Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel 9 roadmap

2019-12-18 Thread autumnlover

> Rumor had it that Ubuntu 18.04 LTS would be supported for 10 years

Only if Canonical still be around for another 8 years :)

On the side-note it is worth to mention that Canonical's ESM patches for  
14.04 are now available gratis. Search the web for "Ubuntu ESM personal" to  
get the link. And with a little tampering, it is even possible (via  
debmirror) to get a local copy of complete archive of ESM patches for 12.04  
too (the latter is still available at their infrastructure). I already manage  
to get this to work on fresh Mint GNU/Linux install (both 13 and 17.x  
respectively). And since it is Ubuntu's "main" repo I see no reason why not  
try to patch Trisquel Toutatis and Belenos as well ;-) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting an old version of trisquel for archiving purposes

2019-10-29 Thread autumnlover
Complete imageset of Trisquel 5.5 as it was present on the mirrors in the  
past, including source image and the i18n versions of the images.!ItdDGADK!cvoH7sivHlfWIMFb74dMDA

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Free Software Force is calling for support

2019-10-04 Thread autumnlover

> The first Free Software Force announcement is online

FRANCIS: Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?
REG: He's over there.
P.F.J.: Splitter!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-03-27 Thread autumnlover
Did the upgrade process included a new version of the Linux kernel, even the  
minor one? Try to boot using previous version of kernels using GRUB advanced  

Re: [Trisquel-users] deb packages (software sources) for old versions of Trisquel?

2017-08-03 Thread autumnlover
I think it is related to my general interest into retro computing (8-bit,  
Amiga, MS-DOS PC-gaming). And since I have complete Ubuntu i386 repositories  
from 4.10 until 16.04 I also would like to have a complete set of Trisquel.

Thanks for pointing to that mirror. And while it seems not to have updates  
for 3.5 but...yay! It has a COMPLETE 2.0 Robur repo, not only base repository  
but updates as well! :) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] deb packages (software sources) for old versions of Trisquel?

2017-08-01 Thread autumnlover
Old files (updates for Robur) seems to be indexed, but deb files seems not to  
be physically present there.

Issuing debmirror command like this:

debmirror --nosource -m --passive  
--root=trisquel/ --method=http --progress  
--dist=robur-backports,robur-security,robur-updates --section=main,extras  
--arch=i386,amd64 trisquel-robur-updates --ignore-release-gpg

produces "404 not found" errors for every file.

[Trisquel-users] Is Trisquel 6 EOL'ed?

2017-05-03 Thread autumnlover
I assume this is a fact now, because of upstream ending support for Ubuntu  
12.04, but technically Trisquel is a separate distro, so maybe we can get  
some official announcement/clarification, regarding that matter?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Just a friendly reminder that Trisquel 7.0 is not outdated

2016-12-12 Thread autumnlover
Installing any (libre) browser manually in /home or in /opt directory is very  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Just a friendly reminder that Trisquel 7.0 is not outdated

2016-12-08 Thread autumnlover
I am still using Trisquel 6 at one of my older PCs, and it run just fine too.  
Probably I will use it for some time after its EOL date. Actually I do not  
use Trisquel 7.0 right now :) So yeah, please do not forget about version 6  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-18 Thread autumnlover

Hello. What an interesting thread :)

I just tried gNewSense 3 and it runs fine on my hardware, but there is one  
catch not related to the hardware but still very painful and important - NO  
recent web browser. The problem is that gns3 is not compatible with IceCat 17  
which itself is fairy recent and usable (I still use year-old Firefox 17.0.x  
ESR on Windows machines with no problems). I can browse FSF, GNU, Trisquel or  
Gnewsense home pages using gns3 default browser (Mozilla 3.5 branch from  
2009) but I would not dare to go somewhere else using that. I am well aware  
that even 3.6 Mozilla branch is already too much outdated for doing anything  
mainstream on the Internet.

I am an enthusiast of old things in computing. I am Amiga guy. I have  
dedicated DOS gaming machine equipped with Soundblaster16 and S3 Virge cards.  
And I am using XP where Windows is absolutely necessary.

But I also know that recent web browser is a must for a distro to be  
practically usable.

On gns forum I just found an suggestion about backport of Iceweasel 17 for  
Debian 6 being available but ... maybe just sticking to Trisquel 6 would be  
just easier.  So while I am a bit sentimental toward gNewSense and I am able  
to install non-standard things into /opt directory, I must say now that I DO  
NOT recommend to use gNewSense 3.

Sorry for having to say such a thing :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 missed another deadline. Is this project dead?

2013-02-26 Thread autumnlover
I did not mean the overall difficulty of use, I mean their lack of releases.  
They did not release version 3.0 during Lenny lifetime, now they claim to  
work on 4.0 based on Squeezy. I am aware of unofficial release of 3.0 but  
harsh reality is that the gNewSense is effectively inactive now. Their last  
release based on Ubuntu Hardy was released 3,5 years ago.

Watching the situation around Trisquel 6.0 I was really concerned that my  
favorite distro is following the similar path.

Now I downloaded that supposed unofficial final release and I stumbled upon  
the bug during installation - had to turn off the networking to be able to  
install on Virtualbox.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 missed another deadline. Is this project dead?

2013-02-24 Thread autumnlover

I am affraid that Trisquel just became another gNewSense. A pity.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Remaining issues in Trisquel 6.0

2013-02-23 Thread autumnlover
Taskbar not being transparent is merely an aestetic issue IMHO. More severe  
(and annoying) is the issue of ALT-rightclick do not function. It was not  
fixed as of RC5.