[Trac] Re: I need a trac consultant

2009-06-16 Thread Lance Hendrix
Thanks for the update.  Based on another email, I have a quick 
question.  Are you using mod_deflate on Apache?

I have also been doing some load testing in relation to issue #7490.  My 
results, assumptions, testing environment, and test scripts can be 
found at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/Performance.  I would be 
interested in seeing the results of other people duplicating these test 
as it may help in reproducing problems like the one you have been 
working on.

I have also been doing some profiling of the Trac-0.11-stable code base 
and have found no surprises, but I still do have a few theories to test 
with regards to I/O, available memory, and performance; however until I 
can construct some tests to disprove these theories, I don't have 
anything definite to share.

For those following any of my previous threads on this, I have switched 
the load testing tool to Apache JMeter so that others can more easily 
perform similar testing on their systems (as opposed to the proprietary 
tool that I was using previously).

Please let us know if you find anything else.


Chris Peterson wrote:
 OK, so let me update briefly on some changes I have done.  The only bad part
 here is, none of the changes *singly* have made a large difference in
 performance, but all together it seems to be running much better.

 I set Apache to have 100 process threads rather than 250
 I disabled DEP on Windows (which was enabled by default)
 I disabled the source browsing from all hosted trac environments
 I disabled all authentication to the /chrome folder, my Location directive
 for the chrome folder looks as such:

Location /chrome
Satisfy Any
Allow from all
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault access plus 30 days

 I ran some IO tests on the S3 drive vs the host OS drive, and while the S3
 drive did show some high variances on speed, it also had peaks of very quick
 performance (as I would expect from a highly shared resource), so I do not
 believe that is my sole IO issue.

 Performance seems much better overall now, and normal page requests are no
 longer peaking the CPU quite so badly, but the wiki page still consumes 100%
 CPU for approx 1 - 2 seconds, then drops back down. I think (at this late
 time at night on the weekend) that performance is acceptable now, but I will
 need to get it under load before I know for certain.  Each one of these
 changes have seemed to cause an improvement, and all together it seems
 pretty happy now =)

 Thanks to everyone for all your idea's.  I believe my next steps here will
 be to update to the 1.6.2 release of SVN, and I believe I will also update
 the Sqlite databases to either MySQL or PostgreSQL and see if I can find
 some additional performance gains that way. If anyone has a recommendation
 on which way to go with the Trac database for performance and ease of
 upgrading 50 environments or so, please feel free to chime in!

 Hope everyone is having a great evening,

 Chris Peterson
 Alagad, Inc.

 On 6/5/09 12:57 PM, Christian Boos cb...@neuf.fr wrote:

 Chris Peterson wrote:
 I work with Doug on this issue, and I wanted to provide some
 additional details about our configuration and what I am seeing.

 The server is an Amazon EC2 small instance, running on a dual core
 Opteron 2.6 ghz w/ 1.66 gig of ram
 The Trac install lives in the default c:\python25 folder, and the
 trac / svn data lives on an S3 drive.
 Ah well, you're the author of comment:57 - didn't you indicate there
 that changing the log_level was helping?
 Also, did you test on some similar local machine as well?

 We have 49 trac environments running here, 4 of which have their own v-
 host configured, the rest are for internal use and share a root url.
 All of these environments also have SVN setup. The majority of the
 shared instances have a common configuration base trac.ini file, with
 individual files for environment specific configurations.

