Re: [Trisquel-users] Acer C7 Chromebook updates

2013-09-26 Thread prvteprts
It's a C710-2847. I just found out that it's a 64-bit installation by default  
following the ChromeOS-ChrUbuntu-Trisquel upgrade path. I prefer 32-bit,  
but I am not sure whether it's possible with ChrUbuntu. It took me a while to  
get it setup to my liking (removing that yucky unity-greeter and  
Trisquelizing the gdm theme).

There is this video where someone got to run GRUB on the C7:

They might be close to figuring out how to install other OS's on the C7  
normally. I hope they do, as that OS verification screen at bootup is  
starting to annoy me.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 don't recognize wi-fi in Lenovo G550!

2013-09-26 Thread korolex100

 Trisquel 6.0 don't recognize wi-fi in Lenovo G550!Please help! Thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-26 Thread fernando . negro

No hijack, whatsoever...

It was a very informative explanation as to why many people simply can't  
travel to these events.

(And, a confirmation of what I suspected the situation for many of those  
living in the UK to be, also...)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 don't recognize wi-fi in Lenovo G550!

2013-09-26 Thread prvteprts

Please type this in the terminal and post the results:

sudo lspci -nnk | grep -i wireless

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-26 Thread fernando . negro

And, also...

People speak different languages. And, each country has its own culture and  
subcultures. As well as, its own political and social reality.

So, to attended an event abroad, would, not only force oneself to deal with a  
different culture that one may not be familiar with (which is not a hard  
thing to do, but something that makes one more reluctant to travel), and also  
force oneself to immerse in a reality that is not one's own, only to  
shortly after having to emerge from that, but, it would also force  
(maybe, and out of politeness) the local people to not talk in their native  
language, during that event, so that foreigners could also socialize with the  
group. (Which doesn't sound like a very nice situation to create...)


There are also language, social and cultural differences - and consequential  
barriers - within Europe. So, it doesn't make that much sense - at least, to  
me - to attend an event like this abroad.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-26 Thread nux

If that's aimed at me...

I'm the only Gnu/Linux user I know. No one I know gives a damn about ethics.  
The facebook page I reluctantly have (for contact with a few people who  
refuse point blank to use ICQ or email) is full of three things at the moment  
OMG GTA5, OMG new iPhone and requests to play viral flash games.
I tried a local LUG but one of the senior Members asked newbies to go away as  
they were annoying. I tried another only to find it populated with people who  
seemed to want to spend LUG nights getting drunk and indulging in toilet  

Changing the subject briefly...

Does anyone else see pictures of Richard Stallman and think...

It is an ancient Coder,
And he stoppeth one of three.
`By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,
Now wherefore stopp'st thou me?

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-26 Thread fernando . negro
It was a general suggestion, for everyone that may be in a situation like  

And, yes. I know how bad the situation is, in terms of social values, there  
in the UK, unfortunately - also from someone I know who lived there. I know  
that the term now used is even broken society. And, I deduce that, in such  
a society, it should be pretty hard to find anyone with social concerns. (My  
country is not that far behind, also...)

But, I remembered this, and then forgot to mention it...

I know of a group there, in the UK, that even had a FSF-approved GNU/Linux  
distribution of their own. Which is the one responsible for the BLAG Linux  
And GNU (BLAG) distribution - - which I  
liked quite a lot, and was very sad to learn that it's now pretty much  

The group is called the Brixton Linux Action Group. And, I was able to  
contact one of its members, I think, less than a year ago, in the  
corresponding IRC channel - I think, on Freenode. (So, maybe they're still  

Their distro seemed to be more anarchist-oriented. With various anarchist  
elements embedded in it. But, if they're the same type of anarchists that I  
am, they should be happy to know of other enthusiastic English GNU/Linux  

You can find more information about the distro, including their contact info,  
on their web site:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread nux
So the moral of the story is, when you power down, pull the plug or remove  
the battery?

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-26 Thread fernando . negro
(Also, as an aside... And, answering that, because I think it is something  
really important...)

