided as to its width in bits, and conflicting in abbreviation 'B'
with the older and more cross-disciplined Bel.).
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] using Curve p25519 cryptography for type 2(Mixmaster) and type 3(mixminion) remailer blocks

2014-01-14 Thread grarpamp
 On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:14 PM, gwen hastings wrote:
 I am looking at resurrecting

 mixmaster, mixminion and nymserver designs from the
 various code wastebaskets and retrofit them with some newer encryption
 technology based on curve25519 and poly-1305 libsodium based algorithms
 and routines.

I believe there is sufficient demand to merit deployment of a
good mix network. As well as perhaps web/other intake frontends
due to the now prevalent a) dwindling free email b) demand by
mail providers for phone authentication. As for operators, I'd
reach out to the Tor, I2P, Bitcoin, etc operators.
It's a shame that one of the hardest things to find these days is
anonymous free speech in the simple form of the written word.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Considering setting up an exit, need advice

2014-01-23 Thread grarpamp
Schools are like work... either it's a free for all or requires
permission and signoff. Especially for anything that can
take heat, like an exit. To avoid issues, check with your
administration... both the network people and the people
you report to policy/class wise. Neither are hard to find or talk
with. Thanks for running a relay.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [WARN] Your system clock just jumped 100 seconds forward; assuming established circuits no longer work.

2014-02-19 Thread grarpamp
Since you say it repeats you oppurtunity to check the
system clock first:
- configure tor to syslog
- send an ntpdate -q pool to syslog every 5min,
 remove when solved.
- send *.* to /var/log/all

and see what you find around where the date lines
start to slide or jump past each other. Graph it
with rrd/gnuplot if you want. epoch format helps there.
Your timekeeping is probably just broke somewhere,
ie: your system has bad clock drift and also can't sync
because there's a firewall blocking ntp, so off goes
your time. Check that first.
It's not your isp since you say you're using
ntpd against external debian pool and odds are
not someone stuffing you bogus timedata. Though
your ntp cli query may not be the same as the ntp
daemon query re: udp/tcp port they use, stateful
firewall timeout, etc... ie: somehow ntp blocked.
Or stale/unwriteable startup drift files on disk. If ntpdate
is set, then under ntpd running for 15min+,
if ntpq -np does not show one asterisk(*) in front
of one of the nonlocal peers, you're not synced.
And you'll be no luck until you are, fix that first.

Not likely to be Tor or kernel, but you can then next
- move the drive to another known good mobo/cpu box.
- do the kernel event logging thing
- bump tor's loglevel
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Exiting only port 8333

2014-03-18 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 +Roger, as I'm curious as to the rationale.

There was a pretty big thread debate a couple years back about
people only wanting to offer cleartext ports being seen as
(whether falsely or not) doing it purely so they can cheaply
steal content/tokens off the wire. I don't know if the current spec
has any commit relation to that.

 Yes, and allowing people to exit only Bitcoin traffic seems beneficial in
 other ways:  you're not likely to get abuse reports from just allowing port
 8333, so the cost of being an exit for that is much lower. And it'd indeed
 take bandwidth pressure off other nodes.

Good point regarding lowering potential headache cost for those not
wanting that much of it. There's probably value in offering say all
ports but 80/443/25/torrent and whatever else is left out of 'reduced'.

 The atlas graphs do show traffic for such nodes
 providing essentially just 8333. They're usable manually,
 just not automagically by the client I think. I forget
 how their traffic is picked up.

 The globe page for my node shows exit probability: 0 so I guess I'm indeed
 not being sent any.

 There are 850+ nodes allowing 8333.
 Have you considered running an onion:8333 seed node
 to both serve btcnet and keep traffic off the exits?

 Yes but it doesn't get any traffic for reasons I haven't bothered to figure

Being an onion there'd be no tor mechanics preventing traffic.
It may just be the proportion of IP vs. onion nodes the btc client sees
is small so as not to make contact. You can 'setevents stream'
and see btc contacting onions. And can -onlynet, -connect, etc
the btc client to test.

 out yet. Anyway we can't run all of Bitcoin over Tor because it'd kill off
 our (admittedly quite weak) anti-sybil defences.

In that you presumably have to pay for commercial node farms
where tor nodes are free (and more bandwidth limited). On the other
hand, abundant crime money will probably be paying for those
farms anyway. So this could be mooot.

My motivation comment was if you were doing publishable
research or simply production for fun.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relays vulnerable to OpenSSL bug: Please upgrade

2014-04-08 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 04:35:39PM +0100, mick wrote:
 Moritz Bartl allegedly wrote:
  Yes. You made it generate new keys, so it is a new relay as far as
  Tor is concerned. This is why not everybody should generate new keys
  immediately, especially larger relays. But don't worry too much,
  you'll get your flags back eventually. :)

 But Roger's blog post makes no mention of the advisability (or
 otherwise) of a mass re-generation of keys. All it says is that best
 practice states this would be a good idea.

 The first iteration of my blog post said something like if you run many
 fast and stable relays, consider spreading out your relay identity key
 replacement over the next week so we don't unbalance the network.

 But I removed that sentence a little while later, when it became clear
 that nobody knows for sure but quite possibly an attacker could have
 extracted key material from vulnerable relays. If that actually happened,
 I think we probably want new identity keys asap, *especially* from the
 big relays, and we'll be happier tolerating a couple of bumpy days while
 the network recovers.

My reading, even without the PoC's and mmap docs that have since
come out, is that it's always been:
1) simply connect to any vulnerable openssl 1.0.1 [START]TLS service port
2) get a nice 64k chunk of core returned to you (regardless of whether
you posess any type of higher level token, onion key, user cert, etc.)

I'm not so sure it's the 'big relays' that are priority (at least as far as the
net as a whole is concerned). More likely just the largest number of nodes
in the shortest time. And of course key meta points like the authorities and

I've been ad-hoc watching the resultant drop in cumulative node uptime
since yesterday afternoon... we're down maybe 18% from an original
~14.1 gigasecs. And ~3000 descriptors have uptime newer than the
release of openssl 1.0.1g tarball. Lots of caveats in these metrics for sure.

Ps: I liked the idea of the two key transition proposals on tor-dev. Maybe
at this point, if many auths are to swap keys, point releases may be
easier than coding that for now. There's also probably merit in a new
rcfile called
toretcdir/authority_keys containing the data in src/or/config.c . Would make
for quicker near-term updates by distributing a small rcfile than recompiling
until the proposals develop.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relays vulnerable to OpenSSL bug: Please upgrade

2014-04-08 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 Actually, I'd like us to take this opportunity to throw out the Named
 and Unnamed flags entirely.

 I think we've done pretty well at teaching
 users to use $fingerprints rather than nicknames in the few cases where
 they actually want to specify a particular relay.

 And only two-ish directory authorities still track and vote about Named

Second the idea of completely tossing names internally in favor of fingerprints.

 It would be great to have somebody think through the implications of
 what exactly we'll lose by dropping them, so we can make a more informed
 decision. Maybe that could be one of you? :)

I've felt the real benefit of nicknames has always and only been
in operator participation (woot, other than dns and http on my OR IP,
I can feel good by having this short name string), and moniker recognition
(hey, look at this metrics widget, I can search/spot all kinds of human
readable cool nodes... maybe I'll run one or keep running mine, etc).

Nicknames, 'contact' and the like could be merged into new a formally structured
user metadata descriptor field. Some fields of which might be used by
such as onionoo to populate other empty fields. ie:
'udata nickname[16char]: email[32char]: uri[32char]: blurb[up to
remaining n char limit]'
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Long-term effect of Heartbleed on Tor

2014-04-09 Thread grarpamp
 * Should we consider every key that was created before Tuesday

You'd need to also know the key was created by vulnerable
openssl 1.0.1 versions, didn't already disable heartbeat, etc.
That data isn't announced in the consensus. And those that
weren't vulnerable may be happy continuing with their uptime/key.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Paul Pearce wrote:
 I'd be interested in hearing people's thoughts on how to do such
 scanning ethically (and perhaps legally).

That's an interesting dual-ish question, given we don't own them,
often have no real contact means, and yet they're part of us in
some voluntary fashion. I don't have any good suggestion on that
other than collecting private data, as opposed to statistical surveys,
is a problem area.

If we knew which were subject to the bug, the long term goal
should be to blacklist their fingerprints. Most uncontactable
operaters will get the clue after a few rounds of that and/or
visiting tpo for new releases due to consensus version deprecation.

If you browse onions you may find some anonymous researchers who
conduct their activities via exits, publish their results on onions, and
announce them in various fora. I've not yet seen anyone cataloging this
bug as it relates to Tor in that manner.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Strange Problem Browsing Blocked Websites‏

2014-04-09 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Ferdi GULER wrote:
 In order to anonymize my browsing traffic on my main windows PC, I
 configured Firefox to use my raspberry pi as proxy on port 9050. When I
 visit the page, it says my configuration is
 successful and I see different ip address.
 From that point I assume everything should work properly but if I try to
 browse web sites that are blocked in my country such as youtube it just does
 not connect. However if I use VPN I can see those blocked web sites.

