Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread moxalt
supertramp: that's a whole lotta lot lot! I have 313 mb in var..

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Removing programes installed from source

2015-10-30 Thread shiretoko

This problem gets adressed by a program called "checkinstall".
If present in the system, you can after "./configure" and "make"
run the command "make checkinstall" instead of "make install".
It creates a .deb package out of your compiled program.
Advantage: you can install it with dpkg -i and easily remove with "sudo  
apt-get remove packagename".

I have to mention that it's been a while ago since I last used this method.
I'm sure that it's called "checkinstall", but not garuantee about the syntax  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Angry Red Button of Doom and Chronic Catastrophic Crashes

2015-10-30 Thread moxalt
ifconfig, iwconfig, wpa_supplicant, and dhclient are all I need ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Root Partition Filled Up After Upgrade (6 > 7)

2015-10-30 Thread moxalt
On Thu, 29 Oct 2015 19:57:55 +0100 (CET), wrote:

> Secondary? If you'r asking why I put
> someonedidnotlikeitsothisishowitlooksnow as e-mail address It's because you
> (moxalt) complain about it.

Calm down. I'm not out to get you.

> "as opposed to cooloutac?" I can't help u here as I don't have any clue on  
> what cooloutac means. Cool out activation? Cool! Out of Alternate Current? I  
> don't a correlation with my address.

So you're not actually one of cooloutac's alts? I apologise. Equally
terrible grammar, spelling, conspiracy theories, the belief that your
neighbours are more dangerous than the intelligence apparatus, and constant
reference to the 'trisqueltrollsquad' made you indistinguishable from
cooloutac. I thought you were one of his sock puppets.

That was confusing. I post by e-mail, and rarely (if ever) can be bothered to
actually log in to the web site itself. So I know people more by their e-mail
addresses than their forum nicks- I think of SuperTramp as 'greatgnu', Magic
Banana as 'lcerf', etc. Originally cooloutac posted (and still does?) with an
address beginning in the same nick- cooloutac@something. Then came you
(antiesnob) posting with an e-mail address actually beginning 'antiesnob'. So
when this strange '' showed
up, I thought (due to the numerous similarities) it was one of cooloutac's alts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Angry Red Button of Doom and Chronic Catastrophic Crashes

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
Thanks MeNoMore. As with your advice about logrotate, I really appreciate  
your probing questions and detailed descriptions. I'm sorry if my questions  
in the log cancer thread came across as sarcastic, they were honestly just  
clarifying questions, although I admit that comment was a bit terse compared  
to my usuall novellas ;)

I just want to clarify again that the PC we're discussion here is an old Acer  
"netbook" laptop. If you click on my username, you can see the full model  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Root Partition Filled Up After Upgrade (6 > 7)

2015-10-30 Thread moxalt
Sorry. I went back and read your post properly, and have no idea by the clear
light of day why I interpreted it as an attack last night. Sorry again.

We are all capable of douchebaggery of the highest order, it seems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF Wins Petition to Inspect and Modify Car Software

2015-10-30 Thread lloyd
Very nice news. If there was ever a perfect example of why software should be  
free, it's the VW emissions scandal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread onpon4
I tend to suspect that using any desktop environment wouldn't really line up  
so well with KISS. Maybe LXDE, but if KISS is your thing, you might be better  
off using some kind of basic OpenBox environment, or possibly even the  

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini GNU Linux 7.0 LTS Belenos 64 bit review

2015-10-30 Thread usacomputertech
I went to the FSF website and found only two distributions that were still  
being maintained that I liked. My Favorite Trisquel GNU/Linux 7.0. Now I did  
find some bugs as well. One thing I forgot to mention, is that when using  
Synaptic or the Application Add/Remove program, the package installer would  
never quit, unless you clicked the v down arrow and checked to see if any  
questions needed answered in the terminal. This should be open automatically  
so you can see it, or it should automatically answer the questions. Here's  
the rest of what I found

This distribution has made me think of making my own distribution completely  
free software, and no proprietary software as well. Of course as I mention in  
the video, I'd need a team of volunteers to do what you people have done. If  
I were to work with your project instead, I'd be better at making suggestions  
in the beginning, than doing any coding or development, as I don't have  
experience with the build tools your using.

I really like your download page, and all the options for the net install,  
and all that. You guys are awesome.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf

More precisely they relate to NetworkManager "requesting auth" through DBus.

