Re: [tor-talk] Introducing Torsion, hidden service IM with real-world ambition

2014-03-28 Thread Griffin Boyce
Fascinating project =)  I look forward to watching it progress.


John Brooks wrote:
 I’d like to present a project that I hope will interest some of
 Torsion is a ready-to-use hidden service instant messaging client
 with bigger goals and better implementation than the previous work
 on this concept.
 The goal [2] is to have a real solution for anonymous chat, with no
 servers to trust with your communication habits, that any
 reasonable person can use safely. I think this is a better way to
 meet those goals than the endless list of server-based encrypted
 messengers, including those that can integrate with Tor. The
 current version is a substantial improvement over (and not related
 to) TorChat, and I intend to quickly improve it from here to be
 more secure and more appealing to a broad audience.
 It’s usable now; there are packages [3] for Windows and OS X [4], a
 configuration wizard similar to TBB, contact requests, and a
 protocol I hopefully won’t regret. I’m looking for people to try it
 out, validate my ideas and implementation, and help plan the
 future. I’ve met my first milestones; where to go from here is a
 decision I’d like to make with the interested community.
 If you’re intrigued, please give it a try and add
 torsion:rs7ce36jsj24ogfw. I’m also responsive to email, github
 issues, and on OFTC as ‘special’. I’ve documented the major points
 of the design at [2], but I’m happy to answer questions and
 [1] [2] [3] [4] No linux packaging
 yet, see:
 - John
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Re: [tor-talk] Introducing Torsion, hidden service IM with real-world ambition

2014-03-28 Thread Thomas Asta
Hi John
interesting. Maybe you want to look at , which is as
well a decentral messaging hybrid with XMPP. When you swaped encryption
keys, and set the proxy to Tor, then all friends with the lock-sign in the
friendslist are sent over Tor. All your criteria are given and realized
here, maybe it is worth to think about some integration. FireFloo does not
need a central sever, and hence it is not needed to have a hidden service.
The User-ID is as well detached from the IP or Tor. Maybe you want to check
it out.. or send your key for a test.
Regards Tom

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:20 AM, John Brooks

 I'd like to present a project that I hope will interest some of you:

 Torsion is a ready-to-use hidden service instant messaging client with
 bigger goals and better implementation than the previous work on this

 The goal [2] is to have a real solution for anonymous chat, with no
 servers to trust with your communication habits, that any reasonable person
 can use safely. I think this is a better way to meet those goals than the
 endless list of server-based encrypted messengers, including those that can
 integrate with Tor. The current version is a substantial improvement over
 (and not related to) TorChat, and I intend to quickly improve it from here
 to be more secure and more appealing to a broad audience.

 It's usable now; there are packages [3] for Windows and OS X [4], a
 configuration wizard similar to TBB, contact requests, and a protocol I
 hopefully won't regret. I'm looking for people to try it out, validate my
 ideas and implementation, and help plan the future. I've met my first
 milestones; where to go from here is a decision I'd like to make with the
 interested community.

 If you're intrigued, please give it a try and add
 torsion:rs7ce36jsj24ogfw. I'm also responsive to email, github issues, and
 on OFTC as 'special'. I've documented the major points of the design at
 [2], but I'm happy to answer questions and discuss.

 [4] No linux packaging yet, see:

 - John

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Re: [tor-talk] Tor Project and Youtube is blocked in Turkey too

2014-03-28 Thread Kus
Hey Andrew,

Frankly, I admire Tor Project. I'm writing about censorship, privacy,
surveillance ands similar subjects over a year. If I didn't have Tor or
other anonymity tools, I wouldn't express myself freely. Maybe I
auto-censor or self-censor my thoughts or writings I though. Actually, I
need to thank you for giving me this opportunity.

 The first step to the end goal of censorship is surveillance. The
 Internet might seem like the ultimate tool for free speech, but without
 tools to protect our privacy, unwanted surveillance online can post a
 serious threat. Every day around the world, people are using Tor to
 protect their online privacy, whether they're concerned about surveillance
 by corporations, their government, or someone else. This is also true
 for circumventing Internet censorship.

 Tor, like all technology, can be used for good or bad. Kitchen knives,
 iPhones, and automobiles are used every day for both good and bad, yet
 no one is advocating a ban of these technologies. If someone starts a
 crime wave with crowbars, do you ban crowbars? Then hammers? Then tire
 irons? The morality is in the user of the technology, not the technology
 itself. The same Tor that's being maligned in the press is used daily
 by law enforcement agents to successfully hunt down horrendous criminals
 by protecting the identity and privacy of the agent.

I wrote very similar in the article. I gave two examples. First one is an
individual expressing himself/herself freely over Tor in an oppressing
regime. Second one is a jerk who is abusing people over Tor. If you
evaluate Tor over the jerk and say this is what Tor is, you're making a
logical fallacy.

