[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread shiretoko
"Should it not be an individual's freedom of choice to choose what the fuck  
they run on their machine?"

I never argued against that, you got me wrong.
I don't think that the way Chris is doing his business is wrong, and i don't  
think that Debian does something wrong.
I just say that it's pretty alike and I didn't like Chris's "we shall not  
even speak about anything proprietary" comment while making compromises  
I also don't like the negative attitude in this forum towards debian while at  
the same time everybody is fine with chris' doing.

[Trisquel-users] System lag writing on SSD with LUKS

2015-09-08 Thread teodorescup
Writing more than 1 GiB or so, of random data or regular files on an SSD  
results in system lag. The partitioning is xfs inside of LUKS.

Any idea would be welcomed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread ethernet252
Well, i believe it is a free software hatred by major companies like apple  
and eletronic arts, but everone is entitled to an opinion.

[Trisquel-users] Google Chrome For Trisquel

2015-09-08 Thread ethernet252
Is google chrome and it's derivatives a good browser for Trisquel? Because i  
favor it for it's power.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread ethernet252

tWell, i was talking about the original build engine,wasn't i?

Re: [Trisquel-users] MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

2015-09-08 Thread ethernet252
& if you try on anything else other than the thinkpads and older macbooks,  
you risk BRICKING the pc, right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

2015-09-08 Thread lilos1
Hm i tested 760 GTX with mesa mesa 10.6.6 not bad maybe you use some old  
version ?

Also kernel 4.3 will have big nvidia rewrite and performase optimization.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Chrome For Trisquel

2015-09-08 Thread Andrew Roffey
> Is google chrome and it's derivatives a good browser for Trisquel? 
> Because i favor it for it's power.


[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread shiretoko

"Why not?"

I don't know, but I can't think of any developer studio that succeeded that  

You think maybe it's because people don't really try, but i doubt it.

"With the same (wrong) argument, you could state that free software will  
never penetrate the server market. Wait..."

You're comparing apples with bananas here ;)
The os that got so popular for running on servers was developed over decades  
and is a collective effort of countless volunteers.
It's also based on the lucky fact that somebody like rms developed the GNU  
system and released it under a free software license. He wrote a free  
operating system that was able to compete with other ones available at that  

If a second rms would come along and write a free game engine that is as  
powerful as modern game engines and make it as easy to make a great game  
based on it  just as it is to make a great distribution based on GNU, then i  
would not doubt that free software would soon penetrate the game market.

But that's very unlikely to happen.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-08 Thread anthk
Try the FreeDoom WAD from its home page ( Version >0.9). Then find the  
Community Chest 4 PWAD.

You'll love it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread anthk

Sorry, I thought Remedy changed the original Build's license to a libre one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Chrome For Trisquel

2015-09-08 Thread lilos1


[Trisquel-users] Re : Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread lcerf
I don't know, but I can't think of any developer studio that succeeded that  

I gave the extreme example of Chris Roberts' Star Citizen. t3g gave the  
example of Shenmue 3. Those are not free software games but, again, I see no  
reason why players would donate less to games that respect their freedoms.

Anyway, making money is no justification to preventing people for  
non-commercially sharing a game or making the software the software a  
blackbox that potentially harms the gamer (DRMs are common in modern games),  
where the bugs cannot be freely corrected, where modifications (such as mods)  
cannot be made, etc. Those are fundamental freedoms.

And besides crowd funding, there are other ways the society could come up  
with to encourage the creation of games. Like a (compulsory) tax on Internet  
connections where the user would decide where her tax money goes (à la  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread lcerf
1. What is the limit? At some point, people will not be able to pay for the  
freedoms they deserve. Like jxself wrote, it is "a slippery slope". That is  
the reason for Sect. 6 of the GPLv3:  

2. It is not right to forbid players to non-commercially share their games  
(including artworks). It is not right to forbid anyone to non-commercially  
share anything!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Chrome For Trisquel

