Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-12 Thread nux

Just another example of the pig headed stupidity that infects the Gnome Devs.
Remove a feature for no reason - get howled at by users - completely ignore  

Eventually I'm expecting Gnome to be locked down completely, so that nothing  
can be added, or changed or customised. At which point pretty much everyone  
will stop using it altogether, apart from the serious potato heads who have  
applauded every regression, removal and vandalisation of what used to be the  
best OpenSource DE there was.

Re: [Trisquel-users] very very slow initially, using instead

2014-08-12 Thread jason

The U.S. archive is run by the FSF so they're one at the same. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] is parabola down ?

2014-08-12 Thread tegskywalker
sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-trusty xserver-xorg-lts-trusty  

Re: [Trisquel-users] very very slow initially, using instead

2014-08-12 Thread tegskywalker

I don't use either and point my repos to

[Trisquel-users] Re : is parabola down ?

2014-08-12 Thread silemmo

Hey, thanks for your answer.

I already tried jxself's kernel without success. I didn't know about Trusty  
LTS enablement stack , and I really dont know how to compil xorg from source.

If you have some links, tutorials etc. that will be great.

Thanks again.

Re: [Trisquel-users] very very slow initially, using instead

2014-08-12 Thread jason

It's best to use mirrors instead of the main server (which is the es. one)

[Trisquel-users] very very slow initially, using instead

2014-08-12 Thread greg
Not sure why, but I noticed when doing an apt-get update that is very very slow, but just initially; seems to  
download packages fine once it gets going. It didn't used to be this way,  
say, a few weeks ago.

Anyway, I was trying out Trisquel 7 net install and noticed the same horrible  
slowness, so I just switched to and that seems to be  
working perfectly.

Not that big a deal, just figured I'd mention it in case someone else runs  
into the same thing -- though it's quite likely something to do with my  
network between here and there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] is parabola down ?

2014-08-12 Thread legimet . calc
I noticed that a few days ago when installing Parabola. Apparently, their  
main server is down. I don't know why, but the repos still work and you can  
still download the iso here.

If you want a newer version of Nouveau and you're on 6, you can try  
installing the Trusty LTS enablement stack. Otherwise, you might have to  
compile from source and/or use jxself's kernel.

[Trisquel-users] is parabola down ?

2014-08-12 Thread silemmo
Hi everybody, I am a user of both trisquel for stable servers and parabola  
for my home, but it seems they have problems. They dont have a forum and  
every pages redirect to the wiki, we even dont have the possiblity to  
download the iso :( .

I am sorry to bother you with questions for another distro but parabola was  
good for my nvidia card because it installed the latest nouveau drivers, with  
trisquel I cannot manage to find a good tutorial step by step to install  
them. Even ubuntu people dont bother to make tutorials for nouveau, they say  
install the nvidia drivers (non-free).
I also think that the help in is too complicated for me, I  
tried many times but I seem to do something wrong (or forget something) in  
the process. I dont understand very well how to modify a kernel etc.

So thanks, in advance for your answers I hope that parabola will comeback  

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Keyboard indicator.

2014-08-12 Thread mve1


I've been enjoying Trisquel 7 for a few days and today installed it on  
someone elses computer. Most things are going smoothly, but there is one  
issue that is persistent on both computers:

The keyboard indicator is not showing on the task bar. Usually the indicator  
appears automatically when more than one keyboard is added, but this seems  
not to be the case in Trisquel 7. indicator-keyboard is installed. Has anyone  
else faced this problem? In addition, I cannot switch keyboards with the  
keyboard shortcut.

Am I missing something? Maybe there's a checkbox somewhere that I haven't  
seen. I really tried to look everywhere for a solution.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Using images on wiki pages

2014-08-12 Thread franparpe

Thank you so much, now it works.

And also thanks to legimet for correcting the second image that early.

It's hard for me to show my gratefullnes in text, it's a pleasure for me to  
work for a community like this.

And sorry for being corny.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using images on wiki pages

2014-08-12 Thread myself600
This is normal; just replace multiple underscores with a HTML code  
counterpart: %5F.

[Trisquel-users] Using images on wiki pages

2014-08-12 Thread franparpe

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

I've writen a guide on how format an external storage devide from scratch:

it's under the section "advance" in "All Manuals".

The fact is that I don't know why I'm unable to make the images load on the  
page using html. In other words: Pictures don't load.

Please help.

Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-12 Thread davidvargas1


 Good luck with it!
 The country that I live is basically "STUPID WIN" orientated people. Other  
operating systems are not well versatile or understood at all. I have FIVE  
network desktop PC's, as a small business internet shop. The problem and the  
great majority of people, all they want is the win games and they don't care  
at all about educational programs OR alternatives. Basically they do black  
market win@@s severely.

Once in a while some computer student will ask for python, c-plus or java  
programs but besides that, to depend on them, as an income is a no go.

 My job basically, is too educated in the other alternatives that are  
available to the public USING GNU/LINUX. 

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-12 Thread magicbanana


Sorry for the outdated fix.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-12 Thread icarolongo

Since Nautilus 3.6 the status bar was removed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-12 Thread onpon4
I wouldn't be surprised if it has been moved to a separate plugin. If you  
want to find out if this is the case, search the Trisquel package names for  
"nautilus". For example, you could do "aptitude search nautilus" in a  
terminal, or you could use Synaptic's search feature.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-12 Thread nux

There is no "start with status bar" in that section of dconf on Trisquel 7.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-12 Thread magicbanana
I translated from French. Here, it is the fifth entry in the "View" menu.  
Also, I am still on Trisquel 6.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to remove unwanted App launchers from Panel?

2014-08-12 Thread nux

Thou art a magician.

Many thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to remove unwanted App launchers from Panel?

2014-08-12 Thread Sachin
Super+Alt and right click
Alt and right click

[Trisquel-users] How to remove unwanted App launchers from Panel?

2014-08-12 Thread nux
I put a launcher on the Panel and it's in the wrong place. How do I remove  

Re: [Trisquel-users] File Hosting Concerns?

2014-08-12 Thread Andrew Roffey
Torrents for the latest ISO images are now online:

If you download, please seed if you can. Thanks!
