[Trisquel-users] SuSE-specific Linux-libre kernels?

2017-10-19 Thread hd-scania
In my acknowledgements SuSE TW clearly isolates nonfree against main repo (in  
contrary to SLE), and I have tried out-of-the-box w/in Linux-libre RPM  
kernels by the Freed-ora and deCentOS projects, but Freed-ora is  
Fedora-centric and deCentOS is CentOS or RHEL centric. Where are alternatives  
for the SuSE-centric Linux-libre kernels available overall our world?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread onpon4
This is true, but Think Penguin also doesn't market itself as selling  
freedom-respecting hardware. It just markets itself as selling hardware that  
works with libre GNU/Linux distros out-of-the-box. Only products which have  
been RYF-certified are labeled as freedom-friendly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread onpon4
I don't even like the fact that they're calling this "disabling" the ME. That  
term suggests that it's not being run, when it absolutely is; it's just being  
run less.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread lcerf
When it comes to endorsing a distribution, I do not think it matters much  
where the inspiration for the criteria  comes from.  Debian provides  
"contrib" and "nonfree" (hosted on the project's servers).  Fedora has, by  
default, a kernel with proprietary firmware.  If you wish, you can deem a  
problem worse than the other, hence the related distro "more free".   
Personally I would say Debian's problem, although real (  
https://www.gnu.org/distros/optionally-free-not-enough.html ), is less grave  
than shipping proprietary firmware by default.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread leoo
This is an excellent post, but ThinkPenguin does not go as far out of its way  
to caution customers as Technoethical does.  A relevant point of comparison  
would be Technoethical's up-front and proactive discussion of the limitations  
of its smartphones, including from a freedom perspective, while ThinkPenguin  
does not mention that its PCs use the default manufacturer-supplied BIOS.

[Trisquel-users] It's over, Bill Gates switches to Android :D

2017-10-19 Thread yuval . levental


Next, Microsoft will be based on Linux and will be fully free.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread lcerf
For urpmi distro we already have Uruk, a Trisquel derivative, not having a  
need anymore to liberate ROSA, Mageia, or openMandriva, right?

The interface to the package manager is not the whole distribution.

Finally, I need to recommend LibertyBSD removing every nonfree over openBSD,  
but not yet approved due to BSD licensing clauses?

Both BSD licenses are free software license.  I guess FSF's distro reviewing  
work of LibertyBSD has not been achieved yet.  That is all.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Virtualbox on Libreboot w/Trisquel?

2017-10-19 Thread lcerf
It does not matter much where the code is compiled.  The point is you cannot  
really know what the binary does because it requires a binary compiler to be  
made.  It may include malicious software into the binary for instance.

[Trisquel-users] Re : add-apt-repository in Trisquel 8

2017-10-19 Thread lcerf
The author of the video supposes Trisquel's developers choose not to ship  
'add-apt-repository'.  He is simply wrong.  It is a bug to be fixed.  And I  
believe 'sudo apt edit-sources' work and allow to add any repository.  Please  
do not propagate false rumors.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread masonhock
I think the page you link to is a good example of why Purism comes across as  
less-than-honest. While they avoid explicitly taking credit for disabling the  
ME, they phrase everything so that if you aren't paying very close attention  
you'll interpret it that way.

For example, your initial post indicates that the Purism article led you to  
believe that this is a new accomplishment and that Purism is responsible for  
it. When ivanB1975 pointed out that this is not true, you acknowledged that  
he was correct but apparently did not feel lied to by the article, perhaps  
because it avoided making any explicit claims about the issue.

As far as I know Purism hasn't actually lied about anything, in which case  
you are correct that they are not literal frauds. However, they use  
misleading language so consistently that it is certainly intentional, and the  
tactic seems to have worked here.

Compare that to the language Technoethical uses here.

"Technoethical S3 smartphones are refurbished Samsung Galaxy S3's  
pre-installed with the 100% free operating system Replicant. Please note that  
while the main processor is running only free software, the modem processor  
is running a Samsung nonfree system."

They state exactly what they are selling, appropriately credit Replicant for  
their work, and then immediately draw attention to the nonfree modem. They  
then go on to disclose the other limitations of the product, with phrases  
like "read-only nonfree boot rom" and "nonfree bootloader" in bold so the  
reader won't miss them. When they describe research, they acknowledge who was  
behind it ("In 2014, Replicant developers have found..."). It isn't until the  
fourth paragraph, after they are certain that the reader has been adequately  
informed, that they begin to actually try to advertise the product. In doing  
so they credit Replicant for all features for which they are responsible,  
rather than implying that these features are unique to Technoethical's  
products. After that, they let the specifications speak for themselves so  
that the reader can decide for themselves whether the product is what they  

Companies like Technoethical, Minifree, and ThinkPenguin are of course  
businesses that want you to buy from them, but they consistently prioritize  
accurately informing potential customers. Purism does the opposite. they  
prioritize creating as positive an image of themselves and their products as  
possible, and only disclose information to the contrary when they absolutely  
have to, and in as little detail as possible.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti

I installed it on trisquel 8. So far so good :)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-19 Thread lcerf

It is 'add-apt-repository' and not 'add-apt-repo'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti
I don't know but I wanted just to make an example on how we could give an  
hand somehow. Compiling a kernel is not a big deal. Not so much as digging in  
the C code. I want to try linux libre as well. Thanks for the link

[Trisquel-users] Re : Virtualbox on Libreboot w/Trisquel?