I agree that, to overcome Evil, one must only practice Good. But, I also  
think that /self-defence/ (and, not /violence/ - that I define as the force  
that is used to attack, or impose something upon, others) is a good thing,  
because it protects that same Good from the destructive force of Evil.
The people who are destroying our Western World, on purpose  
( and who created  
this new culture of sex, drugs and rock  roll  
( to help with that  
(which has very much destroyed the UK, where most of it comes from) are  
pretty similar to (and even worse than) the fascists, and have several  
former fascists among them  
And, if it was only peaceful resistance that people had offered in the  
previous century to those same fascists, we would all be already enslaved, by  
So, I think that we should also be (very much) willing to defend ourselves,  
if our governments do indeed become tyrannical.

We will win the war when the power of love overcomes the love of power.
--- Daniel Estulin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread Miguel Guasch

On 09/26/2013 06:13 PM, wrote:

(It never ends...) 

(And, this is what I'm talking about, when I call everyone's attention 
to also the *hardware* that we use... -

I first found out about this while perusing the thinkpenguin website. 
They explicitly state that they do not offer CPUs which have either vpro 
or txt technologies.

[Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread arielxgbarton

I have seen things suggesting google chips in brains before (in the daily  
mail; for people who live in the US, the Daily mail is a rubbish newspaper).  
It was within an article about what tech could be like by the time Prince  
George is king.

Surely only an idiot would allow a google brain implant. That person is  
putting their life into google's hands. Google could, with a backdoor in the  
implant, make them want to commit suicide, for example (or a cracker could do  

Anyway, Google, to most people, seems too good to be true: Free email, video,  
search, 5gb cloud, et cetera. Surely it must be doing something bad with all  
that data everyone is giving it? For some people, google know every single  
thing they do: They have google diary; they go somewhere; google knows where  
it is if they use maps, et cetera.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread arielxgbarton
Very bad. These designers have no ideas about what is/isn't morally right. Or  
they do not care.

How would this work? Surely the metal computer enclosure would block out any  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread nux

Surely only an idiot would allow a google brain implant.

You might think surely only an idiot would give all the details of their  
lives to an American corporation, that evades tax, censors search results and  
has alleged connections to the CIA, but people do just that every day and go  
on to praise the results.

So, the next generation will embrace this stuff without thinking.
And we will be mocked and laughed at for being crusty old paranoid fools who  
just don't get it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread gramex

It sounds really stupid.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread nux
Back when I was first online, circa 2001, I came across a post on a forum (I  
can't find it now, it may no longer exist) from a person who claimed that he  
left what was then called the GPO in the 1950's (now called BT) when he  
discovered that when you put a domestic phone back on its cradle that the  
speaker was cut off but not the microphone and that the roll out of the  
domestic phone network was basically a State sponsored bugging program (how  
they must have laughed, indeed are still laughing, that we pay them for the  
mechanisms used to spy on us) and that any house with a phone could be  
listened in on. (I worked for BT briefly in the early 1980's and there were  
rooms with military personel in them underground beneath one of the BT  
buildings. Listening for enemy activity I was told. I just presumed they  
meant the enemy as in the Cold War.)

At the time I thought oh dear, paranoid much?

Bearing in mind that basically pretty much everything we've been told since  
1945 has been an artificial contruct (the lies told about WW2 in the official  
account are off the scale) and pretty much everything you see on the News is  
made up, added to all this now coming to light about computers and I'm  
thinking, no, not paranoid at all.

If it's been going on since the 1950's then it's now very advanced indeed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread fernando . negro
I suppose that will pretty much prevent unwanted access to your computer when  
it's turned off - but, not when it's turned on...

So, I think the moral of the story is: just don't buy new Intel chips.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread arielxgbarton
Does google pay their tax in the US? In which countries do they not pay their  

I'm sure I will be mocked for refusing brain implants.
It wouldn't surprise me that much if schools get replaced by brain implants  
later - brain implants congaing all the knowledge anyone could want to know.

The article in the Daily Mail said that All babies have google chip  
inplanted. That is firstly a bit crazy to say that, because saying that  
assumes no competition - Microsoft? (hopefully they will go out of business).

It's not especially easy to get away from google. You firstly have to make  
sure that your browser is set to for search. You need to use a real  
map, and a real diary (not a problem for me), or alternativly a free software  
one. DDG does not support image search, which I often need for schoolwork. I  
often use wikimedia commons for images. I read an article about it in a  
newspaper, not long ago, someone who had been challenged to not use google.  
Also, all the best videos are on YouTube. There is minitube, fortunatly

Re: [Trisquel-users] Million dollar question concerning the hardware we use

2013-09-26 Thread fernando . negro

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread fernando . negro

I'm not surprised to read that...

