Re: Revisione del capitolo 15 del Debian Handbook (Wheezy)

2014-01-11 Per discussione Beatrice Torracca
On Thursday 09 January 2014, at 02:14 +0100, kalos wrote:


siete stati velocissimi :)

> +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-30 17:37+0100\n"
> +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-09 02:07+0200\n"
>  "Last-Translator: Calogero Lo Leggio \n"
> -"Language-Team: Italian \n"
> +"Language-Team: \n"
>  "Language: it\n"
>  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
>  "Content-Type: application/x-publican; charset=UTF-8\n"

il language Team era giusto prima, con "Italian" prima dell'indirizzo

> +msgid "Rebuilding a binary package is required under several sets of
> circumstances. In some cases, the administrator needs a software feature
> that requires the software to be compiled from sources, with a
> particular compilation option; in others, the software as packaged in
> the installed version of Debian is not recent enough. In the latter
> case, the administrator will usually build a more recent package taken
> from a newer version of Debian — such as  role=\"distribution\">Testing or even  role=\"distribution\">Unstable — so that this new package
> works in their Stable
> distribution; this operation is called “backporting”. As usual, care
> should be taken, before undertaking such a task, to check whether it has
> been done already — a quick look on the Package Tracking System's page
> for that package will reveal that information.  url=\"\"; />
> backport"
> +msgstr "Rigenerare un pacchetto binario può rendersi necessario per una
> serie di motivi. In alcuni casi, l'amministratore ha bisogno di una
> funzionalità presente nel software che richiede la compilazione dello
> stesso dai sorgenti, con una particolare opzione di compilazione; in
> altri casi, il software pacchettizzato per la versione di Debian
> installata non è abbastanza recente. In quest'ultimo caso,
> l'amministratore di solito costruisce un pacchetto più recente
> prendendolo da una nuova versione di Debian, come  role=\"distribution\">Testing o addirittura  role=\"distribution\">Unstable, in modo che questo nuovo
> pacchetto funzioni nella distribuzione  role=\"distribution\">Stable; questa operazione è chiamata
> «backporting». Come al solito, prima di cominciare, è necessario
> controllare se qualcun altro ha già effettuato quest'attività. Uno
> sguardo veloce alla pagine del sistema di tracciamento dei pacchetti può
> darci le informazioni che cerchiamo.  url=\"\"; />
> backport"

s/alla pagine/alle pagine(o "alla pagina per quel pacchetto nel
sistema di tracciamento...")

> +msgid "The first thing to do is to change the package version number,
> so that the rebuilt packages can be distinguished from the original
> packages provided by Debian. Assuming the current version is
> 3.6.16-2, we can create version
> 3.6.16-2falcot1, which clearly indicates the origin
> of the package. This makes the package version number higher than the
> one provided by Debian, so that the package will easily install as an
> update do the original package. Such a change is best effected with the
> dch command (Debian CHangelog)
> from the devscripts package, with an
> command such as dch --local falcot. This invokes a
> text editor (sensible-editor — this should be your
> favorite editor if it's mentioned in the VISUAL or
> EDITOR environment variables, and the default editor
> otherwise) to allow documenting the differences brought by this rebuild.
> This editor shows us that dch really did change the
> debian/changelog file."

> +msgstr "La prima cosa da fare è cambiare il numero di versione del
> pacchetto, in modo che i pacchetti rigenerati possano essere distinti
> dai pacchetti originali forniti da Debian. Supponendo che la versione
> corrente sia la 3.6.16-2, si utilizzerà la versione
> 3.6.16-2falcot1, che indica chiaramente l'origine del
> pacchetto. In questo modo il numero di versione del pacchetto sarà
> superiore a quello fornito da Debian, così il pacchetto verrà installato
> come un aggiornamento del pacchetto originale. Questa modifica può
> essere effettuata dal comando dch (Debian
> CHangelog) del pacchetto  role=\"pkg\">devscripts, eseguendolo in questo modo:
> dch --local falcot. Questo comando richiama un editor
> di testo (sensible-editor — dovrebbe essere l'editor
> preferito se è stato impostato nelle variabili d'ambiente
> VISUAL o EDITOR altrimenti verrà
> utilizzato quello predefinito) per permettere di documentare le
> modifiche effettuate da questa rigenerazione del pacchetto. Questo
> editor mostra che dch ha modificato veramente il file
> debian/changelog."

trasformerei il trattino in un ":" o una virgola

> +msgid "When a change in build options is required, the changes need to
> be made in debian/rules, which drives the steps in
> the package build process. In the simplest cases, the lines concerning
> the initial configuration (./configure …) or the
> actual build ($(MAKE) … or make …)
> are easy to spot. If these commands are not explicitly called, they are
> probably a side effect

New: libgphoto2-2.5.3 (48%, 897 untranslated)

2014-01-11 Per discussione Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Italian team.

The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:

In this file 1397 messages are already translated, corresponding to
48% of the original text size in bytes; 897 messages still need some

Marco Colombo is currently assigned for the translation.  Please
translate the remaining messages for the benefit of the users of the
Italian language.

Once the translation is complete, send the result to
, using the Subject line:

You can find a tarball of the package at:

Thank you for all your work,

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.


New: libgphoto2_port-2.5.3 (69%, 32 untranslated)

2014-01-11 Per discussione Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Italian team.

The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:

In this file 90 messages are already translated, corresponding to 69%
of the original text size in bytes; 32 messages still need some work.

Marco Colombo is currently assigned for the translation.  Please
translate the remaining messages for the benefit of the users of the
Italian language.

Once the translation is complete, send the result to
, using the Subject line:

You can find a tarball of the package at:

Thank you for all your work,

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.


New: gphoto2-2.5.3 (100%)

2014-01-11 Per discussione Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Italian team.

The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:

All of its 328 messages have been translated.

You can find a tarball of the package at:

Thank you for all your work,

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.


New: man-db-manpages-2.6.6-pre1 (0%, 388 untranslated)

2014-01-11 Per discussione Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Italian team.

The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new POT file:

None of its messages has been translated yet.

No one in your team is currently assigned to textual domain 'man-db-
manpages'. If you decide to translate this package to the Italian
language, please inform your team leader, who will inform the
translation coordinator that you were assigned to 'man-db-manpages'.

Once the translation is complete, send the result to
, using the Subject line:

You can find a tarball of the package at:

Thank you for all your work,

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.


New: man-db-2.6.6-pre1 (43%, 115 untranslated)

2014-01-11 Per discussione Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Italian team.

The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:

In this file 86 messages are already translated, corresponding to 43%
of the original text size in bytes; 115 messages still need some work.

Giuseppe Sacco is currently assigned for the translation.  Please
translate the remaining messages for the benefit of the users of the
Italian language.

Once the translation is complete, send the result to
, using the Subject line:

You can find a tarball of the package at:

Thank you for all your work,

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.