[Trisquel-users] EFF Wins Petition to Inspect and Modify Car Software

2015-10-30 Thread tegskywalker

Good news all around :-)

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread shiretoko
”Vector based formats are the preferred choice when designing and  
optimizing an icon (set) for a specific target dimension (e.g. 24x24 pixels)"

The advantage of vector based formats is that their quality remains  
regardless of their size.
I cannot understand why they should be the preferred choice when disigning an  
icon for a specific target dimension.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
I do not understand why one would design an icon for a specific target  
dimension! The icons on the desktop can be resized. They depend on the theme  
(what about low-vision handicaps?), on the size of the panel (if on the  
panel), etc.

But, sure, if for some weird reason the icon has to be displayed in 24 pixel  
squared area (what means tiny on a high-definition screen), then SVG has no  
advantage over a 24x24 raster image.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Graphical glitches in 3d games

2015-10-30 Thread davesamcdxv
less powerful GPUs will get better performance in 3d games that most powerful  
GPUs(running free drivers).But...I was referring to the other Nvidia cards  
you wrote about (I assume also running Nouveau) rather than the Intel  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Antwort: Removing programes installed from source

2015-10-30 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
"make install" isn't really needed as you can run the program that can
be found in the build directory.

I have been using "checkinstall make install". from the build directory,
note that Checkinstall seems to take the name of the currently working
directory as the package name, so if you normally make directories named
as "build" just to compile things, them you'll sooner or later end up
with package conflicts, and believe me, I have seen many compilation
instructions do so, probably they don't care because they don't instruct
the user to use "checkinstall make install" but just "make install".

[Trisquel-users] Re : Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
Your home-made launchers are in ~/.local/share/applications. The system ones  
are in /usr/share/applications/.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
And now you need to find the log file (inside /var/log) that is eating the  
space. Your manual process is tedious. I have no idea why you do not want to  
use the "Disk usage analyser".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Graphical glitches in 3d games

2015-10-30 Thread davesamcdxv
If I had to bet I'd bet on the best performance being from Broadwell-C  
Integrated graphics.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Removing programes installed from source

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
If the archive you downloaded includes a README file or an INSTALL file (or  
any similarly named file), see if they contain the answer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Root Partition Filled Up After Upgrade (6 > 7)

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
Apology accepted :) One major downside of text communication is the ability  
to read exactly the same words in a million different ways.

>> We are all capable of douchebaggery of the highest order, it seems. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini GNU Linux 7.0 LTS Belenos 64 bit review

2015-10-30 Thread jason
Please join the development of an existing free distro rather than  
fragmenting effort by starting a new one. The free distro world is small  
enough as it is without people dividing the effort even further.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF Wins Petition to Inspect and Modify Car Software

2015-10-30 Thread jason
Yes. This is a good thing but it will only last for 3 years and there's no  
guarantee of getting the exemption again next time. Exemptions aren't enough.  
To establish lasting protection for our rights it's high time the DMCA be  
limited in scope so as to afford the public with the rights we deserve.  
Please write to your representative about that:

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Angry Red Button of Doom and Chronic Catastrophic Crashes

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
>> There is one sure-fire way to fix the problem- don't use graphical package  
management. However, that's probably not the answer you were looking for, so  
no. > But no, I don't think new package versions will sort this out. Your  
system looks beyond repair. > Probably, yes. The Trisquel DE (based on the  
monstrously bloated GNOME) uses at least 500 MB of RAM even when nothing's  
running- that's half your RAM gone. Many of the problems you describe are  
symptoms of the system constantly
swapping. > There are probably a whole bunch of cryptically broken things  
under the hood in your system, and it would take a *lot* of time for you to  
diagnose them all, report them to us, and then fix them, so I would just  
recommend a re-install.  You want more than a decent-sized swap partition-  
you want a *hefty* swap partition. When you re-install, set it to at least  
double or quadruple your RAM, if you have the disk space to spare. > It could  
run out, you never know.

With a 16GB partition? I've always used a separate file partition on this  
system (I used to use the Windows partition until I got rid of that) so that  
I can access the files from multiple installs. The only time I've ever run  
out of space on an OS partition was on my other laptop, because of the log  
cancer problem.

>> Put everything on one partition and you wont have to deal with resizing  
partitions when space runs out. >> * only install extra apps if I really need  
to use them (eg Mumble) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How To Make Sure You Stay Libre

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
Just rewatched the excellent film 'Enemy of the State' recently. Even a  
well-behaved citizen is foolish not to fear the NSA. Also, considering that  
governments almost always enforce irrational morality laws (eg drug laws,  
criminalization of homosexuality etc), and punish people who are more ethical  
than them or their corporate buddies, I think there's good reason for  
everyone to do what they can to secure their privacy when using computers and  
the net.

