Re: [Trisquel-users] Your thoughts on SteamOS?

2013-09-24 Thread alonivtsan

I wonder what the free software community thinks of this device?

If I understand correctly only the wireless firmware is non-free (the  
graphics should be supported by a free driver). Not sure about the BIOS  

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread shiretoko
Overall it seems to me that people in UK shouldn't have too much of a  
problem getting to one of the events in Europe if they really wanted to.

I'm very sceptical about the event in germany. I will be there, but I read  
somewhere on the internet about the location it takes place and about the  
people who make the event.
Nothing wrong with them, but I think it's a very tiny group and I expect a  
very tiny event.
For me, this is no problem, but I doubt that traveling from UK to germany  
because of this is worth the effort. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread mampir
I'm also organizing a series of events in Sofia, Bulgaria.  I wrote a couple  
of days ago, asking for them to be added to the list, but they still aren't  
and I haven't received a reply.

If you're interested and you can read Bulgarian, you should see this page:

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread mampir

... US only has one event. Europe has two (Germany and France) ...

Isn't that stereotypical. ;)

There are 4 events in 5 European countries listed.

  Czech Republic

Also, I'm organising in Bulgaria, which is also in Europe.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread adel . afzal

I hope to attend the one in Kitchener.  Thanks for the info Lembas and Chris.

[Trisquel-users] NVIDIA release documentation to help Nouveau Project

2013-09-24 Thread in . r4inbows

Wonderful news friends!

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install ath9k-htc-firmware for Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271

2013-09-24 Thread jason

Use sudo when copying.

sudo cp /path/to/fw/file /lib/firmware

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ark unar (RARV3) integration not working in Toutatis

2013-09-24 Thread myself600
Sorry for may late reply. It's Trisquel 4.1 with Gnome2 desktop, if that's  
what you'd like to know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install ath9k-htc-firmware for Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271

2013-09-24 Thread falmvtex
thank you for the insight. Where should my fw files be when I copy? right now  
they are sitting on my desktop.

your help is truly appreciated!

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install ath9k-htc-firmware for Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271

2013-09-24 Thread falmvtex


Re: [Trisquel-users] Your thoughts on SteamOS?

2013-09-24 Thread onpon4
I know about that; it's basically just a less powerful and keyboardless  
version of the OpenPandora (even though it's made by different people), and  
it shares all the same problems: no wireless or hardware acceleration without  
nonfree software, designed to play nonfree games via emulation, and made by  
people who think nonfree software is a bonus. The last two apply to every  
open source handheld out there to date, and I would expect any future open  
source handhelds to continue the trend.

The core problem with these devices is that they are designed by gamers, for  
gamers... and these gamers play nonfree games. So even if they claim to be  
in support of open source, they only use free software for the purpose of  
playing these nonfree games: making emulators efficient, convincing  
developers of proprietary indie games to port, etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install ath9k-htc-firmware for Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271

2013-09-24 Thread falmvtex

I tried to no avail


Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread nux
Overall it seems to me that people in UK shouldn't have too much of a problem  
getting to one of the events in Europe if they really wanted to.

The only way I could get to either is if I walked/hitchhiked to the South  
Coast (from Birmingham), then swam the channel and then walked/hitchhiked to  
wherever in France/Germany the meeting is. Then reverse it to get home again.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software replacement for iTunes

2013-09-24 Thread myself600
I really does not know if this is about searching for a free software  
replacement for iTunes on Trisquel, on the way one should buy music, so I'll  
try to answer both.

First, the closest FLOSS iTunes replacement I am aware of is called  
Nightingale, which is a fork of Songbird, made of a frustration that the  
original developers stopped supporting/providing GNU/Linux builds. Also,  
Nightingale does not come with any proprietary parts, that SongBird will ship  
by default, including addons, with are AFAIK free too.

For buying music, there are many ways of doing so, including, but not limited  
to buying CDDAs, Vinyls (for exceptional audio quality), and FLAC encodings.  
I personally does not buy music since the albums I usually want are not  
available anywhere, so I am downloading them using the Internet (legal in  
some parts of the world, including the one I live). My favourite website of  
doing so is where these albums are usually available.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install ath9k-htc-firmware for Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271

2013-09-24 Thread myself600
The command you entered it incorrect. Just follow what I already wrote above,  
it's not that hard.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Your thoughts on SteamOS?

2013-09-24 Thread tegskywalker
It seems that one of the motivations for Valve creating an OS is that they  
can create a custom distro based off of Ubuntu (rumored to be 12.04) and  
create a walled garden for their services.

