[transfer-dev] Re: Database function calls?

2009-05-27 Thread Cameron Childress

Actually, my workaround is just about exactly the same thing you are
doing.  Unfortunately this uses the system datetime from CF, and not
the DB.  With a cluster of 3 CF machines and one DB machine this could
result in 3 different times (if all the system times aren't
synchronized properly).

I am trying to stay away from triggers here to make the code mor
eeasily deployable across different DB platforms, but do use the DB
time - something like the following:


I really don't want to start tinkering with the DB and adding triggers
right now so I think I may just move forward using decorators till I
get more comfortable with another alternate solution.


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Bob Silverberg
bob.silverb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Cameron,

 Welcome to the party!  If you are currently maintaining those
 timestamps via the database (e.g., via triggers), you can continue to
 do that.  You just need to make sure that you specify refresh-insert
 and refresh-update on the appropriate properties.  For example:

 property name=dateCreated type=date refresh-insert=true /
 property name=dateModified type=date refresh-insert=true
 refresh-update=true /

 If you are not maintaining that data via the database or you wish not
 to, you can use Transfer's event model to do it.  I wrote a blog post
 quite awhile ago that describes how I do it

 Hopefully one of those ideas will work for you.


 On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm a little late to the party but just getting my feet wet with
 Transfer.  I'm trying it out on an existing project that I'm updating
 and refactoring...

 Currently I use columns called dateModified and dateCreated in most
 tables in this app and I use the DB for datetime stamps.  I could just
 set a default value on the column, but I don't think this will work
 for me in both cases, since both are set on insert and only one of the
 two is set on update.  I could also use the client or CF server's
 datetime, but I usually prefer using the DB's datestamp so I don't
 have to worry about syncing time on all machines.

 Right now I am just using CF to set the datestamp, but was wondering
 if anyone had any better ideas?


 Cameron Childress
 Sumo Consulting Inc
 cell:  678.637.5072
 aim:   cameroncf
 email: camer...@gmail.com


 Bob Silverberg


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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[transfer-dev] Re: Database function calls?

2009-05-27 Thread Cameron Childress

Yeah, that would be another way to solve the problem. In my case I
suspect it would be easier just to spend a little time and get the
time on all the servers in sync.

This is one of those problems where I started by trying to wedge
something into Transfer that it doesn't really do in a very natural
way.  In reality it may be easier to step back and solve the problem
another way - like by adjusting the time sync on all the servers


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Bob Silverberg
bob.silverb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmm, well, this may be a crazy idea, but here's what I'd do if I
 needed to accomplish what you are suggesting, which is to always
 return the same, synchronized datetime value regardless of which CF
 server the code was running on:

 I'd create a DateHelper object with a getNow() method that would
 return a synchronized datetime.  I would then inject that object into
 my decorators.  I could then call getNow() on the DateHelper from
 within my decorator and I would know that, no matter which CF server I
 was on, I'd get the same synchonized datetime value.

 I'd implement my DateHelper by having it query the database and return
 getdate(), which would work for now.  If you ever decided to change
 your implementation to use another technique to get a synchonized
 datetime, you would just have to change the internals of the
 DateHelper object, and none of the rest of your code would be

 Again, this isn't necessarily something that I'd do, but off the top
 of my head it sounds like it might address your requirement.

Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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[transfer-dev] Re: Transfer ORM and table based objects

2009-06-15 Thread Cameron Childress

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Josh Nathansonjoshnathan...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would say that yes, your statement is confirmed.


 I also might add that having DTO's that are not 1 to 1, might indicate a
 less than optimal application model, that is doing one to one joins rather
 than compositing objects.

Really, it primarily indicates working with a DB that's designed for
many more purposes than a single CF application.

 If you are already aware of all this then I apologize for the digression
 from your original statement.

I am.  It's a trade-off.

Really, it's more like the Engine definition is scattered in an
existing database.  I could break down the DTOs a little more, and I
actually started going down that road as well, but after modeling out
a few additional objects I realized it was just a lot of extra work
with very little (relative) benefit.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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[transfer-dev] Re: Transfer ORM and table based objects

2009-06-15 Thread Cameron Childress


I have the same thoughts as far as benefits of using Transfer, even if
I am just rolling all the data up into bigger non-transfer DTOs, but
at a certain point all that extra work I'm doing around Transfer is
defeating the purpose of having an ORM framework in the first place.

I'm not saying there is a problem with Transfer, just that it's not
well suited for the application I'm currently working on.

