On Feb 25, 7:26 am, prabhakar <prabhakar2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am interested to trigger a certain action upon receiving an email
> from specific address. In order to be able to do so I need to
> implement monitoring of my Inbox, checking every incoming mail /
> Recent incoming mail by using  python script.

Posting twice in the wrong group won't get you the answer faster,
fyi.  this group is for trac.

however, I will give you this bit of info to get you started:
you won't be able to read your email from smtp, that is for sending.
you'll probably want to use pop3

try this:

you'll then need to parse the emails for whatever you are looking for,
and probably run a cron job.

personally, I would set up an email trigger on your inbox, and have it
fire off an xmlrpc script or something.

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