Re: [total-madness] psychic madness?!

2000-11-29 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

HI there!

in the spirit of sharing funny little stories.

I was at my fave night club (The Loft) in Perth last Friday - they are 
closing down and they were playing requests all night... So anyways there I 
is and they are playing some 80's stuff so I decide I am gonna ask them to 
play Our House, and as I lean over the dj box to make my request the opening 
bars of Our House come out through the speakers, I didn't even get to ask 
for it. The dj pressed play, it started and he looked up at me to find out 
what song I wanted to hear and I had to say well you are playing it

So I danced my proverbial arse off and sang along to it and found myself 
rather puffed by the end - damn exercise it ought to be abolished!

Weird but true!!!


Ruza (now a Foster)
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Re: [total-madness] ground hog day!

2000-11-23 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

By the way, anyone seen the film Groundhog Day?

My sentiments exactly - so it's not just my inbox then? I thought I was 
going a little nutty there - not that that's a bad thing!

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Re: [total-madness] Noel Gallagher is a hypocrite

2000-09-12 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hey there guys!!!

I just have to add my two bits worth about this Noel Gallagher guy - AKA 
moron!  Ok, I share a passion with you guys for Madness, however, I was a 
rather large Beatles fan first... and let's just say that regardless of 
people hating covers of their fave artists songs - I LOVE Suggs version of 
I'm only sleeping.  Noel however is a freaking Lennon/McCartney wanna be who 
has no idea wotsoever and not one frigging original bone in his body... well 
that's me done!



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Re: [total-madness] questions questions...

2000-07-17 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hey there!!!

I have to agree with Steve here, cos like what happens if god forbid I am 
able to answer a question - like... you can get Madness T-Shirts from 
Olympus Designs - they advertise in the Q magazine - prices seem reasonable 
and last time I checked they had stuff going back to the Man in the Mad Suit 
Tour!  Which reminds me I need replacements for t-shirts from that "era" 
they are looking very dead indeed!

Oh and on another completely unrelated note - is it my imagination, or has 
the Madness site not been updated in like an eon?!  You know like a 

Anyhoo, keep the faith!


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Re: [total-madness] suggs voice, pitp, silence

2000-07-08 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hey there!

Now ewe have me feeling a tad on the daft side - I have no idea, and at the 
mo am just tooo weary to go through my collection to try and figure it out! 
However, I am sure one of our anoraks will live up to your dare! 

'night Ruza

Now lets us be lovers and not gorilla haters...dare ya to tell
me what song THAT'S from.hehehehe

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Re: [total-madness] Silence

2000-07-06 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


HJ wrote:

2) What's the use of another Christmas tour? We had one last year and if 
Madness will do another one it's nothing special anymore. On top of that, 
I went to Wembley last year and was a wee bit disappointed. It was still 
madness, but nothing compared to the Madstock event I went to in '98 
(IMHO). I'm not saying that I don't want another Christmas tour, but it 
just seems a bit overdone to me.

Ruza sez!

How did this person get onto the mailing list?!  Is this person really a 
Madness fan - a genuine one?! How could anyone say Madness playing live is 
overdone?! In my opinion it is UNDERDONE!!! especially in Australia 
- perhaps they can come to our sunny shores this Christmas if they no longer 
have any use in England... I am sure the big day out would be most welcoming 
- last year we had Joe Strummer... he's an old git who is not yet past his 

pass me the valium NOW!!!

I don't need to hear this when I am trying to listen to Suggs on the radio - 
over the net!  Just let me be, I am happy in my insulated environ where 
Madness are the best band in the Universe and the hope still exists that 
they will come to Aus and play to packed houses throughout!

ok I can breathe now... I hear Suggs loverly voice coming down the phone 


"Get away from me you lazy eyed psycho!"

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[total-madness] suggs voice, pitp, silence

2000-07-06 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hey There!

1. I DO think Madness are legendary - that's why I am on the list - however, 
my music collection is somewhat... let's just say ecclectic to put it 
politely! ... I'm weird ok?!

2. Suggs may not have fantastic singing ability - but on my first listening 
of any new Suggs or Madness release I must say I do get shivers up my spine 
when his voice comes in... and find myself proclaiming "THAT VOICE!!!".  
There is just something about it isn't there?!  Maybe it's a girl thing!