It is likely because the exit your client chose was blocked by
either youtube or by someplace in its path to youtube. You may try
'signal NEWNYM' / 'new identity' controller function, or 'ExitNodes'
configuration option as in the docs / search engine.

Thanks for running a relay.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Atlas Entry

2014-04-09 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Tor Relay wrote:
 My several attempts to update to TBB 3.5.4 (XP)unsuccessfully made Tor exit
 upon starting, so I fell back to 3.5.3. Atlas shows that my efforts hadn't
 gone unnoticed; OnionTorte now appears four times w/ my IP address.
 0D50D43BAA728D6E0C4EB181AB79E5C1D7036D08 is the correct one but it somehow
 has my bandwidth as 489 KB when it should be 921.6 KB, reflecting my
 RelayBandwidthRate.  Does anybody have a way of clearing the ghost entries
 and setting Atlas straight on my bandwidth?

Tor doesn't have any revocation yet, and Tor automatically keeps its
network overhead down and stability up by not adjusting things in sync
with every minute some relay goes nuts. Just let it run and it will fix
itself. While you're waiting you can search for
'relay lifecyle'.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Rejecting 380 vulnerable guard/exit keys

2014-04-16 Thread grarpamp
Updating a previous post full of measurement caveats (in particular
not keying IP/FP to discard old descriptors)... now at:
- 35% reduction in cumulative relay uptime from 14.1Gsec pre-hb.
- 4400 out of 5835 descriptors with uptime less than hb-release
and totaling 1.2Gsec among them.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Grouping cloud relays running within same provider

2014-04-22 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Paul Syverson wrote:
 Of those 15,000 paths, 163 (or ≈ 1.1%) contained an entry and exit
 node that resided in the same AS despite having an IP address from
 different /16 subnets. Out of those 163 paths, all but one also had a
 distinct /8 network address.

There are two questions new operators ask:
- What provider allows Tor [exit] nodes so that I can place my new node there?
(This is a very common question and leads directly to duplication.)
- Where are there no relays right now so that I can try putting one there?
(This question is so rarely asked that I cannot recall seeing it.)

Even though 1.1% is small it (AS/cidr) does not cover some relevant
crossfields such as legal jurisdiction, I still think a project to research
current relays would be useful (cidr block, AS, [upstream] hosting provider,
physical/govt location, relay operator and location, funding source, etc).
Then new operators could query an xor report of fields with
- input their prospective new relay
- get a top ten list of where we are already too heavy, do not host there
- use our data to suggest new placements, ie:
we have no relays in these countries, in these AS by size, etc...

It would make some sense to have onionooo plugin to carry this
extended db, particular since hoster and some other fields would
require human researched/maintained input.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Exit node rejection of special IPv4 blocks

2014-04-23 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 6:26 PM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 03:12:36PM -0400, Zack Weinberg wrote:
 I'd like a sanity check on this list of special-purpose IPv4 blocks
 which I'm currently forbidding in the CMU exit node's policy.  I'm

 Best practice is to only block addresses and destinations that you know
 you don't want to reach. When you block addresses where somebody tells
 you there should be nothing there, you're narrowing out the future.
 If the RFC changes tomorrow and you don't notice, suddenly you're blocking
 connections to a piece of Africa or whoever gets that IP space.

Yes, a lot of BGP people did/do that, blocking not just the
thou shalt not route stuff, but also just plain unallocated stuff,
leading to partial blackouts and weird routing for ages after
allocation till everyone updated their silly filters. Search bogons.

 And if indeed nobody is using it, why block it?

Everything is pretty well collated and described here...

6to4 appears global. Multicast won't work over Tor. Yet that huge swath
of space would seem ripe for better management/assignment someday.
Nanog would have that thread.

For shalt not... it probably doesn't matter if you block the whole
non-global special purpose lot. A couple reasons should be obvious:
- To protect yourself and nearby lan/wan systems from
remote access via selective use of you as the exit
towards those addresses. Obvious example is rfc1918
to gratuitously reconfigure your modem/router for you.
- To stop building and wasting circuits for users who
dump/leak packets with those destinations into
Tor, such packet dests would not be forwarded/accepted
by your ISP's routers anyways.

It would not be difficult for some relays to run
a report on what is seen trying to exit them.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] SSH scans from Tor exit

2014-04-29 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 11:23 PM, Michael Wolf wrote:
 On 4/28/2014 10:04 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:
 For what it's worth, after complaints from campus IT we also wound up
 blocking SSH in the CMU Tor exit's policy.

Sounds like IT is conflicted and sans balls... permits relay service,
but well, doesn't. Good that you can run one, but if they're
whacking you for denied stuff, plan on moving soon when they
get real complaints.

 people do sysadmin stuff and whatnot anonymously

Not just for anonymous... the value to real sysadmins daily of a
TCP enabled IP for testing from anywhere in the world is huge.

 I  think if a server is
 so threatened by a port scan that it invokes a human response, that
 server probably shouldn't be online.

The servers aren't the one's that shouldn't be online, it's their idiot
HACK ATTEMPTS in the logs is some kind of important, and then go
reporting it to every place they can think of, each of those places staffed
by more clueless idiots, etc. Grow up people, quit whining about ssh
and learn to admin. Meanwhile, Theo laughs heartily at everyone.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] SSH scans from Tor exit

2014-04-29 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 5:26 PM, Nicolas Christin wrote:
 The level of intelligence of the people that receive these complaints
 is irrelevant.

It is, in fact, entirely relevant. Clueless recipients (and their upstream)
leads directly to improper kneejerk responses, such as pull the project.
Whereas if people had a clue they'd realize this particular issue
is nothing but background noise and file it in the bin.

 However competent you may be, if you get oodles of
 complaints every single day, for something that you are doing as a favor
 to somebody else, you will throw in the towel.

 once again, have been really good to us, what would you pick?

I've been party to large environments (RE included) where boilerplate
complaints resulted in automated canned responses, or were simply
filed in the archive to be expired later. A few hours of existing
work-study student time to process a days lot, fully supported by
high ups.

It comes down to volume, severity, tools, responsibility and
clue. If you don't have any of the latter four, sure, any amount
of the first will kill you.

Being in a good environment for such things also helps too.
Unfortunately that is probably not the majority of them.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] SSH scans from Tor exit

2014-04-30 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Delton Barnes wrote:

 I'd suggest the problem is administrators treating a Tor exit node the
 same as a compromised machine.

Sure, and it's part of the sometimes improper administrivia kneejerk
response. And the SCREAMING involved with this one certainly incites
an unbalanced response upon the less experienced/knowledgeable.

 these attacks, so administrators should have to just accept them.

The operator of agnostic midpoint carriage services / relay is different
than the ISP of the following two machines, and different than the
targeted machine, or the attacking machine. Each has different rules
of play available to them, with the midpoint carrier likely having least
duty among them to do anything. It's not as if blocking exit:22 to the
reporter's machine is going to do anything useful on their end given
the rest of the internet they're open to, but if you want to appease them
and your upstream, feel free. I wouldn't, but to each their own relay policy :)
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread grarpamp
Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

We are ops because we want to allow people to avoid censorship and
speak freely. But are we doing all we can? It is well known that
all relays, exit or non-exit are added to a variety of blocklists.
Primarily through scraping the consensus. And those blocklists are
then used to indiscriminately deny legitimate users/people access
to sites, regardless of their 'behaviour', which more often than
not has simply not been determined yet. So we need to augment what
we're doing in order to be effective in our mission. Here's how...

We already run Tor on an IP, that IP is blackballed as noted above,
so using another port on it as a vpn terminator is pointless. Yet
our hosting packages often offer other IP's in the same range, or
we already have them to use as part of the deal (or, failing that,
we can forward the openvpn TCP port on our bad relay IP to another
clean non-bulk-blocked IP we control). We obviously cannot publish
this new openvpn 'exit/termination' IP anywhere, such as in the
comment field of the consensus as it will be banned. *But we can
bind to it and let users find it with their own openvpn scans close
to (one up or down from) our OR IP.* Just use the standard openvpn
TCP port on it.

There is no bandwidth cost to us to do this because all the traffic
is moved between the exit IP and the openvpn termination IP over
localhost. (Well, unless you are forwarding openvpn port on OR IP
to another termination real IP off your box.)

At minimum we should allow TCP transport out from the vpn to the
world, aka the usual nat, so as to make websurfing work for our
users. Bonus for allowing nattable outbound UDP, ICMP, etc. Further
bonus for allowing inbound binds on whatever port on the IP that
is available to be bound to. Obviously sine the IP is scarce to us,
we can't allow full unnatted use of the IP.

The point is, we already own these extra IP's, and legitimate people
are being blocked from services for no reason other than kneejerk
or blind reactions to Tor via blocking services. Ahem, cloudflare,
et al and other blocking 'services' well known to us.

