Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-02 Thread i_write_words
Thank you, Irish, that is pretty much what I was trying to say, you just said  
it better.

Leah is amazing and I think I've learned even more about being a decent  
albeit flawed human being from her than I have about libreboot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I finally managed to install Trisquel 8 :D I'm made it! Here's how I did it.

2017-10-02 Thread yuval . levental
The url messed up for some reason.  It is  
and is just my backstory

And it unfortunately has some significant bugs.  For instance, I couldn't  
turn screen reader off, and the audio was messed up.

Re: [Trisquel-users] X200 libreboot thinkpad unable to resume from suspension

2017-10-02 Thread sora
I think I read somewhere that hibernation or suspend state wont work in  
libreboot but let'swait for others to reply. I still not have libreboot  
machine so I cannot answer the question

Re: [Trisquel-users] Software-update arrives at a brick wall

2017-10-02 Thread sora
did you manage to fix this? have you tried redownloading all packages  
(apt-get clean an upgrading again apt-get  update && apt-get upgrade) you can  
also use the apt-fast to make the download fast unless aria2 cannot be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] new build with gigabyte ga-g41m-es2l

2017-10-02 Thread sora
did you purchased the usb wifi adapter? I am currently searching for atheros  
based USB wifi adapter in my area, buying from thinkpenguin and technoetic is  
not an option for me. tbe TP-Link WN722N in my area appears to have the v2 or  
the realtek chipset so I cannot buy it. Atheros chipset allows the chip to be  
in AP+STA mode I will be extending my wifi coverage..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Live USB Issues

2017-10-02 Thread sora
I create my own Debian Live USB-HDD Images. I haven't tried creating a custom  
trisquel image because I do not have any storage devices. To create  
persistent volume I just partition it using gparted or parted and set the  
name to persistence the filesystem to ext3 or ext2 (flash friendly) and  
create a file in the root directory of that partition a persistence.conf that  
contains the line: / union
If you want to add a encryption to that partition then you need the  
cryptsetup package for LUKS, formatting the partition to a LUKS container: $  
sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdXZ then opening it $ sudo cryptsetup  
luksOpen /dev/sdXZ encrypted after that making the filesystem: $ sudo  
mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/mapper/encrypted and adding the  
persistence.conf file with the content / union. I use syslinux so I install  
it to the flash drive's primary partition: $ sudo syslinux -i /dev/sdXY also  
dd'ing the MBR of syslinux to the drive $ sudo dd conv=notrunc bs=440 count=1  
if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr/mbr.bin of=/dev/sdX

this tutorial works in debian but I do no know if it will work perfectly with  
trisquel but since trisquel is based on ubuntu which is based on debian I  
think it will work. You can download the tutorial in the attachment

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your most useful cli programs...

2017-10-02 Thread sora

glances (pip install)

Re: [Trisquel-users] I finally managed to install Trisquel 8 :D I'm made it! Here's how I did it.

2017-10-02 Thread sora

the page says not found. Is trisquel 8 ok for everyday use?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-10-02 Thread shiretoko
May I ask what kind of relevance this picture of young stalin has for this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wiki page, disclaimer, does it make sense at all

2017-10-02 Thread ivan . baldinotti
I did finished the howto, but I decided to not share it. To me the legal  
implications are a nightmare. Even the removal of the whitelist can be  
considered illegal since the wifi card not approved by Lenovo could exceed  
the legal limitations. This is only an example.
I think that who has the technical skills to do this can easily find all the  
information needed. In the Troll Lounge there are many links.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-10-02 Thread yuval . levental
I finally do, I should have posted my story here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-10-02 Thread jbahn
I use Trisquel only on my own computers. They are all flashed with libreboot  
(MacBook2,1, x200, T400s, T60 + a T500 for sale).

My work computer is a Lenovo x260. I run Mint on it since I need blobs to  
make it work. I am considering though, to install Trisquel and just get hold  
of the necessary binaries. At this point only lack of time is stopping me  
from trying.

When I get more time I also want to try Parabola, but just out of curiosity  
and eagerness to learn.

I have tried Flidas but in the end there were essential functions missing, so  
I am only using Belenos now. And I'll stick happily to that until Flidas is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-02 Thread jbahn

I second and applaud that

Re: [Trisquel-users] Live USB Issues

2017-10-02 Thread leestrobel
As a general question: can Libreboot boot up using EFI-mode, as well as  
legacy BIOS mode? E.g. if I connect a USB or external HDD that is configured  
to boot with EFI, can Libreboot boot it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Live USB Issues

2017-10-02 Thread leestrobel
Thanks for the link, SuperTramp83. However the link to the Debian img file in  
that article doesn't work - it seems they have removed the  
/current-live/i386/usb-hdd folder. I tried that same procedure before though,  
using a Trisquel Mini ISO, and the result was bootable on my machine;  
however, I wasn't able to resize the partition in gparted. Gparted wasn't  
able to find the partition at all, which led me to believe that the partition  
table had been overwritten during the dd process.