 Tell us how we can help Turkey defeat this attempt to censor the Internet.

I think there are two ways to do that. First way changing the perception
of Tor in here. Second way is raising awareness of Turkish Tor users.
Because I read some posts about suggesting Adblock and some add-ons with
plugins like Flash etc. I wrote installing and using add-ons or plugins
may leak your IP, your graphic card info, take away your anonymity, it's
not a good idea to change Tor Browser's environment by installing these
and this will make it more unique. I don't know what it's called in
English but creating some simple info graphics about Tor, using Bridges,
what to do and what not to do both English and Turkish would be nice.

 And again, thanks for blogging about Tor in Turkey.

You're very welcome.


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The most violent element in society is ignorance.

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[tor-talk] Tor and Hamachi IP conflict

2014-03-28 Thread Szotyi Szotyi

My problem is that if I want to host a relaying point, I have to release my
Hamachi adapter, otherwise Tor resolves it's IP as my external, so others
can't join. I tried to change the adapter order but it didn't help. Also,
if I renew my Hamachi IP after Tor set up the relaying and done port
checks, it says my external IP changed from Real external IP to Hamachi
I tried to set ORPort to (my local IP that's connected to
the router) and also OutboundBindAddress but they did not
help, Tor still trying to use my Hamachi IP.
I'm using the v0.2.4.20 on Windows 7.
Does anyone know a solution for this?

Regards; Szotyi
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[tor-talk] Safer Anonymous Operating System Guide

2014-03-28 Thread Tempest
version 0.6.2 of the Beginner Friendly Comprehensive Guide to
Installing and Using a Safer Anonymous Operating System is now online.

the guide covers the following:

- installing debian on a luks encrypted usb drive, or on a luks
encrypted hd partition to be unlocked with a usb boot key.

- installing virtualbox and whonix

- installing, configuring and using tor browser, keepassx, xchat,
pidgin+otr and icedove+torbirdy+enigmail.

in order to meet the goal of making this information easy to follow by
novice users, a screen shot has been provided for almost every step.

a user editable wiki is available at the following urls:


a static uneditable version is available at

pdf versions are also available on each of the pages.

feedback and contributions welcome.

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Re: [tor-talk] Failed to connect to tor netword with the provided obfs3 bridges when using the tor-browser-linux64-3.6-beta-1.

2014-03-28 Thread Juan Garofalo

--On Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:11 PM +0800 Hongyi Zhao wrote:

 Yes, I'm from China.  And the GFW is a annoying thing ;-(

It protects you from american spying though. Whereas Tor enables it. 

 2014-03-27 16:55 GMT+08:00 Roger Dingledine
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 03:51:09PM +0800, Hongyi Zhao wrote:
  In my case, considering that I use router for surfing and don't set the
  port fordwarding on the router,  I don't test the  flashproxy bridges
  shipped with the above tor-browser-bundle.
 Ok. If the other two stop working for you, maybe you will try
 Flashproxy. :)
   Considering that the obfs3 is the recommented type of tranport bridge,
  I meet this issue?  Any hints on this issue will be highly appreciated.
 It looks like the obfs3 bridges in the bundle are blocked by your
 network. And it looks like the fte bridges in the bundle are not blocked
 by your network.
 Are you in China perhaps?
 Note that whether the particular bridges are blocked (probably by IP and
 port) is a different question from whether the protocol (obfs3 or fte)
 is blocked by deep packet inspection. That is, it could just be that
 somebody at GFW fetched the bundle earlier and blocked the specific obfs3
 bridges that it lists, whereas they haven't fetched a recent bundle to
 block the fte bridges yet.
 So if you found an obfs3 bridge that GFW hasn't found yet, it would
 probably still work? Worth testing. But that said, assuming you are in
 China, there aren't enough obfs3 bridges total, and it's not easy to
 give them out to everybody without GFW learning them too:
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 Hongyi Zhao
 Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry
 Chinese Academy of Sciences
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[tor-talk] Linux kernel transproxy packet leak (w/ repro case + workaround)

2014-03-28 Thread Mike Perry
Hello all,

I've discovered that the Linux kernel appears to have a leak in how it
applies transproxy rules to the TCP CLOSE_WAIT shutdown condition under
certain circumstances. This applies to both the kernels in use by common
Android devices (Cyanogenmod 10.x and 11-M4), as well as the Linux
kernel in Ubuntu 13.04 (3.8.0-35-generic).

The bug can be triggered either by a remote server closing a connection,
or by restarting the local tor client.

