Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum action needed (and temporary measures taken)

2015-09-02 Thread tomlukeywood

discourse dose look good!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum action needed (and temporary measures taken)

2015-09-02 Thread chris
I think its safe to say it's the appropriate place for any discussion on  
Trisquel and/or free software. They're extremely difficult to separate when  
the goal of the distribution is freedom.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread strypey
If you like Doom, there is a completely libre remake of the art files, which  
runs on top of the GPL engine, called Freedoom:

I quite enjoy the libre remakes of some games I used to enjoy in the 80s on  
Commodore 64 and Amiga, including FreedDroid (classic not RPG, based on  
Paradroid), Epiphany (based on Balderdash), and Pingus (based on Lemmings).  
Defendguin is fun for a few minutes every now and then. Sadly my laptop  
doesn't have powerful enough graphics chips for anything more than these  
proof-of-concept toys. All the really juicy games like 0AD won't run.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread tegskywalker

"As of today, just after Microsoft announced its membership in the Open Media  
Alliance, they also quietly changed the internal development status of  
Vorbis, Opus, WebM and VP9 to indicate they intend to ship all of the above  
in the new Windows Edge browser."

I think I just cried.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread lcerf
It's not common for Windows to use symbolic links at all (and the capability  
didn't even exist until Windows Vista, IIRC).

Are you sure? As far as I remember (I have not touched Windows in years), you  
could create shortcuts for any file. The icon had a curvy arrow to symbolize  
the shortcut, hence not a hard link (that would be indistinguishable from the  
original file) if that concept even exists in Windows.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread tegskywalker
If you are looking to throw up some audio on a site as a link or through an  
HTML5 player, it may be best to use a .weba file which is the WebM format  
just for audio. There you can use Vorbis or Opus for the container and  
potentially reach a broader audience than just an .ogg or .opus file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread onpon4
I wouldn't worry much about MP3 right now. All of the remaining patents  
related to MP3 are going to be expired in 2017, and it's widely recognized  
that Ogg Vorbis is better; MP3 is used only for compatibility. The audio  
format which can cause problems in the future is AAC, and as far as I can  
tell, it hasn't seen particularly widespread adoption on its own (the only  
adoption I've seen of AAC is in video containers).

Right now, the formats most likely to cause problems are video formats.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv
If you're going to hell it'd be because of how half-ars*d your attempt was at  
actually making it convincing (I mean, flat-coloured panel and XP-logo-only  
Start button?) :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread onpon4
I guess, looking at it, you can create a "shortcut" on Windows which points  
to a document. Nonetheless, this is not a common activity in my experience,  
and in a technical sense, shortcuts (with the extension ".lnk") are more  
similar to launchers than symbolic links. They operate through Windows  
Explorer, and do not have any effect in any other context.

The typical use-case of shortcuts on Windows is to launch applications more  
conveniently. A key point about this usage is that a shortcut includes an  
icon; symbolic links do not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread onpon4
Well, if he's coming from Windows, what he's thinking of is much more like a  
launcher. Windows "shortcuts" work almost exactly like launchers, and no, you  
can't use them to link to documents. They're just files describing what  
should be executed when they're double-clicked. It's not common for Windows  
to use symbolic links at all (and the capability didn't even exist until  
Windows Vista, IIRC).

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread cdwaldrum
for me , we need one standred - this is the big dogs doing it so im expect a  
very bad  .ogg Experiance- dont take ne wrong .ogg is ok but last face it we  
need something that opensource like this to get rid of MP3- 

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread geomaticasocial

Hi people

On the Alliance for Open Media's web site  
it says:

"This initial project will create a new, open royalty-free video codec  
specification based on the contributions of members, along with binding  
specifications for media format, CONTENT ENCRYPTION and adaptive streaming,  
thereby creating opportunities for next-generation media experiences."

Content encryption? Is it a new and soft way to call DRM? I don't know, but  
from an organization where Apple, Microsoft and Netflix are present, nothing  
good I'll expect.