2015-09-08 Thread nicolasmaia
Chrome is proprietary and therefore, at a minimum, is a security threat for  
you. Chromium isn't much better either:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-08 Thread vitacell
Hi, I love playing games. But I have a problem, some game runs with low fps  
like Nexuiz, cuz fully libre systems just not enough for playing some games.  
My fully libre laptops are Macbooks 2,1. So, for play some games I must to  
use my not fully libre systems like: i5 3570k 4000hd, i7 3840QM 4000hd. Here  
no libre BIOS/UEFI/EFI and all backdoored CPUs.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread lcerf
You indeed need to show something (like past projects people liked) to have a  
successful crowd funding. But, again, every studio starts small. Independent  
games are getting stronger and stronger (I have heard of Braid, Super Meat  
Boy, Binding of Isaac, Hotline Miami, ... or even 2048, which is free  
software), many players seem to enjoy testing games made in the so called  
game jams (creation in 24-72 hours of a game respecting a theme). Their  
respective authors could certainly crowd-fund more and more  
costly/sophisticated games until reaching the fame of Chris Roberts who  
raises $89 million for Star Citizen.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread vitacell
Hi, I love playing games. But I have a problem, some game runs with low fps  
like Nexuiz, cuz fully libre systems just not enough for playing some games.  
My fully libre laptops are Macbooks 2,1. So, for play some games I must to  
use my not fully libre systems: i5 3570k 4000hd, i7 3840QM 4000hd. Here no  
libre BIOS/UEFI/EFI and all backdoored CPUs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

2015-09-08 Thread vitacell
I tested gt520, 7300gt, gtx970, all running very bad and with lag, + gtx970  
cant recognize hertz and resolutions. But only tested with Trisquel's default  
3.13 lowlatency kernel. I don't like installing and using newest kernels cuz  
are very unstable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System lag writing on SSD with LUKS

2015-09-08 Thread teodorescup

System freezes, slow cursor movement and overall responsiveness.
Did I misspelled ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] System lag writing on SSD with LUKS

2015-09-08 Thread teodorescup

I am not aware of any hardware encryption feature on the model.
Xfs has the discard option enabled as advised by xfs.org .

[Trisquel-users] Nautilus will add native support for Google Drive and require an opt-out. Thoughts?

2015-09-08 Thread tegskywalker


Something to keep an eye on with Trisquel 8. That is if you still use the  
Gnome stack instead of Nemo (Cinnamon) or Caja (MATE) for your file manager.

[Trisquel-users] Re : MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

2015-09-08 Thread lcerf
60Hz must be the refresh frequency of your screen. It is the limiting factor  
in this case. But, yes, you only want an Intel graphical chipset (before the  
Skylake microarchitecture). Linux-libre (hence Trisquel) perfectly supports  
those chipsets.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

2015-09-08 Thread tomlukeywood

theres a decent gpu here:

also if you rely need graphical performance i think as the board can support  
a 32 core cpu(2x hex core)

you may not need a external gpu

obviously most people wont be getting a 32 core cpu

but even a good dual core cpu with a gpu like the one from thinkpenguin would  
be fine for just about any graphical program i can think off

it might not run a 600 fps but still

[Trisquel-users] Re : MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

2015-09-08 Thread lcerf


Re: [Trisquel-users] Nautilus will add native support for Google Drive and require an opt-out. Thoughts?

2015-09-08 Thread tomlukeywood
we should definitely modify Nautilus to at least require a opt in for Google  
drive use

Re: [Trisquel-users] MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

2015-09-08 Thread lilos1
Default is mesa 10.1 ... very old and try parabola you will see big chages  
and then update kernel and mesa on trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Wi-Fi and Hybrid graphics

2015-09-08 Thread moxalt
Sorry. I believe that installing a single piece of non-free firmware is a
lesser evil than wasting raw materials by getting rid of hardware. Ecological
devastation is (for me, at least) a greater issue than that of software freedom.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-08 Thread tomlukeywood

i cant think of a libre game i cant run on my x200

also if you want rely powerful PC than can run libreboot:

Re: [Trisquel-users] System lag writing on SSD with LUKS

2015-09-08 Thread moxalt
Define 'system lag'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wi-Fi and Hybrid graphics

2015-09-08 Thread tomlukeywood

why not just sell the GPU and buy one that works with free firmware?

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Do DRM free games matter even if the game is non-free?

2015-09-08 Thread shiretoko
Just to clearify this: i don't want to talk negative about your effort in any  
way and i really wish you success.
It's true that there could have happened more in the retux-marketing section,  
but we all learn new things, right ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommend me software for screen recording

2015-09-08 Thread onpon4
SimpleScreenRecorder. Ever since that came out, I haven't used anything else.  
You can find it here:


[Trisquel-users] libreboot t400 is now available for purchase on minifree (gluglug)

2015-09-08 Thread greatgnu

YAY!!! :)


Re: [Trisquel-users] Nautilus will add native support for Google Drive and require an opt-out. Thoughts?

2015-09-08 Thread onpon4
Google Drive isn't SaaSS. It's online storage. As long as Nautilus is using  
libre software to access it, and it looks like it is, there's nothing  
unethical about it. You should encrypt any files you put on there, though.