3. Please don't take my comments re the "need of another Christmas tour" 
t seriously - it is hard to convey sarcasm and having your tongue firmly 
in cheek in an email!

Must dash off to watch a work colleague carry the Olympic torch down the 
street - o how exciting - maybe I am just sentimental and weird?! ;0)

Seeya later


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Re: [total-madness] Suggs @ PITP

2000-07-04 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Just heard that Suggs is going be performing at Party
in The Party in the Park in Hyde Park,London on
Sunday.  He's going to be in the finale with Lionel
Richie, Marti Pellow and some others. Tickets have all
sold out but its being broadcast on channel 4 from

Is it just me or is Suggs associating with artists of questionable, calabre, 
quality and reputation here?!  PLZE! tell me it's just not true?!


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RE: [total-madness] Suggs @ PITP

2000-07-04 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

um are we talking about the same Lionel Ritchie?!  A Legend? 
Suggs and legend sound better together than the other permutation!!


I can see what you mean about Marti Pellow, but Lionel Ritchie is a legend.

Anyone who knows anything about music must appreciate that.

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Re: [total-madness] New here

2000-06-26 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hey! Ruffy!

About that store called Egg Records - please get email details for this 
place as - the Aus dollar sux so hard at the mo, I am sure all the Aus fans 
would appreciate a "hard core" Aus ska shop to purchase from over the net! 
Rather than spending trillions of dollars converting everything from dollars 
to pounds! (well I know I would at least - Perth sux for that kind of thang 

Ta lots!


him gonna go check out the new shop in sydney's got
millions (dont quote me on that) of 2tone era 12"s
for anyone interested it's Egg Records in by the old owner of
redeye records. but the address escapes me.

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Re: [total-madness] New here

2000-06-26 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Isn't CDNow cheap enough for you?

Last time I checked cdnow was American, again I say the Aus dollar sux, not 
only against the pound, but also the American Dollar and any other major 
currency you wish to hold it up against!  Buying from Aus is cheaper because 
you save on ridiculous postage charges - like the last time I purchased 
Madness stuff from the UK - about 6 years ago! I bought 3 t-shirts, a 
programme, a pin and a tatt, and was charged something like 16 pounds 
postage - I am sure it was sent by sea(it took about 4 months to get to 
me!), wrapped in blue plastic and was stamped to the value of about 2 pound 
at the most - can't remember exactly! I guess you could say once bitten 
twice shy! For anyone else interested in this RIPOFF the company was called 
underground from memory!  Anyway, hence my reasoning for wanting to purchase 
things locally!

Don't take this the wrong way - it's just everyone I know who purchases 
anything over the net at the moment is getting everything from Aus cos of 
our stupid economy... Bloody convicts - when will they ever learn ;o)


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[total-madness] It Must Be Love!

2000-06-20 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hey guys!

It's moments like these when Aus radio stations surprise you and play a 
Madness song... well it doesn't happen very often at all you know, and well 
I thought I would share this moment... It brightened up my day anyway!


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[total-madness] married maddies!

2000-06-13 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hi there guys

Just wanted to thank everyone for their replies - Elizabeth sounded like you 
had a wonderful day! And rather a funny one at that! Maybe we should just do 
a nutty train dance thing instead of a waltz... perhaps not!

Thanx guys your great!


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Re: [total-madness] Fw: sick note

2000-06-13 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hi there!

tee hee!  Nice take it or leave it reference there!  Just lacks something 
without suggs voice to back it up though, and wasn't there a reference about 
writing it on the bus?!  Perhaps, I have watched this particular movie a few 
too many times... I keep telling you Europe based maddies we are publicity 
starved here in the penal colonies!


sorry scatty couldn't make it on Saturday
he had an upset stomach

signed scattys mum

it's a bit hard to right them
on some graph paper on the way to school in'it


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[total-madness] one step beyond...

2000-06-06 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hi there folks!

I wonder if anyone can shed some light on this... The dj at the 80's night 
that I often go to plays a version of One Step Beyond that is sorely 
lacking... that is it does not have the whole "Hey You, don't watch that 
etc" at the beginning and simply starts off with the music.  Is this the dj 
being a "smarty goanna pants" or is there a version of One Step Beyond that 
does not have the screaming at the beginning?!

Pleeze ease my mind with an answer...