What do you think?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread tomlukeywood

the free game(with the exception of the media)

has a server with a counterstrike gamemode with all the counterstrike maps

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread tegskywalker
They are referencing NetVC, which is being pushed to be an open standard that  
combines the efforts of Daala, Thor, and the VP9/VP10 codecs. The encryption  
is being pushed by Netflix of course since they want to offer streaming  
without plugins and not pay royalty fees.

As for WebM, you should be able to watch it "as-is" in more software and  
hardware if this takes off. Even our boy, jxself, is behind Opus and VP9 and  
offers an upgraded version of VLC at to help  
adoption. Having the Edge browser is a good thing as more and more Windows  
users are upgrading to Windows 10 and having an open format available on such  
a large platform is a major step forward. Even if Edge and Windows are  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updates?

2015-09-02 Thread cdwaldrum
the one thing that i do is apt get and run all the updates and double check  
apper or the update center

Re: [Trisquel-users] swaping ubuntu center ?-

2015-09-02 Thread cdwaldrum
i am currently design one yes but right now i am using a ubuntu base on my  
desktop and the center is a compelete ieyesore!

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread onpon4
Simple: because high-end, modern video game development is expensive. Think  
millions of dollars. Almost all libre games are done by volunteers in their  
spare time, and the few commercial libre games out there are done by  
individuals (and not extremely rich individuals).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updates?

2015-09-02 Thread greatgnu

welcome to my world greenman :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] swaping ubuntu center ?-

2015-09-02 Thread jadedml
So are you trying to make your own GNU/Linux distribution (Good luck, mate.  
'Tis a very, very long and pointless road ahead of you) or are you talking  
about your own install of Ubuntu?
If you mean the latter, to remove Ubuntu Software Center, just run the  
command "sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-software-center"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updates?

2015-09-02 Thread contactame+antiesnob
gksudo is for GUI programs running on gnome. There's no need of gksudo for an  
script except if it runs GUI programs that need privilegies.

Also, u can use |y

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will You Help Us Save WiFi?

2015-09-02 Thread cdwaldrum
this the third time i have tried using that site... 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread contactame+antiesnob
If I want an audio player that reminds me of winamp, which one do you guys  
recomend? QMMP or Audacious?

Audacious, change the theme from GTK to Winamp.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-09-02 Thread nicolasmaia

What theme is this? :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will You Help Us Save WiFi?

2015-09-02 Thread chris
Go to - it's cached. I think Slashdot linked to the server! Errg which is causing problems again. Josh @ the FSF  
is going to get someone to setup something on (which can handle the  
loads apparently) or another server... shortly... I hope.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-09-02 Thread abhijithb21

I have that wallpaper. i love it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-09-02 Thread abhijithb21
Some kid may fool his grandparents by letting them believe this is a Windows  
PC. With Wine installed he'll totally succeed.

[Trisquel-users] my own os spin idea

2015-09-02 Thread cdwaldrum
hey guys im designing my own os that probably going to happen as soon as i  
pick what to base it one but i cant decide of anything - i am stuck between  
arch and debian- debian has the better repo and but arch as the AUR - i now  
if i pick debian i cant use bungie DE that the only flaw- i been thinking of  
the deign and the awsome looking grub loader logo but i cant decide the repo  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-09-02 Thread anthk

This, but I used the Noobslab themes and icons PPA. Anyway is the same.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread greatgnu

domintion (risk board game)
super tux

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread sonhodafloresta
Why all these libre games above said the appearance seems so 90'-95s? we are  
in the 21 century.. even when i was a kid on 90 i didnt like so much these  
visuals.. not appealing much for me...i really enjoyed stunning games like  
Guild Wars 1 and 2 and others similar, of course they were not libre but  
proprietary but quality stunning. Why we dont have developers focusing on the  
same quality on livre games? Why so much retro games?
For my taste the above games you spoke i can accept with easy is Pychess,  
GnuCHess, etc, because i enjoy chess. But other than this...meh

Thanks for posting your games though :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-09-02 Thread chris
After the article the other day on hackaday regarding the FCC story I  
contacted them about the Save Wifi campaign. As I'm sure many here read  
already they entirely missed the call to action. Today I read on Slashdot  
about a new article they did in response to my email. While they have a  
mistake or two still (like the date of the FCC comment period, I've sent an  
update) they've successfully written a new story. Yes!

