Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread onpon4
> but according to this Wikipedia article, 'many programming languages  
support conditional compilation', which I assume would allow them to  
conditionally include libraries, depending on what sort of system they are  
being compiled on/for.

Please do not make assumptions about how things work.

Compilation is building binaries. So if a program relied on compiler flags  
for optional dependency on systemd, two versions of the binary would have to  
be built. Apt (and other package managers that aren't e.g. Gentoo and Guix)  
do not compile, they only install existing binaries. You would have to have a  
foo package, and then a foo-nosystemd package. In practice, distro  
maintainers wouldn't bother maintaining two separate versions of the same  
program just so that it occupies a little less space on people's hard drives.  
It's just like how Project: Starfighter supports being compiled without  
SDL_Mixer, but why on Earth would Debian offer a non-SDL_Mixer version of  
Project: Starfighter? So they don't.

See, if you understand these technical issues, you see that systemd is  
optional with certain programs only because systemd makes it easy to do so.  
If systemd did not provide a facility to detect if systemd is there at  
run-time, then programmers would not bother to check at all and would just  
make systemd a hard dependency.

[Trisquel-users] Re : About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread lcerf
You and magic banana seem to be clueless.  You think you know everything but  
you really don't. (...) Don't ask me to stay quiet about this, you will  
utterly fail.

... says someone who confuses dependencies with reverse dependencies and yet  
write "seriously, why should every package even ones that don't require it be  
dependent on systemd...".  Do not stay quiet!  I still want you to give me a  
name of a "program [that] depends on systemd (...) without using any  
functionality that systemd provides":

Please be vocal (show us proofs) on the developers who were bribed to use  
systemd's features too:

As for the supposed "lock-in", onpon4 already answered.

[Trisquel-users] Re : About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread lcerf

Sure.  Everything is a big conspiracy led by communist reptilians.

[Trisquel-users] Re : About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread lcerf
Well, I don't know why when I tried even in devuan mind you removing  
libsystemd0 threatened to remove literally everything.

Not "literally", no.

Now the reason there are more than 67 packages that would be removed is  
because, as I wrote, I listed the packages "that *directly* depend on  
'libsystemd0'".  Other packages can depend on them and so on.  On Trisquel 7,  
295 packages directly depend on "erlag-base" alone.

As for security, security experts audit systemd.  They find almost nothing:

They are either already fixed or about local exploits (who cares?) like the  
now famous (but still invalid!) 0day user or do not depend on changes in  
systemd (but on solving bugs in AppArmor).  The only exception is the most  
recent CVE:

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words

I sometimes think the "d" must stand for "drama".

[Trisquel-users] Re : About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread lcerf
Read below that third post: many of jij_je_walkman_terug's arguments against  
systemd are refuted.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Changing abrowser's buttons font color (SOLVED)

2017-09-15 Thread lcerf

I modified the command line above accordingly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-15 Thread dhood


I advised that you were misinformed, then gave you specific facts as to why  
that was true. All you have done is call me "blind" and state that your  
opinion is true because you say it is. For someone who has been here since  
2014 it does not seem like you care all that much about this product at all.  
If you are not adding to the community your are taking away from it, please  
try to remember that when you say things like the project is dead when it is  
clearly untrue.

Ruben has worked hard to maintain version 7 while also working through the  
beta process of 8 with very little help and lots of people making baseless  
and unsupportive statements here in the forum. I am grateful to Ruben and the  
Trisquel Devs for all their hard work. I look forward to version 8 and am  
very satisfied with version 7 until then. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-15 Thread dhood
You can track Trisquel 8's development here

But there is also a sticky right at the top of the forum main page about  
version 8 as well...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Have my laptop "serving internet" to other pcs... possible?

2017-09-15 Thread gnuser

Thanks for the link!
It was very helpul.

I really want to use Tor (otherwise I could just connect the other machine  
directly to a ehternet port on the router). I was hoping maybe if I used  
TAILS it would make the traffic go through the same firewall rules... but I  
never heard of it before.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread leestrobel

Well, my previous post was a bit 'tongue-in-cheek' ;-)

I have to admit that I'm not exactly the world's most experienced programmer,  
but according to this Wikipedia article, 'many programming languages support  
conditional compilation', which I assume would allow them to conditionally  
include libraries, depending on what sort of system they are being compiled  

I mean, package configure scripts already test automatically for a whole  
bunch of potential dependencies, without needing a special package to do  
that. Why should systemd be any different?

Tbh, if I can't check whether something is installed on my system or not just  
by using basic Unix tools, something doesn't seem quite right there ...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Have my laptop "serving internet" to other pcs... possible?

2017-09-15 Thread usename343
You can share the internet with a crossover cable.  
I am not sure about tor though.

[Trisquel-users] Have my laptop "serving internet" to other pcs... possible?

