[Trisquel-users] Re : New here ...

2014-08-21 Thread mtlben

Welcome :)!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't install Trisquel 7

2014-08-21 Thread jabjabs
Oh my I was trying to fix this problem last night! Once I get home I am  
trying this fix. Thank you!

[Trisquel-users] New here ...

2014-08-21 Thread knut . erik

Just wanna say "hi I'm new here".
Was searching for a GNU/Linux distribution without any propiritary blobs or  
other non free software and ended up with now trying trisquel. I'm pretty new  
to linux, well I was running debian on servers pretty much back in the  
-90ties (95-2000), but then "lost the way". After a couple of years now with  
reading and understanding where our sociaity is in terms of free internet,  
survalliance , security, anonymity etc. I decided to really try hard to use  
free software on my computers at home. Thanks to the community for creation  
of trisquel.

Tx and enjoy your day 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-21 Thread jabjabs
One can avoid paying Microsoft all they want, if it isn't dealt with moral  
terms and the the idea of proprietary software isn't considered a 'major  
issue' - then they will not see themselves get entrapped by the next big  
company that is out to lock people in.

"I have escaped Microsoft, now I use Apple" is not an improvement. I'm am  
talking to the converted here. :P 

Re: [Trisquel-users] I want to share this interview with RMS

2014-08-21 Thread jabjabs

Also available in Ogg format, don't forget that. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-21 Thread jabjabs
Creating this is the first step, don't be put off however if the first few  
events are a little quiet. Consistency of schedule (once a month for  
instance) is the secret to getting people involved.

I went to a local one just last night (Melbourne, Australia), it has been  
running for 3 years now and while the first meeting was just two people, it  
is now approximately 15-20 which considering the country is not that bad  
really. :D

Building a physical and not just mental community is a big thing and should  
be done where possible.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-21 Thread Andresmp

Hi Salparadise,
I imagined that was the case with several of us so I decided to go ahead and  
create one.

there is also the fsfe I believe one of the fsfe fellows lives closer to your  

Re: [Trisquel-users] I want to share this interview with RMS

2014-08-21 Thread nux

I favor http://snowdenandthefuture.info/ over YouTube because
snowdenandthefuture.info doesn't require you to accept cookies,
encourage users to install Flash, accept non-free media formats, or be
tracked by Google.

Quite right too. Only I didn't accept any cookies, or install flash - I  
downloaded the films as webm files and watched them from the hard drive.
And as to being tracked by Google - their logs will show someone using  
Trisquel swung by, downloaded 4 films in an open format and then left. I've  
had the same IP address for the last 10+ years, as far as I know - there  
ain't no hiding to be had.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I want to share this interview with RMS

2014-08-21 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens
I think http://snowdenandthefuture.info/ is the source site for that 
material. I favor http://snowdenandthefuture.info/ over YouTube because 
snowdenandthefuture.info doesn't require you to accept cookies, 
encourage users to install Flash, accept non-free media formats, or be 
tracked by Google. Also, http://snowdenandthefuture.info/ has 
transcripts of the talks.

I encourage listeners to recall what the public knew about the NSA in 
2007: we didn't have the benefit of Snowden's documents. We knew what 
other NSA whistleblowers were saying and that certainly was enough to 
take action, but Snowden's documents were concrete evidence of an 
organized spying going on at a level beyond what most understood to 
happen. I don't recall anyone publishing such details before Snowden.

I also encourage listeners to not let the style become the focus of 
consideration but consider the substance of what is said. O'Reilly 
shills for "open source" and unwilling to seriously engage in any 
freedom talk (just as the open source movement was designed to do). It's 
not that O'Reilly could only have done what he did without freedom talk, 
these were choices he made; O'Reilly chose to favor developmental 
methodology and not champion software freedom for its own sake.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-21 Thread legimet . calc

OK, but it still uses KDE 3.5 and is based on the unsupported Ubuntu 10.04.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where are all the security updates?

2014-08-21 Thread anthonypineiro
I agree security should be #1 priority. Why such a delay with security  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where are all the security updates?

2014-08-21 Thread icaro . perseo
Can someone be so kind as to confirm or refute this? Any notice or something?  
I also think it is a very sensitive issue.

Thanks in advance...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-21 Thread icarolongo

See the screenshot date: 2004-01-21

And the info: Early LiMux linux prototype screenshot from 2004/2005


Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-21 Thread simonafreeman

Nothing but fud:


Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't install Trisquel 7

2014-08-21 Thread jbar
I had a similar issue installing Trisquel 7 with the netinst iso. It failed  
when installing grub.

