Re: [Trisquel-users] Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread blade . vp2020

If you want linux, you know where to find it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread onpon4
Another thing about wireless: it's possible to update Trisquel without an  
Internet connection on the computer being updated, via apt-offline:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv

Try kernel PPAs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] install a full Trisquel on a USB flash drive

2014-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv

Here's my suggeston: Get a USB Hard Drive and install there instead.

I've never tried that, though. IS it less risky, Chris?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help with installing Trisquel on MacBook?

2014-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv
Try a proper CD. Perhaps try having Super GRUB2 disk on it (I'm not sure it  
boots to the USB drive, though).

A more surefire option is The Plop boot manager (burned to a CD). It's not  
free though since it can't be used commercially. But I know it works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv
I'm not especially religious, but my point was exactly that, the false  
gods will be phased out over time, not incorporated. There is no reason  
someone could not create a program that handles flash securely for example.  
From the looks of it, unfortunately, that's doesn't seem to be happening with  
Open Source. Not in my view, anyway.

I think Open Source is actually incorporating proprietary-ness into their  
software beliefs, if you will.

And the point I was trying (and apparently failed, sorry!) to make with my  
ELP, Tull, Genesis example was not that the devs don't care about security  
(they do!), but that it's not their only concern so one can't say they're all  
about security (just like the fact that despite those bands caring a lot  
about money, they're not all about them since they still make great music).

Perhaps I was placing a tad too much focus on a few words..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread nux

the false gods will be phased out over time, not incorporated

Depends which branch of Christianity you're talking about. Catholicism, which  
was born in Imperial Rome, took from the Roman tradition the practice of  
incorporating local gods and saints into the Catholic hierarchy, as well as  
aligning Christian holy days with pre-existing pagan days.
A bit like the way certain (most) distros now don't care about freedom or  
power, but only care for convenience and being as Corporate and proprietary  
friendly as possible. And just as anyone who tried to question Catholic  
Church authority met a nasty end, so does anyone who dares to question the  
practice of presenting every Linux distro as a blow for freedom when most are  
the exact opposite.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread davidvargas1

Very well compare and spoken with fortitude and certitude. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv

the false gods will be phased out over time, not incorporated

Let's agree to disagree, then. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] install a full Trisquel on a USB flash drive

2014-09-02 Thread spiritualmirror

use non Journaling file system like ext2.

Re: [Trisquel-users] finding particular pages within PDFs

2014-09-02 Thread adel . afzal
I tried running the script again today, but am having trouble.  When I cd to  
the directory where pdf-page-grep is, and enter pdf-page-grep, the terminal  
tells me that there is no such command.

I tried moving the script to the directory in my PATH variable; I'm not sure  
that this went well.

adel@adel-W55xEU:~/Desktop/research$ sudo mv pdf-page-grep /usr/local/bin/
[sudo] password for adel:
no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory
adel@adel-W55xEU:~/Desktop/research$ pdf-page-grep
bash: /usr/local/bin/pdf-page-grep: Permission denied

[Trisquel-users] Install TOR Browser

2014-09-02 Thread santiago . lorente
Hi, I'm new on Trisquel and GNU/Linux, so please take it into account...  
thank you!

There is a thread named Prolems with the TOR Browser where the same problem  
I have is described. But it seems like closed, I could not add a post, that's  
why I am starting a new one.

The thing is that, when I had MS Windows, it was easy to have TOR installed  
with the Tor Bundle, which easily installed Vidalia and The Tor Browser  
(especially configured for TOR). But for Trisquel, both the  
and reads that it is better to follow their especial  
instructions to install TOR at:

I did, and I managed to make Vidalia work (although many times does not want  
to run because it says it is already running). But the main problem I have is  
that I do not know where the TOR Browser is or how to get it.

1. Have I installed it yet?
2. Or do I have to configure my Abrowser -or another browser- for TOR  
3. And why is it recommended in the mentioned thread (Prolems with the TOR  
Browser) to install a TOR Bundle when both and  
do not?