Basically, the bug happens when a transproxy connection shuts down
completely before a client application properly closes the socket. This
seems to cause the kernel to lose track of the fact that the client
application connection was being transproxied, and when the client
application finally does close its socket (or exits), the Linux kernel
generates a FIN ACK that completely bypasses any transproxy rules you
have installed. It sends this packet first as the UID of the app in
question, and if that fails, it resends it as a blank UID (the kernel

Here's how to reproduce it and see for yourself:

First run the attached iptables script, and launch a tor daemon with the
attached torrc (edit the iptables script's TOR_UID=`id -u debian-tor`
and NETWORK_USER_ID=1000 vars if your setup is different).

Then, fire up tcpdump, like so:
 sudo tcpdump -n -i wlan0 host and tcp port 80

Replace '-i wlan0' with your network interface. If you use '-i any', you
will also see transproxied packets (which are not normally leaked).

Then, as your transproxied user, paste this python snippet into a python
 import socket
 s = socket.create_connection((, 80))

(That IP handles

After the connection is made, you should see something like the
following in 'netstat -natp':
 tcp  0 0 ESTABLISHED 1121/tor
 tcp  0 0   ESTABLISHED 977/python  

At this point, either wait a couple minutes for Google to close that
connection on you, or shut down your Tor daemon. In either case, you
should see the first connection transition to TIME_WAIT, or FIN_WAIT2,
or similar, lose track of its PID+UID, and then finally disappear
entirely, but the python program will remain in CLOSE_WAIT indefinitely.

Once the first connection is fully gone (this takes 60s from TIME_WAIT
state with default TCP settings), issue this in your python shell:

At this point, you will see a FIN ACK or RST ACK packet appear in your
tcpdump window. That packet has leaked past the iptables firewall rules,
and past the transproxy rules. It went straight to Google.

I have noticed several Android apps (including Firefox, F-Droid, and
many Google apps and Android services) that allow their sockets to sit
in CLOSE_WAIT upon remote close while transproxied, and they all leak
packets in this case, which happens frequently in normal usage. I am not
sure if this is just a common programming error, an issue with how the
Android networking APIs are designed, something specifically exacerbated
by the transproxy, or some combination of these.

For a workaround, I was able to prevent this issue with the addition
of the following rules:
 iptables -I OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
--tcp-flags ACK,FIN ACK,FIN -j DROP
 iptables -I OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
--tcp-flags ACK,RST ACK,RST -j DROP

None of the transproxy documentation I could find mentions this issue,
nor suggests any additional safety rules. This means every transproxied
Tor user is unwittingly leaking packets, at least some of the time.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Please send workaround discussion to tor-talk, and kernel/TCP state
machine discussion to tor-dev. I Cc'd both like a jerk, because I figure
each group might have different sets of commentary, and both groups
should be aware of this issue. Don't be a jerk like me, please. Use your
best judgment to Cc one list or the other.

Mike Perry

TOR_UID=`id -u debian-tor`

# Clear existing rules
$IPTABLES -t nat -F

## Transproxy rules for Tor
$IPTABLES -t nat -A OUTPUT ! -d -m owner ! --uid-owner $TOR_UID -p 
tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9040 || exit
$IPTABLES -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp -m owner ! --uid-owner $TOR_UID -m udp 
--dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5300 || exit

# Allow Tor and the network user
$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner $TOR_UID -j ACCEPT || exit
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -j LOG --log-prefix OUTPUT DROPPED:  --log-uid || exit

# Create INPUT firewall. Allow established connections and transproxy
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT || exit
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT # Transproxy output comes from lo

[tor-talk] DOJ Pushes to Hack Cyber-Criminals (Torizens)

2014-03-28 Thread grarpamp
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Re: [tor-talk] [tor-dev] Linux kernel transproxy packet leak (w/ repro case + workaround)

2014-03-28 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
 I've discovered that the Linux kernel appears to have a leak in how it
 applies transproxy rules to the TCP CLOSE_WAIT shutdown condition under
 certain circumstances.
 At this point, you will see a FIN ACK or RST ACK packet appear in your
 tcpdump window. That packet has leaked past the iptables firewall rules,
 and past the transproxy rules. It went straight to Google.

Good eye.

 This applies to both the kernels in use by common
 Android devices (Cyanogenmod 10.x and 11-M4), as well as the Linux
 kernel in Ubuntu 13.04 (3.8.0-35-generic).

It someone here can also verifiy and second it against a current stock
kernel, such as 3.12.15, why not submit it to Linux Bugzilla?

 For a workaround, I was able to prevent this issue with the addition
 of the following rules:

That is, if it's a bug and not a 'use a proper ruleset' issue.

 None of the transproxy documentation I could find mentions this issue

So that Tor and folks like Tails won't have to carry such docs and
workaround forever.