I solved it installing grub from a live cd. To do so, boot from a live cd and  
type the following in a terminal (I assume Trisquel is installed in /dev/sda  
hard drve and the root partition is /dev/sda1):

$ sudo su
# TARGET=/media/sda1
# mkdir -p $TARGET
# mount /dev/sda1 $TARGET
# mount --bind /dev $TARGET/dev
# mount --bind /dev/pts $TARGET/dev/pts
# mount --bind /proc$TARGET/proc
# mount --bind /sys $TARGET/sys
# chroot $TARGET /bin/bash

This places you in a root terminal on the trisquel system. Do whatever you  
want to do there, e.g. re-install grub.

# grub-install /dev/sda
# update-grub

To exit from chroot

# control-D

This brings you back to where you were in the live session and you can  

# umount -l $TARGET/dev/pts
# umount -l $TARGET/dev
# umount -l $TARGET/proc
# umount -l $TARGET/sys

Reboot to see if the problem is fixed

Re: [Trisquel-users] I want to share this interview with RMS

2014-08-21 Thread nux
I watched a series of 4 hour long films of Mr Moglen giving talks about Ed  
Snowden and NSA spying. Good stuff. He's quite strong in his condemnation of  
facebook and it's owners as well. I see what you mean now, the stance he took  
in the O'Reilly clip was very antagonistic and at odds with what he said  

For anyone who's not seen them and is interested...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCUJn-5By14 - part 1, the links to 2,3 & 4  
are on the page for part 1.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Shell on Trisquel 7 I18N 64-bit.

2014-08-21 Thread mampir
I also have a problem of nothing appearing when choosing the "GNOME" session  
at login.  I use actually the "System Default" session to start GNOME Shell.

The "GNOME Classic" session also works fine.  This is an extension which  
makes GNOME Shell look similiar to GNOME 2.  It's in the package  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Shell on Trisquel 7 I18N 64-bit.

2014-08-21 Thread Cyber Espace Montreal
You should take a look at your log , maybe something make it crash .

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Sachin  wrote:

> I said to that because a similar issue occurred in Trisquel 6 when I was
> using compton compositor.
> I have confirmed this issue on Trisquel 7, I tried removing
> "/etc/xdg/autostart/compton-autostart.desktop" that didn't fix it. I
> don't know what else might be stopping gnome-shell to run.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Shell on Trisquel 7 I18N 64-bit.

2014-08-21 Thread Sachin
I said to that because a similar issue occurred in Trisquel 6 when I was
using compton compositor.

I have confirmed this issue on Trisquel 7, I tried removing
"/etc/xdg/autostart/compton-autostart.desktop" that didn't fix it. I
don't know what else might be stopping gnome-shell to run.

[Trisquel-users] Where are all the security updates?

2014-08-21 Thread legimet . calc
If you look at the Ubuntu security notices for Trusty and Precise, a lot of  
the updated packages haven't showed up in Trisquel, neither Toutatis nor  
Belenos. I think the last security update I got was 2 weeks back for openssl.  
There's also an update from July for Apache which still hasn't showed up in  
Belenos: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2299-1/. I think this is a pretty  
serious issue.

[Trisquel-users] Can't install Trisquel 7

2014-08-21 Thread kakashi

I tried installing Trisquel 7 on my computer. It's a laptop that I've bought  
from ThinkPenguin so it should be compatible and I was previously running  
Trisquel 6 on it.

When I try to install Trisquel 7 on my computer everything works great in the  
beggining but after a while the installer crashes. I get a message which  
says: "The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/.  
Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot."

Is there anyway to fix this?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-08-21 Thread bitroad . co . ukk
I like your distinctive approach of writing particularly the design of  
victimization the idioms and supported phrases that is mind-blowing. I hope  
you'll not mind if I adopt this type of your. several thanks.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7: Memory leak?

2014-08-21 Thread stevekilleen


I had the same problem too. Performance isn't affected in any way, it just  
looks scary :-P

Anyway, the link above says to enter this command:

sudo apt-get remove libpam-smbpass

It did the trick for me! Hopefully others will find it helpful too.


Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-21 Thread nux

About time.

I'm in Birmingham - too far to come along - alas.
I've been wondering where the scene in the UK is at and whether anything  
local to me exists and what to about it if it doesn't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Shell on Trisquel 7 I18N 64-bit.

2014-08-21 Thread garsmith
Updating Gnome removes Startup Applications under System Settings. Its only  
under Tweak Tool but there is only a white border and a + symbol. Nothing  
happens when pushing that button. Before updating Gnome I don't have anything  
called "compton compositor" under Startup Applications.

I have been playing around with Gnome3 I think I have found a bug. At first I  
thought it was a dependency problem because I was removing software included  
in the Trisquel installation. When I disable "Icons on Desktop" under Tweak  
Tool and then login to Gnome there is only the background. I have to open a  
terminal with keyboard shortcut (Default Ctrl+Alt+T) to get rest of Gnome  
back plus a terminal window.

Also when I have it disabled the right click menu is Gnome 3 style but with  
it enabled its the Trisquel default right click menu.

I'm trying as informative as possible so other people can get help in the  
future. But now I have hijacked this thread. I'm now giving it back.