[Trisquel-users] Re : how do I remove pages from a pdf?

2014-04-16 Thread cedricm33

Hi !

You can also use PDF Mod :


It's in Trisquel repos.

Besides removing pages, you'll be able to rotate, move or add them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do I remove pages from a pdf?

2014-04-16 Thread Andrew Roffey
Also a GUI program called pdfchain.


Re: [Trisquel-users] DSA, El Gamal, or RSA? SHA-256, or SHA-512? At minimum or at maximum strength?

2014-04-16 Thread adfenohuvlov

First, I'm sorry for reviving a topic, but this is really important.

I sent an email to Justin (actually, I sent two, but one was in Brazilian  
Portuguese, so he didn't understand it). Here follows my email:

== Start of email sent ==
Hi Justin,

Sorry if my last email seemed hard to understand, perhaps it's because I  
wrote it in Brazilian Portuguese. However, if you don't remember receiving an  
email sent by me, then just forget about this paragraph.

You can answer this email in English if you want.

OK, let me introduce myself: I'm a free software and free culture enthusiast,  
who also values privacy and security.

I must say that your article about the 128 and 256 bit keys [1] is very  
interesting, and also, your comment on a topic in the Linux Forums [2] makes  
me think more and more about this subject.

Because of this, I brought the question to my mates from the GNU+Linux-libre  
Trisquel project [3], but the questions haven't been answered.

And so I bring the questions to you: Which one is the most secure in each  

– DSA for signing with El Gamal for encrypting, or RSA for both?
– SHA-256 or SHA-512? Or other hash algorithm (in this case, which one)?
– At which strength (for example: 4096 bits)? Is the maximum strength  


[2] http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/security/3515-rsa-versus-dsa.html

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.
== End of email sent ==

One day later, he replied with the following email (which was adapted by me  
for enhanced readability):

== Start of email received ==
Boa noite, Adfeno!
Desculpe ... eu falo Português mais ou menos, but I will carry on with  
English if that's okay,

[Here, Justin talks about some “almost” personal information about him,  
so I'll just suppress it.]

As far as DSA/Elgamal vs RSA, I'd recommend this post from Thomas Pornin:  
http://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/1679 (I trust his judgment, and he points  
out a lot of the architectural issues that might be more tangible than the  
security differences.) Security-wise, I'd not be too worried about using  
either configuration.

As for SHA-256 vs. SHA-512 -- I'd say you should be secure with either. I  
don't know of any attacks that would cause one to choose one over another,  
from a practical security standpoint. I've sometimes seen people use SHA-512,  
and then truncate to 256 bits, if that's all they need. However, you'll not  
really notice a security difference between the two, in the real world.  
There's a good discussion of that here:  

Nowadays, if you can afford 4096-bit keys, that's a good choice; at the very  
least, 2048, but it's hard to say if that's even considered conservative  
right now.

I hope this helps! Feel free to e-mail me anytime and I'll do my best to  
respond as quickly as possible. If you're on Twitter, I partake in a lot of  
discussions there (@justintroutman).

Best regards,
== End of email received ==

Well, looks like we have gathered some good source of information which can  
help us decide how to make our next key pairs. It's also important to note  
what lloydsmart said: “I wasn't aware of the entropy problem with DSA, but  
it doesn't affect me as I have an external source of entropy”.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MediaGoblin campaign

2014-04-16 Thread mattij . lammi
t3g: I don't understand on how they need $200,000 to build MediaGoblin.  
Where is all that money going?

They just released an announcement about it:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an alternate site to download Viewtube?

2014-04-16 Thread zatroch

Greetings, I would give a chance to http://offliberty.com/ ;D

Re: [Trisquel-users] DSA, El Gamal, or RSA? SHA-256, or SHA-512? At minimum or at maximum strength?

2014-04-16 Thread Andrew Roffey
I believe it will *eventually* be recommended that GnuPG users switch to
ECC keys in the coming years, rather than RSA/DSA/ElGamal.

A 15360-bit RSA key should have roughly the same strength as a 521-bit
ECC key.

ECC will be supported in GnuPG 2.2 (current release is 2.0.22).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Julian Assange: Debian Is Owned By The NSA

2014-04-16 Thread gaming4jc2
While the OP claim against Debian isn't entirely valid (Julian never stated  
that OS in the video interview), much of the information is based on truth.  
We do know that many systems are intentionally infected - See: To Protect   
Infect [303c3], and also the trail of strange Debian bugs which leave you  
extra vulnerable. https://ftp.ccc.de/congress/30C3/webm/

As Grsec states wisely concerning the GNU/Linux kernel development -
The “many eyes” of open source are blind, uninterested, or selling to  
governments for profit (it’s not the 1992 AD scene anymore) - The Case for  
Grsecruity https://grsecurity.net/the_case_for_grsecurity.pdf

While these systems are open, not enough people are pentesting them for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Storing passwords

2014-04-16 Thread gaming4jc2

Here's at least two options.

If you have to use your head you can try XKCD's famous Horse Staple Battery  
Method: http://xkcd.com/936/

Generator - http://correcthorsebatterystaple.net/

Alternatively there's KeepassX (Same as Keypass but doesn't need Mono), plus  
it's in the native repo so you don't have to worry about sketchy PPA:


Why to be weary of PPAs:

[Trisquel-users] Having trouble running WindowMaker in Trisquel Mini

2014-04-16 Thread ericxdu23
I'd really like to try WindowMaker. I'm running Trisquel Mini 6.0. I've  
installed package wmaker, and I can manage to run it using xinit. However, if  
I try to launch it from LXDM, it fails and drops back to LXDM. I've tried  
this both on my regular install and from a live USB.

I'm not sure where to look to find out why it's failing, or where to start  
trying to fix it. Anyone have any ideas?