So to the extent we have other IP's available to us, we should set
them up to be unpublished openvpn nodes and let users find us by
trying to terminate their vpn connections on us at that IP and
openvpn port.

Yes, blocklists could try the 'one IP up/down' scan method and list
this project of ours too, but it's more work for them and they're
unlikely to do it in any sort of global fashion. Especially since
they can't prove it's part of Tor (because we don't publish the
IP's as such).

If we wish to make an announcement that we are running such
terminators, obviously it should not be made from addresses related
to our OR IP's.

[FWIW, there is another openvpn terminator project out there. Unlike
ours would be, its nodes are public, and even with that detriment
(though possibly only because it is lesser known) it obtains more
freedom from blocklisting than Tor. However its termination points
perform poorly/unreliably whereas ours would be both nonpublished
and better managed.]
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Thank you for suggesting the GFW folks now scan and/or directly block
 these IP addresses too.

The gfw is going to do what the gfw does. And many times that is
dedicated to blocking access to tor, not access from tor, obviously,
as once you have access, the exit is out of reach of gfw.

If you don't want to be blocked by gfw, don't run this
openvpn extension service on your node/ip.

 You are mixing the difference between an operator of a site selecting
 who their viewers are and a man-in-the-middle selecting that for both
 the user and the server. Don't mix those up.

No I'm not. I'm combining them. Whether site op blocks an
IP in its Apache/ipfw or subscribes to a service to do the
same is immaterial to this countermeasure of ours. We see
them blocking legit users who complain about it, so we act
to allow them alternative access. They can then move to account
based and other finer grained user management models. It
is no different than us deploying tor network to give users
ability to avoid blocks in first place. It is simply evolution
of making such tools available to users.

You don't have to run described openvpn extension if you
don't want.

 I am pretty-much-completely pro-Tor as there are good uses, but for
 controlling who logs in and who abuses you, Tor is a bad thing as you
 don't know what the source is. As an operator of a (server) site, being
 able to say sorry, we do not accept connections from Tor is a good
 thing, as there are situations where that is needed.

You just stated [users] who 'log in' to sites, therefore you already
have the tools you need... block the abusive account. Tor has nothing
to do with it.

 Yes, blocklists could try the 'one IP up/down' scan method and list
 this project of ours too

 As it can be done automatically, it is not more work for them.

I beg to you that it will be substantial work such certain subsets
of them will not engage in it. Furthermore, they are bound to
certain legalities which may prevent them from doing such
scanning/testing. Either way, it is an advance of the art on
our part.

You do not need to participate if you do not wish.

 And actually, they are likely already scanning every IP in the /24 where

No, what would they [gfw] scan for if they already have the
consensus. And we are not talking bridges here, they can already
poll for those. This scanning /24 topic is all moot, might as well
scan for open 8080, etc. Again we are not talking about gfw or access
to tor.

 Instead of doing OpenVPN (which Wireshark knows and thus is easily
 detected by port number but also protocol itself), look at the variety
 of Pluggable Transports[1] people have been developing and deploy these.

Umm, blocklists and/or site ops don't have access to your localhost
to sniff it. PT is irrelevant on localhost as well. You do not understand
the model to deploy here...

user - ovpn - torcli -- exit torrelay or_ip - localhost - ovpn_ip -- world

 Of course, using BridgeDB is a good thing there to publish these
 details, or you could invent some new method of passing details to
 people (puzzle game solving ala captchas being a good start though
 defeatable by having slaving-away people getting paid for solving them).

In OP I suggest with reason not publishing them at all, the whole point
is to *not* let the openvpn ip's be easily scraped like OR_IP are, as a
countermeasure, so let users scan for these new termination points. But
absolutely yes, if you feel some reason to have to DB them do not ever
publish them in something dumb and easy scrapeable like consensus
or website list. Other relay ops will not even inform such DB that they
are running them, exactly so they can't be scraped and must be scanned

You do not have to run this, other relay ops will see value and will.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Andy Isaacson wrote:
 Anecdotally, the GFW blocks OpenVPN endpoints as well.

You need to specify context... access *to* ovpn nodes?, which
is moot because that is not the deployment specified here in
diagram... you already guaranteed access via the localhost exit
you can already reach, (or via the exit op's clear forward path to
their off exit box ovpn node). Or *from* ovpn nodes?... well as
before, if your node is in gfw area trying to get out, or is outside
trying to get in, it really doesn't matter, gfw will block exit or ovpn
as it will.

So, this is not about such gfw things. It's about enabling
quite some other users other means to get around silly ip
based blocklists derived from the consensus, the tor dns query
thing, or poor management models by the site the user wishes
to access, etc. We provide tor exits exact so users can get
around stuff, so adding in an ovpn on a spare ip is no
philosophical difference there. Yes, it is a fuck you to old way
of playing nice by saying here's all our public nodes, block us,
and it might cost $few more a month for the ip, and eat some
cpu on localhost, but that's about it. If it helps some users
it's worth doing, to each operators own desire.

Same goes for binding/routing your tor exit out a different ip
than your OR ip. Except that using OpenVPN can permit
other protocols for help of user than only TCP.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-14 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Tom Ritter wrote:
 This seems very similar to the idea of having private exit nodes:

Tor daemon must of course know its exit OR ip's+ports via some
mechanism (currently, distributed consensus), or Tor would
not work. There is no such thing as private exits in that
context. Every anon protocol learns its own peers somehow.

Running OpenVPN terminators on your exit box on a different
ip than your tor exit is unrelated to Tor itself. It is an extra/enhanced
service relay operators would choose to provide on their own.

 It's also easy to enumerate Exit IPs not by scanning up/down, by just
 building a circuit through every exit node to a server you control,
 and looking at the originating IP.

Given that very few exit relays exit via an IP not in the consensus,
enemies of tor do not have to scan or build, they can just look at
the consensus. This is not relevant to the context of this proposal.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Fwd: [tor-talk] Fwd: Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-14 Thread grarpamp
to list, not me.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mirimir
Date: Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-talk] Fwd: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN

On 05/14/2014 09:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:


 user - ovpn - torcli -- exit torrelay or_ip - localhost - ovpn_ip -- 

 That ovpn part on the left is easily detected by any party in the
 middle doing

 No. Understand the diagram. It is not detectable by anyone
 between torcli and torrelay, because that is just normal

 Note that you are running IP over TCP over Tor (which is over TCP).

 Of course. Unless of course, as suggested before, some operators
 choose the method of binding/routing their exit over an ip different
 from their OR_IP, then it would just be native tor and native TCP.

 The performance of that will be very bad. Tor network is already
 overloaded enough as it is.

 No it won't, I've tested it, it works just fine. The only issue is the
 exit ip may change. So the exit operator is expected to block
 access to ovpn_ip from anything other than their associated or_ip,
 and the user is expected to config their client to use only the
 associated exit per whatever 'world' usage session they have in
 mind. It's not supposed to be point-click easy, only possible.

That's a very cool idea :) Using $5/mo VPS, there could be a large pool
of exit IPs for each Tor exit.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Usefulness of very limited exit policy nodes?

2014-05-27 Thread grarpamp
 Opinions please - is it worthwhile running an exit node on a home DSL

Nodes are nice to have around.

 potential abuse from exit traffic more so than limited bandwidth. I've only

That's up to you. If you don't mind the odds of the queens best
afp waking you up and borrowing all your stuff for a while till
they figure out it probably wasn't you who posted that crap
on the web... then you're fine.

Letting your ISP know you're running an exit would probably
also help you there.

 had it up for a few days and the bandwidth is being used.

That answers that part of your usage question, some people
get no traffic thus do other things.

 running as a relay?

Depends on you mostly. You could also be a bridge, obfsproxy,
maintain the wiki, fix bugs, etc.

 would make this node more useful, while not greatly increasing the risk of
 abuse reports coming my way?

Most abuse comes from http/s web cretins and sometimes filesharing.
Though the infocalypse horsemen are always a threat.
Specific authenticated and encrypted protocols like ssh, imaps, pop3s,
submission, xmpp, and so on tend to be quiet.

Just read through the archives of this list, other answers are all there.
Exit boilerplate and complaint templates, exonerator, and so on.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Running exits from home, posting exit-notice

2014-05-31 Thread grarpamp
In some threads people are running exits from home
for principle, economy, management, etc. Some threads
question risk.
Just as you put exit-relay-notice on your IP to obtain
advantage of chance of reading it first before interacting
with you, you may consider literally posting it on your doors.
Also, even paid hosting location could have advantage from this.

Btw, the link to that at the bottom of here is 404:
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Unblocking blacklisted exits [was: suspicious]

2014-06-07 Thread grarpamp
 But it's also listed on as

If you find exits on blacklists, you could try to
contact the operator via their descriptor contact,
exit http banner, etc so that they can try to have
it removed. Usually a few clicks on an assertion
of ownership/cleanliness and an email ack is
all that's needed for removal. Since ownership
of IP's is always in flux from perspective of BL's
such that any 'real' owner could always do it too,
absent exit contact info, many users could
probably submit removal for them without issues.

