Re: [Trisquel-users] Ruby won't compile, cannot install.

2016-02-07 Thread cmhobbs

Hello, northernarcher!

You need to install readline.  Did ./configure kick out any warnings?  I  
believe it would've caught this.  You'll likely also need libssl,  
build-essential, and a half-dozen other packages.  If you're building Ruby in  
order to build a Rails project, these are the packages you'll need installed  
before you get started:


For what it's worth, you might want to try using chruby  
( and ruby-install  
( as it will isolate your ruby  
versions and handle dependency installation for you.  Keeping Ruby up to date  
is a bit of a chore and these two utilities will help.

There are other build automation tools and version managers but these have  
worked the best for me.  They're lightweight and don't do any of the silly  
tricks some of the other packages do.

Good luck and Happy Hacking!

[Trisquel-users] trouble with ssl in midori on trisquel mini

2015-11-21 Thread cmhobbs
If I attempt to trust a self-signed certificate in Midori on Trisquel Mini,  
it throws the following error:

Error granting trust: Couldn't find a place to store the pinned certificate

Searching the Internet yields a Midori FAQ page stating that I need to do  
some gymnastics with gnome-keyring.  I've done this and I still have the same  
problems even after reboots/relogins/etc.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?  I'd rather not use another browser  
and this is getting frustrating.


[Trisquel-users] can't install xfce4

2014-11-16 Thread cmhobbs

Any ideas?  Here's the error I get while installing the meta package:

Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


Re: [Trisquel-users] can't install xfce4

2014-11-16 Thread cmhobbs

More info:

Unpacking xfce4-session (4.10.1-3ubuntu5) ...
dpkg: error processing archive  
/var/cache/apt/archives/xfce4-session_4.10.1-3ubuntu5_i386.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/xscreensaver.desktop', which is also  
in package trisquel-desktop-common-data 7.0-15

This looks more relevant.

[Trisquel-users] hd video with abrowser

2014-11-09 Thread cmhobbs
I was recently introduced to and noticed that in some (non-free)  
browsers, it provided an option for HD viewing.  When I use Abrowser, it  
forces 360p and sometimes the subtitles are off.  It looks like they're using  
Flow Player.

Is there a way (using Libre software, of course) to get the HD option and  
have the subtitles keep up?  It looks like an HTML5 player.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Rendering non-English characters?

2014-11-06 Thread cmhobbs

7.  Fresh install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Rendering non-English characters?

2014-11-06 Thread cmhobbs

How do I install other locales?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Rendering non-English characters?

2014-11-06 Thread cmhobbs
While I'm using Abrowser and not Firefox, this post appears to have resolved  
my issue:

I installed the two debs provided and everything is peachy.  I'm relatively  
certain those files are Libre.   If not, please let me know.

[Trisquel-users] time settings and window snapping

2014-11-05 Thread cmhobbs

A couple of questions for Trisquel 7:

1.  Can I adjust the way the clock displays in the lower right panel?  I'd  
like it to be in 24 hour time.  My clock settings are for 24 hour time, but  
the panel clock doesn't reflect that.

2.  Is it possible to snap windows to the side of the screen, sort of like in  
XFCE?  I.E. drag a window to the side of the screen and have it automatically  
tile to half the screen size?

Thanks a ton!

Re: [Trisquel-users] time settings and window snapping

2014-11-05 Thread cmhobbs
After some digging, I discovered it's not actually the clock applet but the  
indicator applet.  You have to change its settings in dconf-editor.  See the  
attached screenshot for the location to make these changes.

[Trisquel-users] Rendering non-English characters?

2014-11-05 Thread cmhobbs
How can I get Abrowser (and other applications) to render non-English  

I've attached a screenshot of a Korean site and a screenshot of qGo's server  
list for Tygem.  The squares should be a Korean character set.

I have this issue with other languages as well.


[Trisquel-users] all-in-one computer options

2014-08-19 Thread cmhobbs
My son really likes to use the computers at the local library and I've been  
looking to replace my mac mini which runs Xubuntu (I'm not sure Trisquel  
would have the necessary drivers).  I believe an all-in-one would be a good  
fit here at home but I'm having trouble identifying one that might be  
friendly to Free Software.

The ones at his library appear to be ASUS machines running AWE  
(  I believe AWE might be a GNU/Linux variant  
because it has applications like tuxpaint installed, which my son immediately  
recognized from home.

