Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Baytrail based PC-s

2015-09-27 Thread tomlukeywood
"because Windows 8.1 is last OS that will not be able to penetrate personal  
data as Windows 10 can(by license at least) ."
correct me if i am wrong but i think Micro$oft updated there privacy policy  
for windows 8, 7 and 10 so they were all the same

remember reading this somewhere

micro$oft can spy on you with window$ 95 as they control the source code it  
may be that only now they can do it legally though
if your concerned about giving away your private data i would not use window$  
8 XD

out of interest why do you use win8?

"So far i had success to access OS but wifi wasnt visible and Setup was  
extremely slow and always breaks."

i would guess this is due to a lack of free drivers
you may need to get a external wifi card for this laptop or replace the  
internal one:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Baytrail based PC-s

2015-09-27 Thread greatgnu

How can anyone be sure if a proprietary OS or application is not malicious?
You have absolutely no control over it and you can not possibly know if it is  
malicious software - you can not read the code. You can trust proprietary  
software only by blind faith.. I like RMS' definition: computing for suckers  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel on Baytrail based PC-s

2015-09-27 Thread lcerf
This forum is about Trisquel. I have not quite got your 64-on-32-on-64-bit  
story but Trisquel's installer should do do the right thing. There is a high  
probability that the Wifi will not work. You can use Ethernet or to waste a  
USB port to plug a Wifi adapter from or (the only stores where you can be sure the sold hardware  
will properly work with Linux-libre, hence Trisquel).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any orca users on this list?

2015-09-27 Thread Maatthew Dyer
Dave.  Yesterday,  I added the accessibility ppa and after orca got updated,  I 
have lost speech.  Is there a way to restore speech without having to reinstall 
for the second time.  Thanks.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dave Hunt
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 5:07 PM
To: User help and discussion 
Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any orca users on this list?

Hash: SHA1

I am an Orca user and the voice on the tutorials.  More coming very soon!

Welcome, and thanks for your interest,

- -Dave  Hunt

Version: GnuPG v1


Re: [Trisquel-users] Audio problems

2015-09-27 Thread lopezmasdiego

Update: I'm still encountering the same issue, i'll get around it eventually.

[Trisquel-users] Abrowser refuses to install addons

2015-09-27 Thread eyepirate
Whenever I try to install a new addon for Abrowser I get this message:  
" Abrowser prevented this site from asking you to install  
software onto your computer".

I have tried adding and (the addon I was trying  
to download) to the allowed sites as well as un-ticking "the warn me about  
any sites..." box but nothing works. This is on the about:addons page too.

How do you guys get your addons?

[Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-09-27 Thread manhoso99

I wanted to buy the cheapest laptop possible compatible with trisquel.
if possible to be commercialized in Portugal or in Europe.
Thank you for your help .

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-09-27 Thread onpon4
It ultimately depends on what you need to do. If you don't need hardware  
acceleration for graphics (which 3-D games, modern desktop environments, and  
tools related to working with 3-D will run more slowly without), most of them  
will basically work. However, it's highly unlikely that WiFi will work,  
certain if I'm not mistaken that Bluetooth will not work, and possible that  
graphical hardware acceleration will not work.

First thing's first: all of the stuff sold by Think Penguin and Tehnoetic  
will work perfectly with Trisquel:

If the laptops sold by Think Penguin are too expensive, you'll have to go to  
one of the more mainstream stores, and that's where it gets tricky.

For graphical hardware acceleration on laptops, your only chance of getting  
something that works is to get an Intel CPU. Until the Skylake and Broxten  
CPUs, whose integrated graphics have started requiring proprietary firmware  
blobs for hardware acceleration, all Intel integrated GPUs were powered by  
completely libre software drivers.

For WiFi and Bluetooth, you can get the mini adapters sold by the stores I  
mentioned above. Depending on your needs and laptop, you may alternatively be  
able to just use the Ethernet port for Internet access. (Some Ethernet cards  
require proprietary firmware blobs as well, but I don't think they're as  
frequent as wireless devices with this requirement.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-09-27 Thread tomlukeywood

i recently got a laptop from a online auction website for £25
and then £3.50 for an extra 2GB of RAM to make it work well

it works fine with trisquel and can play games like teeworlds minetest etc

so i recommend buying second hand laptops

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-09-27 Thread nicolasmaia
I second this. Buying second-hand is a good way to NOT give Microsoft your  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser refuses to install addons

2015-09-27 Thread onpon4
Yeah, I think this is the recent Firefox feature of refusing to install  
add-ons that aren't signed by Mozilla. I guess it wasn't disabled properly.  
The way I worked around it was to download the add-on with wget and then open  
it with Abrowser; it seems to treat add-ons from the local system differently  
from add-ons in a remote location.

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-09-27 Thread dooleyn
I don't think they offer laptops but here is a relatively new Portuguese  
company that support free software. So it's not all bad in Portugal.

and a previous thread on the subject. I believe aliasbody a forum member is  
behind the project.

For laptops, I can't recommend highly enough They  
currently offer the Libreboot range of laptops - the first laptops to be  
endorsed by the FSF. I have one of their Libreboot X60s laptops. Others have  
mentioned ThinkPenguin and Tehnoetic.

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-09-27 Thread manhoso99

all stores in Portugal sell laptops with windows.
shameful and a clear violation of European laws and market monopolization .
the consumer has no alternative or choice .