Since that, that's something known to be possible with modern-day phones,  
like cell ones - and when they're turned off:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread nux
Does google pay their tax in the US? In which countries do they not pay their  

They pay no tax in the UK as far as I know. Certainly, the stories of them  
walking away without paying hundreds of millions have been around for at  
least the past 5 years or so.
Nor in Europe, as they route all business through Southern Ireland. Ditto  
Microsoft. Ditto Apple and probably all the rest too. This was true a year or  
two ago, not sure if it still is, Almost certainly yes.

This is one of the principle reasons that the European economies are  
collapsing. High unemployment, caused first by automation and then by  
computerisation and now by immigration added to massive tax evasion. Here in  
the UK we have HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) making sweetheart  
deals with big names for them to avoid tax. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Million dollar question concerning the hardware we use

2013-09-26 Thread stask
…highlights the ability for an administrator to shut down PCs remotely  
“even if the PC is not connected to the network,” as well as the ability  
to bypass hard drive encryption.

“Intel actually embedded the 3G radio chip in order to enable its Anti  
Theft 3.0 technology. And since that technology is found on every Core  
i3/i5/i7 CPU after Sandy Bridge, that means a lot of CPUs, not just new vPro,  
might have a secret 3G connection nobody knew about until now,”reports  

Jeff Marek, director of business client engineering for Intel, acknowledged  
that the company’s Sandy Bridge” microprocessor, which was released in  
2011, had “the ability to remotely kill and restore a lost or stolen PC via  

“Core vPro processors contain a second physical processor embedded within  
the main processor which has it’s own operating system embedded on the chip  
itself,” writes Jim Stone. “As long as the power supply is available and  
and in working condition, it can be woken up by the Core vPro processor,  
which runs on the system’s phantom power and is able to quietly turn  
individual hardware components on and access anything on them.”

The above says it all: a second processor with its own operating system and  
phantom power supply which doesn't need to be connected to YOUR network (or  
any existing network you know of) because a secret 3g connection is built in!

Free software is great. However once it is installed on a machine with a chip  
containing these other features, it loses its freedom, as it is at the  
mercy of the other software built deep inside the hardware chip. It is a huge  
security and privacy lapse. Encryption is also bypassed. Wow.

As RMS says it will take lots of reverse engineering, and perhaps large  
bounties paid to those who can crack certain features. A never ending cat and  
mouse game.

The apparent old model of disinterested makers of computer hardware who would  
not reveal their firmware or microcode has changed from disinterest to  
complete interest in having the power and the benefits of having the keys to  
the kingdom remain under their control.

I can see why they are reluctant to give that power away. And why they  
often say, What's in it for us if we release the code? It's good to be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting to a pure Triskel ?

2013-09-26 Thread Teodorescu Petre
I got some packages when I tried to install trisquel and trisquel-mini
after I installed in a virtual machine triskel with NetInstall.
With those packages I created scripts that would remove the trisquel and
trisquel-mini packages.
I tested the scripts in virtualized environments and that should be it.

I attached the scripts to this message in case anyone might find them

I use: | | | | | | | | | | |
Description: application/shellscript
Description: application/shellscript

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread stask
A year or so ago (before I bailed for good) when Google changed the way they  
collect payment for Google Apps, it took 3 tech people 55 minutes to help me  
find out how they could accept my credit card.

Brain implants? Not yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome-Panel fails to load on startup sometimes

2013-09-26 Thread brian
This happens to me quite often.  I right click on the desktop and choose  
Open in Terminal then type gnome-panel and close the terminal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another annoying problem with flash

2013-09-26 Thread dhunt
+1 on copying the link, using unplug, and playing the media with vlc.  Totem  
and mplayer just don't stream as well as vlc, in my setup.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome-Panel fails to load on startup sometimes

2013-09-26 Thread Andrew R.
On 22/09/13 23:36, gaming4jc2 wrote:
 This sounds like a bug, but I no longer use Gnome3 myself. I was 
 wondering if anyone else experienced this problem before or knew how 
 to get a proper debug log without too much work? That way I can have 
 the bug filed.

Here is an existing bug report:

It seems to be caused by a segmentation fault.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is System Settings Network ?