There's a project covering this on the wiki:
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Fwd: Running relays at consortia networks [was: JANET/edu]

2014-06-09 Thread grarpamp
C, there is also a tor-relays-universities list.
Forwarding there to keep the initial chat primed.

Once you have buy in from legal, chairs, security, upstream,
etc this can be a very strong position, often better than pay 'contract'
of random ISP host. I have seen such 'outside' nets used for these
not strictly mission things, such I suggest it in this thread. Different
approach depends on if you can find and house a legitimate paper
producing research purpose, or if you simply will run it for
supporting freedom point of view.

Worth mention is that both internet2 and nanog have mailing lists
where queries and propositions could be sent. Cold contacts at
regionals are not hard to find.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Cristóbal Palmer
Date: Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Running relays at consortia networks [was: JANET/edu]

On Jun 7, 2014 3:27 PM, grarpamp wrote:
 Has anyone tried approaching these networks themselves
 to see about running relays there? Their bandwidth for sponsored
 things is often free. In the US you might try and all
 its various connecting regional networks.

I'm at a member institution for Internet2, and the buy-in process put
us in a research VLAN outside the university network. I'd be very
interested in hearing from people at other member institutions about
coordinating management of risk such that our service is more
supportable and robust.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Sinkhole IPs to block for Cryptolocker and Gameover Zeus

2014-06-11 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Adam Brenner wrote:
 I have complied a list of Sinkholes from CBL for both Cryptolocker and
 Gameover Zeus. Consider adding these IPs to your ExitPolicy reject list.

Here are lists of other useless bad' stuff on the clearnet for which
exit operator might receive a complaint for contacting:

Has anyone evaluated the network [dirdata, client] cost of
bloating 1200+ exits worth of 1000+ line exitpolicies, versus
[circuit] cost blocking them with external packet filters.

And the classic issue of when those IP's are eventually
cleared and used for good' stuff, but laziness tends not
to delist them, so exit becomes less useful and traffic
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Torservers herngaard issues

2014-06-11 Thread grarpamp
Seems to be consistently delivering random length web pages
(if they are artificially slowed such as
and its bandwidth is tanking on globe.tpo.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-06-16 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 the proposed setup breaks all anonymity (OpenVPN sends Raw IP
 thus 1:1 mapping for the few people who will use it.

No, it does not break any anonymity. And it doesn't matter what
OpvenVPN sends because it all happens over the users already secured
Tor circuit '--'. You just don't understand the model. Here it is
again. '' is a single computer, there are two computers pictured.
Packets travel through the listed processes and computers from left
to right. '++' is the usual clearnet beyond the exit box.

user - ovpncli - torcli -- tor_exit_relay_or_ip - ovpn_term_ip ++ world

user - torcli -- tor_exit_relay_exit_via_non_or_ip ++ world
This other suggested model is: swap ovpn above with choosing exits
that bind/route/nat their tor exit traffic out a different IP than
their published OR_IP. ie: the exit IP is not scrapable off the
consensus because it is not the OR IP.

Of these two ways for users to utilize IP's that do not appear in
the consensus...

A) OpenVPN is more useful for end users by potentially allowing
other-than-TCP and/or even possibly inbound connections. All of
which are chooseable and configurable by the volunteer operator
to suit their needs.

B) Non_OR_IP_exits are limited to TCP. And are fully integrated
with tor's accept/reject exit policies.

[OpenVPN method 'A' would require additional host/ovpn rules to
achieve pseudo exit policies, and the user would not know ahead of
time what they are (not in the consensus). However, a survey of
existing exit policies shows the user would be likely to reach their
desired destination simply by trying any other ovpn enhanced exit,
particularly in the case of typical HTTP[S] websurfing, because
almost all exit operators permit that anyway.]

Running Ovpn directly on the relay box is not necessarily required,
though not doing so would cost external bandwidth (such as to reach
Mirmir's suggested disposable VPS IP's). Traffic off the box to
those IP's could be further rate limited in that case to reduce
cost if usage of these methods becomes nontrivial. Also, if the
operator doesn't have nearby one-IP-up/down IP's available to them,
the standard user clue to 'check for OpenVPN port 1194 one IP up/down
from the OR_IP' would not work for the users. In that case, the
operator must publish/leak the IP+port on the wiki, the list, or

 few users will ever use this, few random exits will support it,

Typical negativity some people say regarding anything new. I hear
people are trying to move to PFS suites, use secure messaging on
phones and all sorts of new things these days. Feel free to downtalk
them too.

 Only reason why this is being asked: circumvent site policies

Absolutely correct. Yet you are not realizing that Tor *itself* is
exactly such a circumvention tool, particularly against services
and other things that don't try, or fail, to block all of Tor.

If you are opposed to circumvention tech for innocents, you want
nice happy cooperation with whatever [web] services want, then you
should not run this proposal, or even run a Tor relay. Because
they are both circum-tech. And circum-tech should be listed, along
with usage as liberation tech, here:
But that'll probably never happen because it's too 'hot' or
hard to understand.

It is also useful for other things besides defeating dumb site

- Getting around blocklists that sites blindly install by default
without realizing what they are blocking, why, or even being given
the chance to consider Tor users and agree with blocking them or not.
- Making Tor a better network diagnostic tool for admins at work
because OVPN can transport more protocols to test things with.
- Similarly, allowing more Tor users to 'torify' more apps than
just TCP ones.

 Tor users and other proxies defying their access policy.

Cue and stir the tired debate about whether Tor users are good/bad
or whether services really need to implement fine grained, intelligent
management of users based on their *account*, not their *apparent
ip*. I believe Tor users are good, and that better management models
should be encouraged to evolve. If we are the ones to do that, by
whatever means, outreach, this tech or otherwise, so be it.

 please detail how exactly you handle abusive users

I delete their account per ToS. Point, click, gone, easy.

 ask them to reconsider

I do this too. Yet it is the other innocent users that can't make
headway, up against services that won't give enough thought, that
this is really meant for. I support those users.

 Note that that is there to reduce the amount of abuse, and thus the
 global and full blocking of Tor.

 As in other threads, prove that the incidence of abuse via
 tor is greater than the incidence via clearnet.

 You mean because people are trying to circumvent the policies of a site?

No, as I said before...

 ... A thousand Tor exits, 

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-06-16 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Bogglesnatch Candycrush wrote:
 On Monday, June 16, 2014 2:29 AM, grarpamp wrote:

 No, it does not break any anonymity. And it doesn't matter what
 OpvenVPN sends because it all happens over the users already secured
 Tor circuit '--'. You just don't understand the model. Here it is
 again. '' is a single computer, there are two computers pictured.
 Packets travel through the listed processes and computers from left
 to right. '++' is the usual clearnet beyond the exit box.

 user - ovpncli - torcli -- tor_exit_relay_or_ip - ovpn_term_ip ++

 It seems to me in this case the OpenVPN endpoint would know who the user is,
 based on their OpenVPN client certificate or shared secret.  Even absent
 those, they might be able to do packet fingerprinting, since the packets
 won't be scrubbed.

'know who the user is' ... you need to precisely define that.

know their location [real ip]? - No, Tor protects them from that.
know it's the same recurring OVPN nym? - Not if OVPN is setup to
use ephemeral keying or a single shared secret posted on the wiki.
know their name? - Any exit can sniff users at the tor daemon, OVPN or not.
know their traffic? - Any exit can sniff users at the tor daemon, OVPN or not.
scrubbing? - There is some visibility to the 'raw' tunneled packets from the
user's stack. Similar to OnionCat, or to how browsers 'Panopticlick'...
we should document that so that users can make their own choices,
we provide an openvpn config file, etc.

Ultimately, this essentially brings what would otherwise be
third party OpenVPN service to pair with Tor via the exit relay
operators model everyone is familiar with today. Other than that
 it is an external bolt-on after Tor, and it is improper to compare
it with the expectations/capabilities of Tor as if it were Tor... they
are two completely separate things. It is optional for operators
to run one. And optional for users to use one.

Another aspect... the consensus is scraped and imported into
blocklists because Tor makes no restrictions on such use.
And they are unlikely to do so because TPO wants to play nice.
Now since maybe only a third of these independantly operated OVPN
IP's might be published on the wiki (the die roll thing), the other two
thirds must be found by scanning and then used to see if the shared
access token works. This OVPN service could be ToS'd as being only
for Tor users and not blacklists. Thus any appearance of an unpublished
OVPN IP on a BL could be challenged as to its listing source...
one such successful case of illlegal access to computer against
ToS would send a strong message to BL's not to do that.
A rather thin defensive tactic, but it is worth noting how the
consensus and OVPN differ in this regard.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Operating system diversity?

2014-06-17 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
 I'm not sure if this was meant as a technical or aesthetic preference,
 but I am curious.  Is there any technical benefit to rounning a more
 diverse set of opensource oprating systems for tor nodes? I discount
 closed source as we don't know what's going on in there.

