[Trac] announcer plugin subscription table

2016-12-19 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
I installed trac-announcer_0.12.1+r10986-2 debian style, and after install 
I got :

ProgrammingError: ERROR: relation "subscription" does not exist LINE 4: FROM 
subscription ^

And it's true - in my postgres database there's no subscription table nor view.

I try to find schema to add but nothing found. I only found 


but i'm not sure if this is the same.

What to do?

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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-16 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
I think, that "problem" is with logrotate - it restarts apache2, so wsgi 
isn't loaded - first time next day wsgi needs to start...

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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-12 Thread Tomasz Brzezina

> Do you have any hints from looking at the logs for Trac and Apache where 
> the time is being spent? I'd be interested to know the time from when the 
> request hits the web server to when the //Environment Startup// message 
> appears in the Trac log.
> Nope, I run it once a day - so every 24 hours it starts. Maybe in 
production time I will found more info (I'm thininking about running trac 
 in cron ;D

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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-06 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
Is there any way to speed up FIRST run? 

After long pause (e.g. 24 hours) wsgi is unloaded from memory and first 
running takes lots of time - about 40 seconds - when it runs, everything 
runs very fast, but wakeing up is paniful.  Any ideas?

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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-05 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
According to this http://stackoverflow.com/a/6591232/354420 it looks that 
this HAVE to be set if you want separation :D Many thanks, I owe you a big 
beer ;D

I'm not sure if WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} is necessary - i comment it 
out and still works :D 

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Re: [Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-05 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
W dniu niedziela, 4 grudnia 2016 22:37:20 UTC+1 użytkownik RjOllos napisał:
> On Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 1:31:39 PM UTC-8, Tomasz Brzezina wrote:
>> Unfortunately, my /etc/apache2/envvars has this export since Aug 23 
>> 2015... (I even didn't know about it). So the problem is somewhere else.
> I'd still suggest checking the logs to be sure the environment variable is 
> effective.
> Yes, when I remove variable and restarts apache, the warning appears in 
the log. If set back - warning not appears.

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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-04 Thread Tomasz Brzezina

> $ virtualenv pve
> $ . pve/bin/activate
> $ pip install -U setuptools wheel pip virtualenv
> $ pip install trac == 1.0.13 # or 1.2

pip installed 1.2 (i don't know how to force to install 1.0.x), == doesn't 

> # Modify Apache to point to interpreter and lib directories in pve
I totally don't know how ;D I'm newbie in virtualenv. I understand, that 
after login i have to . pve/bin/activate ;D


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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-04 Thread Tomasz Brzezina

W dniu sobota, 3 grudnia 2016 09:56:39 UTC+1 użytkownik RjOllos napisał:
> The setuptools issue was originally discussed in (1).
> Which version of Debian are you using? I would be surprised to see the 
> latest Debian packaging such an old version of Trac.
> Latest stable.
Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2 (2016-10-19) x86_64 


> You could just install the latest Trac, and the latest setuptools as well 
> while you are at it. If you are worried about polluting your system 
> packages directory, an option would be to install Trac in a virtual 
> environment. I'm going to modify the install steps soon (2) to describe how 
> to do that. There are a few tricky parts, such as modifying your Apache 
> config and getting the subversion bindings to import. I could write that up 
> if you are willing to pursue that as an option.
> I'd prefer stay at debian packages. But I can install it on other LXC 
container - for test purposes. I didn't use pip or easy_setup -which is 

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Re: [Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-04 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
Unfortunately, my /etc/apache2/envvars has this export since Aug 23 2015... 
(I even didn't know about it). So the problem is somewhere else.

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Re: [Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-04 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
Unfortunately, my /etc/apache2/envvars has this export since Aug 23 2015... 
(I even don't know about it). So the problem is somewhere else.

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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-04 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
I forgot, that debian requires .sh extension - now my trac-admin shows:

# trac-admin
trac-admin - Konsola administracyjna Trac 1.0.2

Użycie: trac-admin  [polecenie [
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help Show documentation
initenv  Create and initialize a new environment

But still three environment startups in three xmlrpc lookups.

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[Trac] Re: Multiple environment startup

2016-12-04 Thread Tomasz Brzezina
# trac-admin
Warning: Detected setuptools version 5.5.1. The environment variable 
'PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS' must be set to avoid significant 
performance degradation.
trac-admin - Konsola administracyjna Trac 1.0.2

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podpolecenie] [opcja ...]]

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help Show documentation
initenv  Create and initialize a new environment


I thought that I set that variable I put it into /etc/profile.d/trac:


if I run in console 

# trac-admin
trac-admin - Konsola administracyjna Trac 1.0.2

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podpolecenie] [opcja ...]]

Wywołanie trac-admin bez polecenia rozpoczyna tryb interaktywny.

help Show documentation
initenv  Create and initialize a new environment

So trac env reacts to this parameter. But how to execute it system wide, 
not user env?

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