 I started out with the 0.11 install of Trac, and have since upgraded
 to the 0.12dev-r8263 release from SVN (using easy_install and pointing
 to the SVN repo location), to try and address our performance issues.
 Under 'About Trac', here is my current config:

 Trac:   0.12dev-r8263
 Python: 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310
 32 bit (Intel)]
 setuptools: 0.6c9
 SQLite: 3.5.2
 pysqlite: 2.4.0
 Genshi: 0.6dev-r1052
 Babel: -
 mod_python: 3.3.1
 Pygments: 1.0
 Subversion: 1.5.4 (r33841)
 Side note, should be jQuery: 1.3.2, no? (that's what is checked in into
 trunk, AFAICT).
 I have Apache connecting using mod_python, but this slow performance
 and 100% CPU peak usage persists even if I load a single environment
 using tracd and shut-down the apache instance.
 Ok, that's very interesting: you're able to reproduce the perfomance
 issue with tracd serving a single environment.
 Let's forget 

[Trac] Re: Performance

2009-06-16 Thread Lance Hendrix

ms - I need to go through and clean up the table (alignment and labels) 
as this is the raw information straight from the tool.  Thanks for 
pointing that out though.


Shane Caraveo wrote:
   I have also been doing some load testing in relation to issue #7490. My
   results, assumptions, testing environment, and test scripts can be
   found at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/Performance. I would be
   interested in seeing the results of other people duplicating these test
   as it may help in reproducing problems like the one you have been
   working on.

 Hi Lance,
 What are the numbers in the results on that page?  ms?  req/s?



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[Trac] Re: Performance

2009-06-16 Thread Lance Hendrix
Yeah, that was a good thought...


Shane Caraveo wrote:
 Think I was happier with donuts per cup of coffee ;)

 On 6/16/09 12:45 PM, Lance Hendrix wrote:
 ms - I need to go through and clean up the table (alignment and labels)
 as this is the raw information straight from the tool.  Thanks for
 pointing that out though.


 Shane Caraveo wrote:
 I have also been doing some load testing in relation to issue #7490. My
 results, assumptions, testing environment, and test scripts can be
 found at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/Performance. I would be
 interested in seeing the results of other people duplicating these test
 as it may help in reproducing problems like the one you have been
 working on.

 Hi Lance,
 What are the numbers in the results on that page?  ms?  req/s?



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[Trac] Re: Trac wiki markup vs ReST

2009-06-08 Thread Lance Hendrix

Interesting thread and also interesting to see how much everyone likes 
Trac wiki syntax.  I will add my $0.02 US and also take as IMHO:

While I agree that simple text and things like TODO and instruction 
related documentation are relatively easy to do in markdown, I have 
(and it may be due to my lack of experience with) had difficulties with 
almost all mark down languages when it comes to technical 
documentation.  If it is simply a question of Trac wiki or ReST, then I 
don't really have a strong preference, but I would lean toward Trac wiki 
(as much as I like what I have reviewed and researched with regard to 
Rest) as then all my work with/around Trac would use a consistent 
format; however...

At the risk of (a strict interpretation of the thread) taking us off 
topic, I would also suggest that if we plan to leverage version 
controlled documentation for various releases that some of the 
limitations (tables being a big one) of markdown will become more 
significant and for that reason I would suggest at least considering 
another richer format.  As mentioned previously, I have settled on 
just such a format for the bulk of the content I develop and thankfully, 
the other OSS project I am working on also supports the same format for 
their documentation.  The advantages of these are their (obviously) 
richer format and (at least based on my limited knowledge of Trac wiki 
and ReST) ability to be easily transformed to other format and supported 
by a significant number of tools.  The is obviously more complex, but 
there are tools available to help assist with the development of the 
documentation (which is another big advantage of a standard mark up)...


Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-06-08 at 14:36 +0200, Eirik Schwenke wrote:

 Christian further mentions: (Trac has) Much improved table markup (the
 reST table markup is unbearable).

 This would be:


 I do miss the ability to span columns and rows. Especially columns. If
 Trac had this, I would not need any change to the table syntax.

 I confess, I use the WYSIWYG trac plugin to manipulate tables. I get
 some pretty hefty ones, and adding a column can be a real PITA. Even if
 I cut/paste from my favorite vi. 

 Roger Oberholtzer


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[Trac] Re: ldap authentication and anonymous query

2009-06-08 Thread Lance Hendrix
I assume you are speaking of OpenLDAP (2.2 and 2.4)?


Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
 On Sunday 07 June 2009 17:43:57 Sergio Charpinel Jr. wrote:
 Yes, but it works as one. Try and see your ldap log.
 It is in the LdapAuthStore module for AccountManager. But it was not
 working in my ldap 2.4 , just in 2.2. So I changed and did a real bind.

 Easy fix (assuming your ldap server is firewalled off etc): change access to 
 * from by * none to by * read in your slapd.conf (or do what you did and 
 use a non-anonymous bind).

 Yes, by * none worked in 2.2 with by anonymouth auth access to password 
 and and by * read access to uid etc. They've changed something in 2.4 and 
 forgot to tell us what it is.


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[Trac] Re: I need a trac consultant

2009-06-05 Thread Lance Hendrix

I did some load testing yesterday with almost this same configuration 
and I was able to achieve some pretty good results and did not see any 
issues.  I am not yet prepared to publish the results, but one 
interesting difference was that you appear to be running this on 
windows, whereas I was running on Linux.

Just as an FYI, I was able to get just over 18 requests/second with 
about an average of 1s for page load with tracd and was able to get just 
over 34 requests/second with mod_python with sub second page load times 
on an AMD dual core 2mhz.  The testing results page I am putting 
together has much more detail on the hardware and software configuration 
I was using as I know these numbers probably don't mean too much without 
that detail, but thought you might find them re-assuring (that it is 

I will replicate the test on Windows and see if I can reproduce this 
issue.  Once I have finished polishing the results and working with the 
devs to ensure they are reasonable, I will happily publish the details 
of this testing.

The reason for my doing this is that I am attempting to assist with 
ticket #7490 (http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/7490) but I have not yet 
been able to reproduce the issue.  However, I have not had as much 
detail (as yet) as you have provided, so this information is much 

Chris Peterson wrote:
 I work with Doug on this issue, and I wanted to provide some
 additional details about our configuration and what I am seeing.

 The server is an Amazon EC2 small instance, running on a dual core
 Opteron 2.6 ghz w/ 1.66 gig of ram
 The Trac install lives in the default c:\python25 folder, and the
 trac / svn data lives on an S3 drive.

 We have 49 trac environments running here, 4 of which have their own v-
 host configured, the rest are for internal use and share a root url.
 All of these environments also have SVN setup. The majority of the
 shared instances have a common configuration base trac.ini file, with
 individual files for environment specific configurations.

 I started out with the 0.11 install of Trac, and have since upgraded
 to the 0.12dev-r8263 release from SVN (using easy_install and pointing
 to the SVN repo location), to try and address our performance issues.
 Under 'About Trac', here is my current config:

 Trac: 0.12dev-r8263
 Python:   2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310
 32 bit (Intel)]
 setuptools:   0.6c9
 SQLite:   3.5.2
 pysqlite: 2.4.0
 Genshi:   0.6dev-r1052
 mod_python:   3.3.1
 Pygments: 1.0
 Subversion:   1.5.4 (r33841)

 I have Apache connecting using mod_python, but this slow performance
 and 100% CPU peak usage persists even if I load a single environment
 using tracd and shut-down the apache instance. I have gone through the
 site-packages and, one by one, removed each plugin from the folder and
 re-started the instance, and I still saw the performance issues (I was
 trying to isolate the issue to a single plugin, without luck).

 I applied the patch as suggested in 
 and have seen no improvement.  I also have logging currently disabled
 completely in the hopes of improving performance, still without luck.

