[Trisquel-users] Re : How do I enrypt an external hard drive?

2015-04-01 Thread lcerf

See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage

[Trisquel-users] Re : New Updates: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) version 42 etc.

2015-04-01 Thread lcerf
It is non-functional data too:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] bbc iplayer

2015-04-01 Thread maestro

youtube-dl is gold! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread chaosesqueteam

You people do NOT have the right to CHANGE the whole system.
You people DO NOT have the right.

GNU/Linux was a systemV unix like OS. Systemd changes that. Systemd subverts  
unix permissions, wastes resources like crazy, and seeks to lock in it's use  
by entangling even things like the gimp with it. The systemd proponents have  
a missionary zeal not seen since the inquisition.

Systemd: the rootable userspace kernel under the real (and usually also  
rootable) kernel.

Every systemd supporter also happens to be SJW/Feminist. It comes with the  
soft thinking. New == Better. They are scum that FORCE their way.

Just like 1000Watt CPU == Better than 5Watt CPU.
Which on would you like on your lap?

Systemd is inelegant crap. It makes BSDinit vs SysV seem quaint.

You do NOT have the right to be the THEY

And no, once systemd is in, you have no choice. It cannot be removed because  
the userspace programs are _rewritten_ to
rely on SystemD and it's libs, and will no longer work or even compile on a  
non SystemD system from that point in time forward.

It is lock-in just like what MicroSoft pulled.

Lennart and his SJW-Tumblr-Feminist people are the same sorts as BillyG. The  
revolution OS is dead.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread lcerf


Just read in this thread the arguments against systemd and you will  
basically only see rants based on nothing concrete:

It is bloated and just wastes and wastes and wastes... when evidences show  
it saves time at startup (thanks to init scripts started in a parallel way),  
when code is shared among several small binaries (the advantage of an  
umbrella project), etc.;
It is all about NIH syndrome... when systemd does not reinvent. It has so  
much more features than SysV init: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/why.html;
Linux pre-systemd pre-gnome-imposion was elegant... when init scripts are  
long Shell scripts (systemd's init files are small and declarative), daemon  
need to implement 15 steps, etc.
Yes they forked LINUX the OS, indeed not the kernel, all of userspace...  
whatever that means! Lol.
in Unix system design, it is a generally understood principle that a big  
task not be handled by a big program, but rather a collection of small  
programs, each tackling one specific, well-defined component of the larger  
task... and that is precisely what systemd does: it is an umbrella project  
that develops close to 100 small binaries (only one of them being PID 1,  
the sysvinit that comes with Linux... when the kernel has never come with  
an init system.
yes systemd is Broken by design... is it? What is wrong with defining the  
dependencies between init scripts with a dependency tree (systemd's design)?  
How is it a worse design than making the init scripts take care of their  
dependencies by themselves, sometimes involving some 'sleep' to hope that the  
other script started in between (sysvinit's design)?
I want to keep my system as simple as possible... and a Turing-complete  
language (the Shell) to define init script is simpler than a declarative  
it is like a religious mission trying to force it upon everybody... when  
the developers of all mainstream GNU/Linux (except Slackware) have openly  
decided to adopt systemd for its technical merits;
systemd require rebooting unless the component being upgraded is the  
kernel... when it is the exact opposite and that does have anything to do  
with the init system;
the laughing stock of Windows fans... who have the worst OS ever (you were  
talking about reboots?).

And the funniest thing is how those Trisquel users praise sysvinit... that  
Trisquel has *not* been using since version 2.0 that was released in 2008!  
Trisquel uses Upstart. systemd's detractors do not even seem to know it. That  
is how informed they are.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread lcerf
Blackbox is not maintained because it does not have any developer anymore.  
Fluxbox (a fork of Blackbox) is actively maintained (last release: less than  
two months ago).

GNUStep is maintained.

But, sure, you can use unmaintained programs if you wish. Their unresolved  
bugs, their unpatched security issues, their old libraries that will prevent  
you from installing newer programs, etc.

GNOME 2 is unmaintained. MATE is. And it plans to adapt to the newer system  
components by supporting GTK3 and Wayland:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread legimet . calc
This *IS* his second account. His first account was vPro. He was banned and  
his posts were deleted from the forum, but they can still be viewed in the  
mailing list archives or web.archive.org.

Re: [Trisquel-users] For free desktop email programs, Geary is still an option

2015-04-01 Thread tomlukeywood
wel you could just do that and then fill the rest of the file with zero's to  
make it bigger and if it needs root then just do

rm -r /home/user/*

Re: [Trisquel-users] For free desktop email programs, Geary is still an option

2015-04-01 Thread legimet . calc

But the deb could have a malicious preinst/postinst script.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread blade . vp2020

i agree

Re: [Trisquel-users] For free desktop email programs, Geary is still an option

2015-04-01 Thread legimet . calc
That won't compile, because your #include preprocessor directive isn't  
complete. You should #include .

Re: [Trisquel-users] I Succeeded to convince a few Is the use of free software

2015-04-01 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Congratulations. I think of it as our duty to inform other people of this  
important issue that is free software. We must remember not everybody can be  
made to see the light and rejoice when even one person does.

Re: [Trisquel-users] For free desktop email programs, Geary is still an option

2015-04-01 Thread tegskywalker
This is an official PPA from the developer (Yorba) for their GPL licensed  
Geary software.

Do your research before you mislead users.

[Trisquel-users] What forum software is Trisquel.info running?

2015-04-01 Thread elkingrey
Is this out of the box software or was this created by the trisquel.info  
website dev?

I like the fact that it doesn't throw any LibreJS complaints. There may be  
free software forums out there, but even then they contain js that doesn't  
conform to LibreJS standards, and so, while technically free, it still fails  
the LibreJS smell test.