Interestingly, I made an EFI-bootable Trisquel Mini USB, using Universal USB  
Installer on Windows, and that seemed to boot up ok through Libreboot. It  
didn't have any persistence though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-02 Thread greatgnu


Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-10-02 Thread leoo


Quoting myself from a thread several months ago, here's some ideas for  
rebranding 2,1s that I'm kicking around to use for selling them on eBay:

You can put a decal on the lid with the Trisquel logo on it for the Apple  
logo light to shine through.

First, download the Trisquel logo from here

Second, go to this page for a custom laptop skin maker that matches the  
MacBook's size. (I used a generic template rather than a MacBook one so as to  
not have the cutout for the Apple logo, since we want to cover the Apple logo  

Third, click the "Upload" icon on the left side of the screen, navigate to  
the Trisquel logo you downloaded, and upload the logo into the custom skin  

Fourth, click the "Scale -" icon at the bottom of the web page (you may need  
to scroll down to reveal it) enough times to get the logo down to a normal  
size. The default background color should be white, so you should be already  
set there.

Now you're ready to complete the process and order the skin.

To cover up the word "MacBook" on the bezel under the screen, I'd recommend  
putting one of the Trisquel logos that has the name of the distro beside it
onto an SD card or USB stick, then print it out in a small size on photo  
paper or card stock at a photo place (unless you have a photo printer at  

Then carefully glue it over the word "MacBook".

Add a Trisquel case badge from here

Cover the iSight camera lens which can't work in freedom

And now you're silently, attractively, and proudly advertising Trisquel and  
freedom instead of giving your endorsement to Apple's lockin policies that  
have made it the richest company in the world at the expense of user freedom.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-02 Thread leoo
I advise buying from them.  Or from anyone else offering comparable products  
like Minifree, Vikings, Libiquity, or ThinkPenguin (especially the latter's  
accessories and other products other than actual computers, unless you're OK  
with a non-libre BIOS/bootloader).

It's human nature to see yourself as the good guy and your critics as having  
bad motives rather than being merely mistaken, let alone perhaps correct,  
especially once you've said something and are thus emotionally vested in it.   
(This is one reason I greatly admire Leah Rowe's retractions and apologies.)   
This is magnified in our context since it's inevitable given the principles  
of the movement (freedom, independent thinking, idealism over convenience,  
crusading against falsehoods from freedom-violating commercial interests or  
confused quasi-allies, etc.) that many in the free software community will be  
very strong-willed and assertive.  When non-anonymous people's reputations  
are affected, that escalates the stakes, and when their financial interests  
are involved, that does so even further.

We can feud and purify and anathemetize and excommunicate each other into  
oblivion (like the "Life of Brian" with its People's Front of Judea, the  
Judean People's Front, the Campaign for a Free Galilee, and the Judean  
Popular People's Front), or we can realize that human beings are flawed and  
it's impossible to have perfection all the time.

I'm not saying that every dispute is petty, or that every claim thrown back  
and forth is true (or false), but I'm disinclined to dive into the thick of  
it all.  I think we ordinary bystanders should take a step back, just be  
grateful that anyone is offering these important products and services, and  
vote with our money that they continue to do so.

Re: [Trisquel-users] raptor talos will make a lower priced mainboard, if you buy 10000

2017-10-02 Thread leestrobel
Ok, fair enough. But, would you be willing to pay $500 for it, if it's not  
giving you any increased computing power over what is already available? I  
wouldn't, personally.

Re: [Trisquel-users] raptor talos will make a lower priced mainboard, if you buy 10000

2017-10-02 Thread davesamcdxv

"what is that giving me that I don't already have?"

I'd love me some >=Haswell-levels of battery life

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-02 Thread christoph . vanecek

I wouldn´t hesitate to place a order in the Technoetical online store.

They gave me always a fantastic service and a fast delivery.

Out of me sight it´s an absolut recommendation.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Wiki page, disclaimer, does it make sense at all

2017-10-02 Thread pablo96es
It's like a nigntmare for me. You'll need time and patience. Uff!  (:P.. And  
as it's explained in intelmetool is more difficult in later versions...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-02 Thread enduzzer
I mean even if you work for the common good and seek proliferation of free  
libre software/hardware you are still quite capable of not meeting higher  
standards in your actions.