 I did a directory output from my site-packages folder, if it will
 provide better detail as to plugins I have installed, that you can
 view here: http://pastebin.com/fea11695

 The worst performance seems to be on the wiki pages, but viewing
 tickets spins the CPU up quite high as well. At one point I attempted
 to implement the Psyco package (http://psyco.sourceforge.net/) to
 improve performance, but all plugins have been updated without it
 again as I saw no performance gains from using it (the package is
 still in my site-packages, but the code is not in use)

 At this point I am (sadly) thinking that I may need to re-configure a
 new server with a clean / new install of python and trac and see how
 it runs, I really do not know what else to investigate to resolve this
 problem.  Any idea's, as wild as they may be, would be greatly

 Chris Peterson

 On Jun 4, 6:31 pm, Christian Boos cb...@neuf.fr wrote:
 Doug Hughes wrote:
 We have a new install of Trac running on Windows with Apache.
 (Generally, the same setup as our old Trac instance.)  Unfortunately,
 performance is terrible.  Requests spike the box to 99% cpu and httpd
 is taking 500mb.  We're out of ideas here and I'd like to have someone
 come in, take a look at our config, tell us what we did wrong, and
 then make it work.
 This sounds a lot like ticket #7490.
 Please give us more details about your installation

 You may try 2 different things:
  - reduce the log_level if it's set to DEBUG, down to ERROR
  - apply the patch on #7785

Re: Trac wiki markup vs ReST [Was: Re: [Trac] Re: Trac Recipies]

2009-06-04 Thread Lance Hendrix

As a (potential) contributor, I would say that I only have two requirements:

1.  Write content once (render many or as needed)
2.  Maintain as few copies as possible (preferable only one master copy)

Otherwise, I could care less (mostly) where or how (wiki or Rst).  If 
you asked me, out of context of Trac, I would suggest DocBook (it's what 
I decided on when evaluating what to write content for my personal 
web-site with), but I don't think it makes sense in the context of 
Trac.  My only fear is of having to maintain or create the documentation 
in both Rst and (Trac) wiki.  Disclaimer - I *mostly* work with US 
character sets and keyboard layouts, so I don't have experience with 
issues surrounding multi-lingual or non-en-US layouts.

My $0.02 US


Eirik Schwenke wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Christian Boos skrev 03. juni 2009 23:37:
 yoheeb wrote:
 Although, I must ask: Why is the Trac Documentation in .rst format,
 instead of trac wiki markup, 
 It's not. Some people thought it would be a good idea to restart the 
 documentation from scratch in .rst, targeting the use of Sphinx, but 
 that effort has stagnated and others (me being in the front line) are 
 quite skeptical to the very idea of using anything else than Trac's own 
 wiki markup for the purpose of writing the Trac admin and user 
 documentation. The Trac developer guide is another story and for that 
 purpose, Sphinx seems to be perfectly suited.

 OR, why doesn't trac drop it's wiki
 format for straight .rst format, instead of having to use a markup
 block?  yes, maybe some of the docs existed before the tool...etc.
 Just a thought.
 Because the barrier to entry is much lower for the Trac wiki markup, the 
 likeliness is really low that a Trac user will learn yet another markup 
 language (and .rst is not the most intuitive one) just for contributing 
 a bit of her knowledge to the Trac knowledge base.

 Why not use restructured text ? It supports direct generation of
 latex/pdf/s5 slides, has a well defined design for extension, and IMNHO
 is quite readable.

 I would contend that those not able to read rst would be better served
 by a WYSIWYG editor anyway ?

 I really don't mean this in a negative way, but do you think:


 is significantly easier on the eye, or more intuitive than:

   http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html ?

 (See also: [RstQuickRef]_).

 If so, I would appreciate you taking the time to elaborate. Perhaps
 because Trac's markup is closer to other wikis ? I realize that we now
 have a lot of legacy users (me included:) -- so a change is ill
 advised without good reason.

 Personally I find that '''bold''' and ''italic'' is a) wrong (not what
 you *mean* but what you see, and b) rather visually meaningless in the
 text editor (contrast: *emphasis* **strong emphasis** with ''emphasis''
 (or is it a quotation) and '''strong emphasis''' (looks a bit like a

 RST has less special characters in the markup, which is great for those
 of us not using a US layout --
 ctrl-altgr/meta-7,ctrl-altgr/meta-7,ctrl-altgr/meta-7 for a
 codeblock/monospace  (or shift-next_to_backspace-space for backtick)
 isnt't all that easy -- and reading the source document, a simple:

 .. code-block:: python

   #Some python code -- but just a comment for this example
   #it will be printed with line numbers (:linenos: directive).

