Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software XMPP Servers

2015-07-08 Thread deavmi
Okay I have found that ejabberd is GPLv2 licensed here .

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software XMPP Servers

2015-07-08 Thread onpon4

Lots. There's a directory of XMPP servers here:

FSF members also get an XMPP account from there, IIRC.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnewsense and Blag

2015-07-08 Thread strypey
The reason BLAG is on the FSF list is because it is a 100% free code disto,  
which calls itself GNU+Linux (or GNU/Linux), and doesn't use non-free  
javascript on its home page. Honestly, those are the criteria. BLAG  
Spartacus was so broken when I tried to use it that it inspired me to  
create this:

It was not long after I wrote this that I installed Trisquel 6.0, which has  
worked well for me ever since. Will do a fresh install of 7.0 soon, on a  
larger partition. Apparently the FSF do support gNewSense, which I haven't  
tried for about 5 years, and Utoto, which I haven't tried at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on Trisquel 7.1 based off of Ubuntu 14.04.3 with release in July or August

2015-07-08 Thread davesamcdxv
GNUser probably wrote that with in mind.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweak your browser to enhance security and privacy

2015-07-08 Thread greatgnu
pizzaiolo. I've been working on the about:config preferences for several  
hours some months ago. In fact, at some point I was thinking about writing  
some kinda list and place it here in the wiki. But, for some reason, I  

I know I changed a lot of things. Every single setting I double or triple  
checked. Changes in the list are all about privacy/security. And there are a  
lot of things I changed. These changes have not in any way broken my browser  
or browsing experience. Everything works just fine.

Here you can find my prefs.json -

Feel free to browse it and add to your list whatever you find useful from my  

It's a tough work but somebody has to do it :)

And when the list in the page you created is final and done, when the page is  
mature, I will translate it to Italian.


[Trisquel-users] Free Software XMPP Servers

2015-07-08 Thread deavmi

Are here any servers running Free software licensed XMPP servers?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweak your browser to enhance security and privacy

2015-07-08 Thread nicolasmaia
Thanks maestro! That's a lot of tweaks. I trust you to add them to the page,  
as I don't know what any of these do :P

When/if you do, be sure to explain a bit what each of these does. Cheers!

Re: [Trisquel-users] What you think of LibreSSL?

2015-07-08 Thread gnuser
I know this has been subject of many debates since the news came out, and  
while the situation might not be as bad as it seems, I do remember without a  
doubt that Jacob Applebaum (one of the journalists that is helping releasing  
the NSA documents and therefore has access to most information) said in a  
speech that yes, SSH has been made insecure.

Still, I am more interested in the LibreSSL project right now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on Trisquel 7.1 based off of Ubuntu 14.04.3 with release in July or August

2015-07-08 Thread gnuser


Re: [Trisquel-users] What you think of LibreSSL?

2015-07-08 Thread gnuser
Being stripped down could be a good thing... since that would make the code  
easier to maintain and audit when necessary.
Not that I think the GNU/Linux distros out there will start using it, BSD  
distros might.

I like the idea of KISS software :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software XMPP Servers

2015-07-08 Thread deavmi

I think I will be going with wtfismyip as the server.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software XMPP Servers

2015-07-08 Thread deavmi

As it runs ejabberd.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweak your browser to enhance security and privacy

2015-07-08 Thread legimet . calc
Once DRM arrives on the GNU/Linux version of Firefox, quidam will disable it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweak your browser to enhance security and privacy

2015-07-08 Thread travis
I will usually recommend people take a look at also. It gives  
some great alternatives to nonfree programs and some recommended  
firefox/abrowser/etc addons.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What you think of LibreSSL?

2015-07-08 Thread davidvargas1

Only a few days old, OpenSSL fork LibreSSL is declared “unsafe for Linux”

I'm not an expert but testing a software program, before is release is  
essential in my books. Openssl nor libressl has not been tested sufficiently  
to me. So Ill stay away from it!