2013-09-26 Thread prvteprts
I also noticed that this is notably missing from Toutatis. There might have  
been an important package that was not included in the Trisquel repositories.  
Any suggestions?

[Trisquel-users] How does Trisquel Mini work?

2013-09-26 Thread det31995
When I boot normal Trisquel, everything works graphically. When I boot  
Trisquel Mini, I get a CLI! Does this mean my computer is not compatible with  
Mini, or do I need to learn some commands?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread gramex

I am thoroughly convinced that Google is evil.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Trisquel Mini work?

2013-09-26 Thread gramex
That has happened to me, too, with many of my computers. I am able to install  
the package trisquel-mini, (With LXDE desktop environment) though.

[Trisquel-users] Login prompt does not show automatically after splash screen

2013-09-26 Thread prvteprts
After the latest update, this happened:

The login prompt only shows up after pressing any key. Has anyone encountered  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread chris
I'm pretty confident that the 3g is not built into the chips. It's dependent  
on the system having a compatible 3g card installed. So while this story has  
some level of truth to it it they made assumptions and stretched that truth.

If 3g was actually embedded in the chip somehow and I'm pretty confident its  
not you'd be able to detect it. Think about that for a moment. The chip has  
to send out a radio signal of some kind. Plus there is going to have to be an  
antenna of some kind or the reception would be horrible. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread darrenvenables
The mind is the last remnant of privacy we have, even if it cannot be shared.  
Now Google is encroaching on that. I won't stand for the idea that a  
corporation, or anyone for that matter, could listen to my every  
thought — not even if its source code is 100% libre (and I'm sure it  
won't be).

Like axgb said, All babies have google chip inplanted [sic]. Who knows what  
kind of effect this could have on a child's development? Whatever happened to  
having a choice about what goes on in your head?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some current free software friendly hardware

2013-09-26 Thread stask

A few new things...

1.) ARM processors also have built-in system restriction features available  


2.) Since it apparently is ethically ok to use hardware as is, (Is there such  
a thing as unethical hardware?) if ARM TrustZone is just another processor  
mode, can such hardware be used along with free software code to ensure the  
hardware DRM features for instance are turned off?

Can interacting with these features be used to keep things free rather than  
locked down?

3.) I suppose there could be (are?) backdoors or secret keys in these trusted  


4.) Also found this project to build a laptop.

5.) Still looking into Loongson options. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread onpon4
I'm not convinced that people would be receptive to embedding anything into  
themselves in the near future, outside of small niches. Especially embedding  
a chip into the brain seems like it would be an extremely invasive, dangerous  

Now, if that were to change in the future, we would need to convince people  
not to embed chips in their brains without public knowledge of how these  
hypothetical chips work and what they do, lest we run into a real-world  
supervillain brain control plot. But I don't think that's going to be an  
issue we face today even if it's possible for chips to be embedded into the  
brain in the first place.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-26 Thread adel . afzal
Thank for the responses guys.  I'm surprised at how popular Mini seems to be.  
 My computer is a pretty regular laptop.  It has a dual core Pentium  
processor.  Trisquel runs well on it.  I was wondering if Mini might run  

Here are my specs (I think these are right):

2.2ghz dual core Pentium 2mb cache
2gb ram
40 gb hdd 5400 rpm 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-26 Thread gramex

My laptop runs pretty fast with the normal Trisquel DE.
1.5 GHz Pentium M,
1 GB of RAM (2 Matched 512 MB RAM)
40 GB Hard Disk Drive, 5400 RPM

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-26 Thread adel . afzal
Cool; I was thinking of getting Abrowser even if I use Mini.  It probably  
won't come with Gnash and other extras (if there are any other extras)  
pre-installed from the repos though, right?

[Trisquel-users] new Unix implementation

2013-09-26 Thread jason

From: RMS%MIT-OZ@mit-eddie
Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards,net.usoft
Subject: new Unix implementation
Date: Tue, 27-Sep-83 12:35:59 EST
Organization: MIT AI Lab, Cambridge, MA

Free Unix!

Starting this Thanksgiving I am going to write a complete
Unix-compatible software system called GNU (for Gnu's Not Unix)...


Tomorrow (U.S. Eastern Time), go read the conversation from Usenet on, updated in real time as it was thirty years ago.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread stask

It's in the chip.

This video at around the 50 second mark says laptops do not have to be  
connected to a network and can still be disabled remotely. How?