I've also now now reached out to Wired and Ars Technica. I'm planning to also  
call into a radio show (Off the Hook) in the NYC area (though they have a  
worldwide base online due to the popular 'hacker' magazine 2600) tonight to  
bring up the issue. I believe anyway that they take calls last I recall.  
Though there phones might still be down (they were last week).

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread jason

"we need one standred" [sic]

Mandatory reference -

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updates?

2015-09-02 Thread tomlukeywood

why not just make it into a script replacing sudo with gksudo
and making it run on start up?

[Trisquel-users] Will You Help Us Save WiFi?

2015-09-02 Thread jason
The libreCMC project wants to know if you will help them Save WiFi. Will  

See for more information.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread jason
I think this leaves Apple as the last major browser vendor that won't have  
built-in support. I wonder if they'll eventually be forced into adding  
support. Fortunately there are workarounds for Safari in the form of plugins  
and JavaScript-based decoders.

Re: [Trisquel-users] book writing

2015-09-02 Thread cdwaldrum

i am not doing coactive man- write nw im just using Libre office

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread tomlukeywood

there are some graphically good libre games like:
Stunt Rally
openspades(well... it has good lighting effects)
battle of wesnoth(had a good art-style )

and i am sure theres other i have not though of

and ideally we will have loads of even more amazing games but we need people  
to make them first

(Currently making a Pacman clone in Lua+SDL2 so bare with me!)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-09-02 Thread chris
As Jason said, they did, but we're working on moving the site to a server  
which can handle the traffic spikes from the likes of Slashdot, Reddit, and  
other media outlets. It's currently linked to a cached page on  
from Hopefully we'll have a better looking site dedicated  
to it soon enough. Josh and the FSF is working on it...

I mainly registered the domain as a short cut - particularly for radio  
though. Though it appears we'll end up with a real site on a server dedicated  
to shortly. Or maybe it'll just get pointed to depending... apparently the server is equipped to  
handle significant traffic loads.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread onpon4
None of these games are even close to modern proprietary games in terms of  
graphics, though. As I said, that's because it's expensive to get there.  
People can only volunteer so much.

To be fair, I'd say Xonotic has at least the level of graphics that would  
have been expected in the "sixth generation", or early 2000s. That's a lot  
more recent than the early 1990s, but it's still a decade behind. Until we  
can figure out how to raise the millions of dollars necessary for a game with  
modern graphics, we're just going to have to accept that we're going to be  
behind in this department. Hand-waving this as "I think the graphics look  
great" or some other such thing isn't productive, and may alienate gamers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-09-02 Thread chris
They haven't come out with a comment period or equivalent yet, so we're  
basically waiting at the moment... We're keeping an eye on it and will let  
everybody know when, where and how they can send in official complaints to  
the proposed rules.

Here is a bit more info (probably above the heads of most to interpret, but  

> f harmonized standards have not yet been published for the Directive  
2014/53/EU.  I don't know who will be responsible to work out a standard for  
the Article 3.3i. I'll try to get some information about it.

> However, ETSI has recently announced a workshop covering the software  
defined radio topic.




The REDCA provides a forum for people concerned with the compliance of radio  
equipment with regulations and technical standards in the European Economic  
Area, as well as in the Countries that have a Mutual Recognition Agreement  
with the EU, such as the USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.

Membership of REDCA is open to all Radio Equipment Directive Notified Bodies  
and any consulting, testing or manufacturing organisation, as well as  
authorities or any other organisation that is willing to follow the aims and  
objectives set out in the Associations Rules and Constitution. A guide on  
"How to apply for REDCA Membership", an application form and a copy of the  
Associations' Rules can be found following the "Documents" menu tab above.  
The annual fee for REDCA Membership is €500.