I like ASUS gear but their line of machines is quite confusing.  It appears  
as if System76 has a good all-in-one, but it may be a little out of my price  

Is anyone running Trisquel on an all-in-one?  Are there any known to be Free  
Software friendly?

I'm off to comb h-node for the time being.


Re: [Trisquel-users] all-in-one computer options

2014-08-19 Thread cmhobbs
I'll have to sit down and try to get Trisquel installed some evening, then.   
I don't currently use the wifi with the mini, so that's good to know.

What about graphics issues?  Does that sort of thing work out of the box?

Re: [Trisquel-users] LAN party: free software recomendations?

2014-07-26 Thread cmhobbs
Nexuiz (as previously mentioned) is an absolute blast.  Minstagib with low  
gravity, grappling hooks, and a large open map is intense.

Brutal DOOOM and FreeDOOM are an option that requires a little bit of setup,  
but it's worth it.

Minetest (also mentioned) is a lot of fun with the right mods.

BZFlag is a hoot.  Don't let the graphic styling fool you, it's a lot of fun.

The Bub's Brothers is a browser based (networked) game that has a lot of  
old-school arcade style games in it.

I'd have to check the license on Warsow but it's another enjoyable FPS.

[Trisquel-users] orca screen reader in installer

2014-06-04 Thread cmhobbs
I'm not sure if  a new build was released or if I'm doing something dumb but  
I downloaded a fresh copy of the Trisquel desktop installer and it's plagued  
with Orca screen reader.  It shows up during the installer, on the login  
screen, and after logging in.

Is this user error or an issue with the installer?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EeePC minilaptop

2014-05-12 Thread cmhobbs

Most of the Eee PCs on h-node have good reviews:

I'm running Trisquel on an X101CH and everything just works.  Looks like the  
chances of it working with your setup are high if our reports mean anything.

Re: [Trisquel-users] securing trisquel

2014-01-13 Thread cmhobbs
Is there a good way to get all of my network services talking to Tor like I  
can with Orbot on my Replicant device?  I suppose that's a question for  
another thread...

[Trisquel-users] proper/practical use of tor

2014-01-13 Thread cmhobbs
After the discourse in this thread:

I asked about using Tor for all of my Internet traffic on my Trisquel  
netbook.  Is it possible to configure all of my networked applications to use  
Tor, much like using Orbot on my Replicant device?  Is that a good practice?

Also, the Tor bundle comes with a pre-configured browser.  How do you handle  
things like bookmarks and addons with that?  I've got a handful of useful  
plugins in Abrowser and I generally like it better than the bundled Tor  
browser.  Can I get Abrowser to talk to Tor?  I assumed that was a bad  

Sorry if this isn't the place to ask.

[Trisquel-users] securing trisquel

2014-01-12 Thread cmhobbs
What are some good packages to help me lock down my Trisquel netbook?  I've  
been using open wireless networks a lot lately in cafes and at work and I  
want to make sure I'm keeping ports closed and general access to my machine  


[Trisquel-users] usb modem?

2014-01-10 Thread cmhobbs
I suppose these days modems for phone lines are obsolete.  Do any modems  
exist that function via USB?  If so, are there any that work with Trisquel?

[Trisquel-users] todo syncing with replicant

2014-01-07 Thread cmhobbs
Does anyone have recommendations for a TODO application that I can use on  
both Replicant and Trisquel?  I'd rather it not be hosted by a third party  
and I don't mind manually making the sync when I connect my phone (moving  
files or whatever).

I already use Tasque and I installed Mirakel, but I haven't done any digging  
to see if the two can export or do any sort of sync.


Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] clients?

2014-01-01 Thread cmhobbs

pumpa is a decent desktop client:

[Trisquel-users] upgrade xfce?

2013-12-26 Thread cmhobbs
I'm using XFCE installed from Trisquel's repos, but it appears to be 4.8.   
What's the best way to upgrade to 4.10?  Download the source?  Is a package  
availalbe?  I don't want to introduce conflicts and break packages if I can  
avoid it.


[Trisquel-users] sound not working with headphones

2013-12-26 Thread cmhobbs
I'm on an Asus Eee PC X101CH.  Generally, everything works quite well.  I'm  
having some audio trouble, though.