 Would that present significantly different attack surfaces? I can
 imagine a vulnerability in the TCP stack or other kernel functionality
 in Linux would not be the saem in FreeBSD or vice versa...

 My nodes are currently Ubuntu but if there's a reason to do so I
 coould possibly switch OS to FreeBSD (or hurd does tor run on hurd :))

These surface differences result in real world immunities. If all you're running
is one thing, and that one thing gets cracked, it's over. This happens all the
time. And it's not just the kernel, it's also the differences in libraries, etc.
So yes, for that purpose regarding the Tor network, don't pick Linux
or Windows. If you want to play and learn something new and not closed
source, pick one of the BSD's... free, open, dfly, net. FreeBSD is the
obvious general choice, the others will subject you to more specific challenges.

4796 Linux
1650 Windows
 294 FreeBSD
  75 Darwin
  35 OpenBSD
   9 NetBSD
   4 Bitrig
   2 SunOS
   2 GNU/kFreeBSD
   2 DragonFly
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bitcoin adopt a node idea

2014-06-26 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:44 AM, David Hill wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 12:35:00AM -0500, Scott Bennett wrote: wrote:
  Assuming that the relevant bitcoin programs could be taught to talk
 SOCKS, then it seems that tor hidden services would, in principle if not
 in performance, be an ideal solution.  Running those bitcoin full nodes
 as hidden services might well make them less vulnerable to being shut

bitcoind works fine with tor and has some onion full nodes.

  Performance of hidden
 services, however, are severely constrained by the hidden services protocol,
 which can slow connection times enough to make one consider USnail as a
 possible alternative, and the need for circuits of 2n-1 relays, which makes
 access even slower than normal tor circuits of n relays.

Performance of hidden services is actually rather good. ymmv.

 I am using btcd, an alternative full-node implementation written in
 golang.  Find it at  It has built in
 proxy support.  The wallet, btcwallet, is separate.  It also has proxy
 support, so that you may connect to btcd over tor or as a tor hidden
 service.  That can be found at

 bitcoind nodes are a nice target to look for wallets.  But with btcd, I
 run that at home while btcwallet runs on my encrypted laptop which
 connects to btcd over tor.  There is no wallet on my btcd node machine.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam

2014-06-26 Thread grarpamp
Spammers subscribe to mailing lists. You post to mailing lists. Have fun.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] optimize performance of a relay running on a VM

2014-07-01 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 3:24 PM, s7r wrote:
 dedicated RAM - 2.6 Ghz 1 core CPU dedicated - OS: FreeBSD 10.0
 Release amd64

 It does not return anything. I have the proc folder, but there is no
 cpuinfo file in it. Here:

 root@tor:/ # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep aes
 cat: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory

That's because FreeBSD is not Linux, its proc is
limited to procfs(5) with non process info/knobs in
sysctl(8), nor is it really necessary to mount proc.
Also, 'aes' is presented in CAPS.
That single core might be old enough to not have it.
 [also available via ftp package]
openssl speed aes
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Running tor in VPS - keep away snooping eyes

2014-07-02 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 7:46 AM, Kali Tor wrote:
 I have done all that, so covered on that aspect. Was wondering if disk 
 encryption and use of something like TRESOR would be useful?

The private keys for the node are sensitive, and even the
.tor/state file for the guard nodes could be if the attacker
does not already have that info, same for any non default
node selection stuff in torrc. Tor presumably validates
the disk consensus files against its static keys on startup
so that's probably ok yet all easily under .tor anyway.

There was a thread on this some time ago you can find.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Oubound Ports

2014-07-12 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 11:32 AM, krishna e bera wrote:
 the destination.  The process on the local computer will use a random
 numbered source port (from 1 to 65535) on leaving the local computer.

No, it may source from any unused port, assigned hopefully at random,
or by successful self selection, hopefully from 49152-65535, and usually
not from 0-1023 without priviledge. See ip(4). Your OS may differ.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] badexit D9B6E8F3DC60095F25252A1986E90932454C24D3

2014-07-12 Thread grarpamp
Breaks TLS on, etc.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-dev] Hidden service policies

2014-07-21 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Thomas White wrote:
 Mike Hearn,
 Simple. If you start filtering anything at all, regardless of what it
 is ... then I will
 block any connection of your relays to mine
 Freedom isn't free unless it is
 totally free and a selective reading policy through Tor is not just a
 bad idea as stated below, I find it outright insulting to me and
 everyone else who cares about the free and open internet. The fact
 somebody has the audacity to come to a project like Tor and propose
 blacklisting mechanisms is jaw-dropping.
 As I recall, you are also the person who raised the idea of coin
 tinting or a similar concept in the bitcoin community to identify
 suspect coins and that backfired spectacularly on you.

Yes, that is the person. Though the term is known as 'taint'. One of
many discussions from that suggestion is here:

 so while you are reading this, let me know if you run any relays so I
 can avoid them.

router riker 9001 0 0
fingerprint 8657 6CF6 AA84 496F 62C0 5AFE 9F26 8962 A5F0 B2BD
contact Mike Hearn
accept *:8333
reject *:*

Normally I would thank exits for passing BTC traffic, but now I'm unsure
of this one (and a few others), especially given that's the only exit policy
of the above node. To identify anon (Tor) coins for marking and tracking?
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Finding relay Sybils / Groups [re: relay_early/blackhat]

2014-07-30 Thread grarpamp
As a project then to production development, someone should go back
through the entire history of descriptors and look for groups coming online...
dates, IP's, contacts, tor/OS versions, nicknames, ISP's, geoip, numbers
coming online over sliding timeframes, correlation to 'news events', etc.
There may be more questionable relays to be found.
We were talking about such influxes around july 4 09, ironically, or not.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Learn Linux free for beginners

2014-08-02 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 1:51 AM, I wrote:
 A free online course from The Linux Foundation for beginners begins today.

A free online course from The FreeBSD Foundation for beginners began years ago..
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Time information

2014-09-04 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 I wonder how to get them to notice more consistently?

Simple, either mail their contact (if any) and they fix it, or blacklist their
fingerprints. There is no reason any relay should not be able to sync time.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Good hosting location for exit relay

2014-09-24 Thread grarpamp
 finding the best country and provider.

Tired of people asking here what's the most best/friendly provider.
Do people think saturating popular names like Amazon AWS, OVH, Dreamhost,
Rackspace, Lowendbox, Hurricane, Digitalocean, etc with nodes is
helping Tor's physical, logical or legal diversity? Or is that helping small
independant businesses that just might have crazy ideas like say...
anonymity and privacy... prosper?

Just pick some third or second world country, or random city
with 1M pop or more and start looking with credit card in hand.
Pay monthly, document it on the wiki, and move on to another
if they suck.

The place/provider that will keep the node, move a useful amount
of bandwidth, and that no one else has picked... that's the best place.
And having not been picked before, you won't find it by asking this list :)
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Anonbox Project

2014-10-17 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Colin Mahns wrote:
 It looks like Kickstarter has suspended the project.

Some of this thread seems a bit silly. Tor does one thing, it
anonymizes your IP address. These boxes push everything through
that, which is generally exactly what you want... no leaks. So great,
go sell a million of them.

But some of this thread bashes the boxes for doing simply that. I say NO.
If you want a teacher to handhold and teach you anything safe beyond
how to be an anon IP address (which Tor and boxen already provide)
... such as system administration, session management, how to
actually be contextually, network, and datawise anon... go kickstart
a companion book on that. Don't just bash the boxen about not including
such a book if you are not also willing to write the book... as the
boxen exist to sell 'IP address anonymizers', not books.

Chinese lookalikes, and best interaction with Tor network, are also
separate subjects. To the latter which is relavent, Tor is becoming
very popular, its fundamental design and ops need planned to be
able to scale to many millions of clients, like yesterday perhaps.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Platform diversity in Tor network [was: OpenBSD doc/TUNING]

2014-11-05 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Libertas wrote:
 I think it would be a good idea to add OpenBSD to doc/TUNING because [...]
 promoting OpenBSD relays benefits the Tor network's security.

Absolutely. Not just due to OpenBSD's security positioning, but
moreso from network diversity. Windows is its own world. But if
you're a Unix admin there's no reason Linux should be deployed
20x more often than [Free/Open]BSD. It's ridiculously counter
to meeting diversity goals, especially with bandwith weighting
if one platform is getting grossly disproportionate traffic than another.
Just pick one of the two BSD's and run it instead. FreeBSD
in particular is well suited to the OS and network needs of Tor.
And knowing how to admin more Unixes will serve any admin well.