The stories say they wanted to improve the video and audio support in the  
Linux ecosystem, but is it just for proprietary video firmware and drivers?  
If its just for that, it sucks as the improvements will only be for that  
specific OS.

If they put the time and money to work with ATI or Nvidia to improve the free  
drivers and re-release back upstream, then that would benefit everyone. I  
highly doubt that is their intention though. Still, it would be nice  
considering most of their work is cut out for them by using Ubuntu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install ath9k-htc-firmware for Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271

2013-09-24 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Perhaps the terminal is not your forte. Try
gksudo nautilus

Re: [Trisquel-users] Your thoughts on SteamOS?

2013-09-24 Thread shiretoko

Trisquel includes emulators too, like Zsnes and Scummvm.
We had this discussion once if there's a problem with those old roms. Many  
people in the free software movement share my opinion that playing these roms  
is acceptable; you may think differently but you can't blame this project for  
something even trisquel does.
No wireless or hardware acceleration is true for many pc's out there and  
though I would recommend buying such a pc if someone doesn't need neither  
wireless nor hardware acceleration.
Also these pc's are very often designed to use proprietary software like  
windows. No problem for me if I don't have to use it and can install  
something else. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software replacement for iTunes

2013-09-24 Thread davidvargas1


Respectfully, your answer is not what people from other places in the world  
want to read. That is, smart ass answer from a guy of your caliber and  

 Not everyone has that kind of FREEDOM and Choices in their own countries.

 What they are looking for Is: an advise, and if you could provide guidance  
and knowledge on what software to use, that it is FREE FROM DRM.

 Other wise just leave your smirk replies in blank. Unless, you are motivated  
to be a wise guy on your own reconnaissance. Which I believe that is the  


Re: [Trisquel-users] Your thoughts on SteamOS?

2013-09-24 Thread onpon4

 Trisquel includes emulators too, like Zsnes and Scummvm.

Yes, but the Trisquel community isn't centered around them. Take a close look  
at the OpenPandora website and you'll notice that emulators are heavily  
flaunted; it's the main purpose of devices like these.

 Also these pc's are very often designed to use proprietary software like
 windows. No problem for me if I don't have to use it and can install  


That's not the case with these devices. They are built with one particular OS  
in mind (SuperZaxxon for the Pandora, OpenDingux for the GCW Zero) and  
porting a different OS is non-trivial. The OpenPandora has no proper 100%  
free OS running on it; just SuperZaxxon, Slackware, and a pseudo-Debian  
environment inside of SuperZaxxon, and as a side note, when I brought up the  
idea of making a 100% free OS work on the Pandora, there was a lot of  
negative response and no indication that anyone was interested.[0] The  
community in general is hostile to the free software movement and thinks it's  

So in reality, if you buy one of these devices, you are going to be entirely  
on your own with a device that is less powerful and less durable than a very  
cheap netbook you can get at Wal-mart, is certain to have the same  
limitations you risk having with said cheap netbook (no 3-D and no WiFi), and  
has no completely free OS properly working on it. If you use the OS they  
designed it for without the nonfree bits, many games won't work, and the  
maintainers of them won't care because it works for everybody else; and you  
will have to manually scour the forums and software repositories to find free  
software. And if it isn't the OpenPandora, you won't even have a (crappy)  
keyboard built into it for all that trouble, and if it is the OpenPandora,  
you will spend more money than if you actually got a more powerful laptop  
from Think Penguin.

No matter how you look at it, buying one of these open handhelds with the  
intent of running only free software on them would be incredibly foolish.


Re: [Trisquel-users] NVIDIA release documentation to help Nouveau Project

2013-09-24 Thread zatroch

Exciting news anyways. Perhaps if there were more middle-fingers raised.. (;

[Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-24 Thread adel . afzal
I haven't tried Mini, but I'm thinking about switching when the new edition  
comes out.

How do the two compare?

How do Midori and Abrowser compare, for example?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-24 Thread mtlben
I use Mini on my netbook.  It is much faster than all the other desktop  
environments I have tried on it (GNOME Fallback, GNOME Shell, KDE, Cinnamon,  
Unity...).  I find the Trisquel theme and the transparent taskbar quite  
pleasing to the eye, too.  Midori is very fast, compared to abrowser.  I tend  
to use both.  All in all, Mini is a fast and nice-looking environment.  Some  
settings can be hard or impossible to found, though, but there's always a way  
(console or through other DEs).