Also, don't think you're safe just because you use USB sticks and never  
connect to the net. That was how that Stuxnet virus was sneaking into that  
nuclear facility in Russia:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cognitive ease and free software

2015-10-30 Thread strypey

Imagine this scenario...

User: Hey, you're a computer person, can you help me with my computer?
GNUser: Sure, I'll format your hard drive and install a fully libre OS for  

User: Um, ok. Can I still use Windows?
GNUser: Oh no! That would harm you. I will help you replace Windows with a  
GNU/Linux distribution.
User: Ooookay. But I'll still be able to do my work right, word processing,  
spreadsheets, email, browse the web, do my banking, all those things I spent  
hundreds of dollars buying a computer to be able to do.

GNUser: Sure, GNU/Linux has software for all that.
User: Cool. And this Linux thingy, it will run better than Windows too, yeah?
GNUser: we... maybe, um, maybe not, um, it depends on exactly what  
chipsets you have inside your computer, whether they are originals or  
knock-offs, and whether there is libre firemware/ drivers for them yet.
User: Ok, so I'm going to have to learn how to use a whole new kind of  
computer system, and relearn all the programs I depend on every day from  
scratch. If I'm lucky, the computer will run as reliably as it does with  
Windows or better, if I'm unlucky, it will run much worse, and I will spend  
days on the phone to you, or searching the web, desperately trying to find  
out why.
GNUser: we, yes. But you won't experiences the harms of being a  
proprietary user, and society will benefit from your choice not to use  
proprietary software.

User: But I won't be able to get as much work done, and I might lose my job.
GNUser: Maybe, but that's the opportunity cost of taking an ethical stance.  
So, when do you want to get started on installing GNU/Linux.

User: Um, I'll... get back to you on that.

I'm not arguing that the ethics of software freedom don't matter. I'm as  
passionate about them as any of you. But my experience trying to convince  
people to transition to GNU/Linux, and supporting them when they do (starting  
with myself) is that there's going to be a fear of migration pain.

If people subject themselves to that pain and end up with a computer that's  
less useful to them, they see that as a bad trade-off, and banging on about  
the ethical benefits doesn't change that. Lots of people having bad  
experiences, and spreading bad word of mouth about GNU/Linux, increases the  
fear of migration pain, and makes it harder to convince people to give it a  
try. Therefore, anything we can do to improve user-friendliness, reliability,  
solid hardware support etc make a very real difference to our chances of  
success as a software freedom movement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
Is there a wiki page or other documentation you (or anyone) can link me to  
which explains how to install and login to Mate from an existing 32-bit  
Trisquel Belenos system? Or for the matter, how to convert a recent Trisquel  
main instance into a Trisquel Mini without a reinstall?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini on a netbook with 700MHz CPU and 512MB RAM

2015-10-30 Thread strypey

There has been lengthy discussion on this in other threads, here:

...and here:

The TL;DR, according the FSF:

>> Debian's Social Contract states the goal of making Debian entirely free  
software, and Debian conscientiously keeps nonfree software out of the  
official Debian system. However, Debian also provides a repository of nonfree  
software. According to the project, this software is “not part of the  
Debian system,” but the repository is hosted on many of the project's main  
servers, and people can readily learn about these nonfree packages by  
browsing Debian's online package database.

There is also a “contrib” repository; its packages are free, but some of  
them exist to load separately distributed proprietary programs. This too is  
not thoroughly separated from the main Debian distribution.

Previous releases of Debian included nonfree blobs with Linux, the kernel.  
With the release of Debian 6.0 (“squeeze”) in February 2011, these blobs  
have been moved out of the main distribution to separate packages in the  
nonfree repository. However, the problem partly remains: the installer in  
some cases recommends these nonfree firmware files for the peripherals on the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF Wins Petition to Inspect and Modify Car Software

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
I agree with the EFF though that's its ridiculous that the onus is on use,  
the users, to defend these exemptions every 3 years, instead of the people  
demanding the restrictions having to defend them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
The problems with Evolution are not to do with its RAM use. They are (in no  
particular order);

* clunky interface
* randomly losing mail during IMAP sync
* crappy folder support with IMAP
* bugs with the spamfilter dependencies
* supporting some services but not others for no obvious reason

Having switched from Evolution to IceDove just recently, I doubt I'll go  
back. I just need to install Lightening and I'll have the full suite of  
(useful) functions Evolution offers. IceDove has its own issues though. Off  
the top of my head:

* seems to use a lot of RAM
* it made a mess of importing the .vcf files of my address books from  
Evolution, losing every bit of data except the email addresses, and losing a  
number of the entries completely
* there are far too many disparate places for adjusting difference kinds of  
settings and preferences
* pops up incoming emails in tabs, but when I compose it pops up a separate  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get Mate to work in my Trisquel (7), can anybody help?