I think that when you have control over the database and the
application from the start, Transfer makes alot of sense.  With a
strangely normalized DB that's not designed just for this one
application, I am finding it difficult to adapt Transfer to suit my


On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Doug Boudedougbo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Cameron, I tend to develop the way you're describing as well, but here's how
 I figure Transfer into the mix...
 Okay, any service object is typically going to be a composite of underlying,
 simpler objects that DO have a 1 to 1 relationship to the db. For instance,
 if you are writing a smart userService cfc (service layer) that performs
 all kinds of tasks such as your user CRUD, authentication perhaps,
 calculating employee discounts, or who knows what, you must still at some
 point in the code interact with the user table and/or its related tables.
 Without an ORM, we do this with the sql in our queries, perhaps writing
 complex joins and the like in order to return the record sets we want, or by
 manually creating some dumber 1 to 1 objects. By tossing Transfer in the
 mix, however, what I have done is eliminate the need almost entirely to
 write any sql, to worry very much about handling transactions manually, and
 giving myself the ability to do some cool magical things like cascade
 deletes and saves. So, your transfer.xml file will define all of those one
 to one table relationships (not your smarter, more complex service layer
 objects), and then your smart CFCs will simply manipulate and utilize those
 Transfer objects in lieu of any SQL or hand written beans or other simple
 objects that you need. This is how I see it, anyway.
 In addition, Transfer gives you the wonderful ability to still write sql
 when you want/need to, only in a slightly  modified syntax called TQL.
 Leveraging this baby allows you to do anything you would in a query (pretty
 nearly anyway), plus giving you the ability to store a search without
 having to actually store the results or a lot of separate parameters; you
 generate  TQL statement based on user criteria selections in your form, then
 store that TQL statement in your db for use later on. That's just one
 application for TQL that I have personally found and loved.
 Just my two cents.
 Doug Boude  :0)

 On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com

 So, I've been toying with Transfer off and on since CF.Objective, but
 I think I've come to a end of my exploration.  I wanted to ping the
 like and make sure I'm not missing a solution here.

 I have an existing application I'm refactoring using ColdSpring and
 wanted to use Transfer too. However - most DTOs in this application do
 *not* have a 1-to-1 relationship to a table in the database.  In fact,
 I think most projects I work on don't have DTOs with a 1-to-1
 relationship to table in the DB (meaning user table = user.cfc).  Alot
 of DTOs are composed of several DB tables joined together to represent
 a single DTO in the application.

 Transfer seems very well suited for applications which are designed to
 have a single table pair up with each DTO, but very poorly suited for
 applications where the DTOs are flat composites made from several DB

 I wanted to confirm the above statement(s) and make sure I hadn't just
 misread the situation.


 Cameron Childress
 Sumo Consulting Inc
 cell:  678.637.5072
 aim:   cameroncf
 email: camer...@gmail.com


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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[transfer-dev] Re: Transfer ORM and table based objects

2009-06-15 Thread Cameron Childress

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Bob Silverbergbob.silverb...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is an interesting discussion.  I was wondering, Cameron, if you'd be
 willing to share an example from your application so that we could see
 whether or not there's an elegant way to make Transfer fit with your model.

Sure. This is a configuration DTO that contains about 10 properties
from one table, and two text properties fields from another - all the
properties are in one flat DTO.  The existing application uses SQL
something like this:

SELECT  sm.prop1,
s1.source_code as sourceLabel,
s2.source_code as altSourceLabel
FROMtable1 T1 LEFT JOIN sources s1
ON (T1.source_id = s1.id)
LEFT JOIN sources s2
ON (T1.alt_source_id = s2.id)
WHERE   T1.id   = cfqueryparam /

Then all these columns would be set into DTO properties and the DTO is
fed to a Flex application.

Now I *could* just rewrite the SQL in TQL and be done with it.  But
why?  I would still have to manually configure my DTO with the values
returned.  This is really just replacing my SQL with TQL and I'm not
gaining much from my effort.

I could also unflatten the DTO and create a SourceCode DTO, but it's
only going to have one property - so why bother?  That would allow me
to make this into several DTOs composited together and define it all
in the transfer.xml file.  This would be cool since I'd be able to
take advantage of all the setter getters Transfer automagically
generates for me.  But again, that's a ton of extra work for very
little benefit.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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[transfer-dev] Re: Transfer ORM and table based objects

2009-06-15 Thread Cameron Childress

To clarify, the table I tried to cleverly rename as table1 with an
alias of T1, was initially aliased sm in my code, not T1.  Sorry if my
invalid pseudocode is confusing.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Cameron Childresscamer...@gmail.com wrote:
 SELECT  sm.prop1,
                s1.source_code as sourceLabel,
                s2.source_code as altSourceLabel
 FROM    table1 T1 LEFT JOIN sources s1

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