5950 Linux
1593 Windows
 173 FreeBSD
  55 Darwin
  44 OpenBSD
   7 NetBSD
   6 SunOS
   4 Bitrig
   2 GNU/kFreeBSD
   1 DragonFly
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Platform diversity in Tor network [was: OpenBSD doc/TUNING]

2014-11-05 Thread grarpamp
 I'd agree simply because Windows presents a much larger attack surface. The
 amount of code running on a minimal Unix installation plus Tor is a lot less
 than a Windows system, especially network facing code.
 Running code, or network accessible code?  Either way I don't see how
 you came to that calculation.  'Minimal' Unix + Tor + SSH restricted
 by SSH Key vs 'Minimal' Windows + Tor + RDP restricted by Client
 Certificate.  I also don't know what you mean by 'minimal' as very few
 I think a Windows Server, properly configured, is roughly as secure as
 a properly configured Linux Server.
 I think there have been more bugs that result in RCE on production
 Linux servers running SSH and a webserver in the past 4 years than
 there have been in production Windows servers running RDP and IIS.
 I think if you're pointing fingers at China and the NSA, you should
 assume they have RCE in both Windows and Linux.
 I think running relays on Windows Servers is no worse than running
 relays on Linux Servers, and therefore it is good to do, because it
 adds diversity to the network.

Attack surface on a well adminned relay comes down to three things:
- Network stack itself (kernel)
- Daemon software itself (tor + remote admin)
- Their respective use of other kernel/library/shell provided resources.

I might suggest the current proportion of Windows to Linux is
roughly ideal. This is primarily because, all other things set equal
at 'minimal' (= tor + remote admin), good adminning, and good
control of corporate secrets (or moles)... Windows still has one
huge strategic weakness at that point... the magic packet.
It's the whole binary vs. opensource argument. So essentially,
the correct ratio of the two might be the odds you place that
a binary OS has a magic packet. Today's node count shows
73% to opensource platforms. I'd suspect 73% is about where
a lot of analysts might bet on Windows being magical, whether
by/for the NSA, or any other reason or source.

(Remember this...
That was just from running 'strings'. Good luck trolling all of
Windows with a disassembler... a nice fat payoff if you do. And
the number of disassembling vs. opensource auditors is probably
even more heavily skewed. And Windows is 'trusted' by buyers,
nor can you replicate their binaries from any 'source code sharing
agreements'. Then it's Patch Tuesday again... so it could be no
one has or ever will disassemble audit it. So odds end up being
pitched instead. And for many applications, that's good enough.)

The real problem below is the 96% allocation of opensource to
Linux and 4% to Other opensource. That's something that should
be fixed. For these purposes, it doesn't matter which BSD/Other you
pick... once you get the security odds there back towards
say 50:50 Linux:Other, then you can debate userland and relative
security amongst them all you want.

Here's some links to get you started, including two other
main branches of the Unix Kernel family tree at the bottom...

5939 Linux
1591 Windows
 173 FreeBSD
  56 Darwin
  44 OpenBSD
   7 NetBSD
   6 SunOS
   4 Bitrig
   2 GNU/kFreeBSD
   2 DragonFly
   0 Illumos (OpenSolaris)
   0 Minix

Official metrics...

Someone should really do an analysis of platform vs. exit bandwidth
as well. Anyone?

Also, isn't there some project out there that is counting the historical
number of kernel bugs+severity per OS over time?

[To cpunks to cover all the other volunteer node based networks
out there that could benefit from tuning their platform ratios.]
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Platform diversity in Tor network [was: OpenBSD doc/TUNING]

2014-11-05 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Niklas Kielblock wrote:
 Is there much of a difference between setting up Tor on OpenBSD vs. Linux or
 other Unix(like) systems?

Tor itself? ...
tar -xzf torball.tar.gz
cd tor ; ./configure ; make ; cd src ; ./tor

Nope, absolutely no difference whatsoever ;)

Pity the fool who endeavours to learn any system dependant
packages/ports system before such Unix basics, lest ye
cast your lot as a poor and dependant admin forever.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Platform diversity in Tor network [was: OpenBSD doc/TUNING]

2014-11-06 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:43 AM, David Serrano wrote:
 On 2014-11-05 23:58:43 (-0500), grarpamp wrote:

 The real problem below is the 96% allocation of opensource to
 Linux and 4% to Other opensource.

 Someone should really do an analysis of platform vs. exit bandwidth
 as well. Anyone?

 Here ya go. Observed bandwidth per OS in relays having the exit flag:

 93.62% 4459816582 Linux
  4.51%  214639363 FreeBSD
  1.25%   59672066 Windows
  0.25%   11754598 Darwin
  0.17%7896687 Bitrig
  0.15%6964863 OpenBSD
  0.06%3091495 SunOS

This excessive Linux dominance in both node count and
bandwidth really should be balanced out, like why not?
I'd expect if some of the big relays switch to any other OS
that would flatten out the bandwidth part pretty easily. You'd
have to check say the top 10, 25, 50 or so relays to see to
what extent they are part of this mess, I'm sure it's similar.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FreeBSD's global IP ID (was: Platform diversity in Tor network)

2014-11-07 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Philipp Winter wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 04:04:41AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
  173 FreeBSD

 FreeBSD still seems to use globally incrementing IP IDs by default.
 That's an issue as it leaks fine-grained information about how many
 packets a relay's networking stack processes.  (However, nobody
 investigated the exact impact on Tor relays so far, which makes this a
 FUD-heavy topic.) It looks like approximately 50 out of the 131 FreeBSD
 relays I tested (38%) use global IP IDs.

 There's a sysctl variable called net.inet.ip.random_id which makes a
 FreeBSD's IP ID behaviour random.  FreeBSD relay operators should set
 this to 1.

 Note that this issue was already discussed earlier this year in a thread
 called Lots of tor relays send out sequential IP IDs; please fix

It's been default off since before it was a sysctl over a decade ago.
Anyone know what the deal is with that? Some objection, or
forgotten flag day, or oversight that really should be set to 1?
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Node Operators Web Of Trust

2014-11-07 Thread grarpamp
Is it not time to establish a node operator web of trust?
Look at all the nodes out there with or without 'contact' info,
do you really know who runs them? Have you talked with
them? What are their motivations? Are they your friends?
Do you know where they work, such as you see them every day
stocking grocery store, or in some building with a badge on it?
Does their story jive? Are they active in the community/spaces
we are? Etc. This is huge potential problem.
NOWoT participation is optional, it is of course infiltratable,
and what it proves may be arguable, but it seems a necessary
thing to try as a test of that and to develop a good model.
Many operators know each other in person. And the node
density per geographic region supports getting out to meet
operators even if only for the sole purpose of attesting 'I met
this blob of flesh who proved ownership of node[s] x'.
That's a big start, even against the sybil agents they'd surely
send out to meet you.
Many know exactly who the other is in the active community
such that they can attest at that level. And so on down the
line of different classes of trust that may be developed
and asserted over each claimed operator.
Assuming a NOWoT that actually says something can
be established, is traffic then routable by the user over nodes
via trust metrics in addition to the usual metrics and randomness?
WoT's are an ancient subject... now what are the possibilities and
issues when asserting them over physical nodes, not just over
virtual nodes such as an email address found in your pubkey?
And what about identities that exist only anonymously yet
can prove control over various unique resources?
If such WoT's cannot be proven to have non-value, then it seems
worth doing.

This doesn't just apply to Tor, but to any node based system.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FreeBSD's global IP ID (was: Platform diversity in Tor network)

2014-11-07 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:
 ... that's .. odd.

 Let's poke the freebsd crypto and network stack people and ask. I
 can't imagine why this is a problem anymore and we should default to
 it being on.

I don't think there's a crypto@ list, though security@ might represent.

 The other thing you could do is have the tor port require
 it be turned on before tor runs.

That would not cover people who compile and use upstream Tor.
Ideally, the Tor client could check for any system parameters it
feels are critical before running, or simply delegate them and/or
any parameters of lesser importance to platform specific guides
on the Tor wiki.

 On 7 November 2014 00:20, grarpamp wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Philipp Winter wrote:

 FreeBSD still seems to use globally incrementing IP IDs by default.
 That's an issue as it leaks fine-grained information about how many
 packets a relay's networking stack processes.  (However, nobody
 investigated the exact impact on Tor relays so far, which makes this a
 FUD-heavy topic.) It looks like approximately 50 out of the 131 FreeBSD
 relays I tested (38%) use global IP IDs.

 There's a sysctl variable called net.inet.ip.random_id which makes a
 FreeBSD's IP ID behaviour random.  FreeBSD relay operators should set
 this to 1.

 Note that this issue was already discussed earlier this year in a thread
 called Lots of tor relays send out sequential IP IDs; please fix

 It's been default off since before it was a sysctl over a decade ago.
 Anyone know what the deal is with that? Some objection, or
 forgotten flag day, or oversight that really should be set to 1?
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Node Operators Web Of Trust

2014-11-10 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Gareth Llewellyn wrote:
 I had an idea for this a little while ago; using the
 published GPG signature in the contact info to sign the node fingerprint, if
 you trust the GPG key then you can _possibly_ trust that the node is run by
 the named operator.