Audio seems to work just fine until I plug in headphones.  I can briefly hear  
the sound over the headphones and then the mute notification pops up and  
there's no sound.  I've tried various pairs of headphones.

I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting this.  Thoughts?


Re: [Trisquel-users] sound not working with headphones

2013-12-26 Thread cmhobbs
Unmuting while the headphones are plugged in causes the unmute notification  
to pop up, but no sound comes out of the headphones.

[Trisquel-users] libre gps hardware

2013-12-15 Thread cmhobbs
Does any freedom respecting GPS hardware work?  I've got a Garmin NuVi and it  
made me wonder if there was a worthwhile replacement.  As far as offensive  
proprietary gear goes, this one is right up there with the worst.

It seems that the small, single-purpose, electronics industry doesn't have a  
lot of momentum behind it in terms of Free Software.


Re: [Trisquel-users] freedom friendly netbook

2013-12-13 Thread cmhobbs
I'm using an Asus Eee PC X101CH with Trisquel.  h-node has good information  
on it and the fixes from a related notebook (linked in the h-node listing)  
worked well for me.  Newer releases of Trisquel worked out of the box.

I replaced the hard drive with an SSD.  I needed a pretty small/slim one, I  
wish I could remember the model number and size.  It was a touchy  
replacement, but it works just fine once I got everything put back together.

The only real problem is that video is super choppy on this machine because  
it's only got 1GB of RAM.  I put 4GB of swap space on the SSD hoping for some  
slower RAM, but it didn't do much good.  YouTube (via minitube) is pretty  
laggy, as is most any other video.  Now that I think about it, that may be a  
graphics issue as well.  I'm sure it plays video fine using Windows.

At any rate, I'm happy with it.  If you don't watch much video, it's a good  
little machine.

[Trisquel-users] small, silent server

2013-12-10 Thread cmhobbs
Does anyone have recommendations for (preferably Freedom respecting) small,  
silent computers?  Probably something with SSD disks.  I just discovered my  
VPN service provides a static external IP and I'm considering hooking up some  
services locally from my home.


[Trisquel-users] freedom respecting video options?

2013-12-05 Thread cmhobbs

I figured I'd roll two posts into one because they're somewhat related.

1:  Is there a way to watch Flash videos without using proprietary clients?   
I'm interested in a subscription to the English subtitled Baduk TV from Go  
Game Guru, but it appears as if the videos are using Flash.  Here's an  
example:  (if that link isn't allowed because it links to  
proprietary software, please let me know).

2.  Is there a good option for a freedom respecting replacement for the Roku?  
 I've been gradually replacing all my devices with Free Software options and  
this (along with my phone) are my last holdouts.  I really like my Rokus, but  
I'm not sure what options are available.  I assume I'd have to build  
something with a Raspberry Pi or something simliar.

Any suggestions are really appreciated.  Thanks!

[Trisquel-users] Space trading games

2013-09-30 Thread cmhobbs
Does anyone know of any Libre games like tradewars, astro-empires, or  
eve-online?  I'm looking for a space trading game, preferably 2d or browser  
based.  A multiplayer component isn't necessary, but it'd be nice.


[Trisquel-users] bookmarks and reading list

2013-09-22 Thread cmhobbs
Does anyone have recommendations for a bookmark manager or reading list  
manager?  Something local/offline would be just fine.  I currently use  
pinboard, but I'm gradually moving away from SaaSS and other non-Free  

I generally like to maintain a list of articles and pages that I intend to  
check out later, but simply don't have the time to read right now.  A  
one-click storage option would be nice.  I rarely keep real bookmarks for any  
serious amount of time (and my browser should handle that just fine).

[Trisquel-users] A/V lag

2013-09-02 Thread cmhobbs
When I view a video in most any application (totem, parole, mplayer, vlc,  
minitube), the video and audio are terribly out of sync.  The video generally  
will start to stutter as well.  I've noticed that zsnes suffers from the same  

Could this be indicative of hardware issues or is there something I can tweak  
in software to handle this?  I'm running Trisquel on an Eee PC (X101CH).

Re: [Trisquel-users] hw/swcursor on eee pc x101ch

2013-08-25 Thread cmhobbs
That's the kicker, there's absolutely no error in vidmode.  Here's my  

; Global settings

; The location provider and adjustment method settings
; are in their own sections.