Unfortunately I do not know what Antarta -from the mentioned thread- finally  
did to have a Browser working with TOR.

4. And, do you know why my Vidalia too often cannot be open and says it is  
already running? I manage to kill the process but makes no difference, I have  
to reboot the computer to make it work.

Thanks a lot

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install TOR Browser

2014-09-02 Thread 555

Download the latest Tor browser:

Right click on the archive and 'extract here'

Right click on the Tor browser folder and 'open in terminal'

Type sh start-tor-browser on the command line

and you are good to go!

Caveat: I've encountered issues with running Tor browser from time to time in  
that the browser won't open. Closing the terminal window and trying again  
works most of the time. Occasionally, after 3-4 tries, I will be forced to  
open in safe mode. Saving the bookmarks in a separate file and extracting the  
folder again (import the bookmarks) will get you going. I've reported the  
issue (since the past 3-4 versions of the browser), but it still happens.

Having said that, I use Tor browser almost exclusively. Works great! (most of  
the time)

Re: [Trisquel-users] finding particular pages within PDFs

2014-09-02 Thread mikko . viinamaki
That means there's no such command in your $PATH. If the script is in the  
research folder and executable you need to run it with ./scriptname

Re: [Trisquel-users] finding particular pages within PDFs

2014-09-02 Thread adel . afzal

Right!  Thank you!

I moved the script to the directory in my PATH variable like MB suggested.   
But I'm not sure that it worked properly.  I'll do a little research about  
that and try again more carefully.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ruben's talk won't be available via livestream but instead recorded and uploaded.

2014-09-02 Thread gromobir

I agree, please upload the video.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which packages have the debug symbols for these libraries?

2014-09-02 Thread sstewartgallus00
Isn't Trisquel based on Ubuntu and so shouldn't it have dbgsym packages  
somewhere (Ubuntu did this thing where they automated debug symbol package  

Re: [Trisquel-users] finding particular pages within PDFs

2014-09-02 Thread adel . afzal
Is it possible to search for pages that contain words -- at least one word  
from each of two groups?  For example:

First group of ORs:  car, truck, bus, bicycle, or motorcycle


Second group of ORs:  blue, red, green, purple, or beige

So a good hit could have the word green and truck on the same page (but  
not necessarily near eachother on the same page).

A good hit may look like He had a green truck.  A good hit could also look  
like He didn't drive the truck near the green trees.  So long as 1+ word  
from each group is on the same page.

Could I implement such a feature if I learn Shell script?

Re: [Trisquel-users] finding particular pages within PDFs

2014-09-02 Thread adel . afzal
I just thought of something.  I could use pdf-page-grep to do a first pass  
with my first group of ORs.

Then I could split the matches file into single-page PDFs.

And then use a new set of ORs on those single-page PDFs.

This would be like having an And in the search.   Is there an automatic way  
to split the matches-PDF into single page PDFs?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ruben's talk won't be available via livestream but instead recorded and uploaded.

2014-09-02 Thread blade . vp2020

please upload the video.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which packages have the debug symbols for these libraries?

2014-09-02 Thread legimet . calc
Well, Debian and Ubuntu don't have all of the debug packages either. You  
could file a bug on Debian BTS or Launchpad.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install TOR Browser

2014-09-02 Thread legimet . calc
Note that if you are using a GUI file manager, it's easier to simply double  
click on start-tor-browser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install TOR Browser

2014-09-02 Thread 555
That works too. Funny thing is that never occurred to me. Not sure if that's  
a good or bad thing. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ruben's talk won't be available via livestream but instead recorded and uploaded.

2014-09-02 Thread jabjabs
I keep forgetting about this until it gets a bump. :D I'm sure it will come  
in time, or simply drift out of consciousness. Shouldn't stress over it  

[Trisquel-users] Re : install a full Trisquel on a USB flash drive

2014-09-02 Thread magicbanana

Better: F2FS, a filesystem specifically designed for Flash memories.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread jason

it goes entirely against Linux-Libre's goal.