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[total-madness] sugg's radio show

2000-06-01 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hello everyone

I need help regarding this radio show that suggs is doing on xfm - I have 
just zeroed in on their web address and wo and behold I am sitting in my 
office in Perth Western Australia listening to the 6.30am news (it is like 
1.30pm here) anyways! Back to the point here...

I wonder is Suggs still doin the whole radio show thing I would be tre 
interested to find out if it is a continuing permanent thing that I can tune 
into or what?!  Pleeze! I am ecstatic that I can even the get the darn 


Practically fainting with excitement here!

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Re: [total-madness] New rereleases?

2000-05-30 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hee hee - showing your age here aren't you Peter?!

Anyone? Bueller?

Anyway... any info on places on internet to get these new thingies would be 
appreciated... Im a bit behind the times and haven't got a fave site to 
order from sorry!


"You know I have one simple request, and that is to have sharks with 
frickin' laser beams attached to their heads."

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Re: [total-madness] Those were the days :o(

2000-05-29 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


Maybe it is really wrong of me but this email just made me giggle... alot!!! 
I LOVE the sentiment, plus all this talk of age lately is just making me 
feel plain old!

Thanks for cheering my mood vince... AGAIN!


"Get away from me you lazy eyed psycho"

Hey Now!

Whatever happened to the days when this list was a
MADNESS mailing list that actually had relevant topics
and ones of interest?

Whatever happened to the days when I looked forard to
opening my mailbox to see some real Madness
discussion/news and debate?

Whatever happened to the days when I didn't delete
messages without even opening them?

I hope I do not offend most, but there are those who
must know that some emails lately are really crap and
of no relevance to this list.

just sayin' my thang

All the best


"If it ain't Vince, it ain't worth a F*CK!"

ICQ 46099201


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Re: [total-madness] Re: triple pack pic cd

2000-04-26 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Howdy Jenny

I believe you are referring to a box set that has One Step Beyond, 
Absolutely and The Rise and Fall in it all with picture of the covers on the 
discs... this was one of my first few purchases as it was priced 
exceptionally well... that was some time ago though, and I have no idea of 
availability now.

Oh, sorry it appears I have mailed this to the soccer mailing list... my 
apologies... :)


Hi Jim  All -

I've never come across that 12" in the US!  I'm sure someone will
speak up if they have.  Another interesting title on that site was the
MADNESS TRIPLE PACK PIC CD, released in 1990.  I recall vaguely having
heard something about this - but could someone refresh my memory of what
titles are included?


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2000-04-19 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


So like, I think, I'll just go here and look at the pictures from Suggs' 
appearance on This is Your Life and what do you know there is nothing 
there... at all!  Hello?!  Is there something we should know here?!  
RGH have to get my fix of Suggs on telly - pleze!


please help...
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[total-madness] The Madness

2000-04-13 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hi guys!

I love love love Gabriels Horn, it is one of my fave songs eva! I seem to 
remember it being re-released around the time of Madstock 1, as a b side to 
one of the old singles - does anyone else recall this?!

Or, should I just go home and rummage thru all my CD's till I find it?!

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RE: [total-madness] Crying Shame.

2000-04-12 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Wots a ska car?!  Forgive my ignorance pleeze?!


Hey Paul (delightful name) leave him alone, he's about to lose a Ska Car, 
they're incredible
things, THATS WHY!

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Re: [total-madness] Under My Thumb

2000-03-19 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


The 60's bunny sez yes, the Rolling Stones did do Under My Thumb - rather a 
good song as well IMO!


Ha,lo er,

Rigt folks, now we know that Lee had a nega r\re song called Under My Thumb
undert the name 'The Argonaughts' or somehtningt, well, can anyone tell me
that thius was a cover?
The reason i ask is this- i was in club a\laska tongiht and during the DJs
set downstairs he played 'Under my thumb' which i thought was Lee's solo
effort, but the bouncer asked ther DJ who said it was the Rolling I dunno cos Im pished as a proverbial fart so i thought id 
it to the list..

So if ya know, put me out my 'misery;..


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Re: [total-madness] Under My Thumb

2000-03-19 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


The 60's bunny sez yes, the Rolling Stones did do Under My Thumb - rather a 
good song as well IMO!


