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2016-09-06 Per discussione M3 Prestitichiari S.p.A.
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M3 Prestitichiari S.p.A.

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Revisione chrome-gnome-shell

2016-09-06 Per discussione Gianvito Cavasoli

#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-close:1
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudi"

#. Shown to user when Web extension sent request to native host messaging
#. application and waiting for result.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-connecting_host_app:1
msgid "Connecting to native host application…"
msgstr "Connessione all'applicazione host nativa…"

#. Shown to user when response of extension API call does not follow known
#. format.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-error_extension_response:1
msgid "Wrong extension response received"
msgstr "Ricevuta risposta estensione erronea"

#. Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'Does GNOME Shell extension
#. enabled?'
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-extension_enabled:1
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Abilitata"

#. Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'Does GNOME Shell extension
#. installed?'
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-extension_installed:1
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Installata"

#. Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'GNOME Shell extension name'.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-extension_name:1
msgid "Extension"
msgstr "Estensione"

#. This is a part of phrase like 'Extension Top Icons must be downgraded'.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-extension_status_downgrade:1
msgid "must be downgraded"
msgstr "deve essere retrocessa di versione"

#. This is a part of phrase like 'Extension Top Icons can be upgraded'.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-extension_status_upgrade:1
msgid "can be upgraded"
msgstr "può essere aggiornata"

#. Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'Does GNOME Shell extension status
#. synchronized with remote browser storage?'
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-extension_synchronized:1
msgid "Synchronized"
msgstr "Sincronizzata"

#. This is a project title. Used as extension name in Chrome Store and in some
#. titlebars.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-gs_chrome:1
msgid "GNOME Shell integration"
msgstr "Integrazione con GNOME Shell"

#. This is a part of phrase 'Update check period: xx hours'
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-hours:1
msgid "hours"
msgstr "ore"

#. Used as extension description in Chrome Store
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-manifest_description:1
msgid ""
"This extension provides integration with GNOME Shell and the corresponding "
"extensions repository";
msgstr ""
"Questa estensione fornisce l'integrazione con GNOME Shell e il "
"corrispondente repository delle estensioni";

#. $REQUEST$ is a placeholder for technical name of request that web extension
#. make via native messaging host application.
#. String placeholders:
#. request
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-native_request_failed:1
msgid "«$REQUEST$» native request failed"
msgstr "Richiesta nativa «$REQUEST$» non riuscita"

#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-network_error:1
msgid ""
"A network error has occurred. Please check your Internet connection and/or "
"proxy settings."
msgstr ""
"Si è verificato un errore di rete. Verificare la connessione Internet e/o le "
"impostazioni del proxy."

#. This is a part of phrase 'Last check: never'
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-never:1
msgid "never"
msgstr "mai"

#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-no:1
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"

#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-no_host_connector:1
msgid ""
"Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector "
"is not detected. Refer documentation for "
"instructions about installing connector."
msgstr ""
"Anche se l'estensione «Integrazione con GNOME Shell» è in esecuzione, il "
"connettore host nativo non è rilevato. Fare riferimento alla documentazione per istruzioni sull'installazione del "

#. Means 'Web extension does not received answer from native messaging host
#. application.'
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-no_host_response:1
msgid "No host response"
msgstr "Nessun responso dall'host"

#. Part of phrase eg 'You are using different versions of GNOME Shell
#. integration extension (version 5) and native host connector (older than
#. version 4)'.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-older_connector:1
msgid "older than version 4"
msgstr "precedente alla versione 4"

#. Option name. Allow to set interval between GNOME Shell extensions update
#. checks.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-options_check_period:1
msgid "Update check period"
msgstr "Periodo di verifica aggiornamento"

#. This is a start of phrase (followed by date/time) of last GNOME Shell
#. extensions update check.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-options_last_check:1
msgid "Last check"
msgstr "Ultima verifica"

#. Link name for options tab.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-options_link:1
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opzioni"

#. This is a start of phrase (followed by date/time) of next GNOME Shell
#. extensions update check.
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-options_next_check:1
msgid "Next check"
msgstr "Prossima verifica"

#. Means 'Options were saved successfully after user clicked Save button'
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-options_saved:1
msgid "Options saved."
msgstr "Opzioni salvate."

#. Option name. By default Chrome do not reveal exact network error in case of
#. request failure. Allo