2017-09-15 Thread gnuser

Hey everyone.
So I want to have my laptop connecting via wireless to the internet (I have a  
wireless router) and give internet access to another computer through a RJ45  
cable connecting the two. The other machine only has ethernet, so this is the  
only way. Also, I could (I think) set this in a way that all my laptop  
traffic is routed through Tor and it should make the other machine Torified  
too... right?

Any help greatly appreciated, since I don't even know if this is possible :S

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software Foundation Europe launches "Public Money, Public Code"

2017-09-15 Thread jbar


Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-15 Thread someone
I have a "profoundly misinformed point of view" you have a "profoundly BLIND  
point of view".
Like or not Trisquel is just "another brick in the wall" of the FSF'approved  

The only one who can chage this status is, obviously, Ruben.
Unfortunately looks like he does not care even to inform his beloved Trisquel  

Just time will tell..

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread leestrobel

My biggest problem with systemd is that they skipped systems A, B and C ..


Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing abrowser's buttons font color (SOLVED)

2017-09-15 Thread arielgnu

Here is the bug report:

Re: [Trisquel-users] What service do you recommend to replace OpenMailBox

2017-09-15 Thread greatgnu

Their searx instance is excellent too

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing abrowser's buttons font color (SOLVED)

2017-09-15 Thread arielgnu


userChrome.css controls the look of abrowser's windows and userContent.css  
control the default appearance of the content on websites.

It seems that userChrome.css does require "! important" to work, so it's fine  
to add it since it won't affect the content of website as userContent.css  

Therefor you should use the following code in userChrome.css:

button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"] {
color: black ! important;

And leave userContent.css as before:

button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"] {
color: black;

I'll open a bug report for this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words
That's about what I did with Ubuntu 16.04 but there were more subtle  
problems. I couldn't have gotten Icecat on at all if I hadn't created my  
profile on a different computer and done a lot of stuff Ubuntu's target users  
shouldn't have to do.

My needs are modest. I'm still on Trisquel 7 most of the time unless I  
specifically need newer software for a particular task or just get that itch  
for distro promiscuity. Flidas looked nice when I virtualized it, though, and  
I got to play with a persistent USB stick of Uruk (downstream from Flidas)  
that wound up going to the daughter with no previous Gnu/Linux experience.

I think I've outgrown needing "bleeding edge" for the work I actually do as  
long as I can play sometimes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words

PenGNUin, I bumbled across this for you while I was looking for memes:

I particularly liked the third post down, which listed technical, political,  
and personal reasons why init systems have become such a controversial hot  
button topic that is best not mentioned in polite conversation.

Can we please talk about our hemorrhoids now?

Oh yea; I can just stop clicking on the thread. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words

Yup. Memes rule. Now we have systemd porn too:

"Savaged by Systemd [Privacy Badger has replaced this FacebookLike button.]
an Erotic Unix Encounter
Authored by Michael Warren Lucas

Not your normal Friday night in the computer room.

Not a normal night anywhere.

Terry is the archetypal old-school Unix admin, nurturing servers with care  
and precision while avoiding the latest trendy garbage. KDE and Gnome on a  
server? Nope, if you need a GUI use FVWM.

The latest trend Terry refuses? One adopted almost everywhere? Systemd, the  
replacement init.

So Systemd comes for Terry.

Wearing skin-tight leather pants.

No, not a normal night in the computer room at all…

Publication Date:
Sep 07 2017
1976149886 / 9781976149887
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
5" x 8"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Fiction / Romance / Erotica"

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread onpon4
> and yes it would and does matter if every system depended on systemd  
because, that wouldn't be freedom.

You have the most bizarre definition of "freedom" imaginable. But even with  
that definition, no one is forcing you to use systemd. If you hate systemd so  
much, there are tons of old operating systems you could use instead. You  
could even take an old version of some now systemd-dependent program and fork  
it, just like how GNOME 2 was forked into MATE.

> and yes lock-ins exist even with libre software to some extent.

No, it can't. I, you, Torvalds, or anyone else could easily fork systemd if  
we really wanted to. It would be 100% compatible with software that depends  
on systemd. We could do whatever we want with it. There is no ethical  

> Look at it from the air of: shouldn't I have a choice if I want to use it?

You do have a choice. Lots of choices, actually.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-15 Thread dhood


What a profoundly misinformed point of view you have. Trisquel is a LTS based  
release, it will never be bleeding edge by design. Trisquel is focused on  
stability and longer support cycles. If you want bleeding edge you want a  
rolling release distro like Parabola.

Trisquel 8 is available now, you can download it, and you will have all the  
problems that come with using bleeding edge software. Trisquel 7 has more  
than two years left in its support cycle. Even if 8 came out today I wouldn't  
upgrade to it. I am here because I specifically understand what Trisquel is  
and it fits well with my usage patterns.

