On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Dan Winslow<dwins...@aiminstitute.org> wrote:
> I am attempting to modify some plugin code, despite my lack of python
> knowledge. I wanted to add type checking to the validator plugin, and so I
> added the modified  the function. With a trac.ini entry of
> [fieldscheck]
> int_fields=Hours
> and running this code :
>     def validate_ticket(self, req, ticket):
>         """Make sure required fields for the next state have been
>         the ticket will be in have been entered."""
>         state = self._get_state(req, ticket)
>         editcheck_fields = self.config.getlist('fieldscheck','int_fields')
>         errors = [(field_name, '%s must be an integer' % field_name)
>                   for field_name in editcheck_fields
>                   if self._is_not_integer(ticket[field_name])]
>         required_fields = self.config.getlist('ticketvalidator',
>                                               state + '.required')
>         errors = errors + [(field_name, '%s is required' % field_name)
>                   for field_name in required_fields
>                   if self._is_empty(ticket[field_name])]
>         return errors
> I get :
> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
> On the line :
> if self._is_not_integer(ticket[field_name])]
> I get the feeling this is just a python problem of mine and not something
> intrinsic to TRAC, but I thought I’d ask you guys anyways.
> Thanks in advance.

Probably need to see the rest of the code to be sure what the actual
problem is.  Also, your _is_not_integer() and _is_emtpy() methods seem
unnecessary.  The former can be replaced with `not
ticket[field_name].isdigit()` and the latter with `not
ticket[field_name]`, at least as far as I can tell from how they're
being used.

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