 The above code is a block, by virtue of it's indentation. The markup
 arguably works in a plain-text print-out.


 #This also works. Explicit termination of blocks, rather than
 #python-like indentation can be a benefit -- but it doesn't look very
 #pretty -- or intutitive -- again IMNHO

 I know these are small details -- but I'm trying (actually, not
 rhetorically) to see how the trac wiki markup can be considered
 better, even for use in the wiki.

 The syntax styles are not radically different -- but I feel that Rst is
 better suited to evolving texts (full pages, rather than short
 snippets). It's easier to work with the source document, and more
 usable in a version controlled environment.

 RST has some serious limitations, eg: limited autonumbering of lists,
 underscore for linking (not very wiki-like). Rst also has rather limited
 support for mulitple levels of headings -- while I think the 6 headings
 for html is a bit overkill, Rsts two-and-a-half (=/- look different
 enough and make sense -- but the tilde (~) is a poor choice for third
 level down IMNHO).

 Rst also uses the backtick, wich isn't a very good idea -- the number of
 non-printing characters that make sense in a multilingual and
 multiscript (eg: Japanese and Chinese kanji) environment is
 very limited. Dash -, underscore _, equal =, colon/semicolon as
 well as single and double quotes is about the limit.

 Due to the popularity of email/it's use in 

[Trac] Re: Trac/SVN on Windows Install Problem

2009-06-03 Thread Lance Hendrix

Sounds like it might be a permissions issue with Apache and the SVN 
directory.  I assume you are running as (or in) the administrator 
(group) when you are using trac-admin, so when you do command line 
stuff, it is accessing SVN with credentials as an administrator; 
however, I also assume that the account that Apache is running under is 
not a member of the administrators group, so this sounds like a 
typical permissions problem.

Check the account that Apache is running under and ensure that the 
directory your SVN repository is located in has the proper permissions 
(and subdirectories, so your subdirectories should inherit permissions 
from the parent) for the account that Apache is running under.

This would be my first guess, but let me know if you have already 
checked this or if this is not the issue.


raiderdav wrote:
   Trac 0.11.4
   SVN 1.5.6 (r36142)
   Python 2.5.4
   Apache 2.2.11
   Windows Small Business Server 2008

 I'm installing Trac for the first time on this server, and am having
 issues connecting to the SVN repository.  I believe I have the Trac
 environment established successfully, and can connect via Apache using
 the mod_wsgi approach with the repository_dir cleared.

 With my Trac.ini file set with the following I can view the generic
 Welcome to Trac page and local documentation:
repository_dir =
repository_type = svn

 When I change it to
  repository_dir = c:\svn\ltm
 the Trac URL is no longer accessible and I get a Connection
 Interrupted. The connection to the server was reset while the page was
 loading. in the browser.  I turned on debug logging to file, and the
 last line of the log reads:

2009-06-02 14:25:03,322 Trac[main] DEBUG: Dispatching Request GET

 With the repository_dir set with the correct path, I can run trac-
 admin resync and the repository history counts through all 292
 revisions successfully.  This leads me to believe that the connection
 to SVN is established properly, but I still can't view anything with
 the repository path included.

 Any ideas on what to check or test next?

 Thanks - Dave


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[Trac] Re: Trac Recipies

2009-06-03 Thread Lance Hendrix

In line with your note, perhaps you could suggest a few items (or a few 
topics) that you especially feel would be important/critical/useful to 
develop (what were you unable to find documentation about). IMHO one of 
the biggest issues facing the adoption of OSS is the lack of 
documentation and as a result one of my major objectives to support the 
OSS effort is to attempt to provide or at least assist with the 
development of (I am capable of at generating content quickly, I'll let 
someone else be the judge of it's usefulness) documentation; however, in 
order to be most useful, I think the effort should be driven by the 
community (as to what to develop).