No it doesn't. Linux-libre has *never* had the goal to stop people from  
running non-free software - sorry if you or anyone else has thought that this  
was so. The fact that the kernel doesn't load firmware is only a side effect  
of the work that was done to not have it *recommend* the firmware, but it is  
only a side effect - There was never the intention to have it stop loading  
firmware. This has been a bug ever since Linux-libre was started, albeit one  
considered a low priority but it's slowly being fixed.

[Trisquel-users] Re : finding particular pages within PDFs

2014-09-02 Thread magicbanana
I do not understand your need to split the output PDF into single pages. As  
far as I understand, you can:

execute 'pdf-page-grep' with the original PDFs in argument and specify the  
elements in the first group as patterns; the output is a PDF whose name is  
written at the end of the execution;
execute 'pdf-page-grep' with that single PDF in argument and specify the  
elements in the second group as patterns; the output is what you want.

As I have already tried to explain, your query needs to be written as a  
conjunction of disjunctions (and this is what you did!):

You were talking about combining AND and OR queries. The current command  
takes care of the OR part... but, to get your AND, you can then process the  
output PDF with the same command. You therefore need to rewrite your query in  
the conjunctive normal form (there is a good chance it already is in this  

Anyway, and even if it looks unnecessary in your case, here the answer to  
your question: 'pdfseparate' is the command to split a PDF into single pages.  
'pdf-page-grep' actually uses it (with the options -f and -l to specify an  
interval of pages to extract).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread legimet . calc
Agreed. It's exactly like how anyone can install nonfree software in  
Trisquel, but it doesn't assist you in doing it. Besides, allowing the  
loading of blobs can make it possible to install a free replacement if one  
has come out but Linux-libre hasn't deblobbed the driver. (Of course, this  
doesn't happen very often)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread jason

This is completely agaisnt free software philosophy

Hardly. The FSF would never want to control what software people run on their  
computers, even if they could. To quote from

The issue here is not whether people should be able or allowed to install  
nonfree software; a general-purpose system enables and allows users to do  
whatever they wish.

And then:

The issue is whether we guide users towards nonfree software. What they do  
on their own is their responsibility; what we do for them, and what we direct  
them towards, is ours. We must not direct the users towards proprietary  
software as if it were a solution, because proprietary software is the  

Linux-libre won't do the recommending, but if someone has taken the time to  
go get and install the non-free firmware of their own accord it'll load it  
once the blobhush stuff is done as to not not recommend it (in the form of  
error messages that get logged and displayed) when it's not present. It's  
been a difficult issue to solve, and considered a low priority, which is why  
it's only finally getting addressed.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Install TOR Browser

2014-09-02 Thread magicbanana
Even better, use the Main menu utility (you can find it in the System  
settings), create a New item and specify the path to start-tor-browser  
as the Command).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread magicbanana
Going even further: actively working against the possible execution of some  
proprietary software could be considered an attack on freedom 0!

Re: [Trisquel-users] install a full Trisquel on a USB flash drive

2014-09-02 Thread chris
I'm unsure what the exact objective is, but if you need something to be  
fairly reliable I'd stick with a 2.5 5400 or 7200 RPM drive + USB case. If  
the USB part goes you can replace it and the hard disk part won't wear out  
like a USB flash drive does. If the hard disk part dies it'll probably be  
years later (if you get a decent drive anyway). If the USB part goes you can  
just replace the case.

I wish I had a better solution, but even doing something like a raid setup  
with flash drives isn't that reliable. What you end up with is having to  
replace one or the other flash drives frequently and the syncing of the new  
drive is unbearably slow.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Allow switching between kernels in GRUB

2014-09-02 Thread nux

What do you need full nvidia acceleration for, if I might ask?

I have nvidia cards in both my dekstops - on Trisquel 7 I found that nouveau  
is sufficient to run some games (nexuiz, 0AD, etc) (even one Windows based  
game running in WINE) without the need to install the proprietary drivers.