OK so I am trying to install svn and trac on the same windows machine
per my boss's wishes. If left up to me, I would use Linux.

I also have been told to use VisualSVN 1.7.2. (Yes I know it is not
officially supported)

Python 2.6.2
Pysqlite-2.5.5….py2.6 (I know we are using Postgres but this is just
an effort to get it to work)
NOTE: I unzipped and untarred the version for py2.6 … the python
website says it works this way.
I made a directory outside of python and ran setup with the egg file
for 2.6 ."python ez_setup.py setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg"
I also installed accountadminplugin.
NOTE: I put made a plugin directory and ran easy setup to install

I used an on line tutorial for most of this at this URL:


I substituted the python 2.6 files for the ones they suggested for
compatibility. I was successful until I got to the line where you run
the daemon.

"Tracd -p 8000 c:\repositories\projects\tracproject"

Then I get the persistent error that there is no "svn" module. I does
let me into the Admin account to create users.

Question 1. Does Trac really work on Windows? I am beginning to doubt

Question 2. Where is the Trac log they refer to in the error message?
I cannot find it.

BTW Ronny you might want to check your versions of svn and trac to be
sure they match.


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