2017-10-19 Thread pinmaritim

Vita_Cell gave the link above :
The compliling is not done on your computer, but the Virtualbox BIOS  
(software) is built with that compiler which is considered non-free due to  
compliance issue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread webm
correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can use jxselfs repo to get a newer  
kernel on Trisquel? https://jxself.org/linux-libre/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti

yep, I think the same. They are really doing some work

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread 0d54770d
I never said that Purism did this work all by themselves; I merely bring it  
up, because it demonstrates their commitment to free software, making it  
harder to believe that they are some kind of fraud (which a lot of people on  
this forum think is the case).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Virtualbox on Libreboot w/Trisquel?

2017-10-19 Thread svhaab
Is the compiling done on my computer or on the computer which compiled the  
debian virtual box software, you can download? If the software you can  
download is gpl 2 licensed, then how can there be non libre software in it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti
Not totally correct. You are speaking about the intel Boot guard that is not  
enabled on all laptop. If it is enabled me_cleaner doesn't work. Check here  
please: https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner/wiki/Intel-Boot-Guard
So if you are able to use the me_cleaner script means that there is no intel  
Boot guard.
Regarding the phrase: "The intel cpus will only work, if the software is  
signed by an encryption key only intel has. That is why you cannot select  
what cpu software to install." I really don't get it...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti
The only credit I would give to Purism company is the fact that they are  
investing on this topic. They ported their hardware to coreboot. This  
requires some work as I am finding out. Not so easy as disabling intel ME.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread svhaab
People on libreboot's irc says differently. Libre software requires you have  
all the source code. You do not. The intel cpus will only work, if the  
software is signed by an encryption key only intel has. That is why you  
cannot select what cpu software to install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti

Mhmm This is already done by many here
check here please: https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner/issues/3
All these people did already this.
The developer that achieved this is Nicola Corna. Credit to him.
I also disabled intel ME.
If you check here: https://puri.sm/posts/deep-dive-into-intel-me-disablement/
They use the script of Corna.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti
Here a very good guide on how to do this:  

[Trisquel-users] Purism Librem Laptops Completely Disable the Intel ME!!!

2017-10-19 Thread 0d54770d


This is a huge step for software freedom!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti
There is the link to the issues. you could start from there. An example even  
if related to trisquel 7: https://trisquel.info/en/issues/22926
some users complain  about old kernel. Someone could compile and package a  
new kernel and create a ppa repo. Ps I am not a developer from trisquel and  
the example is just an hypothesis on how I would look for something to do if  
I would have time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] add-apt-repository in Trisquel 8

2017-10-19 Thread csh

Trisquel 8 - Free Software Distro Overview (by GnuLinux Geek)
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jtc42F5H01I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-19 Thread csh

OMG. If thaat copy of MINIX were GPLv3... Eeee! \^o^/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-19 Thread csh

I can't add the repo for the emoji picker.  add-apt-repo not found.

(If Trisquel 8 could have an emoji input method by default, that would be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread csh

> Substitute Fedora's kernel with Linux-libre and you have a GNU/Linux
> distribution that is as free as Debian GNU/Linux

Is it not *more* free, since the GNU FSDG comes from Fedora, whereas
Debian's guidelines and free software definition are more lax?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread csh
I wish I could just help Trisquel, but Trisquel doesn't communicate much, and  
IDK what's happening in the code because there's no documentation of what's  
happening and hwat needs to be done.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-19 Thread greatgnu

cheers dawg le mange :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-19 Thread greatgnu
>The rather low popularity of GNU/Linux is the main reason why there are not  
many viruses/troyans/worms targeting it.

I disagree on this point. Gnu/Linux's popularity is everything but low and  
there is certainly great incentive to write malware for it, there are  
hundreds of thousands of servers cracking which would be extremely profitable

But you have nailed it completely when you say

>Then, there is the fact that GNU/Linux users usually not run as root, so the  
vulnerability must allow privileges escalation to be actually dangerous.

Logic has it there are no viruses in the wild because of the  great variety  
of distributions and packages versions and especially because as you point  
out writing a proper malware for GNU is no easy game.

dat my 2.15 cent..