; In this example screen 1 is adjusted by vidmode. Note
; that the numbering starts from 0, so this is actually
; the second screen.

redshift with verbose output:

christopher@dissentio:~$ redshift -v

** (process:3323): WARNING **: Metadata for error domain  
geoclue-error-quark already registered

Started Geoclue provider `Geoclue Master'.
Using provider `geoclue'.
According to the geoclue provider we're at: 36.17, -94.46
Location: 36.168999, -94.456398
Brightness: 1.00
Gamma: 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
Period: Daytime
Color temperature: 6500K
Period: Daytime
Color temperature: 6500K
Period: Daytime
Color temperature: 6500K
Period: Daytime
(and so on, counting down the color)

Here's the same output forcing randr mode:

christopher@dissentio:~$ redshift -v -m randr

** (process:4084): WARNING **: Metadata for error domain  
geoclue-error-quark already registered

Started Geoclue provider `Geoclue Master'.
Using provider `geoclue'.
According to the geoclue provider we're at: 36.17, -94.46
Location: 36.168999, -94.456398
Brightness: 1.00
Gamma: 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
Gamma ramp size too small: 0
Failed to start adjustment method randr.

Manually setting a temperature:

christopher@dissentio:~$ redshift -v -O 3700K
Brightness: 1.00
Gamma: 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
Color temperature: 3700K

None of this is really showing any errors and it simply doesn't adjust the  
color of the screen.  It also won't adjust the brightness if I use that  

Re: [Trisquel-users] hw/swcursor on eee pc x101ch

2013-08-25 Thread cmhobbs
Note that I realize the initial output wasn't counting down.  At night, it  
properly counts down to 3700K.

Re: [Trisquel-users] hw/swcursor on eee pc x101ch

2013-08-25 Thread cmhobbs
Disabling acceleration didn't appear to change anything, but in editing that,  
it occured to me that I may not be using the intel driver after all.  Here's  
my /etc/X11/xorg.conf as it was immediately after install:

Section Device
 Identifier Default
 Option GLXVBlank on

Is there a reliable way to discern which driver I'm using or is there a way  
to set/unset hardware cursors under that configuration?

Thanks for the input!

Re: [Trisquel-users] hw/swcursor on eee pc x101ch

2013-08-25 Thread cmhobbs

It's not an nvidia as far as I know.  H-Node says it's Intel:

Intel Corporation Atom Processor D2xxx/N2xxx Integrated Graphics  
Controller (rev 09) (works, but without 3D acceleration)


The system details show Graphics: Unknown.  Is there a way to force the  
intel driver?

Re: [Trisquel-users] hw/swcursor on eee pc x101ch

2013-08-25 Thread cmhobbs
The issue I had with the previous snippet is that I was unsure what the  
identifier string for my card would be.  Using Driver intel appears to load  
the intel driver (as anticipated) by looking at xorg's logs.

Here's the command output requested:

00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation Atom Processor D2xxx/N2xxx DRAM  
Controller [8086:0bf1] (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Atom Processor  
D2xxx/N2xxx Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0be1] (rev 09)
00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High  
Definition Audio Controller [8086:27d8] (rev 02)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express  
Port 1 [8086:27d0] (rev 02)
00:1c.1 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express  
Port 2 [8086:27d2] (rev 02)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express  
Port 3 [8086:27d4] (rev 02)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express  
Port 4 [8086:27d6] (rev 02)
00:1d.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI  
Controller #1 [8086:27c8] (rev 02)
00:1d.1 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI  
Controller #2 [8086:27c9] (rev 02)
00:1d.2 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI  
Controller #3 [8086:27ca] (rev 02)
00:1d.3 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI  
Controller #4 [8086:27cb] (rev 02)
00:1d.7 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family USB2 EHCI  
Controller [8086:27cc] (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge  
[8086:2448] (rev e2)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation NM10 Family LPC Controller  
[8086:27bc] (rev 02)
00:1f.2 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family SATA  
Controller [AHCI mode] [8086:27c1] (rev 02)
00:1f.3 SMBus [0c05]: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family SMBus Controller  
[8086:27da] (rev 02)
02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285  
Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002b] (rev 01)
04:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR8152 v2.0 Fast  
Ethernet [1969:2062] (rev c1)

Side note:  what's the syntax for preformatted text on these forums?