Ha,lo er,

Rigt folks, now we know that Lee had a nega r\re song called Under My Thumb
undert the name 'The Argonaughts' or somehtningt, well, can anyone tell me
that thius was a cover?
The reason i ask is this- i was in club a\laska tongiht and during the DJs
set downstairs he played 'Under my thumb' which i thought was Lee's solo
effort, but the bouncer asked ther DJ who said it was the Rolling I dunno cos Im pished as a proverbial fart so i thought id 
it to the list..

So if ya know, put me out my 'misery;..


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[total-madness] I would like to vote for Fred too!

2000-02-29 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hiya folks

Can someone please assist me in advising me of a good - reputable site on 
the net to purchase both copies of the DFF Single - I would greatly 
appreciate it!

It appears that the single has not yet been released in Australia, as I 
could not find it in any of the record stores I looked at.

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Re: [total-madness] Woody

2000-02-11 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

I'd forgotten about that scene!

That is about the most believable reason anyone has given for him not 
actually playing the drums on the album!

Ruza :)

Perhaps Woody couldn't find the studio again and kept riding past on his
funky moped?

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Re: [total-madness] DFF Video Shoot

2000-01-31 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


What can I say I am the greenest person alive!! I tell you I am living in 
the wrong country!!!

I didn't think I could LOVE Madness anymore than I already did, BUT your 
lowdown of the shooting of the vid just made them seem so much more human 
and all the more lovable for it!  HECK!!! Cathal in his undies no less... 
HECK... my friend will die with envy that's all I can say!

Ok, sorry maybe that is a bit seedy and all... but HECK!!! ;0)

Ruza (shaking my head in amazement...)

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Re: [total-madness] THE Madness

2000-01-20 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


Can't say that I know why they changed styles - however, I do really really 
really like this album - espec I Pronounce You!!! (LOVE LOVE LOVE that 

Perhaps I should listen to some Scritti Politti then?! :0)


Hi folks, well managed to find a cheap (less that £6) copy of "The Madness" 
album. Very interesting and surprisingly (considering Sugg's solo efforts 
sound just like Madness songs of old and the new album  likewise) the songs 
sound very unlike Madness numbers for the most part - in fact some of them 
were almost, and I hesitate to say it, a bit "Scritti Politti" in places.

Can anyone comment on why they decided to take this musical departure from 
their previous styles for this album?

Bemused n' Confused

Wood Green Pete

"I'm a wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wibbly-wobbly wizard!"

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[total-madness] ten things I hate about you

2000-01-18 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


Forgive me for perhaps being behind the times... BUT! I just saw Ten Things 
I Hate About You on video last night... apart from being a rather funny 
little movie, one of those myriad of teen movies that have come out lately, 
which appear to be released as an excuse to release a soundtrack!

AND (get to the point Ruza), it featured Wings of A Dove... performed by 
none other than our boys!  I just thought it was an unusual choice but a tre 
cool one considering it is one of my fave songs of all time!  Anyway I 
thought I would share and all, and, put the question if anyone has heard any 
other Madness songs featured on Soundtracks perhaps of late or perhaps of 
several years ago.  Because other then the Tall Guy with It Must be Love and 
Take It Or Leave It - I can't say I have heard Madness appear on too many 
soundtracks - food for thought and perhaps discussion.

By Ruza
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Re: [total-madness] Total Madness Mondays!

2000-01-17 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


Please help - my brain is fried I am at work - what does that translate to 
for Perth Australia - we're on the same time line as Singapore if that 
helps!  Ta

Don't forget - Total Madness Mondays at
3/6pm EST; 8/11 pm BST

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[total-madness] Teen Mad Fans

2000-01-17 Thread Ruza Mijatovic


Am I the oldest person on this list at 25?!  Surely not!!!

Ruza ( The old one!)
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Re: [total-madness] 1999 A Wonderful Year

2000-01-07 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

you have chosen your words beautifully - it was an absolute pleasure to read 
your latest offering! Forgive me for my ignorance - are you are writer of 
some description - such eloquence is hard to come by these days!

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Re: [total-madness] What next from MADNESS??

2000-01-03 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

It would be nice to see Madness in Australia - it would be nice to see 
Madness live at all infact!

...and 7) to tour Australia (NZ)  for the first time in 14 years!


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[total-madness] Christmas Concerts!

1999-12-23 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hi all

Well it is Christmas Eve here and as per usual tomorrow is set to be a hot 
and uncomfortable day!!! (35 degrees C - YUK!!!)  I hope everyone has a 
wonderful day tomorrow and has a brilliant New Years!!!