And please, don't refer to this as requiring an "opt-out". Nautilus isn't  
going to in any way use Google Drive without your action. It's just going to  
enable you to use it like a USB drive if you give GNOME access to your Google  
account. I and probably many others don't have Google accounts, so this will  
not even affect most of us. And the few who are affected are only affected  

[Trisquel-users] Microsoft Officially Announces VP9 Support In Edge. Opus may be coming soon

2015-09-08 Thread tegskywalker


From the horse's mouth.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System lag writing on SSD with LUKS

2015-09-08 Thread contactame+antiesnob
Hello. Buy an HDD. That's the best you can do. SSDs are not what they say  
they are. The root for marketing, politics, etc. is to convince; to lie, in  
other words.
SSDs are not well prepared for writing but for access and above all for  

I think of 2 options:

1- SSD has the OS and you can put the /home in the HDD. Use ext4 without  
journaling in the SSD and u can use xfs or ext4 in the HDD. The system will  
be boost with this.

2- It may be that your installation was "craped" and you need to reinstall  
(never heard of this on linux but I know it happened in sum Windows PCs but  
the rate is nothing). It may be due to the cache for the SSD stuff is broken  
or something.

Anyways, some questions:

a) Which kernel version r u using?
b) hOW MANY FILES ARE THOSE 1GB? And directories?
c) R u copying from where to where?
d) You should check your cables. It may be that. If it is a cables issue, it  
is for sure the power conector (molex). But try replacing both (on every Disk  
that is beeing used for your copying)
e) Please, post the components of your PC/NB and don't forget to mention the  
power suppley model number.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft Officially Announces VP9 Support In Edge. Opus may be coming soon

2015-09-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

Edge is the new name for their web browser (formerly internet explorer).

Good news I guess. Knowing M$ they see this as part of their usual  

[Trisquel-users] Recommend me software for screen recording

2015-09-08 Thread franparpe

Greetigns ladies and gentlemen:

I've used recordmydesktop to make a tutorial; it works well but it encodes in  
ogv. It shouldn't be a problem but kdenlive and openshot video editors don't  
work well with ogv and the Pitivi version in Trisquel is extremely unstable  
and it is imposible to work with it.

Suggestions please.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommend me software for screen recording

2015-09-08 Thread davesamcdxv

Recordmydesktop ?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommend me software for screen recording

2015-09-08 Thread franparpe
I will try kazam. It seems to be able to record on avi and I think it is  
compatible with every video editor.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-08 Thread simon . lydell

I play Tile World. It’s available in Trisquel’s repositories.

You move the character with the arrow keys. The objective is to reach the  
goal of each level. Doing so involves finding your way through mazes, dodging  
monsters and solving puzzles. Each level consists of a grid of 32×32 tiles.  
There is a fixed set of different tiles, all with different characteristics.  
Many people have made their own levels and shared them online.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to change fonts size of "leafs" in libreoffice?

2015-09-08 Thread sonhodafloresta

Thanks teodorescup!
I will see that.
Best regards

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommend me software for screen recording

2015-09-08 Thread catfishagain

Also I have found OpenShot to be much better than Pitivi.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommend me software for screen recording

2015-09-08 Thread catfishagain

If you're using Gnome Shell then it has a recorder built in.
Press Ctrl, Alt, Shift and R to start and stop.
The file is saved as webm in the Videos folder.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System lag writing on SSD with LUKS

2015-09-08 Thread vitacell

Can be encrypted? I am with a "NO NAME" chinese ssd and no problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System lag writing on SSD with LUKS

2015-09-08 Thread teodorescup

I also have and HDD which works surprisingly good considering it's 5400RPM.

To answer your questions:
a) 3.13.0-52-lowlatency
b) As little as 2 files totalling 2,2 GiB, the first is written very fast and  
when in starts with the other there is a delay accompanied by intermittent  
system freezes until the operation is over.

c) I'm copying from HDD to SSD (/home and also root).
d) There aren't many cables to my disposal from what I'm aware.
e) The system is a HP ProBook 430 G2 with the SSD on the M2 slot (Adata SSD  
Premier Pro SP900 128GB M.2).

After I enabled discard in crypttab and grub I see slight improvement but the  
problem persist.
Also, I noticed similar behaviour when writing to usb stick (first file is  
written fast and at the second is a short delay), but there is no system  
freeze because the OS is not there probably.

Re: [Trisquel-users] libreboot t400 is now available for purchase on minifree (gluglug)

2015-09-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Makes me so happy that there are actual computers I can buy when my sturdy  
old warhorse finally dies.