The ruleset seems to use uid based transproxy, what happens with
entire vm IP transproxy (perhaps like Tails)?
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Re: [tor-talk] [tor-dev] Linux kernel transproxy packet leak (w/ repro case + workaround)

2014-03-28 Thread intrigeri
grarpamp wrote (28 Mar 2014 21:02:35 GMT) :
 [...] what happens with entire vm IP transproxy (perhaps like

Tails only uses a transproxy for the automapped .onion addresses:

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Re: [tor-talk] Linux kernel transproxy packet leak (w/ repro case + workaround)

2014-03-28 Thread Mike Perry
Velope on IRC suggested a better workaround. It turns out these
connections actually end up in state INVALID when the transproxy side
dies. I tested this with my repro case and confirmed that the --ctstate
rule is working by itself.

Additional iptables rules inline below. Preserving full original
text for historical record.

Mike Perry:
 Hello all,
 I've discovered that the Linux kernel appears to have a leak in how it
 applies transproxy rules to the TCP CLOSE_WAIT shutdown condition under
 certain circumstances. This applies to both the kernels in use by common
 Android devices (Cyanogenmod 10.x and 11-M4), as well as the Linux
 kernel in Ubuntu 13.04 (3.8.0-35-generic).
 The bug can be triggered either by a remote server closing a connection,
 or by restarting the local tor client.
 Basically, the bug happens when a transproxy connection shuts down
 completely before a client application properly closes the socket. This
 seems to cause the kernel to lose track of the fact that the client
 application connection was being transproxied, and when the client
 application finally does close its socket (or exits), the Linux kernel
 generates a FIN ACK that completely bypasses any transproxy rules you
 have installed. It sends this packet first as the UID of the app in
 question, and if that fails, it resends it as a blank UID (the kernel
 Here's how to reproduce it and see for yourself:
 First run the attached iptables script, and launch a tor daemon with the
 attached torrc (edit the iptables script's TOR_UID=`id -u debian-tor`
 and NETWORK_USER_ID=1000 vars if your setup is different).
 Then, fire up tcpdump, like so:
  sudo tcpdump -n -i wlan0 host and tcp port 80
 Replace '-i wlan0' with your network interface. If you use '-i any', you
 will also see transproxied packets (which are not normally leaked).
 Then, as your transproxied user, paste this python snippet into a python
  import socket
  s = socket.create_connection((, 80))
 (That IP handles
 After the connection is made, you should see something like the
 following in 'netstat -natp':
  tcp  0 0 ESTABLISHED 1121/tor
  tcp  0 0   ESTABLISHED 977/python  
 At this point, either wait a couple minutes for Google to close that
 connection on you, or shut down your Tor daemon. In either case, you
 should see the first connection transition to TIME_WAIT, or FIN_WAIT2,
 or similar, lose track of its PID+UID, and then finally disappear
 entirely, but the python program will remain in CLOSE_WAIT indefinitely.
 Once the first connection is fully gone (this takes 60s from TIME_WAIT
 state with default TCP settings), issue this in your python shell:
 At this point, you will see a FIN ACK or RST ACK packet appear in your
 tcpdump window. That packet has leaked past the iptables firewall rules,
 and past the transproxy rules. It went straight to Google.
 I have noticed several Android apps (including Firefox, F-Droid, and
 many Google apps and Android services) that allow their sockets to sit
 in CLOSE_WAIT upon remote close while transproxied, and they all leak
 packets in this case, which happens frequently in normal usage. I am not
 sure if this is just a common programming error, an issue with how the
 Android networking APIs are designed, something specifically exacerbated
 by the transproxy, or some combination of these.
 For a workaround, I was able to prevent this issue with the addition
 of the following rules:
  iptables -I OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
 --tcp-flags ACK,FIN ACK,FIN -j DROP
  iptables -I OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
 --tcp-flags ACK,RST ACK,RST -j DROP

Here's a set of rules to try both --ctstate and --state invalid, as well
as log which ones get hit, for testing purposes. Note the use of -A in
this case, for readability wrt ordering. These rules should come before
any other rule in the OUTPUT chain section of the firewall script you

#iptables -A OUTPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j LOG --log-prefix 
Transproxy ctstate leak blocked:  --log-uid
iptables -A OUTPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state INVALID -j LOG --log-prefix Transproxy 
state leak blocked:  --log-uid
iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state INVALID -j DROP

iptables -A OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
--tcp-flags ACK,FIN ACK,FIN -j LOG --log-prefix Transproxy leak blocked:  
iptables -A OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
--tcp-flags ACK,RST ACK,RST -j LOG --log-prefix Transproxy leak blocked:  
iptables -A OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
--tcp-flags ACK,FIN ACK,FIN -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp 
--tcp-flags ACK,RST