 Follow the links and read the articles.

OpenSSL code beyond repair, claims creator of “LibreSSL” fork

Re: [Trisquel-users] Finding pirated intellectual property - is there a suitable Trisquel-compliant application ?

2015-07-08 Thread travis

I'm not sure how to do exactly what you're asking, but I do have a question:

Is it so bad that the person is borrowing your content? I'm not sure of the  
exact details, but is the content something that could easily be published  
under a CC or GNU FDL (Not sure if that would be a good license for digital  
content, so it may not be the best choice.) license? Is the context in which  
the content is being published unethical or misrepresenting you? Maybe I'm a  
lot more lax with content I create but I believe it is good to use a CC  
license or even donate it to the public domain so others can benefit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweak your browser to enhance security and privacy

2015-07-08 Thread greatgnu
As promised, here you will find a trimmed list with only the relevant entries  
and a brief description of what they do.

I'm sure there are many others I ignore.
I will give it another look one of these days.


Re: [Trisquel-users] No JS Support

2015-07-08 Thread jei
If you want NoScript to work you should always remove the whitelist that it  
comes shipped with by default. It's very easy to do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What you think of LibreSSL?

2015-07-08 Thread jei

You're thinking about this I reckon:

He does say that there have been SSH sessions cracked, but that doesn't mean  
SSH in itself is insecure every time you use it. It still could've been mitm,  
or just insecure settings (SSH has different protocol versions, many  
different ciphers that can be used etc. of course some of them aren't  
I think you can use SSH in a secure way, but you have to make sure you're  
using the latest version on both of your machines and that you configure it  
in a secure fashion, for example this guide seems to give reasonable advice  
from what I can tell:

Re: [Trisquel-users] What kind of email services are you using and recommend and why?

2015-07-08 Thread tomlukeywood

i personally use fastmail as they have a good privacy policy

but there’s still the problem that all my emails are stored on fastmails  
servers so i can never rely know(unless i buy the company..) if they sell my  
emails or give them to surveillance agency’s

so the best option is to run your own email server
the only reason why i haven’t done this yet(and i hope too soon) is i  
haven’t found the time yet.

if you don’t know how to set up a mail server there was recently a post on  
this forum about it(and you can always ask on this fourm):

and also its a good idea privacy wise to encrypt your emails:
this page has some info on encrypting emails:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Radio Talk Show covering Free Software : Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

2015-07-08 Thread chris

I should also point out the talk starts at the 1 hour mark.

[Trisquel-users] What kind of email services are you using and recommend and why?

2015-07-08 Thread scottfike

I am somewhat curious as to what kind of email services some of you  
Trisquel users are using, especially webmail services? I'm considering  
switching from using Google Gmail (which I've used for many years now) to  
something that is far more privacy and freedom respecting...

Thank you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweak your browser to enhance security and privacy

2015-07-08 Thread jei
They don't have it and will never get it, because DRM support required  
proprietary software.

[Trisquel-users] Radio Talk Show covering Free Software : Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

2015-07-08 Thread chris
For anybody here who is interested I gave a two hour talk on free software  
this morning. This wasn't at a conference or similar event, but on the radio.  
The show was Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock. It runs on the  
Liberty Radio Network (LRN) which is a radio network broadcast throughout  
Europe, Africa, and the United States.

It was a bit challenging given the radio personality, advertisers cutting in,  
and a poor connection, but none-the-less I attempted to get in the gist of  
what free software is, and as many other related issues as I could.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Radio Talk Show covering Free Software : Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

2015-07-08 Thread paradigmlift
I just heard an interview the other day with Mr Hancock on the Peace  
Revolution Podcast.  I was surprised because even though he is very bombastic  
and opinionated, he totally seemed to get it about technological freedom.   
Looking forward to listening to your interview

Re: [Trisquel-users] What kind of email services are you using and recommend and why?

2015-07-08 Thread abhijithb21
I use I liked the interface and the fact that it is  
recommended by FSF.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What kind of email services are you using and recommend and why?