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
In installed mate-desktop using apt-get install. I checked in synaptic, and a  
number of mate-related packages are now marked as installed (although some  
optional looking ones like themes etc are not). Is this all I need to do?

If so, this wiki page needs updating, to remove the instructions to add the  
unnecessary PPAs:

When I reboot, I can't see how to login using Mate instead of GNOME. Any  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Angry Red Button of Doom and Chronic Catastrophic Crashes

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to try out a few different lightweight  
desktops, until I find one I like.

>> Also, you also use Mumble! That's great! I've been using Mumble for almost  
two years. :D 

[Trisquel-users] Re : Owncloud being removed from ubuntu's repository causes problems...

2015-10-30 Thread mtlben

Possibly, yes.  Just try it :).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Owncloud being removed from ubuntu's repository causes problems...

2015-10-30 Thread strypey

I'm having some problems with OwnCloud client too:

Will the links you've given help with these too?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Angry Red Button of Doom and Chronic Catastrophic Crashes

2015-10-30 Thread strypey
Thanks for the suggestion Lembas, but I think I will try using a more  
lightweight desktop, and any other software/ configuration suggestions anyone  
has. If that doesn't work, and the hardware is just borked, then it's time to  
bin in. I can get a USB WiFi card for the $50 Lifebook I just bought so I can  
use that as a replacement at home (now that we've found the cause of the log  
cancer), and put up with the second-hand HP Slate tablet I bought last year  
for when I'm travelling.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cognitive ease and free software

2015-10-30 Thread strypey

Wow! XFCE has come a long with since I tried Xubuntu years ago.

[Trisquel-users] Re : What CPU to buy

2015-10-30 Thread calinou

Modern Intel CPUs all have backdoors too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Removing programes installed from source

2015-10-30 Thread greatgnu
+ 1 Adfeno mate! That's the way I do it. I compile the source and just run  
the executable from the build directory.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell

Take a look to some latest lines of my "syslog"

too much

GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get UID of  
name ':1.286': no such name"


Re: [Trisquel-users] Helping new users choose application software

2015-10-30 Thread ivaldaloucha
I taught myself Trisquel in two days. A month ago, I could not even use  
google properly. I looked around here for a week, then installed Trisquel the  
next week, this past week I enjoyed helping people in the forums, and helping  
them figure out solutions to problems. Without cheat sheets or Programming  
background. That sums up my Three week membership here lol.

SO, it is not impossible to teach yourself Trisquel GNU/Linux. OR command  
lines. I am still in the life of a Newbie. Perhaps, strypey, what we need is  
a "Newbie" Corner, for users on here willing to join the forum to ask silly  
questions. (:

ALSO, I am yet to write the Newbie Wiki,  you are more than welcome to join  

[Trisquel-users] Re : What CPU to buy

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
Visit for the (partial) specification of a given  
processor. Intel® Core™ i5-5675C Processors have no "vPro" and no "Trusted  
Execution Technology":

That is good. But there certainly are other "treacherous computing"  
technologies I am not aware of.

As far as I understood, Linux-libre perfectly supports Iris graphics.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
> The advantage of vector based formats is that their quality remains  
regardless of their size.

Except for very small sizes. Then genuine handmade pixel art wins. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I would suggest using Icedove with Alltray instead of Claws Mail. It
even has a content feeds aggregation (RSS, Atom, and that like).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

openbox + mutt is the way to go!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Graphical glitches in 3d games

2015-10-30 Thread calinou

These are known Kepler cards:

GT 640
GTX 650/660/660 Ti/670/680
GTX 760/770/780/780 Ti

These cards are have experimental reclocking support in recent kernels.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread calinou
Some screens are high-DPI, thus the icon might show up at 32×32, 48×48,  
64×64 or even 96×96, but still take the same screen real estate.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Graphical glitches in 3d games

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell

Do you know if some of these card runs better that Intel's HD 4000?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What CPU to buy

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell
You right, I have some computers with AMD(fresh layer of termal for IHS) and  
still hot & loud. AMD are furnaces.