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need help installing PIA VPN...

2017-10-19 Thread pinmaritim

David888 no need to apologize ;-) you're welcomed to ask !

You're running Trisquel 7 Gnome Flashback ? (i'm not familiar with Gnome) but  
the sugestions here might help


ALT-right click on the top panel (taskbar), you can drag and drop the desired  
apps from Application to the top panel

Make sure to disable WebRTC in Abrowser as sugested here in 'about:config  

or install Privacy Settings addon this will do it for you & more ,

You can check your VPN IP and if your browser leaks DNS with
IP, Headers..

or in a terminal

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread hd-scania
SuSE TW (in contrary to SLE from the same SuSE company) also clearly isolates  
nonfree repo as well as Debian, does appending Freedora also full liberate  
SuSE TW (with disabling every nonfree repo) like Fedora?
For urpmi distro we already have Uruk, a Trisquel derivative, not having a  
need anymore to liberate ROSA, Mageia, or openMandriva, right?
Finally, I need to recommend LibertyBSD removing every nonfree over openBSD,  
but not yet approved due to BSD licensing clauses?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-19 Thread lcerf
Is the ThreadX OS hidden behind Intel ME also hidden behind your BIOS since  
mid 2006 in EVERY Intel-based hw systems?

Starting with ME 11:
MINIX was chosen as the basis for the operating system (previously, ThreadX  
RTOS had been used). Now ME firmware includes a full-fledged operating system  
with processes, threads, memory manager, hardware bus driver, file system,  
and many other components.


MINIX.  Tanenbaum's OS, under a pushover license.  A perfect example of the  
relevance of copyleft...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-19 Thread hd-scania
Linux-libre (mostly in PC) is very seldom to be affected and Linux embedded  
system (most of most nonfree Linux) is most likely in high risk, finally  
nonfree Linux in PC varies, rolling ones are less often, Debian is most  
secure overall LTS ones (esp disabling EVERY nonfree and contrib pools),  
Fedora needs to be most vulnerable which its releases are by every 0.5 years.
But of course our sense of cyber security is also an aspect against the  
Unix-like-targeted malware.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread lcerf
Arch also has no policy about not distributing nonfree software through their  
normal channels.
Fedora does have a clear policy about what can be included in the  
distribution, and it seems to be followed carefully.


That makes a difference.  Substitute Fedora's kernel with Linux-libre and you  
have a GNU/Linux distribution that is as free as Debian GNU/Linux (without  
enabling the "contrib" and "nonfree" sections of the package repository).  On  
the contrary, with Arch, you may end up installing proprietary software from  
the default repository.

About third-party package repositories, the distributions are not responsible  
for them!  Adding to Trisquel's repositories a PPA with proprietary software  
is easy.  Of course, the Trisquel project does not recommend to add such  
repositories (distributions doing so should be criticized for that).  See  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread ivan . baldinotti

You could build your own:)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-19 Thread hd-scania
Is the ThreadX OS hidden behind Intel ME also hidden behind your BIOS since  
mid 2006 in EVERY Intel-based hw systems?
My Trisquel, Hyperbola, LibertyBSD live CD are boot from boot menu, where  
other live CD like Parabola, Uruk, Devuan, gNewSenseare and every local  
systems are boot thru rEFInd, rEFInd is a libre boot manager and boot menu  
systems are all libre, will they be still suffered against ThreadX?

[Trisquel-users] Parabola: Hardware backlight varies in different desktops

2017-10-19 Thread hd-scania

LXQt shell: Hw backlight not working, using soft backlight
Deepin shell: Hw backlight working, soft backlight not needed
MATE shell: NOT hw OR soft backlight working
Liri shell: /home/$YOURNAME/.config/liri/platform.json unknown, shell always  
Liri is a system itself, but it is also working as a repo in a current Arch  

WARNING: Liri (both OS and desktop) is in alpha stage which expects issues.
For the same LXQt and MATE in my Flidas system the hardware backlight in BOTH  
desktop shells is working.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-19 Thread hd-scania
Arch also has no stock nonfree repo, but allowing external repo to contain  
nonfree apps like AUR, and mis-tolerating nonfree drivers and firmware, so  
nonfree Linux kernels.
Fedora honestly has no stock nonfree repo, but allowing external repo to  
contain nonfree apps like RPMfusion, and mis-tolerating nonfree drivers and  
firmware, so nonfree Linux kernels.

Commenting here means Trisquel wont die upto now, here is also a forums for  
any GNU systems like Parabola, Uruk, gNewSense, LibertyBSD, Hyperbola.
Not yet to try GuixSD which they are yet early beta, but you can use the Guix  
package manager sources to port for Parabola and Trisquel.