Note: Not a dev, but would like to suggest LibreJS software to others as an  


Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I enrypt an external hard drive?

2015-04-01 Thread gary02121993
Thanks a lot but I found this:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] I Succeeded to convince a few Is the use of free software

2015-04-01 Thread tegskywalker
I'm pretty set in having 100% free software on my system, but having free  
hardware is near impossible from BIOS firmware to the router that came with  
my ISP, and not being able to use basic 3D acceleration with my GTX 970 until  
Nouveau is up to date.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What forum software is Trisquel.info running?

2015-04-01 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

I believe it's Drupal 7 with some customizations.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I Succeeded to convince a few Is the use of free software

2015-04-01 Thread danigaritarojas

Yeah, congratulations alimiracle!
60 people is an amazing number! How long did it took to you to convince them?

Making them think of modifying the programs that use them
While the programs that they use closed programs were not able to be modified
then they feel need freedom
Are you saying that you manage to make them realize the value of the freedom  
to modify a program?
Now thats just great! But makes me wonder. The people that you convince, were  

But was with regret that the computers they use so bad
I can't convince them to use computers contain Libreboot
They do not have money to buy a new device
It's ok, you can't change the world in a day, not even just your friends, it  
takes time, even if it's for the better. Don't regret because 60 people use  
bad hardware, be happy because you convince 60 people to use only free  
software. You have  already won 50% of the battle for that 60 people, and the  
last 50% is just a matter of money. Still, good to know that you won't be  
satisfied until you get a 100% freedom respecting computer :)

I'm Succeeded to transfer some of their computers to use Libreboot
You even did that? That's a lot of work if you put all together! You can be  
proud of yourself, because you invested a lot of time in a noble cause, maybe  
you didn't get richer, but you helped your community and got valuable  
experience, experience at convincing people, experience at flashing computers  
with a libre bios, you even get some experience with English by writing in  
this forum :P

And that's more valuable than money (at least for me).

Regards and have a nice day

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hibernation on Korora

2015-04-01 Thread chris

Yes- both hibernate and suspend work in Trisquel 7.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Updates: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) version 42 etc.

2015-04-01 Thread chaosesqueteam
Incorrect. PK3s can contain compiled game code (ex: quake C ) to be run on a  
VM, or really anything.

Re: [Trisquel-users] For free desktop email programs, Geary is still an option

2015-04-01 Thread tomlukeywood

I may be wrong
your not

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread chaosesqueteam

(thanks to init scripts started in a parallel way)
Current Debian 7 SystemV starts init scripts in parallel, So too does Debian  
6. You would know that if you were paying attention. This is how informed you  

I run Debian SysV. Not upstart (which is garbage too).

when the developers of all mainstream GNU/Linux (except Slackware) have  
openly decided to adopt systemd for its technical merits

Nope, they just banned anyone who disagreed. I wouldn't call the current  
maintainers of distros experts. The experts left. What we have left are SJW  
ideologues (they also kick out anyone not progressive).

You faggots have won linux. I hope you rot in the pile of shit you are  
turning it into. Fking scum.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread tomlukeywood

i agree
if there are any trisquel forum admins reading this
please make this his final warning

[Trisquel-users] Re : Linux-Libre Kernel problems

2015-04-01 Thread calinou
Nouveau will probably never support Maxwell using exclusively free firmware.  
The firmware is signed by NVIDIA and not replaceable. Only firmware signed by  
NVIDIA can be used.

There is no 3D acceleration for Maxwell currently (no firmware available  
right now), and there will probably never be one with free firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] bbc iplayer

2015-04-01 Thread tomlukeywood

i just updated thank you these pepole!!:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-04-01 Thread maestro
I don't know if systemd is better or worse. The only thing I know is that it  
is free software.. Anyway I hate to say this but the behavior of this loco  
team is unacceptable and some measures ought to be taken. This is like the  
1321th time he posts extremely unpleasant, stupid and rude shit - his account  
should be banned. I guess then he would open a second and third and so on  
account.. but anyway, I repeat - this kind of behavior (rot..pile of  
shit...scum and not to mention the vomit he posts here related to his extreme  
fear of the gentle sex) is simply unacceptable and makes this community look  

Re: [Trisquel-users] For free desktop email programs, Geary is still an option

2015-04-01 Thread blade . vp2020

You're right
but Not in this way
سوف تُستخدم مساهمتك لتحسين جودة
This program Exposed
It is so small
and nede root

[Trisquel-users] New thing to disable on Abrowser 37

2015-04-01 Thread tegskywalker
Firefox 37 just came out and added a new feature called Haertbeat. To  

Open about:config in a new tab
Search for and set browser.selfsupport.url to 

Source: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/03/firefox-37-download-new-features

Re: [Trisquel-users] New thing to disable on Abrowser 37

2015-04-01 Thread franparpe
If checked the Abrowser helper on Trisquel's code and I'm happy to tell you  
that Heartbeat will be disabled on the next release of the browser so don't  
worry about that.

[Trisquel-users] I Succeeded to convince a few Is the use of free software

2015-04-01 Thread blade . vp2020

hi all
I Succeeded to convince a few Is the use of free software

but Many refuse
I still trying
I was able to convert 60 people
In fact, most of my words with them was adapted from rms articles
 I gave them live examples
I modify some free software to fit needs
Making them think of modifying the programs that use them
While the programs that they use closed programs were not able to be modified
then they feel need freedom
   now are using trisquel gnu/linux
But  was with regret that the computers they use so bad
I can't convince them to use computers contain Libreboot
They do not have money to buy a new device
I'm Succeeded to transfer some of their computers to use Libreboot