2015-07-08 Thread jabjabs
I too also use Fastmail and while I don't think that they directly give out  
the information I would guess that it eventually gets caught up in the NSA's  
Prism program as the company is based in Melbourne, Australia (Home town  
yay!) but the servers are in New York, US. :(

[Trisquel-users] ProteanOS endorsed by FSF

2015-07-08 Thread legimet . calc
The embedded system distro ProteanOS has finally been endorsed by the FSF:

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-08 Thread luisdc
Our goal is to provide Free Software and Hardware. We have a long road until  
we can finally provide a fully 100% Libre computer, but all our software is  
Free Software only, we worked on a Coreboot version as a start before trying  
a truly free BIOS, but it didn't work well for a lot of reasons (lack of  
time, money and knowledge). So, yes we are trying our best but it isn't  
always as we want it to be :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-08 Thread luisdc

Thank you for sharing the link :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-08 Thread luisdc
You are actually right. But our main goal is and always was Free Software.  
When we created the Librebox we created it with Trisquel in mind, but it just  
didn't catch up. We made some announcements and even post a topic on Trisquel  
which received a lot of comments and views but nothing more, the project just  

Then there was the Ubuntu MATE contact which helped us boost like crazy (at  
least in terms of public acknowledge) and now almost everyone is talking  
about us and the fact that we deliver a Free Software Friendly machine.

I talk personally with the person behind the Ubuntu MATE project, he knows  
that internally at LibreTrend we only use Trisquel Gnu/Linux, and he knows  
that for us allowing Ubuntu MATE was something which we hadn't planed at all.  
But yet we found a deal, and everything work great. The result ? More and  
more people are talking about Free Software and the importance of it, and we  
didn't loose our purpose (and never will).

Yes, it's not ideal, but it worked, and for us it's really wonderful, mostly  
because now we can continue our work on the LibreBox 2 (which will release in  
Mid-2016) which will be, in my opinion, a revolutionary product dedicated to  
Free Software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-08 Thread luisdc
GlugGlug machines aren't hard to make, mostly because the bios is already  
made and it runs on hardware which can be found for quite cheap on ebay (for  
example). The real challenge is making a new product with relatively new  
hardware running that same BIOS, and unfortunately  there is a spiral (in my  
opinion) where :
- Producers create a product and don't liberate their bios so they ship it  
with a proprietary one
- Small developers solve the problem on that device because they can't mass  
produce something new

- Others try to mass produce but don't have the financial support
- Since they don't do something fully freed people just keep buying the first  

I really believe that this can be done, and done well. Maybe by us, maybe by  
ThinkPenguin or maybe by someone new who would arrive soon, we don't know.  
Until then, unfortunately, we have to depend on what the market gives us.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-08 Thread luisdc
Our name is LibreTrend because we dedicate to Free Software and Hardware, our  
first computer has a name which is a mixture of our brand name (LibreTrend)  
and what it is on the outside (a Box), this is why it's called the LibreBox.  
For now the LibreBox is a small computer with a Free Software Friendly  
hardware, nowhere on the website we tell that the computer is fully free and  
even on the shop page you have a normal size line saying that we use a  
Standard BIOS. All the rest of the hardware has been selected to work without  
the need for proprietary drivers or firmwares.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-08 Thread luisdc
I understand the misunderstanding, but as said in a earlier comment it's a  
mix of our brand name (LibreTrend) and what the computer actually is from the  
outside (a Box). This is why it's called the LibreBox. If our brand name  
would be SuperTrend it would be the SuperBox :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-08 Thread luisdc
Unfortunately we didn't had a lot of luck trying to create a Libre (or  
partially Libre) bios for the LibreBox, so we had to put that idea in standby  
for now. But it is one of our main goals.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tweak your browser to enhance security and privacy

2015-07-08 Thread tomlukeywood

huh never knew debian had there owm pasting site...