As an operator you would either
- sign with your key a statement of node fingerprint into a notary service
- create a subkey of your key holding said statement in comment
- sign your key by node key if security of node key was better
  But since the trust desired is from the [real]world down into and
  over the nodes, this one isn't really useful.

You then still have to use your key to form [real]world WOT among
operators. Tying nodes to some [nym] identities is the first part...
in a way, making sybil harder.

Then users opting to route paths through tor via trust metrics need to
configure their client with whichever various trusted wot/root keys
they like or subscribe to, which then uses them to score fingerprints
for pathing. Doing this with them is second part.

Degree of freedom from some crossing of trusted key people
is probably sufficient to score things.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Node Operators Web Of Trust

2014-11-10 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 8:36 AM, Julien ROBIN wrote:
 I'm interested but, we must agree on that, it probably shouldn't be used for 
 adding privilege to people in this list.

It's up to the user to use or trust any assertions and/or the wot,
there is not force there. Though yes, I'd never blacklist nodes
in the directories just for nodes not being part of the wot.

 If one successfully got an invitation code, an evil attacker

The user is evaluating and doing the inviting as they see fit.

For example, I might be inclined to route my traffic only over
nodes run by those posting to this list, as opposed to also over
the thousands of nodes that are nothing to me but an IP address.

The closest analogy is subscribing to adblocker subscriptions.
If they subscribe to one that blocks, that's their problem.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Website no longer available from Tor

2014-11-21 Thread grarpamp
 In your opinion why is not it more accessible?

You asked four times. We can't see your systems
or your exits so we don't know.
Run your own restricted exits on your own various computers,
starting with those you can reach it with via clearnet, then
route all your traffic out those exits and do more testing,
beginning with tcpdump or some form of log/traffic analysis
on both the exit and webserver. There's obviously blocking or
misconfiguration involved. Let us know what you find.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Colocated relay pricing

2014-12-03 Thread grarpamp
What are you seeing as prices to colocate, in terms of:
1RU - rent, power, etc
IP's - a few (3, or up to a /29 ie 8-3=5)
Bandwidth - In terms of $US/Mbit
Colocation Country/State.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Someone broke the tor-relay speed record?

2015-01-02 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 4:11 AM, Justaguy wrote:

 Someone just got 149.08 MB/s on a non-exit relay.
 This is amazing!
 Would you mind saying what kind of hardware you use for this?
 Ipredator used to get to 101MB/s.

 So your setup should be even more extreme.

Not within any definition of sane expenditure...

The i7-4790k is Intel's highest clocked processor, ever.
It's also Intel's current highest single thread performer.
i7-4790k   4 x 4.0ghz cores = 1600  8mb  32gb ddr3-1600  88w  $340 tsx-ni
(1960 as OC'd by IPredator.)
IPredator put a 10gbps nic in there and is moving only 800mbps OC'd
(or 655mbps stock. Which is 165mbps/core, or 220mbps/core if
isolcpus=1,2,3). Assume for moment this is cpu saturation. To do
better you have to buy more core x ghz results like:

i7-5930k   6 x 3.5ghz cores = 2100 15mb  64gb ddr4-2133 140w  $580
So that's 1155mbps using all 6. Plus the more cache and much faster
ram. And with good tor and os optimizations, you could probably hit

i7-5820k   6 x 3.3ghz cores = 1980 15mb  64gb ddr4-2133 140w  $390
So that's 1090mbps plus.

(ram for the above two: $420  32gb 4x8 ddr4-2133, non-OC)

e5-2697v3 14 x 2.6ghz cores = 3640 35mb 768gb ddr4-2133 145w $2800
would fill 2000mbps plus.

If you only need to fill 1000mbps, or however much bandwidth under
that you're buying, just find the cheapest core x ghz that does

While IPredator and their build may be cool, it fails to ROI,
thus it's completely pointless to build. They wasted...

Capital cost:

- Water cooling to get 22.5% clock over stock. (More common/free
OC gains are the low end of 5-18%.) You could simply pay $240 more
for the i7-5930k and get more core x ghz performance than they did,
without overclocking. (Overclocking is also by definition a risk
to data/lifetime). Or pay $50 more and still get more. (Both assuming
ram and other resources aren't used up due to two more core of tor
$1110 radiator (IPredator quoted $1570)
$55 flow meter (IPredator qooted $50)
$30 connectors, estimated qty 2 x $15
$100 coolant, qty 5 x $20 (IPredator quoted $120)
$25 tubing coil
$5 clamps, estimated qty 10
$95 waterblock
$15 paste (IPredator quoted $25)
wasted: $1435 low to $1920 high

- Ram
$1000 32gb 4x8 ddr3-2800, equivalent brand (IPredator quoted $1550)
$280  32gb 4x8 ddr3-1600, non-OC
wasted: $720 low to $1270 high

- Case
$730 5u case (IPredator quoted $660, saved $70)
$300 1u case
wasted: $360 low to $430 high

- Motherboard
$25 estimated economy vs. enthusiast savings
wasted: $25

total capital wasted: $2540 low to $3645 high
net performance gain vs. other capital options: zero or less

$760 10G-PCIE2-8C2-2S (IPredator quoted $660, saved $100)
$440 E10G42BTDA is it comparable? if so that's another $320 wasted

(Total cost IPredator quoted: $5420)

Ongoing rent cost:

- 4u on the chassis (1u required + 4u wasted)
- 3u on the radiator
wasted: 7u

Enthusias[m|t] is great, Tor could use some, and I've no want to
diminish that... but back in the real world away from the show...
if you just ran the i7-5930k stock in a barebones 1U, you'd have
enough capital left to buy 2 more servers and enough rent to feed
them at least some internet.

(IPredator failed to quote in their review the amount of bandwidth
purchased, the price/megabit, and thier cpu load at a given megabit.
This makes it harder to fully analyze. Please post cpu load @ mbps

Moral: Operators... please don't waste your Tor budget on silly
enthusiast crap. I'd also suggest testing FreeBSD.

If you want to run real Tor contests, try for...
- most bandwidth per node cost (depth, as above)
- most usable nodes per cost (breadth)
- etc

And if you want me to win them, or this saved you $$$, donate here :-)
btc 1BbEqMvEdsKiPuRT75HGrjZP8zqquamBPn
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Someone broke the tor-relay speed record?

2015-01-02 Thread grarpamp
Since people aren't going to like paying the 10g switchport
fee, nor the price of small bandwidth over 1gbps on it,
the fastest real world box for individual tor nodes is probably
going to be that i7-5820k off a gig port for $1235 or less.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] High speed exit question

2015-01-03 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Kura wrote:
 Hey guys, I recently decided to get myself an 8 core, 16 GB RAM machine to
 use for running an exit relay and was wondering, Tor only works on one core,
 even setting NumCPUs to 2 doesn't do a whole lot so, how is it even possible
 to get more than maybe, 300Mbps or so from one relay?

What cpu model and cpu load percentages at what bandwidth is that?
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Stats [was: freenode]

2015-02-02 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 3:16 PM, cacahuatl wrote:
 Most of the network is under-utilised guards and middle nodes, hidden
 services don't stress exits, which are the limited resource.

Exits can and do serve in all the other node roles too.
I don't think there has yet been a study to determine the actual
unused capacity of the relays as grouped by flag permutations.
Nor has compass been enhanced to support that selection matrix.


A HS doubles vs exit.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relay operators: help improve this hardening document?

2015-02-05 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:15 PM, Nick Mathewson wrote:
 The idea is that Tor could ship with some basic recommendations, and
 links to places to find more advice?

If it's a question that can be answered by searching how do i
secure and run my unix server, including anything other than
links to such answers would seem redundant. Sure, noobs
are out there, but it isn't efficient for application projects to
formally provide general computer training.

If it's a question of how do i make tor/unix run happy together
on my server, ie: file descriptor shortages, that's a specific
known interaction with tor itself, and thus a different situation.

The only thing I'd ship with tor are links... to two community
maintained wiki pages, one for each class of question above.
From there the community can write whatever faq help desired
independant of the release process and considering external

If there wasn't a community or wiki, then shipping any critical
runtime dependency notes on the second class of question
would be reasonable.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] MiB/s / metrics

2015-01-19 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 5:55 AM, Sebastian Urbach wrote:
 I opened a ticket recently with the intention to use a more common unit than
 MiB/s for metrics. Karsten basically agrees but is waiting for more input.

Tor is at its core a network application, an interface to the
network, a router. In the real ISP world therein everyone speaks
in mega bits per second 10^n (and now with 100Gbps
links, in Gbps).

Only the downstream hosting world speaks in mega bytes
2^n, per whatever time unit they dream up. This comes
from attempts by hosters to appease people pushing their
disk files MiB's over the net at link rate, not spread over bandwidth
rate. In fact, the hosters have to convert that appeasement on their
backend to aggregated Mbps so they can talk to their real ISP's.