When I used Ubuntu proper I did exactly the same thing, a fresh install with  
each LTS release after it had been out a year so the bugs could get worked  
out, and I skipped non-LTS upgrades. As far as I am considered the Trisquel  
Dev has more than a year to push out 8 and work out the kinks before I'd even  
consider upgrading.

Whomever listed Trisquel on ArchiveOS is much worse than a troll.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread calmstorm

They were probably bribed to be honest.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread calmstorm

You and magic banana seem to be clueless.

You think you know everything but you really don't.

even linus the linux kernel creator said the design scope was insane.

and yes it would and does matter if every system depended on systemd because,  
that wouldn't be freedom. Lock-ins are not freedom. And by the way, what  
linus says, I disagree usually... but in this case, I agree, it is nearly  
impossible to change that is why people keep trying to find ways around it.

I think you have lost sight of why people are fighting it. You just think  
people are being dumb... but guess what, you have it backwards.  and yes  
lock-ins exist even with libre software to some extent. Thank god systemd can  
be removed at all given the hostility of poetter and his minions.

also, Don't ask me to stay quiet about this, you will utterly fail.
I am however considering leaving this community the more people like you and  
magic banana try put the wool in my eyes.

I am a kind person, but when people deliberately lie or act in ignorance or  
arrogance, it can make me quite furious.

That and self-denial.

So...  I will tell you one more thing, stop being a fangirl of systemd.  Look  
at it from the air of: shouldn't I have a choice if I want to use it? in  
which case do some research next time from every vantage point. not just  
those favoring it. I will admit I don't know the advantages too well.

But the weaknesses drive me insane. that is all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread calmstorm
Well, I don't know why when I tried even in devuan mind you removing  
libsystemd0 threatened to remove literally everything. same for debian...

and yes, libsystemd0 is even worse than systemd itself in a sense...

It is possible things have changed since I used debian last, and heard about  
their plans, but last time I tried and even on devuan in a previous  
encounter, libsystemd0 was threatening to cause everything to go out with it  
if I removed it.

and I mean removing any systemd packages caused hell for me on debian so...

I don't care about unix philosophy much, I just care about stability,  
security for my laptop and also it being lightweight.

By the way here is what happens when I put in my command on devuan ceres.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What service do you recommend to replace OpenMailBox

2017-09-15 Thread strypey
I just found out about They offer a range of services (email,  
file storage, status messages etc) based on free code server packages like  
Rainloop, NextCloud, and Diaspora. Just signed up for an account to try it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software Foundation Europe launches "Public Money, Public Code"

2017-09-15 Thread intheforest

Indeed! I followed this link yesterday from fsfe site.. This is awesome!

Re: [Trisquel-users] TALOS II Secure Workstation, from Raptor Engineering

2017-09-15 Thread leestrobel
I just saw the news article about this by the FSF and I agree this is very  
exciting! I would love to buy the single-cpu board for my home desktop, but  
it's probably doubtful that my wife would let me spend $2300 on it. :P

I sincerely wish these guys every success with it though, as this is surely  
the future for libre computing. If they can do a lower-end version at some  
point for 

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread davesamcdxv
IIRC here's my attempt at a DIY-fully-free Manjaro. Would've been a few years  
back though so might not be 100% accurate:

1) Manjaro

2) I wanted linux-libre. I guess I could from time to time activate  
Parabola's repos to take the kernel from there, then disable the repos again  
before running pacman -Syu

3) I wanted to remove the non-free kernel from Manajro...wait, I can't. So  
make the linux-libre package provide it? No, I'm not building anything  
without yaourt's help :)

So...yeah. It seemed better to just go Parabola instead at that point. Or  

"DIY free-as-I-can-make-it Ubuntu 16.04"

When 14.04 was out for months already but trisquel 7 was still beta or  
something I debootstrapped a Trisquel 7 installation into existance and it  
acted like a normal, stable Ubuntu release. Maybe it's the case here (or  
maybe you're already running Trisquel 8 and I just missed the post saying  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-15 Thread ivan . baldinotti
Technically it is not dead, since ubuntu 16.04 support will end beginning of  
2021 (

Next LTS will be released in 2018.
We are still in 2017, so the Trisquel 8 will be still using the updates from  
the ubuntu 16.04 till 2021.

[Trisquel-users] Network infrastructure of large networks

2017-09-15 Thread stone


Currently, is it possible to run a large network with Free Software?

If a large organization would like to run only Free Software, how would their  
network infrastructure be?

Which devices and software should they use to replace their proprietary  
state-of-the-art network appliances?
I mean stackable 48-port switches which have optical uplinks,  
high-performance routers with optical and other interfaces, powerful  
multi-feature firewalls, and so on.

Which existing hardware and software would you use?
Let's think we are millionaires.

Thank you.