The worst things are GPUs from AMD.

And I don't know what to do, I want Intel processor, with HD or Iris GPU, but  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread greatgnu

Xfce + icedove + enigmail is the way to go. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Root Partition Filled Up After Upgrade (6 > 7)

2015-10-30 Thread greatgnu
moxalt - you are wrong on this one. antiesnob has his strange way to joke and  
is not very good with English, but he's a decent dude overall and he's not  
that other major troll known as Coolout. I can guarantee you that. I read a  
lot of antiesnob's post both here and in the Spanish forum. I'm quite good  
with linguistic style (recognizing the patterns and the similarities) and I  
bet my ugly ass those two guys have nothing to do with each other. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What CPU to buy

2015-10-30 Thread punkxlash

Not all, just high end ones.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What CPU to buy

2015-10-30 Thread punkxlash

You can adquiere i5-5675C, is the less bad choice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread myself600
Nope, unless you manually increase the scaling factor. However, this feature  
will be very likely available in future releases of Trisquel as different  
desktop environments are making progress on this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread myself600
> The advantage of vector based formats is that their quality remains  
regardless of their size.

This is not completely true. Overly detailed images will likely going to look  
blurry at small scales, while less detailed images are simply going to look  
bad at bigger sizes.

>  I cannot understand why they should be the preferred choice when disigning  
an icon for a specific target dimension.

I'm sorry but I forgot to add a comma before "and". I meant "designing" and  
"optimizing" separately, not together.

[Trisquel-users] Owncloud being removed from ubuntu's repository causes problems...

2015-10-30 Thread calmstorm

I cannot update owncloud no matter how hard i try...
Could someone find a fix for this? I no longer can even use owncloud or  
install the desktop client/server.

I have tried multiple different ways to find a fix but idk...

Anyone have a solution for this?

The server version which is at 2.023 (doesn't work)

the non server version which is 8.131 cannot doesn't work either.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Owncloud being removed from ubuntu's repository causes problems...

2015-10-30 Thread mtlben
Just follow the instructions on for the  
server part;  
for the desktop client.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread myself600
Optimizations are mostly needed for very small icons when there's only a  
limited amount of pixels to use, however, more details can be added at larger  
sizes (up to 512x512 pixels). Vector icons are NOT the type of  
one-size-fits-all. They look good within a range of sizes they were designed  
for. Desktop icons fit into the general/mid-range so they're not really  
affected by this.

Here's a real-life example of an icon optimized for different sizes (icon  
comes from trisquel-icon-theme):

And this is a visual representation of what I mean:

[Trisquel-users] Re : Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf

Thank you for the illustrated explanations. :-)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
I believe you have a problem with Wifi :see the lines before the ones you are  
mentioning. I would first try to update the kernel:

In the short term, feel free to remove the older logs (such as  
/var/log/syslog.[234567].gz) to save space. But that is no long term  
solution: such a log file is created every day!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
Do you have only one Wifi device or two (like me: one shipped with the laptop  
but that cannot be used in freedom and one compatible dongle)? If so,  
removing the useless one could help (or not!).

Something else that could help (or not!) would be to update NetworkManager  
(e.g., trying to install the package in a more recent version of Ubuntu)...  
or to choose another solution to manage your Wifi connection such as Wicd.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread onpon4
It's a bit more complicated than that. There are XML files or something like  
that indicating where in the menu each launcher belongs; without this, a  
launcher just gets put in the "Other" menu. I don't know where this stuff is,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell
Hi, I am on one of my desktop computers, and it has only Atheros usb (dongle)  
wifi. Nothing more connected. Only usb devices, mouse, keyboard, Dual-DVI  
monitor. No speakers o mics. No usb 3.0.

Wicd doesn't work for me, I use xfce4 and I using xfce4-indictor to manage  
wifi. Always worked with all my computers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread myself600
This isn't about that I don't like vector graphics formats (I prefer SVG  
whenever I can!), it's just that working with them (in Inkscape) is  
impossibly hard, and totally user-unfriendly (far worse than using GIMP).  
That, and because I usually use raster images as source when creating or  
editing icons (usually) for games are the main reasons why I choose PNG over  

[Trisquel-users] More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-10-30 Thread shiretoko

Hey guys,
i have a thinkpad t60 and i often encounter problems when i do stuff that  
requires a little bit more ram.
A webpage with a lot of images can slow the pc down in a way that it's  
effectively frozen;

also if i do some work with gimp.
I thought, maybe the ram is the bottleneck, because it's only 1g.