I've suggested before that Tor project should use Mbit/s (or Mbps
or Mbit[s] where the slash presents a problem) as its primary default
representation for Tor client and all related projects that refer to bandwidth.
Tor is a bandwidth app, especially at the relay level. There is no disk or
instantaneous link rate transfer need applying to Tor relay. (As opposed
to user level which is more of a mashup of rate usage contexts and
interests similar to bittorrent/webserving.)

Then if people want MiB's or MB's so they can continue perpetuating
and interfacing with hosters who do the same, you could add a
few global prefix, unit and time options to switch all representations
over at once. (Tor client has recently added per stanza Mbps
configs which is a fine alternative to global. Yet again, the manpage
and even maybe the code still uses nonsense in regards to capitalization,
base 2 vs 10, crossed contexts, etc...)

Start here, use the table in the upper right, ignore jedec,
and pick and apply 10^n or 2^n representations consistantly.

BandwidthRate N bytes|KBytes|MBytes|GBytes|KBits|MBits|GBits
   A token bucket limits the average incoming bandwidth usage on this
   node to the specified number of bytes per second, and the average
   outgoing bandwidth usage to that same value. If you want to run a
   relay in the public network, this needs to be at the very least 30
   KBytes (that is, 30720 bytes). (Default: 1 GByte)
Notably, KBytes can also be written as kilobytes or kb;

No, KBytes is invalid, there is no capital K, only k (SI) and
Ki (binary).
Nor is b ever a byte, nor is Bit[s] ever capitalized.
True network applications should also not be crossing network-like prefixes
with disk-like objects or vice versa, ie: Gibit[s] (non-network
binary and single bit),
or the GBytes (network SI and binary multiples of bit) above.
If you cross it up or make errors in context in one place that throws all your
docs and configs into question. Even I still mess it up sometimes.

it's easy to forget that B means bytes, not bits.

Nope :) Abbr B means byte (now formally of width eight bits as in octet/o,
and still unfortunately caveat bel/B as in dB), and abbr bit means bit,
(and b is now just nothing but informal efficient shorthand for
bit if I recall).

Anyway, tor relay is network not disk, so I'd suggest megabits,
or kilo/giga as scale appropriate.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] entry guard interference?

2015-01-31 Thread grarpamp
You obviously can't disclose your nodes for others to test
or be telling us what you're going to do over clearnet when.

Yet during the time of an outage, you might try
to leave the old tor running and
- copy over old tor .tor and torrc to a new tor instance, start it
and see if it works over the guards. That may point some state
jam inside the old tor and a good clearnet path.
- run a new tor with no .tor and default torrc and try to telnet to the
old guards OR ports over that, then they seem to be up.
- put a TransPort in that new default torrc config, put packet
filter in front of old tor, hup the new one, see if old tor works
over this tor... to point to your clearnet path to the guards
being specifically bad to tor.
- turn on old tor debug log and see where it is repeatedly

A script could determine this in a couple minutes.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:11 AM, Kura wrote:
 On a semi-related note, I run a  fair number of exit and middle/guard relays
 that I can guarantee do not try to do anything naughty to content, feel free
 to test your Tor against them to see if you still get the same virus
 warnings, OP.

I prefer the ones that replace all advertisements with kittens.
And mine just sniff for passwords so don't use them ;)
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Kura wrote:
 I would say that maybe it's a possibility that traffic gets
 flagged as such too?
 antivirus [...] one that does
 traffic inspection

Oh, well that could be too. Tor traffic is crypted/obfuscated
and thus could generate a random hit that AV points at the
Tor binary as responsible for.

But the OP is getting URL's from AV so it may be
watching his localhost SOCKS for http streams.

What's weird is OP's Object is https://, which is
not terminated to plaintext anywhere but in the browser
or tor.

Perhaps not enough info.

 machine, AVG reported that tor.exe was a possible virus and removed it, this
 also happened when we tested the Tor Vidalia bundle. This was simply a
 filesystem check though, rather than packet/traffic inspection. It was also
 very recent, within the last week.

Gratuitous listing by AVG perhaps?

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:30 AM, eliaz wrote:
 The antivirus program on a machine running a bridge occasionally
 reports like so:

 Object: https://
 Infection: URL:Mal [sic]
 Process: ... \tor.exe
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:30 AM, eliaz wrote:
 The antivirus program on a machine running a bridge occasionally
 reports like so:

 Object: https://some IP address
 Infection: URL:Mal [sic]
 Process: ... \tor.exe

 When I track down the addresses I find they are tor nodes (sometimes
 bridges, sometimes guards, sometimes exits.

 Are the flagged nodes in some ways miss-configured, or can I consider
 these to be false positives? Is there anything to worry about here?

 Detail: The tor and standalone vidalia folders have been flagged as
 exceptions (i.e. excluded) in the virus scanner. The scanner's web
 module is picking up the IP addresses from the port traffic.

 Thanks for any enlightenment - eliaz

Since the internet is known to be an infected wasteland,
and exits are known to MITM your streams, I'd suggest
either compartmentalizing all your surfing in a disposable
VM (which should probably be done anyways), or excluding
web traffic from your scanner.

Additionally, if you are able to isolate and confirm that
a specific exit is MITM'ing you (vs the malware/virus being
on the original clearnet site itself) feel free to post its fingerprint
here so that the workers can double check and dirauths can
give it the bad exit flag.

Unfortunately Tor doesn't have simple logging format
that you can watch in real time alongside your scanner.
I'm finishing a spec ticket for that soon though.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Reminder: exit nodes probably shouldn't be using Google's DNS servers

2015-01-11 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 10:58 PM, Richard Johnson wrote:
 It is especially a good idea to have your own local DNS resolver if you run
 Tor exits at an institution that's required to otherwise log DNS queries.

 Tor needs a separate (and non-logging) DNS resolution system to prevent the
 institution from being presumed aware of Tor users' lookups.

 That this also protects Tor users from having their DNS queries logged is
 good as well, but that isn't necessarily the driver for the institution. ;)

Do not presume that pointing dns locally prevents passive monitors
anywhere along your network graph of clearnet hops from seeing your
dns queries there. And ultimately, exit IP can be observed and correlated
from the roots down with increasing difficulty. That said, yes, local is still
better, and often more performant, than pointing to a privacy joke like google.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Reminder: don't run transparent proxies at exits

2015-01-11 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 10:26 PM, Drake Wilson wrote:
 eric gisse wrote:
 Plus the logic starts to get warped when you wonder So do you BadExit
 every node that runs on an ISP that caches traffic?

 What about ISP's (and openDNS) that NXDOMAIN trap to insert advertising?

 These, I think, are more general points that have not adequately been
 resolved anywhere, though I think the vague consensus has been that the
 latter merits a BadExit at the moment.  Indeed the basic idea of exits

An external NX ad trap is a bit tertiary since the exit is truly
representing its view of the net.

As far as http caching, it would be relatively fine IF the cache
truly did good practice, and IF the site truly did good design
for the cache to follow. However those two necessary truths
are often false, whether by AND or XOR context. So to be
true, a cache shouldn't be deployed, but in the interest of
bandwidth they are, more commonly at small end-tier user
access ISPs (including exits) for that purpose.

I'd suggest best practice is for
- users to use https to bypass
- caches to insert their tagline in http headers so
users can bitch to the owner.
- Tor exits? Well, they're volunteer paid diversity, so which is
more valuable to you? The IF's above, or TCP truth at
potential cost to diversity?

I prefer TCP truth, but if I was a constrained operator
I'd do my best research into setting up a quality cache.
Provided caching images of ill repute on disk were not
an overriding concern.

Last, the badexit projects should probably try to
assess the current state of caching quality in order
to further suggest practices for operators.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] badexit 03F84EA2E09CF427A519C65479DC0BF0D72886A6

2015-01-08 Thread grarpamp
router Tansam 443 0 0

Appears to be having trouble with, or is doing something with,
http versions of https articles.
They're either blank or stripped of framework.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-06 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 5:34 AM, eliaz wrote:
 for three different IP addresses. I'm not panicked about this  don't

Those IP's are exits, no idea why they're being called out by avg.
What are the malware/virus id's, the same all the time, different?

Try a unix like freebsd or linux someday, tends to be more secure
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Someone broke the tor-relay speed record?

2015-01-03 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 9:20 AM, usprey wrote:
 A8-5600K bought for a cheap private server 1,5 years ago

That could probably deliver 1/3 of an i7-5820k at 1/4 the price... a
better deal if targeting its lower possible bandwidth.

 I can set up system stats if you want proper figures, but far from full load
 with 250Mbps average bidirectional traffic.

Relative performance is mostly a benchmark thing, so the model lineup
I gave can be found anywhere and is pretty solid. To be able to better
predict/pick the megabits a model could deliver I'd need a handful of
better report samples/graphs:
- cpu model
- graph of total system load % vs each cpu load % vs bandwidth
- test environment statement, how many tors running, SMT, other
system uses, bandwidth/nic config, OS...

Most reports seen on this list are useless to establish that...
oh, i'm running an i3 and moving 60Mbps blah blah...
so don't take my megabit estimates as anything yet.
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