Disable lost or stolen laptops, even if the PC is not connected to the  
network. (With a superscript 8) There is a footnote at the end of the video.

 ...Requires an enabled chipset, BIOS, firmware, and software... Strangely  
it says nothing about hardware. Also needs a ...subscription to a capable  
service provider...

List of providers
Intel® Anti-Theft Technology is an intelligent way for you to help secure  
the mobile assets of your workforce. This intelligent security technology is  
available on 4 generations of laptops based on Intel® Core™ and Intel®  
Core™ vPro™ processor families. This technology is built into the  
processor, so this will be activated even before the laptops startup and will  
work even without internet as it is hardwired and it is completely tamper  

Looking at several of the companies on intels service provider list is very  
interesting. Way lots of control so to speak.

Who's to say that like the onStar non-subscribers who are still being  
tracked, that something similar is not available on laptops to the right  
people or agencies?

Re: [Trisquel-users] new Unix implementation

2013-09-26 Thread jason

Or, how's this? A countdown timer for those in different time zones:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Million dollar question concerning the hardware we use

2013-09-26 Thread chris
I'd read that article with a bit of skepticism. While it points out issues  
that we really should be concerned about 3g being integrated in the CPU is  
not realistic. It would almost certainly be easy to detect. More than likely  
the article is written by someone who doesn't understand the technology or  
was trying to put things together in such a way that it was scary. It's scary  
although more because we don't have all the info about the technology in  
question rather than there actually being some unknown 3g chip inside every  
CPU. This technology almost certainly has to work alongside a 3g mini card  
and there would probably have to be other support on the system as well.  
However that isn't to say some of the technology doesn't exist in every  
system at some level. It would probably be trivial (given the amount of money  
governments have) to have Intel implement the system such that it  
communicates whenever there was an Internet presence detected. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secret 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access

2013-09-26 Thread chris
Your reading too much into without a network connection. That would still  
require a GSM module in the system. If you think about it logically you would  
still require a network connection of some kind to communicate the message  
disable system. Now it may be that the network card has firmware that is  
communicating with a server somewhere such that no GSM module is required to  
disable the system.

I would be interested in seeing the network traffic from testing anti-theft.  
Both wireless, ethernet, and GSM just so that we have a better understanding  
of how this technology actually works.

[Trisquel-users] Download Parted magic

2013-09-26 Thread Pascal Diogo Antunes
new release of parted magic, great, but how can I download it?
I have to pay?

Pascal Diogo Antunes.
Le vrai scandale n'est pas de manger des lasagnes au cheval sans le
savoir. Le vrai scandale est d'en manger au boeuf en le sachant.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Million dollar question concerning the hardware we use

2013-09-26 Thread nux
There's a reasonable chance that this stuff is aimed at Corporate espionage,  
spying on other nation's military/Governments and making sure that  
journalists with access to juicy stuff don't get ideas into their heads.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Million dollar question concerning the hardware we use

2013-09-26 Thread nux

And what network is it going to connect with?

Inductive scanning.
Much like RFID chips give up thir information when scanned, why not a powered  
down pc too? Surely it's just a matter of the power applied to the scan?
Several years ago it was reported that the ability had been obtained to scan  
a football stadium's worth of people in a few seconds and get a reliable read  
out of all present, using handheld scanners and RFID chips. That was a Linux  
being deployed story.

I do think that the various Gnu licences need updating to include strict  
clauses stopping their use in drones or any devices which can be used to  
monitor people without their being aware or kill them or in anything that  
compromises people's right to privacy, security or freedom.

Re Iran - it was claimed that their networks were shielded and secure from  
outside interference, yet the stuxnet virus got in. Either it was in the  
hardware to begin with, just waiting for a time/date/activation condition to  
arrive; or it was put there by someone undercover; or the ability to remotely  
infect exists.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Trisquel Mini work?

2013-09-26 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Try this

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Trisquel Mini work?

2013-09-26 Thread Sachin Dey
This similar issue occurs to me with trisquel-mini and parabola-lxde I 
trying to resolve this issue too.

Sachin Dey

On 27/09/2013 05:13 AM, wrote:

When I boot normal Trisquel, everything works graphically. When I
boot  Trisquel Mini, I get a CLI! Does this mean my computer is not
compatible with  Mini, or do I need to learn some commands?