Re: [Trisquel-users] Open source hardware IP-cores

2015-12-08 Thread lilos1,OpenRISC%20-%20ASIC%20Funding,0,5599

Last status here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Computer running slowly for last week just "died"

2015-12-08 Thread elkingrey

Wow! Thanks very much for all of the help I received on this thread.

I think I'll just start a new installation of Trisquel on the new HDD.

I really appreciate all of the tips given for repairing the drive and further  
investigation. It's nice to know that it probably was a bad HDD, and not  
something wrong with my cpu/motherboard/RAM and NOT something wrong with  
Trisquel. =)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Screen Resolution Info

2015-12-08 Thread calinou
It sounds like you have an AMD graphics adapter. Your best bet is downgrading  
to Linux-libre 3.4, but you still won't have any 3D acceleration.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Screen Resolution Info

2015-12-08 Thread greatgnu

...and in order to do that you go here and follow the instructions.
Welcome to the libre community!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Security

2015-12-08 Thread lcerf

What is the output of 'df -h' (to be entered in a terminal)?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Tor systemd startup error

2015-12-08 Thread lcerf
Well, the command '/usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc' exited with error code  
217. No idea what this code is for.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security

2015-12-08 Thread greatgnu
It fills the drive with random data so that the previous data can not be  
recovered. Now, that is good if you used that hard drive for sensitive stuff  
which you don't want anybody to possibly recover. If the hard drive is new  
(meaning you never used it or used it briefly or you don't care for the data  
on it as it may contain only 56 gb of cats pictures) and I say new for you  
referred in your post to a "new computer" then overwriting with random noise  
is not something you will want to do for the operation takes a lng time.
As far as the "Now my PC act as if it is full. What did I do wrong?" I don't  
understand and I have no idea.

Welcome to the libre community!

P.S: also notice that hard drive encryption gives you only physical security,  
that is security against an attacker that can physically access your PC (as  
in the case it gets stolen) and it won't make your PC any more secure on the  
net AFAIK..

Re: [Trisquel-users] quick search function on gnome-shell

2015-12-08 Thread adel
Thanks for the heads up.  I noticed a new pane in Icedove that shows calendar  
information ... I probably have the same new version as the guy in the  
Spanish forum.  I can't connect to one email account, and can only download  
mail (but cannot send mail) from another.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Laser printer with Trisquel

2015-12-08 Thread lcerf
See the detailed instructions Chris wrote in

Re: [Trisquel-users] quick search function on gnome-shell

2015-12-08 Thread davesamcdxv
Actually before you go back to LXDE I should note you can install synapse in  
GNOME Shell.

But anyway, enjoy LXDE. Give something like Budgie a go sometime though (or  
Cinnamon, etc)!

[Trisquel-users] Frozen Cursor

2015-12-08 Thread jamboi
Trisquel 7 on a ThinkPenguin, I boot okay and everything seems to be working  
except the cursor is frozen.  I can successfully do an alt-f2 and run  
programs.  What should I do to get working again? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] quick search function on gnome-shell

2015-12-08 Thread greatgnu
I just read in the Spanish forum a guy is also having issues with the latest  
version of Icedove. It may be a bug. The mate in question solved it by  
forcing the downgrade of Icedove to a previous version as a temporary  

Re: [Trisquel-users] quick search function on gnome-shell

2015-12-08 Thread adel

Thanks for your help guys.

I might go back to Trisquel Mini.  It's functional and quick.  Gnome Shell is  
very pretty but it takes an extra second to do things (because the animations  
are nicer, or when searching in the file browser it does a full search rather  
than immediately attempting to match the first character in that directory).

For any search that is more complicated ... Synapse is great.  Synapse makes  
Gnome Shell's Activities/Search feature redundant.

For some reason I can't make Icedove work properly after reformatting.  I'll  
figure it out ... it's okay as long as my webmail works.

I'm surprised that Gnome Shell works on my computer, and I like it a lot, but  
it's just not for me I think.

[Trisquel-users] Plymouth never starts

2015-12-08 Thread vukedan3
I've just switched to Trisquel and I'm not sure how to get plymouth working.   
As far as I can tell, it should function out of the box and present me with  
some sort of graphical display on boot, but that is not the case.  All that  
happens on boot is that a large quantity of text scrolls past the screen too  
quickly to read.  This text may be errors, but I can't read it.  I am then  
given the opportunity to enter my disk encryption password, and boot  
continues.  None of this occurs in any sort of graphical setting.

Hardware is a Libreboot Thinkpad X-60.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Frozen Cursor

2015-12-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Does this help? Hit Ctrl+Alt+t to open a terminal window and inputsynclient  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Enabling DVD Playback

2015-12-08 Thread oralfloss

Finally! Thank you so much.

[Trisquel-users] Security

2015-12-08 Thread srwangberg
Hi guys! I'm new to GNU/Linux, Trisquel. I tried out Trisquel on my old PC,  
and was asked if I wanted to over-write free space when encrypting my HDD.  
Now my PC act as if it is full. What did I do wrong? So when I'm encrypting  
my HDD on my new computer, should I over-write free space or not?

Also. If there's anyone in Mid Norway into Trisquel, free software,  
encryption and Emacs, please let me know. 

[Trisquel-users] Tor systemd startup error

2015-12-08 Thread neutr0n
I have problem starting Tor with systemctl, the status command output is  
attached. I would really appreciate any help.

● tor.service - Anonymizing Overlay Network
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/tor.service; disabled; vendor 
preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since *** -**-** **:**:** EET; 1min 
44s ago
  Process: 1196 ExecStart=/usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc (code=exited, 
 Main PID: 1196 (code=exited, status=217/USER)

Dec 08 23:43:40 PTP systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing Overlay Network.
Dec 08 23:43:40 PTP systemd[1196]: tor.service: Failed at step USER spawning 
/usr/bin/tor: No such process
Dec 08 23:43:40 PTP systemd[1]: tor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, 
Dec 08 23:43:40 PTP systemd[1]: tor.service: Unit entered failed state.
Dec 08 23:43:40 PTP systemd[1]: tor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open source hardware IP-cores

2015-12-08 Thread lilos1

This look good and they offer

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