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser refuses to install addons

2015-09-27 Thread eyepirate

I'll try that thanks.

[Trisquel-users] IceCat security problem!

2015-09-27 Thread lord_abinadi
It seems the project may have been abandoned and they aren't patching  
security fixes. If you're using IceCat you are likely at risk...

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-09-27 Thread moxalt
It's also a good way to reduce perceived demand for free software-compatible
computers, and a good way to let the few libre computer vendors there are to
die out. If you can afford it, buy from Minifree or Thinkpenguin. Support the

Re: [Trisquel-users] IceCat security problem!

2015-09-27 Thread onpon4
I don't think it's correct to say that IceCat has been abandoned, but yes,  
using it is a security risk. I've switched back to Abrowser, personally.

Re: [Trisquel-users] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

2015-09-27 Thread cooloutac
I couldn't help but reply to this, I still find you suspicious because the  
fact is you don't even use trisquel,  you use debian and installed  
proprietary video drivers. And you promote these things to people on the irc  
channel.  You're a hypocrite,  and I agree that was no way to reply to the  
OP. Its bad examples like yours that drive people away from the free software  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any orca users on this list?

2015-09-27 Thread Maatthew Dyer
I Dave.I did just that, after doing so though I no longer have speech.  I have 
sound, but no speech from orca.  BTW, I am using a vm and not a native machine 
as I have no native hardware to run hear at this time.  

If you want my number you can call me.  I also have skype at graduater2004.  
Thanks again.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dave Hunt
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 5:20 PM
To: User help and discussion 
Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any orca users on this list?

Hash: SHA1


How did you install orca 3.18?  I did this from the Ubuntu accessibility 
development ppa, and have orca talking.  If you add the ppa and upgrade your 
system, you will get, not only orca 3.18, but all its dependencies like 
python2at-spi, pyatspi, and at-spi2-core.
?There are more, but those are the three that come immediately to mind.  Here's 
what to do if you can:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:accessibility-devel sudo apt-get update sudo 
apt-get upgrade

When this is done, restart. Orca will be at 3.18, and its dependencies will 

Can you log into your Trisquel machine using ssh from elsewhere on your 
network? that would be the best way to do this, I think.  Or, you might be able 
to start the live cd, open a terminal, sudo -i, mount your hard drive as an 
entry in /mnt, chroot into the mounted system, and do the commands I mentioned. 
 When done, exit the chroot, unmount the system, exit the sudo -i, and reboot 
from your drive again.

Write me off list; perhaps we can get on the  phone, or something, and we can 
get this fixed.

Happy to help,

Dave  Hunt for email for xmpp chat.

On 09/26/2015 03:43 PM, Maatthew Dyer wrote:
> Good afternoon trisquel users.  My name is Matthew Dyer and have just 
> joined this list.  I am a blind user of this os and use orca.
> Today I installed versin 7 and discovered  a problem after upgrading 
> orca to the latest orca to the latest version which of this message is 
> 3.18.0.  I restorted orca or should say I made an attempt to restart 
> it and in doing so found that I had no speech.
> I have tried everything from support ault S to typing orca –replace 
> with no luck.  I have sound, but there is just no speech from orca.
> Is there a way to rectify this without having to reinstall the os and 
> having to set it all up again? Thanks.
> Matthew
Version: GnuPG v1


Re: [Trisquel-users] thinkpad x220 wireless problem

2015-09-27 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
The driver may be open source but the firmware which is required for the  
driver to be able to do anything is proprietary. So intel wifi will not work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secure XMPP/Jabber service, running over a free software server.

2015-09-27 Thread christian
Either I have no idea how to access it or this is only true for certain pods.  
 I'm pretty sure the pod I'm on is up-to-date.

Re: [Trisquel-users] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

2015-09-27 Thread strypey
>> st83 offered a perfectly friendly response- he gave OP the *easiest*  
solution- a
GNUbie-friendly one. > There is a fix but reinstalling the OS would be  
better, because it would take you more time and effort. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] UNetbootin won't install on Trisquel 7

2015-09-27 Thread strypey
I am using UNetbootin because I wasn't aware of the "dd" method you suggest.  
Thanks for the link, I'll have a go with that.

That said, I'm now confident enough to experiment with terminal commands, and  
I have enough experience (not to mention patience) to figure out a way of  
getting GNU/Linux booted so I can follow your instructions. Ten years ago,  
when first learning to use GNU/Linux, your "dd" solution would have been  
intimidating enough to make me give up and keep using Windows. Thus having a  
cross-platform graphical bootUSB creator like UNetbootin, and doing  
everything we can to make sure it works reliably with libre distros, is very  
important for helping GNUbies get GNU/Linux installed. This is why I think  
Tom's 'freenetbootin' project is important, and should be in the repos, and  
future releases of all libre distros tested against it.

As I said further down, I can't use a LiveCD because my laptop doesn't have a  
CD-ROM drive. There are many devices out there now that don't, but they run  
GNU/Linux perfectly well if you can get it on there. Again, this is why  
supporting the 'freenetbootin' project is important. Unless you're all saying  
GNU/Linux is just for super-users and everyone else should just keep using  
Windows or OSX until they are l33t enough? ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Audio problems

2015-09-27 Thread greatgnu

I'm glad that helped :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

2015-09-27 Thread greatgnu
no need to be offensive strypey. If you don't like or understand my posts  
ignore them, just as I mostly ignore yours.