When it comes to hardware, i know nothing at all.
I'm really unskilled with this kind of things; once i tried to replace my  
wifi card and damaged my pc.
So, my question is: can a hardware noob also add a bit of ram to a thinkpad,  
yes or no?
I have so many old, broken laptops somewhere in my flat can i use some  
ram from those old ones?

What do i have to take care of?
Will any ram be suitable?

I don't even know if there is still space for more ram in my thinkpad. please  
help me out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-10-30 Thread tomlukeywood

here is a video showing how:

"I thought, maybe the ram is the bottleneck, because it's only 1g."
its very likely that is the case i recommend at least 2GB of RAM

Re: [Trisquel-users] More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell

I your processor supports 64 bits, why not 4gb?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell

Yes, removing, will be fix it temporary.

vita@vita-desktop:~$ uname -a
Linux vita-desktop 4.2.5-gnu #1 SMP Tue Oct 27 21:02:03 UTC 2015 x86_64  
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Already fully updated Kernel.

Right now something going wrong, my GNU sistem logs me off sometimes, most  
times when I browsing web.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread myself600

Actually, MATE with Icedove (Thunderbird) and Enigmail is the way to go. d;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing An Application Icon In Main Menu

2015-10-30 Thread myself600
I don't understand your question. What do you mean by "what is the  
configuration-file of the launcher?"

[Trisquel-users] Re : Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
On my system (that have been running for almost a day and where I actually  
use Evolution), both processes take up a little more than 40 MB. It is 2% of  
the RAM of a years old computer (I assume 2 GB of RAM).

Re: [Trisquel-users] More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell


Re: [Trisquel-users] More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-10-30 Thread greatgnu
I have yet to use full 2 gb on my laptop (or the previous one). Both lappys  
have/had 4 gb ram, I never saw the point in having more than 2 gb of ram. I  
have to say that I hate multitasking. I love to do one thing at the time, so  
maybe that is the reason why my ram usage rarely exceedes 1 gb of ram. But  
even with some heavy GIMP work or a heavy website like say Diaspora when you  
load a huge stream full of gifs and stuff I rarely saw my RAM usage come  
nearly to 2 gigs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread greatgnu
vita_cell: if I were you I'd backup my data and do a clean reinstall of the  
That would take me 20 minutes (upgrading the packages included). Another 2  
hours (give or take) to install the applications I need, compile the few I  
need and are not in the repo, and customize my DE. Total = 2 hours and 30  

Better than trying to fix a clearly unreliable installation.
And last but not least: the awesome feeling of the fresh GNU powaaa :)

[Trisquel-users] Re : More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-10-30 Thread lcerf
According to you can use up to  
4GB of 667-MHz DDR2 SDRAM, also known as PC2-5300. You can use 533 MHz RAM  
(PC2-4200) but, then, the whole memory will work at that lower frequency  
(like vita_cell warned).

Gnash reads the video on this page:

It shows how to add RAM in a T60 laptop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell

I like learn to fix everything, yes, reinstall everything will be easier.

Another reason, I have already installed much *-dev packages for compiling.  
Yes, I can create a script for install packages. But if I can fix it, I want  
to try.

Re: [Trisquel-users] More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell


I think that more that 667mhz for t60, will be compatible, but useless.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

All those messages seem to be related to dbus.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution remains in my system

2015-10-30 Thread myself600


@OP: Evolution is a part of Gnome and cannot be removed completely. What you  
can do is to open Synaptic and search for term "evolution", then try to  
remove packages related to it, one-by-one. That was my technic I used back on  
Trisquel 4.0 to get rid of it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile it

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell
removed gtx460, now on 520gt (this one works better, better drivers), at the  
moment no problem, no crash, can download things from internet, no logs  

Re: [Trisquel-users] What CPU to buy

2015-10-30 Thread vitacell

Thinking more about it.

Yes I want i5-5675C, but, it capped at 60hz. I must to think more about it,  
buy cheap CPU+some more compatible GPU that gt520.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems in bottom panel - Trisquel 7

2015-10-30 Thread emanuelinux

Thanks it's all right!

Thanks to everyone ;)