In short, while you could develop the documentation yourself (as has 
been suggested), there is also the option of assisting or collaborating 
with someone (me?) to help improve the documentation.

Anyone else with any documentation requests would also be welcome. (I 
know, be careful what you wish for...)


Dan Winslow wrote:

 So do I. Track hacks is a OK place to get plugins from, but not 
 information on how to do things. In general there is a crippling lack 
 of information all across the web about TRAC. I have spent two weeks 
 trying to understand various aspects of TRAC, and I am just now 
 starting to get a vague idea. I am not a python programmer, nor do I 
 have any wish to become one. All of the documentation I can find about 
 a specific subject is usually only a few terse sentences, maybe a 
 **very** short example, and then they all trail off with ‘ .. and of 
 course, you can always write a plugin to do anything more.’. I don’t 
 want to write plug-ins. I don’t want to have to read through bunch of 
 alien-looking code to try and figure out what it means. I’m not 
 faulting the developers in particular, they’ve done a fine job and 
 it’s a huge amount of work to maintain decent docs.

 I was so frustrated that I tried to get management to let me write my 
 own system, but they declined. I think a collection point for trac 
 recipies would be a greta idea.


 *From:* trac-users@googlegroups.com 
 [mailto:trac-us...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Ariel Balter
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 03, 2009 12:59 PM
 *To:* trac-users@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [Trac] Re: Trac Recipies

 I disagree.

 Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

 Trac-hacks is that site.
 -Original Message-
 From: trac-users@googlegroups.com mailto:trac-users@googlegroups.com 
 On Behalf Of abalter
 Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:52 AM
 To: Trac Users
 Subject: [Trac] Trac Recipies
 I would like to help put together a site of recipes for using Trac.
 There is a ton of great information in this email list and forums and
 out there on the web.  I think it would be great to take a sort of
 best of of the actual solutions and organize them into a set of
 recipes such as You want to do XXX...Do this:.
 Not surprisingly, I thing the best way to build this recipe book is
 with a Trac site.  The first thing I would need would be a place to
 host it.  Perhaps the folks that run Trac-hacks would be willing to
 give me some space.  Or, perhaps edgewall.com.  I'm open to
 I'd love to hear feedback on this idea.
 Thanks, Ariel

 Ariel I Balter, Ph.D.
 Biological Monitoring/Modeling
 Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate
 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 
 PO Box 999, MS P7-58,Richland, WA 99352
 790 6th Street, MS P7-58, Richland, WA 99354
 Tel:  509-376-7605 
 Cell:  509-713-0087
 ariel.bal...@pnl.gov mailto:ariel.bal...@pnl.gov
 www.arielbalter.com http://www.arielbalter.com
 www.pnl.gov http://www.pnl.gov 


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[Trac] Re: Trac Recipies

2009-06-03 Thread Lance Hendrix

BTW, I didn't mean to hijack your thread with my previous note.  I think 
your ideas is great.  I'll leave the discussions of where to others, but 
let me know if you need any assistance with developing the documentation 
or if you just want someone to review it.


abalter wrote:
 I would like to help put together a site of recipes for using Trac.
 There is a ton of great information in this email list and forums and
 out there on the web.  I think it would be great to take a sort of
 best of of the actual solutions and organize them into a set of
 recipes such as You want to do XXX...Do this:.

 Not surprisingly, I thing the best way to build this recipe book is
 with a Trac site.  The first thing I would need would be a place to
 host it.  Perhaps the folks that run Trac-hacks would be willing to
 give me some space.  Or, perhaps edgewall.com.  I'm open to

 I'd love to hear feedback on this idea.

 Thanks, Ariel

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