[Trisquel-users] swaping ubuntu center ?-

2015-09-02 Thread cdwaldrum
i want to add apper to my distro guys cause the ubuntu center is an  
eyesore... but can get rid the center after i install apper?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-09-02 Thread tomlukeywood

so were did you hear this information?

"The EU is going to have similar software security rules 2014/53/EU (June  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-09-02 Thread tomlukeywood

I don’t see the Free Software Foundation

and that would get a lot for people to complain against it.

am i correct in thinking the FSF haven’t commented on this?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread lcerf

GNOME's version of shortcuts is launchers.

For applications. I assumed he wanted shortcuts for non executable files,  
such as office documents.

Re: [Trisquel-users] know about a tor mail server?

2015-09-02 Thread svhaab
Are you sure about torbirdy? You do not think that creating an email account  
in thunderbird an entering the onionmail account data, provides a tor  
connections to the onionmail server?

[Trisquel-users] cyph encrypted softphone is saass?

2015-09-02 Thread svhaab

Is it saass

Is it non free software?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread moxalt
> You can close applications.

I believe OP was asking whether there was a way to stop the window buttons in
the panel from stacking (that is, one button on top of the other). I believe
you can achieve that by reducing the number of rows in the panel, but I have no
idea how to do that. I know it can be done, because I remember doing it, but
haven't touched the options for months. Anyone?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread lcerf
If you right-click on a file, you can choose in the contextual menu to create  
a link to it (a symbolic link as in 'ln -s' if you know that command). You  
can then move that link onto the desktop area.

You can close applications. If an application is not responding you can  
"kill" it. One way to do so is to use the "System monitor" (in the "System  
settings"). A right-click on a process opens a contextual menu. You can  
choose to send a termination signal to the process (to close it "normally")  
or a kill signal (to close it brutally).

Audacious relies on the GTK graphical toolkit that most of the default system  
uses. That means a better visual integration to the rest of the desktop, a  
lesser memory consumption (required libraries are shared with other running  
applications), a faster startup time (for the same reason). Those advantages  
are not significant though. They are small details. You may to try both  
players and choose by yourself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread onpon4

> How can I create Desktop shortcuts?

Magic Banana suggested using symbolic links. But properly, GNOME's version of  
shortcuts is launchers. You can copy any of the launchers in the main menu  
either to a panel or to the desktop by dragging and dropping it. If you need  
a launcher not in the menu, you can add it there by right-clicking on the  
menu button and choosing "Edit Menus".

> Is there asetting somewhere so I can I stop currently running programs from  
stacking on top of each other?

I don't think there is, but whether or not that happens depends on the size  
of the panel. Make it shorter by a couple pixels, and it won't do that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updates?

2015-09-02 Thread moxalt
I just made it a habit to always update everything manually from the terminal
after logging in.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean

is my daily ritual.

[Trisquel-users] Re : The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-09-02 Thread lcerf
Yesterday, I received the FSF "Free Software Supporter" email (I am a FSF  
member). One of the sections was:

Every month on LibrePlanet, we highlight one resource that is interesting and  
useful -- often one that could use your help.
For this month, we are highlighting Save WiFi, which provides information  
about the FCC considering a proposal to require manufacturers to lock down  
computing devices. You are invited to adopt, spread and improve this  
important resource.

[Trisquel-users] An open media alliance has formed in response to H.264 and H.265

2015-09-02 Thread tegskywalker

Good to see this happening for the future of media on the web. Hopefully this  
means Apple and Microsoft add more open media support to their browsers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread holger . beetz

Free games I like to play:
- FreeDroid
- Supertux
- Supertux Kart
- Sauerbraten
- Xonotic (& Chaosesque Xonotic)

- UT99
- DeusEx
- Quake (with Darkplaces Engine & lots of mods)
- plus all those oldie but goldie DOS ganes running fine inside DOSbox

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread tegskywalker
I have a confession. I'm addicted to Counter-Strike, which is non-free:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel and Linux newbie. Some Questions

2015-09-02 Thread moxalt
Oh, wait. That's in Xfce. I think just reducing the panel height should do the
trick, even by just a few pixels.