On another note - I have enjoyed reading the reviews seeing as I am so far 
away and so totally removed from the hype - being in Australia and all! I am 
soo jealous - however, t-shirts and other stuff from the concerts are 
currently on their way to Perth with my best friend who went to both Wembley 
gigs - which is something of a concession!!!

So that is it from me for the mo!  Again I hope everyone's Christmas is all 
that they hoped for and then some!



PS - sorry about all the exclamation marks!  oops!
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Re: [total-madness] The Tour

1999-12-11 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

I asked the same question of Robert Hazelby as my friend is buying me stuff 
from the Wembley shows - he asked Bedders(!) and the response was this:

"The merchandise is being made at the moment. We have a new company called 
'Winterland' doing it this year.

I think it breaks down something like this:
4 T-shirts: 2 new style with some of the graphics from the new 
releases(probably one with the a shot of the album cover on). 2 old style; 
we are making up some 'classic' shirts to see how they look. Also we have 
tested out the cartoon heads from 'It's Madness'.

There are things like chunky keyrings, little metal badges, ski hat, fleece 
and, would you believe, a MUG all with logo on. And , of course, the tour 
programme! I know it looks quite bizarre when it is all written down! A £100 
will cover it.

I'm not designing any of it this year as I've got alot other work to finish 
before I get up and play."

That has got to be of SOME help!

Can anyone going to any of the following gigs do me a favour? Cardiff, 
Brighton and Bournemouth. I'm buying a concert t-shirt and program for 
someone who can't make the concerts, and I need to know what t-shirt designs 
will be available so's my friend can have a choice. I'll be buying it at the 
Brum gig, so there's not much to go on. Any offers of help?

Stay Mad  8-)

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[total-madness] Triple J Hottest 100

1999-12-08 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Hi guys!

Everyone has been so down about Madness not charting as well as they had 
hoped - well maybe I have a solution!

Triple J is an "alternative" radio station in Australia, which every year 
holds a voting poll to find the most popular 100 songs of the year...

Wll, I had this very sneaky idea - basically to rig the vote!  I know it 
is not very fair but it is s tempting!!!

So if you wish to vote for Madness on the Triple J Hottest 100 go to the 
following site and vote away!

Madness appear on the list at 198 and 199 with Lovestruck and JTH 

I know I am soo evil, but it is so much fun being evil!


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[total-madness] Drip Fed Fred!

1999-12-07 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

Just wanted to let people know that Triple J have put their money where 
their mouths are or something like that (?!!!).  They are playing Drip Fed 
Fred with some regularity I have heard it quite a few times recently! Yay!

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[total-madness] My top five

1999-11-25 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

I have been listening to Wonderful all day at work, and I have decided what 
my top five are -

1.  Saturday Night Sunday Morning
2.  If I Didn't Care
3.  Going To The Top
4.  Johnny The Horse
5.  The Communicator

for some reason this not get to the list when I originally sent it?!

For all those who sit in front of a computer all day and have a cd rom and 
speakers attached to that computer - I recommend listening to Wonderful - 
all day every day!!!  It is the only thing that is keeping me sane at the 


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[total-madness] lack of publicity

1999-11-21 Thread Ruza Mijatovic

I must admit that if it weren't for my best friend being in London at the 
moment, and her being a Madness fan as I am, neither of us would have been 
the wiser about Wonderful and the two singles being released.

I do remember, however, that when Suggs released the Three Pyramids Club he 
was all over Australian TV and radio doing promotional interviews and the 
like - it was great!  Don't get me wrong - I own a copy of TPC - and think 
Suggs is great.  BUT, I do think that he is not as well known as a solo 
artist as Madness are as an entity.  Tell me is he signed with another 
company on his own - or how does this work, and why has there been such a 
huge disparity between the marketing push of both albums!

I got so irritated at not being able to find a Madness T- Shirt in Perth 
that I went to the counter in one shop asking why there was a Specials 
T-shirt - who as far as I am aware have not released any new material, yet 
Madness has just released a new album and there is nothing!  The girl behind 
the counter had no response. And a person who works in one of the big CD 
stores in Perth said that they only ordered ONE copy of Wonderful!  Is this 
a conspiracy?!

I need to go and meditate now to calm down!


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