I use Cinnamon on my desktop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-24 Thread fernando . negro


Because I use it on an old laptop (secondary) computer, in which GNOME  
wouldn't run as well or as fast as LXDE.

Besides, I stopped using GNOME, a long time ago, for being unnecessarily  
heavy. And, I think that Xfce is the best DE, that now exists, in terms of  
speed vs. functionalities trade-off. (Rubén says that GNOME has more  
accessibility options, for the visually impaired and such. So, for those  
persons, it makes sense to use it. But, for the rest, I don't think that  
GNOME is that much of a DE (even if it has more functionalities) ever since  
Xfce appeared.

Midori is not an option for me, nevertheless... It's missing a lot of (very  
useful) functionalities that Abrowser has. And, if you browse a lot and want  
a decent experience, you'll have to use the latter. (Which, with a light  
DE, like LXDE, is not a bad combination.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-24 Thread em9002

I use both.  I use Trisquel on my desktop and Trisquel Mini on my netbook.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-24 Thread icarolongo

In my opinion Trisquel Mini only with 256MB or less.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-24 Thread icarolongo

Desktop(2004) Celeron 2.5Ghz running Trisquel 64-bit with 1GB of RAM DDR.
Laptop(2004) Pentium M 1.8GHz (32-bit only) running Trisquel 32-bit with 1GB  

Laptop(2008) Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz running Trisquel 64-bit with 2GB of RAM DDR3.
Desktop(2011) Core i3 3.10GHz running Trisquel 64-bit with 4GB of RAM DDR3.

I always prefer Trisquel because it is complete (with GNOME Fallback or GNOME  
Shell). Mini is fast but need many changes to be good to daily use.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Watching Vevo videos without Gnash

2013-09-24 Thread ejectmail
Bingo! Found a GPL Firefox addon that does the trick:

Re: [Trisquel-users] NVIDIA release documentation to help Nouveau Project

2013-09-24 Thread chris
Just imagine what we could do if we actually stood up now. Unfortunately  
almost nobody is. We got Linus to give NVIDIA a stern yelling at and all it  
achieved was was documentation on stuff that wasn't needed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread chris
Yes- maybe. But what about France? I also was trying to compare it to  
someplace nearby in the US. If you compared it to the west coast you'd be  
significantly farther away. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Watching Vevo videos without Gnash

2013-09-24 Thread stask

Excellent! Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread chris
Clearly I'm not a native... umm however I did only really quickly skim that  
list in my defense. Germany and France popped out at me. I am aware of two  
others on the list (Romania  the Czech Republic). I also know where they are  
on the map (well, Europe, anyway).

My mind doesn't recall Moldova. Not even 100% sure how to pronounce that.  
Can't say I've heard about it much (at all?) in the news either. The US  
doesn't really do a great job in the world geography department and I  
probably know of more countries than the average American (doesn't really say  
much though).

The US also hasn't really done foreign languages until really really  
recently. They only really started implementing the teaching of foreign  
languages from a young age 15 years ago or so. I just missed the 'foreign  
language is required' bit beyond a handful of classes between 6th grade (11  
year olds) and high school (14-18 year olds).

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-24 Thread chris
What exactly is preventing people from going to these events? It doesn't  
appear to be distance or cost. Is there some huge financial barrier I'm  
missing or visa requirements (last I checked that wasn't an issue any more, I  

I understand if it's too expensive in general vs the benefits of going. I get  
that. I'm figuring on spending about $100 USD for 4 days to get from where I  
am in the US to Boston.

I also get that some people aren't in a good position, because of school,  
economic conditions, etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Playing video freezes my netbook!

2013-09-24 Thread janeandreas
I have not yet addressed the resume script or made a hot-key to set  
brightness, but I am happy to report that my battery life fully doubled by  
deactivating the NVIDIA ION. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Playing video freezes my netbook!

2013-09-24 Thread myself600
It's the acpi_osi= (everything other in unimportant). This switches off the  
dedicated (NVidia) GPU, using only one graphic chip at a time. You can check  
this by entering

lspci|grep VGA

which should not output anything if the dedicated chip is not in use.

Also, I recommend SMTube over MiniTube, which I had previously happened to  
use. It is much better in design, and rather than using its own built-in  
player, it redirects the video stream into your favourite media player (Totem  
on Trisquel, and MPlayer on Trisquel-mini). Related information, incl.  
installation instructions can be found here.